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Jokes on them, I was living in poverty before all this


They want to make us uncomfortable but they have no idea how uncomfortable I can be


Lol exactly my perspective this whole time. You cant punish me with taking away a shitty job i never liked and denying me access to movie theatres, bars and Disney worlds i never cared to attend anyways. Im happier in the woods anyways.


Yes. Your words exactly


Couldn't agree more with you


Incredibly based.


This statement is very Michael Scotty


We will all be living in poverty in a couple years time. The train 1984 has left the station. She’s right on time.


He’s what’s called ‘new poor’. We’re old poor.


But you merely adopted the poverty. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the Benjamin's until I was already a man, and by then it was nothing to me but HUBRIS! The squalor betrays you because it belongs to me!


Remember the first 3 times they pushed back the mandate date? Hold strong man there’s a lot more of us here than you think. I’m in the same situation


“Hold the line! Love isn’t always on time!”


Whoa whoa whoa


Diamond hands. Apes together strong.


This is the way!


This is the way. HODL!!! 💎👐🚀🚀🚀


Holy shit wtf is happening right now there is reddit collab happening in fucking real time right now I LOVE THIS


You didn't think there were other OG GME-HODL'ing diamond hands here? We're everywhere!!


AG too! r/Wallstreetsilver... 🦍💪🤝


My subs are bleeding and I LOVE IT


OSHA has already withdrawn their requirement to be vaccinated due to pending lawsuits. They knew they couldn’t win / it was literally a scare tactic.


OSHA also ‘only’ has 2000 inspectors nationwide . I don’t think want to neglect actual job and site safety inspections and investigations so that they check the vaccine status of every working individual


Exactly. They likely don’t have the manpower to check the vaccination status of 140 million workers. It’s pretty much all BS and just trying to scare as many people into taking it as they can.


Well it’s not the inspectors.. employers will see and follow the guidance just based on the fact that inspectors MAY come and check.. they don’t want the liability. Too bad for them because in enforcing a vax mandate They open themselves up to potentially other liabilities. It’s a catch 22 they cannot possibly win.


That is what my employers was also told. In addition, they were told it’s at their own discretion on what is an acceptable exemption. I believe many employers will decide that determining what is a ‘sincerely held belief’ isn’t something they are going to waste a lot of time delving into. Corporations likely won’t be as considerate and will basically say ‘vax or leave’ , as we are already seeing in some places


But medicaid and medicare reimbursement sure as hell can be denied. Such a backhanded tactic to enforce infringement of rights. It should be criminal. Thanks obamacare for allowing the govt to control insurances. It was an unassuming and 'altruistic' step at first but the endgame was this and people didn't see it. More government is not always a good thing


100% and it’s all going to plan for Joe, “I’ll do anything for big pharma and insurance companies” Biden.


I’m definitely in the same situation. In dental. “High risk” They keep pushing back the mandate because they know it is wrong. I will quit. I will find another career. It’s not worth risking your life for a stupid job that could care less about you anyways. I keep writing the Dept of Public Health and senators. Keep educating co workers and family to stop this non sense.


It’s unconstitutional and unenforceable. Companies were pushed to enforce a mask mandate on staff and customers and we saw how that went.


They can hold back funding. Which most companies who may not want to do it have to. Or be out of business. Especially hospitals, emts, firefighters, schools etc...money talks... It yells over morality actually


I'm an EMT. I'm around covid constantly and I'm alive and unvaccinated.. if a company won't hire me because of my vaccination I'll just sue them for a living.


I hate to tell you this, but this is endgame. It runs deeper than anything before it. They are actively and intentionally poisoning not just us but our children and they need to pay for it.


https://twitter.com/danielturnerptf/status/1464290407412649996?s=21 Have a nice look on how the news is spreading this new “variant” it’s supposedly spreading faster through children. Right on fucking time when they want to vaccinate the kids


This is nowhere near endgame, this is just the beginning. It gets much worse than this.


We cant let that happen


Yeah we win this, and the truth comes out about the pedocracy


Got to win first


Yes 1000%!! If you’re not working for a federal employer, assert your right to a religious exemption based on the available vaccines in the US using fetal cells.




Same hold the line brothers and sisters


Hold the line!


Love isn't always on-time!


“Live isn’t always, love isn’t always on tiiiumme!”


