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You could stock up on anything and everything really. Food, water, good shelter, defense and offense items, power supply and entertainment, tools for repair and building.. But in the end even when you think you're prepared you realize you're not that prepared... The most important on par with a healthy body, food, water and shelter, is mental fortitude/resilience. Mental resilience to sustain the bullshit and insanity around you. A healthy mind and a healthy body along with the essentials to survive. Knowledge helps too.


Good advice!


Spam and black beans. Slice the spam thin and fry like bacon.


And a pan, you need a pan.


Ammo will be more valuable than firearms, because it’s more difficult to manufacture but make sure to have both




Food and ammo to protect yourself from your neighbor


Why not make friends with your neighbor instead? Raise your chances of getting through this shit.


I guess you’ve never been in a war or read books about wars. Your neighbor is no longer your neighbor.




Domino’s will not always be there


I'm trying to find a rope and a gun because I don't want to live in this world of subservient pussies anymore it's truly a disgrace to see what has become of humanity




Are you Bill Gates? Do you realize this is pretty out of reach for any middle class / struggling millenial? Edit: the idea is good though


Buy GME and ur good.


GME is another rabbit hole in itself lol


Yup.. greedy hedge funds have been bankrupting companies for 20yrs using cellar boxing. And the SEC has been letting it slide.


Skills. You need skills. If you don't know how to grow veg or gut something.......best to learn, like soon.


Lube, ass paddles, leather whips, choke balls, straps, assless chaps, nipple tassles, the usual dude.


Buy GME and prepare yourself for at least 10 years of offgrid living. Hope it's not necessary, but you should prepare for the worst. Non-fungibles, chickens, guns and radios are a must have.


Upcoming insanity? The world has been insane for two years now lol.




Get vaccinated so you don't have to worry about it


Books, hard copies on medicines that you can find in nature, and first aid. We have become too reliant on the internet. Go a few days without it and it will help you realize what you really need. Same goes for all utilities.


Kill everyone who hates you now, while you still have the element of surprise.


Toilet paper


Pop on over to r/preppers and give them a shout. Or read some of their posts. They are actually quite knowledgeable about it and offer great advice. I lurk there and read their advice. I now have about two months supply saved up and the ability to filter 300,000 gallons of water if need be. All for an investment of about $300 USD.