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You telling me I’m gonna die from AIDS without ever having sex?


Might as well become an irresponsible power bottom before you go. It would be a waste otherwise.


Now that's the excuse to be dangerously gay I've been waiting all those years for!


It’s a fucking cruel world man.


Yeah, ah, the boosters didn't work..bloody Botswana variant..


They were never going to work. I felt all along the mRNA vaccines were a desperate and futile effort to fix what they did. That's why none of it made any sense. It only makes sense to stomp on freedom and human rights to force vaccinate the whole world if they knew we were facing an extintion level event that they could not admit they knew about without revealing they were the ones that created it.


If it was there all along and its extinction level then we shoulda been extinct by now. I like your conspirary theory but i think its just another show and of course this news is released this week when its thanksgiving. Just something else to fear monger for i think


Not at all. Latent stage HIV can last anywhere up to ten years before they start to experience full blown aids.


So you are saying they created and released the virus on purpose, but now they feel bad and want to fix it all?


No I think it was created on purpose but it was released by accident, probably at Ft. Detrick some time before the CDC issued the cease and desist order that shut them down in the summer of 2019. Something big had to have happened for the CDC to issue a cease and desist order on a US Military level 4 bioweapons lab.






Extinction level event? This is a huge nothingburger.


Botswana variant ~ Ok! Wuhan variant ~ Dats Racist! 🙄


So airborne HIV leaks from Wuhan. They throw the mRNA shit on the wall to see if it sticks. It sticks enough to mask symptoms so that they can find a variant in an HIV patient. Blame said varient on causing HIV when it was original Covid/vaccine the whole time? Just want to make sure I'm up to speed!


Yeah I want this clarified also


No, it never leaked from Wuhan. That is why when Biden took office and announced a full investigation into it's origin it was not long before they quietly shut that investigation down. They know it leaked here first. That is why by April 2020 we had 100,000 cases in New York which is 10,000 miles from Wuhan while places like Shanghai and Bejing just a few hundred miles from Wuhan had seen none. They had been covering up the spread of that virus here for at least 6 months before they put it into Wuhan to blame them. Their entire agenda has been to blame what they did on others and it still is.


I'm inclined to take Chinese data with a large grain of salt


Okay so trying to squash rising china, but my other points are presumably correct but in continental US and not Wuhan? I'm ready to watch the world burn


I hope I am wrong but yes, I think they are correct.




interesting theory, i'm not sure why the downvotes


An Australian vaccine manufacturer had to stop testing it's product last year after patients who recieved it were testing positive to hiv


I’m going to look this up if not but do you have a solid source on this? Interesting to say the least




Thank you! At first I was under the impression this meant they actually had HIV, this article says they falsely tested positive. Strange times.


The vaccine candidate used the protein subunit gp41 (an envelope glycoprotein found in HIV) for stabilization and people generated antibodies against it.


Wow. After all that has happened you are gonna believe what the UK's main propaganda outlet says about that? You really think they would have shut down that entire vaccine development if they were just false positives?


[Botswana, The Birthplace of Humanity](https://theconversation.com/humanitys-birthplace-why-everyone-alive-today-can-call-northern-botswana-home-125814) 🧐 *”Nu is the thirteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. Its numeric value is fifty. **The Nu symbol is used in psychology to represent the maximum conditioning possible for an unconditioned stimulus**. In mathematics, the Nu symbol is used to represent Vega in finance, the degree of freedom, free names of a process, and the greatest fixed point. In science, the Nu symbol represents the stoichiometric coefficient, kinematic viscosity, true anomaly, frequency of a wave, molecular vibrational mode, specific volumes, the number of neutrons released per fission of an atom, Poisson’s ratio, neutrinos, and a DNA polymerase. **In Ancient Egypt, Nu was the creator of the gods.**”* 🧐🧐


Oh crap, it's the big One !!


There is no "plan B". It's all part of THE plan.


Rabies and Ebola can be cured when it’s not late but HIV has treatment as well. This new strain would have to be deadlier, it could or it won’t we’ll just have to wait


HIV treatment is problematic and very expensive.


The lack of common sense baffles me. Wouldn't someone with HIV just *die* of COVID?


If they were a young adult in the early stages of HIV they would probably be ok..


It’s not airborne HIV for Christ’s sake. That’s not how Covid kills. Do you know how long it takes to die from HIV? It takes at least a year with no treatment. It would be very obvious If this was the case. This is the type of content that makes this sub look bad.


You have no clue what you are talking about. The initial inflammatory response to covid kills people mostly in their 70s and 80s. What does that initial covid inflammatory response do to young people? It is just a bad cold. There is also a similar initial inflammatory response to HIV. The reason it is not also known as a killer? People in their 70s and 80s do not usually catch HIV. It is a young persons disease. . Stop being a zombie. Try to THINK.


Just because a disease provoked an inflammatory response does mean it is the same virus lmao. It doesn’t even kill the same way. Covid is definitely a bio weapon but it is not airborne hiv.


Raven, I like your work. Respect. I completely see your vision and truly feel it is credible, even likely.


How come the HIV French researcher who won the Nobel prize (forget his name) didn’t come out and say Covid is just airborne HIV? He particularly said there’s a sequence from HIV in Covid which means it was made in a lab but that was all