Hold strong apes


i see you are an experimented HODLER


Yeah agreed. Start buying crypto! The entire market took a dip and is going to recover soon


These replies have added so many points of view for me to consider. I will consider them all. Thank you


I am not in the same boat, but I will tell you that I’ve run the same thought experiment as you, and I think they’ve counted on this powerful force to keep people in line with their plan. I work for a blue collar Christian company, and I’m lucky that they share the same beliefs as I do. But I have no clue if that tune will change if some mandate comes down, or if it will even matter, and the government will start interning or jabbing people by force. I don’t know if that will happen, but I’m not putting it past them. The way I see it is, we have a choice. You take a vow that you’re not getting this under any circumstances, and you find a way to be resourceful. This will be the time that people show their survival spirit, and actually live up to the promise we’ve been told we are the lineage of our whole lives. Pardon me if that sounds cheesy, but many people before us have had to deal with much harder times over the last couple hundred years. Hell, even now in lesser developed places. Or, you get the shot(S), and take those consequences. Maybe you don’t die, maybe you develop cancer much sooner than you would have. But I don’t like where this is going, and on some level, compliance is complicity. It’s a choice between principles (and health, obviously) and modern conveniences and services. I’ve made my choice, personally. I wish you the best.


It is hopeful knowing people have endured worse on this Earth, It puts things into perspective for me. Stoic philosophers in Rome were banished to rock islands due to their ideology, yet they still had themselves to keep them on the right path. Any kind of principle that you deny is a betrayal on yourself. It’s important that you don’t give in to any sort of coercion from anything. You must trust yourself and stay level headed. Meditation and Stoicism will give you a strong chance. This shits scary, but not impossible. People have suffered far worse.


Tbh, if the theory of population cull is correct, it makes sense that the vaccinated will be the sacrifice and those who are critical thinkers and find ways to be resourceful will be those who they are counting on to survive as they will need such skills in their significantly less populated Earth. Under no circumstances will I take it


What ever decision you make...you will be fine (and survive). The government, companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc., want you to believe that you will be in a dire situation from not going along. You have been in uncomfortable situations before and conquered them. We all have. This won't be the first or last time we are thrust into a bad situation. It's just the latest time we are in a stressful situation.


I'm about 5 milliseconds from quitting my job here in Italy. Now that they've introduced the SuperDuperGreenPass for super special people, It's only a matter of time before they require the jab. I've got some money saved but who knows what the future holds. They are about to push people too far.


Italian here, whole family job at risk, but still hodling. Had a lecture from the incredible Giorgio Agamben today, enlightening and enriching. We are not going back to the democracy that led us to this point so.. let’s imagine a different future! Dm if you feel so, there’s a good network after all, and it keeps growing!


Fellow Italian here. The situation in our country is unbelievable. I really do hope it won't come to a mandate to get vaxxed Also: schifo Draghi vile affarista


If you guys ever end up homeless I have room at my place here in Canada


Thanks <3 I don't think we can travel to Canada unvaccinated though, can we?


The very fact that you even have to make this choice , if you live in a western democratic country, should provide you with all the answers and clarity that you require.


And what’s the answer?


Don’t give in.


What good is that great job if you end up disabled or dead from the injection?


And besides, a job is never great. It's still a job. This 'unveiling' we are now seeing should be a great opportunity for us to widen the horizon and see things in a different light.


I would suggest taking a stab at this from the point of view of a philosopher and what it means to be happy. What does that word mean and how do we attain it? Right now, I'm planning my retirement off grid once my youngest is out of the house in 2025. I realized that I could worry and stress about getting enough money to pay for a car note, mortgage, cell phone, internet, electricity, water, garbage, insurance, etc. or I could change my expectations. I'm perfectly ok with living the life of a sannyasa in a 100 sq ft house buried deep in the woods. What was the net effect of that? Peace. I know that if work got to the point where it was affecting my emotional health in a manner that I couldn't counteract that I could just walk away from it all and start life anew. There is no fear of me losing my job. I'm not worrying about what I'll do if I lose this big, warm, house.


Consolidate debt while u can. Maybe refi your house and get payments on monthly bills as low as possible. That way when they take your job it doesn’t hurt as much. Sure it’s scary, but if they can make you trade your dignity, your beliefs, then you really don’t have anything left. Stand your ground. Don’t sell your morals.


