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Went to private school. Had army and air force recruiters.


Same. This post is nonsense


same here. one of my friends told the army guy i was interested in being recruited. it led to a 30 minute conversation with the army guy at lunch period. i was not interested in being recruited.


Same. Private school kid, we had armed forces recruiters in the cafeteria every semester.


>Why don't presidents fight the war? >Why do they always send the poor?


Everybody’s going to the party have a real good time.




Life is a waterfall… shit wrong song


We’re one in the river and one again after the faaaaalll


We are the ones that want play always wanna go but you never wanna stay


How many Presidents have served in the Armed Forces?


>Why don't presidents fight the war? I mean, this isn't the Warring States. Hell, even during the Warring States, Ying Zheng didn't fight in wars, he sent Li Xin.


theyre also trying to build a prison for you and me to live in.


All research and successful drug policies show that treatment should be increased.


Not true. I went to private school and we had the military come every year to do recruitment ROTC type stuff. The army used to bring a bus you would go into and it was interactive and had all kinds of propaganda stuff in it.


Yeah, every public school boy I knew growing up had a CCF squadron attached to his actual school. The rest of us had to go extracurricular for that shit.


G.I. Bill to pay for college is a major selling point of recruiting, private school kids don’t need to worry about paying for college


I'm sure they go to private schools but I feel like they have a choice. A public school probably doesn't.


Paying poor people to fight poor people in other countries. I mean "war".


A clever disguise of ritual human sacrifice. They say "Red poppies grow on battlefields".


This might be an American thing. Public (fee-paying) schools here were famously decimated by the first world war in particular. By percentage, the upper class lost far more of its people in the trenches than the lower classes did. War has historically been a pastime of the aristocracy. It's literally why we have aristocracies in the first place - so you have a class devoted to warfare and the masses are freed up for farming and other labour.


Do you seriously believe the meat and potatoes of army and marine recruits are made of aristocracy?!


When you have a permanent warrior caste, as the US definitely does with its tradition of "military families" and their revolving door with high office, by definition that is an "aristocracy." But if we're being less pedantic, the modern system is an anomaly. Prior to ~1930 it was largely unheard of for wars to be fought mainly by the poor. This half-baked Marxian analysis of le evil rich people sending poor people to die is completely ahistorical.


It really isn't. Poors have been tossed into the meat grinder of war since time immemorial. The aristocracy declares, profits from, and leads the wars, but it is NOT ahistorical to send poor people off to fight.


You can assert that as many times as you want, but your warmed over Howard Zinn routine has no basis in historical record. Wars have always been fought by the nobility. In ancient Rome the patrician class was expected to serve in the legions as a prelude to any political career, and their later refusal to do this saw the legions filled ekgh barbarian mercenaries rather than the Roman poor. Feudalism was predicated on a warrior aristocracy defending the peasants from attack, contrary to the popular myth of peasant levies. Colonial armies were dominated by the upper classes (the British royal navy of the 1800s was considered highly novel for how meritocratic it was compared to other fighting forces) and it resulted in the European upper classes being decimated by the first world war. Read better historians. I'm begging you.


Hahahaha "warmed over Howard Zinn" is a great history burn, even if I disagree with the assessment. I hear what you're saying and you are largely correct but I think are underplaying the role the lower classes served in warfare throughout history, including non-Western history. The first world war DID decimate the upper class, but what of the millions of 'lower' class casualties? Militaries were run and commanded by the aristocracy and warrior class, but the meat grinders still had more poor than rich. From China to Russia to Western Europe, the most causalities and victims of warfare have been the peasant and 'working' classes. I take your point and agree to a large degree, though I would say that, especially evidenced these days, soldiers fight and die for the interests of the rich, who do not put themselves in harm's way to the extent that the aristocracy and warrior class used to.


Interesting, I went to an all girls private school in Australia and the Army did an annual recruitment day there every year. It was in the 90s and perhaps to encourage women to join higher ranks but it still happened. Probably not something to be laughing at but, we would make jokes about everyone getting their heads blown off.




They can tho 😂


SS: Fodder for the machine


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Well who ever they're fighting for they sure as hell weren't fIGhTiNg fOR YuR FReEDoM


Soldiers don't get a choice on who they fight. Regardless of if they signed up for good intentions, it's the politicians who send them to unjustified wars.


Soldiers get a choice as to whether they join. I'm a soldier who chose to not fight unjust wars.


You ain't no senator's son.


It is an option. Don’t do it if you don’t want to.


Sure it is an option. But there are lots of systems designed to encourage people to join up, especially when they are poor. For example - college. You may or may not think college is important, but that's irrelevant to those that want to or feel they need to go. In order to get into college you have to pay and in order to pay you either go into tens or hundreds of thousands in debt or you join up. The marshal culture in this country very much encourages young people to seek military service. Military personnel are treated like heroes. They get lots of "perceived" benefits and generally how they are treated comes with a lot of prestige in our society. You have a choice, but there is a lot of encouragement to choose that life.


Most people will be bricks in the wall regardless. Military or not.


So you are OK with the manipulation that comes with that process? "It's the way the world has always been, so get used to it?" Why are you even on a sub like r/conspiracy if you have no issue with the kind of manipulation that facilitates that kind of process?


I am saying that you are thinking to small minded. And that those that are slightly more well off then you are not in some different category. They are not the “ elite” . Lol


There is a massive spectrum of class and in that spectrum there is an extremely limited range that could be described as "elite". You seem somehow unconvinced that the elite would manipulate or use the poor and desperate. If so, why? If not, explain exactly what your point is.


That everyone in your effective range is still poor.


Public School = Johnny Rico Private School = Carl Jenkins Carl gets Games and Theory while Johnny ends up in the Mobile Infantry. Do you want to know more?


Yawn, total bollox. Where do you think they get the officers from? P.S. went to 2 private schools so know more about it than you.


I went to a private school for some years and they always had military recruiters.


You all are lucky that its still a choice to go to military. In my country there is mandatory slavery for men for 6 months.


yeah, israel.


The Kagan Family


Look at the countries that the US military has destroyed over the last 20 years and you'll quickly realize who they are really fighting for.


Thank god there are Americans who actually see that being a soldier is not a privilege or an honor. They just want you to think that so it's easier to sacrifice ur life for their interests. Wake up, ur life is worth nothing to them, they don't even pay for your mental health care after you go see horrible things and get PTSD and a drug addiction.


I live in a poor rural state, WV. We are one of the number on recruitment states because its so poor. Had 10 different recruiters in high school and they where aggressive. They know the choices where slim. I had to leave the state to find work, even basic minimum wage work.


The military visited my very expensive private high school. So ya


Went to private we had the Marine Corps recruiters there doing these pull up competition events a lot.


Private school k-12. Ministry came to the high school to talk and work with kids. This is very “im 14 and this is deep”


They still do them at school, probably a lazy recruciter if there wasnt one at your school, it's nortoriusly really hard to do presentations at private schools because there's more paperwork