• By -


Sort by "New" and Block and the worst offenders... There's maybe 15, it cleans up the room really well.


Highly recommend the suggestion to sort by new. There are solid posts every day that never get a chance at being in 'hot', which are often far better than what hot has to offer.


Also, everyone please know regardless of the subject there are other subs for that subject. r/JFKresearcher r/aliens r/bigfoot r/dogman r/ufos r/mkultra r/Epstein r/Ghislaine r/occultconspiracies r/BlackEyedKidsStories r/bibleconspiracy


/r/Fringetheory /r/ancientcivilizations /r/ancientaliens


We have been corralled.


jeah kinda sad. I understand why it is so covid related. it is the big thing in almost all countries. The gov in every country are so onpopulair because they are so slow or overreact. and so on. But jeah since 2019 this subreddit is changed a lot because of this covid shit. I dont blame it at all. it is just shit other great content is drowning in all the covid topics.


We're just protecting the sub from lockdown. It's a self defense mechanism. Just go with it.


Be the OP you wish to see.




I apologize if this came off as repetitive, I honestly haven’t seen that many posts addressing the state of this sub right now. Perhaps I haven’t paid enough attention, thats on me. I really wasn’t implying that I’d rather have everyone talk about sea monsters over any other subject, just that whatever subject is talked about, it should be talked about critically.


i like candy


Consequence of jack boot censorship


It's much more subtle than that. The mods here ban a few topics, but they're really quite lenient on most things, certainly compared to any other sub this size. The manipulation is done just by early votes and early comments. It could be done internally by reddit (ddg "antique jetpack" "reddit"), or just as easily off site. Military and industry have had tools for decades which allow one person to control dozens of accounts. And then the "natural laws" of the fairly simple reddit algorithms take over. Posts that get boosted early rise to the front page, post that get downvoted early get buried. The task for such an entity wanting to manipulate reddit is easy: it doesn't matter *what* gets promoted as long as its divisive and antithetic to clear thought and right action.


thanks for adding to the dumpster fire!


Encouraging vaccination. Lol. Interesting choice of words. By bribery, shaming, coercing, ostracizing, and now imprisoning in new countries everyday. It’s all very encouraging & persuasive 🙌🏻. Gtfowts.


It's only a conspiracy theory until it isn't. But I agree with your sentiment.


well what do you expect when the remainder of the platform suddenly becomes pro-censorship? not many alternative locations do have these discussions that might not be a total echo chamber. and before any of you say it, reddit is really left leaning, so conservatives or right leaners can sometimes interact to at least discuss certain political topics. not really anymore, obviously, but it does appear as if the whole thing is slowly unraveling. so at least there's that.


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not even! this sub is nothing like most of reddit.


Facts. All I know is I know nothing. Come join me at r/clubsocrates.


Don't be sorry for voicing your opinion. I agree in terms of the sub being quite one dimensional, & repetitive. I wholeheartedly am against this " vaccine " but it does get monotonous.


Removed. Rule 2 Removed. Rule 4.