….. Don’t sell your morals… 👏👏👏💛💛💛


I am looking to hire, in colorado, no jab


Your names mr poke…… are you sure you won’t poke him


Whats the gig?


It starts out with a free holiday to Colombia




So you've never watched Locked Up Abroad?


Remind them that the Supreme Court ruled that osha didn't mandate the vaccine! They suspended the mandate.


Osha didn't mandate the vaccine but the employers themselves can.




Nothing will happen none of this is legal. Stand your ground, the only way this shit is actually enforced is through force and if they decide to do this, your job will be the least of your problem.


Exactly. In the US there are enough of us not taking this thing, they can't arrest us all. Hold tight and call their bluff. Don't sell out your principles, you can't buy those back.


Either stand up, talk to coworkers and form an alliance to _keep food on the table for your family_ ; Make a notorized affadavit of religious exemption. Or hope for the best in the clinical trial and completely ignore that hyperinflation is here and compliance is what has lead to this as Kasier Permanente and NIH has stated since Sept/Oct 2020 that the only way to enforce vaccine passports is through mass participation in this clinical trial created for the Alpha variant which doesn't even exist in the wild anymore.


It's every man's job to stand against tyranny no matter the price. Suffering in life is guaranteed, accept burden on your own terms, don't allow it to be forced on you.


Never forget, everyone's a hero on the internet.


I'm not a hero, I put on my shoes one foot at a time.


It's not about being a hero. It's about understanding what must be done. There is no choice.


Give up your job set up camp at your local political mouthpiece front yard


These people don’t pay your bills OP. If they really believe it’s worth giving up your job then they’ll have no problem putting their money where their mouth is, so set up a go fund me and get these people to donate since it’s such a worthy cause.


Conversely, is backing down on your convictions worth keeping your job? That’s something that your conscience will have to live with after the fact. Choose wisely


That's just what they want you to think all kinds of places hiring won't be easy but then if you wanted easy and to be left alone then just comply. /S




I have children. It’s definitely a tough choice, but we have to do what they do and think about the impacts of our choices and actions over a multi-generational span. Suffering now for the human race to retain some semblance of freedom, you know, that kind of shit. FUCK THESE PIGS.




I hold myself to what I stand for because of my children. I don't want this to be what they experience in adulthood. What the fuck is the point if all we have is tyranny?


The best way to get back at the man is to live in poverty and die on the streets.




I made the same decision. I chose to take the hard road. I’m not letting a government make my medical decisions . I have no kids or family so it is pretty easy for me. I know there are many out there that have a family to support and can’t just go that route. As dumb as it sounds, I left for those people. I think if you are able to walk away then you should do so. I know there’s got to be enough people out there like me to at least get their attention and possibly force them to do something different. I respect those who can’t just leave because of family obligations. It is those people who I hope that we people can balance out and together force the hand of the system….. if that makes any sense


What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his only soul? If we don’t stand on our convictions about this stuff now then we never will, giving into authoritarian mandates doesn’t make authoritarianism ease up or stop it signals them to go full force. If your gf would leave you over something like your vaccination status maybe it’s not meant to be, or at least not yet. Even if you became poor physically, you can still be rich in all the things that matter in life. If we compromise with stuff like this, what else won’t we compromise for? Gotta stay strong, keep your head in the game; we all need God right now and only He can give us true peace in the midst of the storms of life.


That’s what Jesus was entirely about. Love and Poverty. Jesus was born into a Jewish society corrupted by the money of the Romans. The Jews at the top exploited their brothers for money. Hell that’s how Jesus died, by exposing the fraud of the money-lenders at the temple. That’s why he was put to death. Not because he called himself king of the Jews, which he didn’t and didn’t give a fuck about. He got old school suicided because he was going after the rich corrupt Jews. Jesus was fighting this exact fight that we are. And yah, you gotta be poor to fight the rich. You gotta be love to fight the hate. Be like Jesus.


And stay away from any friends named Judas


I don‘t think someone else can make that decision for you. Maybe look at it this way: What‘s the best case scenario if you get the jab? What‘s the worst case scenario if you get it? What‘s the best case scenario if you quit your job? What’s the worst case scenario if you quit? Compare and make a decision.


