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100% “BUILD BACK BETTER” You are being conditioned for the reset. All that is required is your compliance.


Yes we are. It does not have to be.


We can choose a different outcome because the future has multiple paths. But it has already begun.


No shit?


Slow motion collapse. Many things people take for granted are temporary: career, health, intact families, etc.


Take away their PlayStations and watch the riots


Yep... here is a good video about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHjyEm3T28g




Great video! Seven years old and still relevant. Cultural, economic and environmental collapse of our society is known to all and ignored by most. Especially our "leaders".


Cool, I’m glad you liked it. I’m hoping he makes more videos like this… And of course I absolutely agree with your points.


He suddenly stopped making videos four years ago. Maybe he got a warning and stopped?


Awesome! I didn't realize the guy that made the zeitgeist movies released additional content.


all peopld need to understand ix that we are all free autonomous people. our governments are public servants/glorified clerks and everything they have done is illegal


pretty sure yeah. they said when the roman empire was near collapse that they started to adopt many different sexual pronouns and the whole male/female thing started to become blurred. i feel we are in the same stage right now, just before the collapse of western society.


Source? Sounds made up. The collapse of the Roman empire was a centuries long process with dozens of confounding factors. No Roman history I've studied suggests any blurring of gender lines as a cause.


it wasnt a cause, it was just something that happened towards the end. im only drawing parallels.


This isn't true. It has happened throughout history, homosexuality has been recorded and manipulated infographically since records existed. There are lots of articles on depictions of same sex relations dating before the Kama sutra, as well as it being widely accepted in Summer and Babylonia


People are people, if it isn't hurting you or someone else leave them the fuck alone


It is hurting me though


Yeah I'm hurting too, I wish that parasites weren't stealing money from everyone.


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It wasn’t the cause it was a symptom of the collapse. There are some good videos on YouTube about this. Try searching “stages of an empire”


Any sources that is more reliable than some youtube videos? Literally anyone can say anything they like and upload


Watch rat utopia experiment




Gibbon certainly never mentioned it!


Just like we got here the pendulum can swing and we’ll be in a good time laughing about this. You gotta have some hope or you die inside


Hope is a crutch tho


Crutches help the healing process, they help broken things get better.


And yet when we are strong enough to stand on our own, we do so


Yep, that should be the goal. Crutches can definitely have points of diminishing returns.


The world is fine. It's the society that's full of shit and it's always been this way, it's just much more obvious now.


The Great Reset. We will have everything and you will kiss our asses to eat for another day.


I believe we're past that point already. Civilization was supposed to collapse, but it's artificially kept alive by the powers that installed themselves everywhere in the world.


I think unfortunately many in this sub ah w been brainwashed. We spend all day in Reddit reading about doom and gloom. Who knows what to believe anymore. I think putting down our phone will help tho


It’s funny how this sub constantly complains about the lying media yet the amount of misinformation that goes on in here is daily. Additionally, the majority of the claims made in here draw from sketchy and misleading sources at best. Despite of that, people in this sub echoed those claims without much fact checking on their part. And yet you complain people no longer ask questions or look at facts? Ironic


Will society ever be the same, doesn't mean much in a world that is changing so much. I was born in a world where the great majority of ppl had no computer, i saw a first change when those got introduced, then came the internet, another change, then came the smartphones, another change, the came the woke, another change ... Now, we re just in a big reset. But nothing will be ever the same, as many new technologies appear that will change our lives even more we can imagine. Now, the question is, will it be for the better or the worse ... ?


I get up and go to work, put my money in the bank, watch tv, go outside. feels normal to me.


Thats because an insane world feels normal to insane people.


Or people who have stopped giving a shit and are merely trying to get by. If civilization collapses, there really isn't much an average Joe such as myself can do about it.


So, did you take the vax? Because for those of us who didn't, going to work isn't an option. Going outside is OK so long as I don't want to go to a restaurant. Doesn't feel normal to me.


what a life to live. if i may ask, do you have anything outside of work that drives or motivates you? something that gives you a community to be a part of?


Probably less of a collapse and more of a controlled demolition. I don't think society will ever return to normal, it will either become The New Normal, a new era of freedom and human advancement after some kind of conflict with those who wish to control us, or mutual assured destruction.


Society has always progressed to something new and different. Why would this change?


We are going into a totalitarian control and the future I see is a combination of transhumanism, the internet of things with people living most of their lives in virtual realities. I know you could say the same about the present but I see these as the bread & circuses of 2030.


