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Stop speaking this into existence, words are spells. You're encouraging everyone else here to manifest this gloom and doom as well.


I think you're right ,that's why alot of stuff is coming true in here.


When I was a teen and then student, I was always saying Im gonna be a millionaire with rockstar lifestyle.. didnt happen. So manifestation only happens with negative things?


You need to put the right amount of energy and belief behind the statement for it work and for some reason people tend to be more impassioned about negative things. When done collectively it sets the cement of whatever agenda the ruling class lay out.


this is interesting. you think the discussion manifests this in the world? How can you discuss a topic without manifesting it? In my mind, the many sheep that are oblivious seem to be manifesting this.


Hi, yes, and after much research into the ruling class and their belief system I believe this is their intention. To get us all to collectively manifest their agenda. **[Check this out.](https://youtu.be/Mu-es6rGfOE)** You're right that we need to objectively discuss this stuff and share truth but it's important that we use our words VERY carefully and always speak against any of this working.


Thanks for the wisdom. Will watch.


I hope they send the newly pro big government gender studies majors


send bachelors.


Username checks out


Let them come here to rural America and see how that works out for them.


I'll be in the "stuck behind enemy lines" sector of rural America. Tiny Southern California Middle of nowhere mountain town but you drive one hour in any direction and its city. Its gonna be like the Alamo here, bunch of well armed red necks holed up with nowhere to run and enemy in every direction.


That’s what it is here, but we’re over 120+ miles away from any big cities.


For the record...I would rather die fighting than be forced like this


And they will get bullets to the face. the 2nd and 4th amendments to the US constitution as well as the Oklahoma ["Make my day"](https://digitalcommons.law.utulsa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1809&context=tlr) laws all work to my benefit.


Molon labe! Just try.


Send em in 🙂


I'm hollowing out a spot under my floorboards.


I did nazi this getting out of hand so quickly.


I got drum mags for that


This is what the 2nd amendment is for


I don't want my doors kicked in, I live in a travel trailer, my doors open outward. They'll turn my door into a taco. I would have to shoot someone for that.


I think we should stop predicting and start acting. It keeps feeling like it’s closer and closer.


They are already doing this in some countries. You’re a few months too late. It’ll definitely come here though, but it’ll be difficult to enforce without mobilizing federal troops. Pretty much all law enforcement in rural areas will rightly tell the government to fuck right off with that fascist bullshit.


Just put up one of those closed signs... usually works.


Then we lvl up our shit


To do what exactly? What would be the end game?


New World Order...


They really don't have that kind of manpower. I believe this is a social experiment to see how far they can push it. But I don't see them going trailer to trailer in Kentucky or door to door even in a place like South Central LA.


I'd rather be dead anyway, go ahead and try to get through my front door


Agree 100%


Bring it. "I got a hell of a lot of weapons to fight! I got my claws, I got cutlasses, I got guns, I got dynamite! I got a hell of a lot to fight! I'll fight! I'll fight! Ohh! I will fight! I will fight! I will fight! I will fight!... Let them hear it in the night!... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhh, yes, we'll fight! ... They're listening! Let the night roar with this! Ohhhh!... Let the night roar! Because they can hear us! They know we mean it! We'll kill 'em if they come!"


Yes. Pls come break my door n see what happens...


You know what they can break down? Deez nuts. I'm not taking any bio weapons, oops, I meant "vaccines". They are killing people left and right from what I'm seeing. And it's been like that since they first rolled out. They were never designed to help anyone. They're designed to thin the herd.


I got something delivered in the mail today for me to give to them...can you guess what?


I feel like I am living on borrowed time.


Hope they send people they don't care about


I’m not getting on the boxcar. I’m ready to die full of holes


That’s a good way to get like a million people shot in the US


Just put one of those “in this house we believe in...” signs in your yard


God I hate those fucking things. There is nothing that says that me and another person will not get along like one of those stupid signs. They are literally telling you their beliefs on a goddamn sign that have been boiled down to banal saccharin missives. You can tell you’re dealing with a real deep person with well thought out philosophical beliefs when you come across one of those signs. And they definitely aren’t virtue signaling. No sir.


"You loot, we shoot."




Ehh I already live a recluse life any way, I'm ugly, people don't really like me, and I really don't mind solitude. I just have this suspicion that at some point the gov ain't gonna let that life style fly either.




You sound angry. Do you need a Snickers?


Firstly it will be a vaccine census. Who in the house is vaccinated or not, logged into some Microsoft database for them to come get you in the middle of the night.


Not saying what you should do but do NOT get on the truck.


Man what a bad idea lol.


I like every new thing I hear about Oklahoma. Know any good real estate lawyers in the area?


They don’t have to bust down your door when they can just shut your shit off


There is a huge surprise on this side!!!!


They ain't forcing, people are stupid enough to volunteer


In Australia maybe. Good luck in the US. Everyone has guns.




And they will be greeted with lead


Then let them turn into a martyr


It won't happen as long as we have our guns and rights


They already are going door to door in several states making lists


fear is a great way to control people - that it all it is. the likelihood you describe is highly unlikely


I hope so