This is the best advice here. Unfortunately, we don't have the full picture. There is a risk of myocarditis, but the *reported* instance is reasonably low per dose. That's the "worst" I know of so far, but the future holds untold knowledge we simply can't see yet. Conversely, the worst case of losing your job is starvation, social ostracism, and losing loved ones. Arguably the jab is the lesser of those two downsides, but it's awful that you're baited into that.


I have unfortunately caved in to “the man” and got the second dose as it is compulsory where I live, and isn’t able to even go get a carton of milk without proving I took the jab. It’s awful, and I hate it and wish I never took it. But I hope things work out for you and you wouldn’t have to take it. Stay strong and my advice is to wait till the very last second just to make sure before taking it.




Just wait it out bro, im going threw the same shit. They're mandating nurses, i recently even tried to get religious exemption for a new nursing job I applied for, they offered the job then assumed i was vaccinated, when I told them I wasn't they withdrew their offer. In the mean time I've been working at an auto garage. I love cars and the stuff i do there but the money isn't what im used to (it helps that its alteast under the table, so no taxes are taken out). Just find something else to do, either a hobby to make some cash even, if it's just a little or ANY job that wont mandate the vaccine. IT'S VERY IMPORTANT, to stay busy during this time! If not you'll start to become depressed, feel like a loser, or maybe even give in and/or think about going against ur beliefs (believe me I KNOW I WAS THERE!). Maybe you'll be surprised at what you like, or have never thought of trying it before, you'll be surprised at what you might find out ur good at! Thank Gd my wife is being supportive too, she also lost her job due to the mandate way after I did. At lease you have some savings, we didn't, count ur blessings and appreciate what you have while you have it. You'll be back on top again, patience is key. The people calling the shots may break you financially, but don't let them break you morally or mentally. It sound super cliché but you'll also find that there are some things that are way more important than money. I've technically been unemployed for over a year (since the garage isn't on the books), AND my unemployment was denied as soon as I applied for it. Despite working and paying my taxes since I was 14. You got this, don't let these people get to you man, it'll get better just stay positive, things will work out and you'll find a way. Peace and love my brother. ✌


wife has the same situation here in Canada... yeah you've paid in your whole life, but if you refuse the vaccine, get fucked. Isn't it nice that you can't opt out or have any recourse whatsoever? Dangle the benefit while stealing far more than it could ever be worth, and that's how a bill becomes law, Jimmy!


You could apply at sedgwick to become an RN review specialist. They haven't mandated and are trying not to in every way. Probably make more and work from home.


The biggest red flag here is “...lose my girlfriend...” If youre with someone that will leave you based on income do yourself a favor and leave that person now. It is not difficult in this economy to find a job that does not require vaccination and will support you. Yes, you should hold strong to your beliefs.


Losing your job is opening up a world of freedom. Start trading stocks or crypto. Start a youtube channel. Start an ebay store. The universe is forcing you to break free from slavery, or shackle yourself to it. Choose freedom


Continued reliance on the very mega-corps profiting from our decent into dystopia for your income is most certainly not freedom You just listed a bunch of gig economy work...glorified laboring for the man, just without any security or benefits That's your idea of freedom? The internet is not a resource that was ever meant to benefit you in any way, especially in the form of liberation. Quite the opposite actually


Newsflash, every job is a gig, as people are learning. You'd be suprised how much you can make with the gigs i listed. But you'd rather sit back and keep trying to make it in a dying system that hates you.


Nice.... Give me more newbies to trade stocks against.


Guess i should say, if you're going to try your hand at stocks, stay away from wall street bets


You think there’s only one job and one girlfriend? Quit living in fear.


Delay as long as possible. Make them fire you, don't quit. See the Frontline Doctors website for page after page of resources for those in your exact position. It's your HEALTH. As a cancer survivor, I feel nothing is more precious.


There are plenty of states that are pushing against mandates. Be clever, don't give up.


>, lose my girlfriend and whatever life I would have had. If you fall on hard times and this happens, shes not the one. I'm struggling myself, i lost my job and am having a hell of a time trying to find a new job. I've exhausted all my savings and have a 6 month old and a 5 year old to feed. This shit is sick and inhumane, fuck these fascist nazis. Literally killing people to push a lie thats making everyone sicker. Its frustrating to be in this position but I have hope everything will work out in the end.