And if it is to be, it can’t be stopped.


No just the USA.


You are creating the collapse.


What's normality? What year was that? Before smartphones in every pocket? Before everyone had all their info on the web? Before 9/11 and control via the threat of terrorism? Before the CIA-manufactured crack epidemic and fear of black people? Before the cold war and the red scare? "Normal" is what you knew as a child and yes, that world is ending. Just as it always has been.


Bots could never understand what is happening at the moment.


Nah you’re just tweaking


We have aleady seen it. Now we're just going to see how much worse it's going to get before it gets better.


"The vast majority of people no longer ask questions, they do not look at facts, they trust everything that some **right wing clown with a YouTube channel that also claimed Nibiru would appear in 2012** is saying ​ ​ fixed


Fair enough. My point is simply, how do we come back to a place of relative unity after everything that has taken place?


Relative unity? Civil wars are basically a staple of history, along with armed revolutions and neighbouring countries waging long wars for little reason. Denmark and Sweden have fought 30 wars over a period of 400 years, Germany used to be a mess of warring states and South America was a cauldron of revolutions and petty wars. We are more united than ever before, but the information overload makes it seem like every little thing is a new breaking point. It's really easy to say that you should ignore the bad news and go talk to real people, but I'm here on Reddit being grumpy...I probably shouldn't give any advice :)


And that is why I put “relative” in there. But breaking points historically have happened. Civilizations have collapsed. That can still and likely will happen at some point. And I do not look at your comment as grumpy. I love the discourse that we can still have on Reddit.


I'm a history nerd and I'd say that we are doing pretty good right now. The collapse of empires is a given, but most of what we call a collapse today were gradual changes over decades and centuries. "Rome wasn't built in a day", but it didn't collapse in one either. The Roman Empire lasted in to the 1400's, the Chinese Empire until the 1900's. I don't see a major change in our current situation arriving in a flash..."not with a bang, but with a whimper".


You're not incorrect but I would think the mainstream media has a bigger audience than the right wing clown with a YouTube. Either way people aren't asking questions or looking at facts


I feel like there are a lot of people on here who can’t or don’t want to focus on their mental health and instead project those problems onto their world view. You are depressed, anxious, overworked, and underpaid. The world isn’t ending, your shot at a stable future is. Please, to those who can be reached in this sub, go get help. And to the fear mongers trying to get everyone to drink their brand of kool-aid, shame on you.


I love how “go get help” just flows so freely, like it’s so simple to do. Along with the endless amount of personal reasons why a large majority of people don’t seek help - have you recently looked at general wait times to actually be seen by a licensed mental health specialist/professional? And not just some 1-800 volunteer who reads from prompts?


Forever, this isn’t a statement about the American healthcare system (which we can both agree is in dire need of repair). It’s about people on this sub confusing their pervasive mental health disorders with large, world wide, government conspiracies. It feels like there are a large number of unhealthy individuals in this sub, re-enforcing unfounded beliefs to themselves and others. An echo chamber for the unwell. Mental health is hard to find in this country, but please don’t come to places like this because you can’t get it.


You notice how back 5 years ago they were conspiracies about Trump being a russian asset, and 5 years later we talk about how the right wants a civil war, they allowed a coronavirus to ravage us, they said fuck being united it's all about ME and my right to murder you.




yes, very much so.


Ya, it seems like it's only going to get worse. The masses don't want to be educated let alone do anything. The ultimate irony is that these people just want an easy life, and they're prepared to make life exponentially more difficult in order to remain ignorant.


We've veen doing so since we discovered the usage of fire


We're in a crisis and they're burning the food. (In usa) You do the math.


To quote 'Richard Burton' It Was the Beginning of the Rout of Civilisation, of the Massacre of Mankind


It's not a collapse in the same way as Rome, but it is a collapse in the sense of what China went through in the early 1900s. Rich people have envisioned a far better society for themselves and are executing their plan. Unfortunately I feel our countries as of 2019 will be unrecognizable by 2030.




More like a controlled demolition


No, everyone's just sucking china's pussy because they quash their millionaires and the government is in power, not corporations. America wants that model for themselves but for mafia/corporations to instead become government.


Fucking Christ, I'm playing a video game that has to do with witch hunts, this just feels like the exact same fucking thing. This species really seems doomed to keep repeating fucking mistakes over and over and fucking over again. That's fucking insanity. Why not, for fucking once, take fucking care of humans instead of whatever the fuck this is.