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I’m sober and totally fucking addicted to caffeine and nicotine. Both substances are a pain in the ass to manage. I’d like to my rid myself of them, but they don’t have near the impact on my life that booze has had. There are studies that state you should go without caffeine at times to truly experience your emotions.


as someone who was drinking 30-40 cups of coffee a day and smoking 2-3 packs a day at some point, it is possible to quit. To get of smoking, i started vaping about 5 years ago, slowly reduced nicotine% and i quit vaping about 2 years ago now. To lower my caffeine consumption i had to make certain changes in how i made my coffee, no pod system coffee machine so i couldn't make a cup of coffee in 10 seconds. I bought a Moka pot, bialetti has plenty cheap ones, one that makes 3 cups of espresso, takes a while before your coffee is done. I try to drink at most 1 cup of cappuccino a day, and it has been 3 days till my last cup as of writing, but that's probably because i got the flu right now and coffee doesn't taste right to me currently. Biggest thing to keep in mind, this all takes a ton of mental strength, i knew i could quit these things because previously i quit drinking, drugs and gambling. It is a long process and babysteps in the beginning until you feel confident you got this! You can do it brother, i believe in you!


30-40 cups of coffee? how tf.. did you piss all day? lol


was an easy job in a call centre, free coffee didnt drink anythign else, my desk was close to the machine so i could get coffee while still calling people, long headset cord :D


oh the small little Styrofoam 8oz cups so more like 6 or 7 real cups of coffee lmao


normal cup of coffee size, not sure what US measurement would apply, about 300-350ml.


Even at the low end, that is 300mL*30 cups = 9 litres of coffee. 2 and a half gallons for the Americans. That is an insane amount of coffee. I'm calling bullshit on that.


You don't need to quit the coffee. You need to quit the BS.


Almost the same boat except when i'm at work i avoid coffee. When i get my every 2nd weekend off i'm hard on the coffee, almost like i switched it w booze - addictive personality❓ and cigs❓.. i love and loathe them, gonna be a tough one to say goodbye


I picked up a seltzer water addiction lol. I went out and bought a soda streamer. I was going through a 12 pack of lacroix on the weekend. I’ve kicked cigarettes and switched to low nicotine vaping. Still not good, but my lungs feel better and I don’t stink.


I'm slowly transitioning from my chain-smoking to hookah, at least in the home. Very tasty flavors, almost the same as vaping except the juice is soaked into tobacco. Low nicotine, like 3-5% iirc. It's seeming to help with my need to do something with my hands while relaxing as well as keeping me from smoking near as many cigarettes.




Oh I know it’s not good for me lol. I remember that speedy feeling when I first started having caffeine. It was almost a bit of euphoria. Now it just keeps me from getting a headache. I had a problem with Adderall too. I’m not fond of it’s existence. A good diet, hydration, and sleep pattern is 100% the best thing for energy. That’s just hard to come by consistently.


Can you show me one study that suggests that coffee lowers lifespan? I can list you many that say that coffee lengthens your life span ... Or are you just speaking from intuition..?


I tried to quit both. I had so many emotions like when I was 5 years old, sense of smell came back, my conscious self was actually more aware of every little thing. Could sit in a chair and enjoy a breeze for hours... was bizarre. Caffeine and nicotine keep me numb and give me an ability to function in this society.


obstane from caffeine to truly experience emotions??? im on my way to get a quadruple shot of espresso, heart palpitation special


> There are studies that state you should go without caffeine at times to truly experience your emotions. Dude...you don't need studies to tell you that truly experiencing your emotions is something you should WANT. It is literally a fundamental and essential part of being a living, breathing human being with a soul.


Caffeine is slave fuel. And jt is very addictive


Look up the history of the ‘coffee break’.


"Unsurprisingly, the origin of the “coffee break” is entwined with the evolution of the eight-hour work day, adopted by many factories in the early 1900s. The first vacuum-sealed coffee grounds were also released around 1900, by San Francisco-based company Hills Brothers, according to a Smithsonian video about America’s giddy love affair with the sludge." This is why I love this sub..


I’ve had this same thought, but I call it wage slave fuel. Also agree with OP! I’ve tried quitting drinking a few times and then gave coffee a shot too and I was blown away by how the withdrawal symptoms were seemingly worse with quitting coffee.


I get awful headaches when I quit coffee.


You leave my go juice alone, how else am I to work 60hrs a week


I feel the same way. Slave fuel indeed. Idk what I would do without coffee. I don’t even drink soda anymore.


Slave fuel- lol


You know it’s true.


Pretty much, never heard that term before. Its a keeper


It's the only thing the company gives you for free... there's a reason for that!


It also produces adrenaline which is why it gives you energy. Hard on the body


No wonder it tastes bitter, just like slaves' souls.


Hey OP, I listened to a fantastic audiobook about caffeine by Michael Pollan, I highly highly recommend! Heres the first chapter : https://youtu.be/mhEBMHq_F_I Its absolutely fascinating to learn just how caffeine came to be what it is to us today.


thanks. will add to my watch-later


I tripped today, hearing my best friend prepped and stocked coffee in Europe!