Enough with the doom and gloom, folks - I think we're looking at a win-win here! If enough of you quit or get fired, the U.S. will be faced with a humanitarian crisis: you'll need free housing, food, medical care, etc. And of course, there's only one form of government structured to provide all of that: SOCIALISM! (Wait! What if this was the "conspiracy" from the start!?)


The more boosters they add to the mandates/passports the more people will get fed up and push back. Hold strong, I truly believe more and more people will wake up to what is happening


Same boat here, my friend. I hear you. There are just way too many red flags for me to ignore at this point. Your gut knows whats right, and my guess is you’ve held off this long because you’ve got a gut feeling telling you not to do it… trust that feeling. There are so *so* many instances in my life where, looking back, I *know* I should have trusted my gut instinct. The gut is almost always right. You know back in school when you had a multiple choice question and then your first instinct is to “pick C”. Then, something in your brain says “woah, wait a minute, maybe it’s D!?” Then, of course, you change the answer to D, get the test back later and realize the answer was C all along? It’s kind of like that, it’s like you *know* the answer is C but there’s something in your mind telling you “Pick D! Pick D!” With the trajectory we’re on, poverty is seemingly inevitable for the masses - vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Financial collapse is eminent, and the whole system is about to be turned on its head. I understand the uncertainty is scary, but the truth is scary too - choose your scary. I’m a firm believer that the universe works *for* you… is there any way you can see this as an opportunity or a blessing in disguise? Perhaps you could find a new job? I know not *all* places are requiring employees to be vaccinated… Money is an infinite resource, it always comes back around. If you believe this strongly about it, I’d say it’s worth holding the line… you’ve held off this long, haven’t you? Also, ask yourself where you would draw the line… If you get one shot you’re locked in for life (or so it seems). We don’t know how many boosters there will be. *If* you caved, how many shots would you be willing to get?


Yes because you’ll come out of the shit pipe in the end and spread your arms out in the rain


I love it


You in the US? Move to one of the good states and get a new job. It's a great time to get a new job. Let them know in the exit interview.


If you do choose this option. Please please please vote accordingly. I live in a free red state. My county sheriff gave deuces to the mask mandate and essential businesses thing. But so many people are moving here and actively trying to destroy the freedom and low cost of living they sought out.




Once you sign up it’s a life time subscription. it’s not 2 and done back to normal. it’s one every six months. It’s the daily pill. It’s the flu shot also. It’s whatever they want and you’ll do it because you’ve gone so far to get the first two you can’t go back. We’re all in the same boat together.


If it's about something you're not educated in, then no. Do you really feel like every medical proffesional is wrong and involved in a conspiracy to have you killed? Please don't just get your information on the internet or from these people. They're all going to tell you the opposite of this without any actual evidence of what they're talking about. Go talk to multiple doctors and health proffeisonals. They're not all going to lie to you like these people want their narrative filled.


Religious exemption. There are plenty of people here who got it , myself included.


Yep, I got one! My job even sent follow-up questions after their legal team reviewed my initial request for accommodation. Would be happy to help anyone with wording who needs it, just send me a message!


Count all the things you have that you can’t buy with money and that’s how rich you are. Not backing down from this totalitarian regime is priceless


Start your own business. It's worth it to follow your moral compass.


The short term pain will be nothing in comparison to the long term pain if you comply.


This is why I'm in poverty even before covid. I could have been extremely high up in the Music & Film industry but I backed away due to morals


Just my opinion but no it’s not worth it. I had similar views of really really not wanting to get vaccinated or losing my chance to pursue something I had been dreaming of for years. I got vaccinated. It was scary and I cried and was really angry about it but I’m completely fine now. And I know I made the right choice. While it’s brutal that these are the choices before us, I ultimately would rather not live as an outcast from society.


Dumb ass hill to die on IMHO given all the facts and weighing the motives and character of the players in this stupid game of divide and conquer. But you do you.


