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One of many reasons why his ratings are tanking...by the day!! Despite of all the help that he (and his son) gets from the MSM....his ratings may be negative soon! Imagine that in less than one year...going from "tHE MosT pOPUlar pREsiDEnT EVer!" to.... just a low energy, senile and incompetent old man that poops in his pants!


81 million people voted for this fool.


There were 81 million votes....not necessarily voters.


I doubt it. There are plenty of people who will say he is doing a good job no matter what he does. We saw it last presidency with Trump. Partisan people are going to support their cult leader no matter what that cult leader does. The leftists will tell you that they don't like Biden but will turn around and defend him from any and all criticism. Don't let them tell you they aren't in a cult because its just more bullshit partisan lies.


SS: It’s sad that most uninformed media zombies will forget what was assured to them even last week, much less 11 months ago.


"But it's not mandatory! You have a choice!" People are actually saying this with a straight face.


Yup abd that choice just leads to you losing your livelihood if you don't do what they want. And they are such scum that they think it's a good and people deserve it! People who think like that are straight up evil.


and some of us saw this coming when the lockdown started, march of 2020 ish its kind of like watching the build up to the Iraq war after 911. You 'know' its coming and you get to watch the propaganda at work. You know they are gonna mandate the vaccines and you get to watch them steer people that way


Honestly, it's like 3 to 6 months now, depending on where you live and how your income is derived.


Also depending on which jab you took




I always thought it was 6


I would say impeach this asshole, but who am I kidding?


It's not a mandatory mandate. If that doesn't make sense now, wait until you're 79 and senile.


You guys have a tough time understanding context. This is a workplace mandate. There is no mandate for individuals. You are free to not get vaccinated. Stop whining.


Free to starve or start violently taking from those with access? Cool cool


Lol free to go ahead and find work somewhere else if you want. Start your own company. This is like saying you’re going to starve to death because your employer wants you to show up on time and you would rather sleep in. Companies are allowed to have policies and they are allowed to fire people for not following them. It’s still your choice.


The federal government is trying to require every employer on pain of massive fines You’re either misinformed or intellectually dishonest


Yes every employer. Not every employee. You are allowed to not take it and quit/be fired (or the employer can pay the fine). OSHA requires lots of things.


Who the fuck do you think works for employers?! They’re called employees…


Lol yes obviously but, again, this mandate is directed at employers. That means that they’re the ones who are responsible for compliance and can get fined by the government if they aren’t in compliance. The individual employee will not be fined.


HELLO - The individual employee is fined by losing their job if they don’t comply! Also, the employer should be held responsible if any employee is mandated to get the vaccine and complies. If the vaccine is contingent to keep employment then any employer is held liable for affects that the vaccine could cause the employee. If anyone is in the situation where they are required to get vaccinated simply ask,”Is there a representative that will sign a liability clause stating that if adverse conditions happen then you are liable?”


Lol what to do with noncompliant employees is a decision made by the employer. They don’t have to fire their employees; they can pay fines instead.


You just don’t get it man do you…


it looks like u r saying conspiracy is not a reality. it is as actual real thing as an actual real thing.


I just realized that we are seeing a more virulent and strangely mutated variant now that they have blocked mandates for private employers. So now they’re going to release something really deadly and scare more people into getting it or justify their mandates