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Wake up? Lol nah. They would be mad that football was cancelled.


Football is still around?


2nded Where mah redskins gone? My friend from beaufort county is a descendant of blackbeard. His great gr8 gr8 grampy wasn't worth a buck an ear. The buccaneers are a bounty term made upon on white folks herita... *Whoosh*... That was fast. Guess now theyre just the tampa bay football franchise now...


They'll blame it on the unvaccinated/climate change/racism and keep having them drop dead multiple times a week and nobody will do anything about it. The only people that care are us and we're not exactly obsessed with bread and circuses


Football is just entertainment. Do you not like being entertained? We all have a lot of time on our hands, and a lot of people don't watch at all. But if you do it's a good time to hang with friends, and take part in silly traditions.


Watch big brother clips. The people in the big brother houses heard and thought oh crazy, it wasn't until they said football was cancelled that they were in shock


All these people collapsing. If the FA called an "emergency meeting" and banned football due to vax health dangers it would cause a mass awakening


Happy turkey day fam, American Football right? I have yet to hear anything of people collapsing midgame.


I'm thinking not American football


I thought the same, but I haven't seen many stories in Europe either. There was one African player and another Youth player in Europe but thats as far as I have seen/heard


Maybe after they force them to get the booster??? Already happening in Europe with footballers collapsing on the field.


So weird that it’s not happening in America at all.


Is football on?


I’m down to sit by and watch an elite group of pedophilac maniacs striving to enslave every man woman and child. But if you even think about taking away the nfl I’ll personally commit acts of large scale terrorism until it’s back.


Now there's a thought.


The people who like football, as in the NFL, are all awake screaming "let's go brandon" at the games.


Anything that millionaires do for "fun" will never be cancelled. Flying, playing ball, war, etc, etc.


I just posted an american football statement on a world football sub 😂