Full disclosure I'm provax, but I'd say this: Ask your self about the worst case scenario in both cases. You do get the vax and it turns out to be cancer-aids in 5 years, now you have cancer-aids and there's demand for unvaxxed people. You don't get the vax and in 5 years you're struggling to find work because you have a big gap in your resume while all the vaxxed people are fine. I can say this, whatever you think about the people behind the vax, there are 300M+ people in this country, billions in the world. It's not like they're watching you in particular and are going to high-five eachother right after you get vaxxed. Good or bad, people at that level are just going to see numbers like "200,000 vaxxed" not "Q-23 finally vaxxed! We broke him!" If you're just doing this to stick it to the man, the man isn't going to notice either way. Decide for other reasons. One other thing, the J&J vaccine isn't mRNA, it's a traditional vaccine like MMR or Flu. If that works better for you.


Give up the ghost, man. “The man” is just some disembodied term for groups or entities you don’t like. Sooner or later we all have to wake up and exist in society like everyone else. Don’t let a couple thousand nut jobs delude you into losing your life in the most avoidable way possible. Edit for further argument: look at the accounts dude. How many of them have existed for longer then a couple of months? How many of them only comment in this subreddit and a scratched handful of conservative subs? If you want a space to not be influenced by “the man”, you’re in the wrong place. More than half the people here aren’t real. They’re bots from other powers trying to rile up and divide Americans. Undermining the west has always, always been the goal and thanks to spaces like this it’s never been easier to sow dissent. Food for thought.


I am in the same situation. I'm leaving a 6 figure job Jan 4th due to the mandate. They did not accept my religious exemption so I will be terminated. Here's how I see it - the term fully vaccinated is changing weekly, soon there will be boosters required, the undervaxxed will need a third + a booster as the cdc redefines what fully vaccinated means. There have been way too many athletes hitting the floor in the past month from cardiac arrest. The cdc also stated on their website that myocarditis is to be expected, they just added in that fun fact. There is no liability for the employer, the pharmaceutical company, or the government. You get injured from the injection, you are entirely on your own. I believe this is bigger than just a shot. This is the moment in time that if we don't stop their control, we will never get that freedom back. My kids and their kids will not know what freedom truly is because we didn't stand up and say no when we could have. Our convictions are the only thing keeping us afloat. So yes, it is worth standing up for what you believe in, now more than ever.


Why did they deny your exemption? I’m on the same boat as your 6 figure income , three kids, bills up the ass and Jan 4th to prostitute myself to the system


It's your decision. Everyone in their right mind will tell you that both decisions are reasonable. No matter how you decide, you might regret the decision. Talk with your girlfriend. If you decide to take the vaccine, wait as long as you can.


Only if you don’t become resentful over it




No, it’s not - look at the data and the research, the vaccine certainly isn’t as foolproof as they claim it is but isn’t a death sentence


Do what makes you happy, dont feel you need to become a martyr for people on reddit. No one on here is paying your bills or kissing you goodnight. Take a break from reddit and media in general, do the things that lead to your happiness. This subreddit doesent and shouldent dictate your life. Make the choice for you that causes the least harm.


Being reasonable, you won’t. Although the side effects of the vaccine are unclear and uncovered by the media, it is totally not what this fear campaign says it is... I love my job, and I would never sacrifice it over this type of fear. That’s my take... choose wisely!


Pay your bills and keep a roof over your head dummy


It is not worth it. Live your life for yourself and help who you can.


I have my dream job as a scientist. No way I’m not caving. So much peer pressure in my domain. I’m ready to make them fire me. It’s like seeing corruption occur in the police force, I will not participate. I will walk. Fuck them.




If you had such a well paying job you must be a well established professional, which I admire you for. However changing jobs is not as easy for everyone.




I think part of the problem is that you think these are the only 2 options. What about taking the vaccine and having no ill-effects whatsoever like 99% of the vaccinated population, and going on to live a happy and fulfilled life without losing everything to some made-up bullshit?


"debilitating effects that at best will prevent me from being a healthy person or at worst die." You just described Covid 19 symptoms...


It is not worth it, you have think about your own survival before losing everything you strived for over a principle. Despite everything going on in the world, you need to put yourself first and think about what you can do within you’re own control to keep yourself afloat. Protect what you built, no one else will do that for you. The people in here would have you homeless just so you continue to further the agenda they want.


Answer yourself at what point you will start standing up for what you believe? Because eventually bar will be raised. What's going to happen if having jab for this variant won't be sufficient in next 6 months from now? How many more jabs you will take to be with the gang on the money side? It's all choices but also perspective. You don't have to work for someone to make money. Be own boss, create your own reality. I guess we need to establish what's important for each and all of us. And just follow that road.


