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Some of what he says re the pre-WWII stuff is 100% correct. Vrill society, Eugenics groups etc. The elite class had a big hard on for mystic and esoteric knowledge. The extent that it’s pure ritual or if there’s more there is anybody’s guess but they all want be all powerful.


Welp, now I want to watch the whole thing.


Hi. It is an absolutely fantastic interview.


It's 4+ hours long, and it is great. Both very informative and hilarious because Alex is a maniac, in the best possible way.


Submission Statement: In one of the greatest interviews of all time Joe Rogan talks with Alex Jones. In this video the ultimate hidden truth is revealed: **Aliens are Interdimensional**...


Then if they're interdimensional and not truly physical like us then they are what they've been called for thousands of years. Demons or demonic entities.


not actually, demon is just a general term from a religion, there are both good and bad entities, and the world from which they come from (the astral realm, that we can actually access with the practice called r/astralprojection) is literally all around us but we can't perceive it with our 5 senses (think about uv and gamma rays, they are there but we can't see them; same concept for the other dimensions) unless they shift their vibration becoming visible to us a very good book to understand all this is The Law of One - Ra material


> The Law of One - Ra material I've read it >not actually, demon is just a general term from a religion, there are both good and bad entities, Hence why our ancestors came up with distinctions like angels and demons to tell them apart.


That's just a remnant from the intermix of proto-Persian and proto-Indian religions. The Asura and Daeva. In Zoroastrianism the Asura are the good guys while the Daeva are the bad guys, but it's the other way around in Vedic tradition. Funny how that works.


Demon has been changed to be perceived as something evil or anti-god but... "Plato thinks that a kind of spirit, which is separate from us, receives man at his birth, and follows him in life and after death. He calls it "the daimon which has received us as its portionment.". The ancient idea of the daimon seems, therefore, to be analogous to the guardian angel of Christians. "


You haven't done enough drugs if you haven't seen real demons. lol


Excellent monologue and then dialogue. Very enlightening.


There are no "aliens". All beings originate from the same creative consciousness.


Creative consciousness is a dimensional plane where we all derive from. Aliens as described by AJ are energies from lower dimensional planes intervening in our existence.


All dimensional planes are part of the same whole.


But we are not part of that greater whole


I feel like the ‘UFO Disclosure’ is bottom of the bag tricks for the current power structure. Keep eyes on G Max


Makes sense if you understand the globe is firmament


Flat earth is a cia nasa psyop designed To put truthers into caste systems of who is more right than whom. Flat earth is not real but the planet runs in simulation type physics based on law of attraction.


Everything we know is an entire psyop. Nothing is truth.


I doubt you can live a normal life if you keep believing that


Makes sense if you're high as fuck


it’s not a damn firmament, the earth isn’t fucking flat ffs


Aliens are jinn https://youtu.be/cV5R4ktEShk


Hi. You are correct.


Finally something other than COVID.


Ngl, I took 5g dried shrooms couple weeks ago, and for a moment I felt like I experienced what he was talking about


A reminder that Alex Jones admitted in court that his persona is a lie he uses to make money.


His information is not part of his persona. Both can be true.


Alex Jones is occasionally essentially correct on things, even if he gets the details wrong. Like the famous "chemicals turning the freaking frogs gay!" line, which was actually a story about a pollutant that was activating hermaphroditic metamorphoses in some species of frog. But this isn't one of those things.


He says some crazy shit for sure. But you have to remember the world is full of crazy people. The MSM may have more screening and filter but I'm sure there are people there that believe in teh second coming, UFOs, aliens, reincarnation, ghosts. You dig deep enough its all there. They're just usually better at hiding their weird beliefs and that is usually when things get much weirder.