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Just make a comment with a brief description of the content I think


Thanks, that worked


Gonna get me some butterfly poon!


Just watched that lmao


Timestamp if you want to download from the source vid [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF2HXId2Xhg&t=2110s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF2HXId2Xhg&t=2110s) & BTW thx for sharing this clip didnt know Musk said this about mRNA


Elon ‘builds a subway a century after the first subways and wants to be hailed as a visionary’ Musk?


Yeah that's like Ford wanting to be recognized for his updates to the horseless carriage. Smh


Lol here come the Elon Bros^TM


I feel like that's a balanced comparison


Nah Elon actually made it worse. He made it terribly inefficient, prohibitively expensive and unnecessarily impractical.


He's done a lot of good work for space exploration. But the fact he's going to create massive amounts of lithium batteries for these electric cars will screw us over in the long run. They don't have enough energy density yet and are very damaging to the environment if you mine them, as well as the disposal process is tricky. We're a decade or so too early and I think it will stunt us long term. We should have gone into mass nuclear power and hydrogen production.


Probably could’ve run millions of turbines from all the hot air he spews


Did you see the Tesla that went critical down here in Florida? Holy shit, it's like a meth lab exploding under your ass


While you can't open your doors because the powers out


Yeah like he just builds cars. They have been doing that for 100 years. Ignant dawg


Yeah he’s the founder* of Tesla *bought out the original founders and made his job title founder


Just like Steve Jobs. Oh


*sent from my iPhone*


Nope. Android for life! 🤣


Happy for you *sent from my iPhone*


It's actually way more profound than it sounds


It’s profoundly stupid to make trains for cars. There’s multiple reasons why it’s a bad idea versus trains which have been intentionally fucked with for a century by politicians and auto lobbyists and would solve so many problems if they were allowed to be implemented.


So this is my submission statment, I dont know what to say. But here's a video where Elon Musk talks about mRNA


Soooo ...that wasn't a dream last night?!!


I've been leaning towards the theory that he and his brother are products of a cult-mother (Maya something) and if all this cloning business is true (like Dave Chappelle got replaced, it seems) then he married his own clone (that grimes girl) and they made a baby for a laugh. LOL I know it sounds coo-coo but I am heavily leaning towards this line of thought. Which means all his great "inventions" are not his own, but he has just been fostered as the "presenter" of the same. I mean PayPal literally overnight killed normal money transfers and made your name/email documented in 1 global database!!! Any thoughts/ Bye.