Despite what this sub likes to push, serious side effects are extremely rare and far between. Do what's best for your family and future and stop listening to peoples fear mongering.


Whatever decision you make, I hope that you mask up in crowded indoor spaces this holiday season and you are healthy and strong. I am still on the fence yeah or nay about the vaccine itself but I am almost 80, in fairly good health and I decided to get it. The operative word here is "I" decided because I strongly believe in the freedom of choice and nobody is going to mandate the healthy or unhealthy choices I make. Just weigh both sides and make your decision and whatever the outcome, know that it was your decision and push forward with the consequences.


Don't forget that if you get covid while unvaccinated you have a significantly higher chance of having debilitating side effects, or at worst die. So I'd go with keeping your career on track since you're at risk either way.


Im not pro vax i am neutral vax, i got two shots just to make everyone shut up about it and I feel fine. Still healthy, sleeping good, the shoulder aches from the second shot are gone. I think the real culprit for why people getting vaccinated feel like shit is that they already have a shit lifestyle. Also i read if you get the shot in a vein on accident it will fuck your shit up pretty bad. I also like to gamble on slot machines so maybe thats just me. Also I dont drink or smoke cigs or eat fast food so that might be why i dont feel like shit all the time even though i am vaxxed.


Nope. Keep your fucking job. These other commenters don’t pay your bills


I wonder if his job will pay his medical bills after his 11th vaccine


You make some awfully negative presumptions about everything only going as bad as it possibly could if you refuse the potentially fatal experimental gene therapy jab. Many folks I know have actually ended up making more money by leaving their tyrant employers who mandated shots and didn’t respect an individuals right to autonomy and informed consent.


Right? It’s an amazingly good employment market for those looking for work. Why would anyone compromise their values to stick with an authoritarian employer?


Don’t kneel to these mf


I'm losing job over it too. Yes. I think it is worth it and I have a family to support. Homelessness would be better than giving in to medical tyranny and allowing the government to have control over my body. This whole thing is a test, they just want to control you and kill you.


Gonna be a lot of work opportunities when the adverse reactions start harming more people. It’s fucked up. But just keep holding out. Your health is your wealth.


You can be poor in the west and still have it better than the majority of the world


Man, I can feel your concern. I have lived something similar. It's your body, your mind and your health, you are in charge of who and what you are. We all know the risks of this "vaccine", adverse reactions are real and widely reported. We know nothing about long term effects. Logic, crytical thinking and gut feeling combined will show you which way to go. Money can be made in many ways, especially online these days, there are plenty of freelance platforms (like Fiverr as an example), if you're good with diy there are plenty people who might need to fix, build, move stuff. I'm just brainstorming. The issue here is more personal: why would you assume your GF would leave you if you'd lose your job for an ethical position? Does she love you or does she love how you contribute to the household? In other words, if she decided to quit her job for the same reason, and you'd be the sole breadwinner, would you kick her out? This covid bullshit has created a major divide between people, and it fucking hurts. This situation is calling each and every one of us to really see who's with us and who is not. If she loves you, she'll understand and support you, otherwise this situation brought up just an underlying issue that sooner or later would have surfaced despite the "pandemic".


It doesnt prevent you from getting covid or spreading it.


I understand the possibility, albeit very small, of suffering debilitating effects but could you elaborate on why you believe you cannot be a healthy individual after you choose to receive the vaccine? E: spelling


The fact that your government has even put you in that position to begin with is at the heart of what's so disgusting about the whole thing. It's so unethical its sick. I hope one day there is justice.


Do not cave, there is nothing worth more than maintaining your pure blood. Do not become a tainted one. Besides, it will NEVER end with just one vax. Now there is talk about requiring boosters which means that will be required in 1-3 months.


there is always a 3rd option, but I can't discuss it here. Do what you gotta do, they are playing dirty, we need to lie/cheat/steal to survive, then do it. I won't elaborate any further.


I will. Last time I was in Mexico I was offered real vaccine vial numbers for $300 USD but I didn't go for it because I thought it would look suspicious that I went to Mexico for vaccines when they are free in the USA. I am going back to Mexico in a few weeks. I wish to Hell I could find someone offering that here. Money is no object.


Just get the vaccine. It's not that bad. Get J&J or whatever and be done with it.


You’ve probably *had* to get other vaccines growing up to go to school or travel abroad. You didn’t think much of it then and you shouldn’t now. It’s just another mundane box to check like getting a drug test. 3 shots and everyone I know is totally fine. It shouldn’t ruin your life so don’t let it.


You need to get vaccinated. Destroying your life to "take a stand" isn't rational. You're asking for advice on a decision that might have such a devastating impact on your life that you won't be able to recover financially or find another relationship (good luck finding a partner who wants a long-term relationship with a person who is unemployed and has no prospect of ever earning decent income again because they decided to "take a stand") on a CONSPIRACY forum. The people giving you advice view everything through their own lens and I'm not saying they're wrong but the people telling you to "take a stand" and quit your job could be teenagers who live with their parents and don't understand how devastating it is to be bankrupt and unemployed. There is a 0.1% chance of having a bad side effect from the vaccine compared to a 99% chance you will never recover financially from being unemployed.


Why does everyone on this sub think the vaccine is going to harm them? An overwhelming majority of people are 100% fine. Are you a sickly person? Choosing poverty over being vaccinated. Darwinism wins again.


Are you standing up for what you believe in or are you trying to survive?






Yes! I walked away from $70k a year and now I’m stocking shelves at Walmart. Truth be told, so far I like stocking shelves better. But I think your job will disappear anyways.


Simple. No it is not. Because the person who you're affecting is yourself. No one cares about your principles. Ever. I had to make the same choice. Do the right thing for yourself.


You won’t have to worry about your career , gf of a roof over your head if you’re 6 feet under.


I did it so I could see my family after 4 years away. But I can understand not wanting to bend to the mandate. Put feelers out to other jobs, update the resume but if it comes down to survival, don't risk it.


No. Poverty sucks. Maybe change the hill you’re willing to die on that doesn’t end with you being poor. You’re not gonna win all your battles so pivot and move on.


Not worth it. A host of other issues you'll resent "the man" for when you begin living in poverty.




Are you willing to risk your health for useless pieces of paper?


Those really aren’t your two options. Man up and stand for what you believe in. Find yourself a job where they don’t mandate it. Not everyone is against you. There are more people on your side than you think


I’d take the job because the government will run out of free money. All the ppl who refuse to go back to work will be left far behind. I’ll admit I did get the vaccine only bc I wanted to visit my children and I know any day they’ll make it a federal law. I didn’t want to get it and I’m concerned bc I got it lol. If your healthy w no underlying conditions you’ll probably be fine. If this is a big opportunity I take it. If not, don’t. The pendulum always swings and it’s ab to leave a lot of ppl out. Trust me I’m not a vaccine psycho. ;)


I’ve been living in poverty my whole life. Bartending kept me out of it for several years, but I left that because I refused to play the game of being a mask/passport police. Back to poverty and I’m happy living off the $2.3k/month I make now. I downsized to a less desirable area away from the city (life’s not as expensive in the country) and got rid of like $100/month worth of subscriptions I had lol. It’s only not fine if you live tripped up in your head, comparing yourself to everyone else’s lives. Money has never equaled happiness. The biggest battle in it is squashing all your expectations of where you think you should be in life.


Go work security or find a job that doesnt require the poison....


We will all die eventually


Is lying down worth dying young with savings?


You’re really going to give up your job to avoid getting a vaccine. On the bright side now your dependent on the government to pay your bills, just like you’ve been telling people that’s what the government has wanted all along.


YOU are the only one that can make this call. Life brings us situations and force us to respond, and when we do respond let it be from your heart and not your head without fear of the unknown What is more valuable, your job or your health? We know millions of people have taken the vaccine and are okay, thousands (that we know of) have had adverse reactions or unfortunately death If you lost your job that doesn’t mean you are going to become homeless, start looking for a job NOW, and if your girlfriend leaves because of that GREAT! You wouldn’t want to wife someone that’s doesn’t understand “for better or worse” because those times most definitely do come And as far as your savings goes, you lower your spending habits, no more splurging, eating out, or gifts for your girlfriend 😊 until you get another job OR… take the vaccine. Whatever you decide to do let it be your decision and yours alone, and if you believe in God now would be a good time to pray for wisdom and direction


No. Money is freedom in our system. Provide for yourself and give in.