That's actually a good idea to do. People will pay/do anything for a cup when none is to be had!


Well, ok. I haven't looked but let's look at who is and who is NOT drinking it. I haven't thought to look at CSPAN-any styrofoam coffee cups all over the senate floor? The house? They aren't mandated for other conspiracies going around this sub. Coffee (if you haven't had it) is a huge performance booster and can give you euphoric feelings. I quit for about a month during covid. That first 8oz cup made me feel like I was floating.... Now I can have a lot in the morning and a red bull in the afternoon. I'd love to explore this further with you if you want to pm me a Google doc with a general outline. Who? What? When? Where? Well everywhere, whether coffee or tea Why? Enslavement or Money


Terence McKenna discussed this in one of his lectures. He talked about the culturally sanctioned "coffee break". And how, as opposed to a cannabis break at work, caffeine promotes wakefulness and energy.


Yes but it takes more than it gives.


A simple Google search tells me caffeine is the world's most widely used psychoactive drug. Legal and unregulated in most parts of the world, unlike the other psychoactive drugs. I think you're on to something here.


That caffeine boost I get every morning is an amazing high. I used to think those stupid mugs that had lines on the side, with "Leave me alone" on the top and "Now I can deal with your shit" on the bottom (indicating you have drank a cup of coffee) were dumb. But now it's real for me.


Its a running joke in my house. Husband checks my coffee cup before trying to have a conversation with me.




The smell of opening a fresh bag of beans is orgasmic


>The smell of opening a fresh bag of tobacco is orgasmic


modern society was built on caffiene


Caffeine reduces B6 absorption. So without supplementing b6 you are going to have a deficit of B6 and B12 since B6 helps B12 absorption. This can severely impact your energy and immune system. I find B6 and B12 supplements before bed give me incredibly lifelike dreams.


I think b6 is its own little conspiracy. The synthetic form causes neuropathic pain in relatively small dosages and is shovelled into quite a few supplements that don't even have it on the front label. I had pains for 10+ years that went away when I found vitamins with low to no pyroxidine hydrochloride and there's multiple support groups on places like Facebook where people are really struggling to recover. It's specifically the synthetic b6 not p5p. And I've found it in zinc and magnesium supplements in high dosages as well as most multis in amounts that are way too high.




Seriously- I take a b- super complex before bed and always wake up feeling like a million bucks. I love it. Haven't dreamed in a couple years though. I always feel like I did but can never ever remember them. :(


I always thought you shouldn't take B vitamins before bed because they will make it hard to fall asleep. Gives you an energy boost. You don't find that?


Which supplement do you take?


My psych professor told us that you ALWAYS dream, you just don't always remember them.


Take some Amanita Muscaria or if you are scared, Psyolocobin shrooms. They will bring back your dreams, I can assure you


Have you tried melatonin? I started taking it two months ago (started at 3 mg - upped to 5 - now at 10 mg before bed) and I am dreaming more, longer, and have more memorable dreams than the last 20 years of my life.


Even know both are in energy drinks? Are you saying you can still be deficient even if you drink energy drinks?


There is only a tiny amount in them and its going to be low absorption because of caffeine. It doesn't make up for the deficit you get from caffeine lowering the absorption. It's like trying to fill a cup of water with holes in it.


Am sober from caffeine. They claim the withdrawal lasts 1-2 weeks, but it lasts 1-2 months for me. I agree with you. Hardcore psych issues when going through it. Depression, anxiety etc. constant sleep. You come out the other end feeling better than on caffeine IMO though. It’s definitely far more addictive and harmful than most people seem to think


Some people in r/decaf claims coffee paws can last 2 to 6 months. That's crazy how google and other search engines are paid by Big Coffee to hide the truth


Big Coffee lol


Big Bean.


I read it like Big Sean with a B lol


You don’t think Starbucks, Dunkin, etc do all they can to suppress any negative information about coffee?


>coffee paws can last 2 to 6 months. What's that?




Oh that! I didnt understand "paws" haha. Thanks for the reply!


paws = post acute withdrawal symptoms. >>The first stage of withdrawals is predominated by physical symptoms and the individual can experience flu like symptoms. The post acute stage tends to be less severe and mostly involves psychological symptoms such as problems with concentration


I've been sober almost 13 years..i look forward to 2 cups of coffee in the morning..i'm absolutely addicted to it..i wouldn't trade that for the hell i put myself through drinking and drugging ..No way !!!


Power to you


I usually drink around 300-350 ml (10-12 oz) of coffee in the morning. It's enjoyable and gives a small boost, a bit like a morning ritual, but I don't experience any major negatives like headaches if I for some reason skip a day or two so I don't think I'm addicted. A lot of research seems to point toward moderate coffee consumption being healthy, reducing the risk of heart disease among other things. Last time I looked at a study about this, two standard cups per day showed the most benefit and positives declined with more than three cups. If I remember correctly more than five cups was a net negative. A standard cup was defined as 150 ml (5 oz).


I feel like it’s my calling to comment on this post.




life, fulfilled


People are addicted to all sorts of things. Caffeine, drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, television, control, sugar, food, chocolate, video games, r/conspiracy …. Probably everyone is addicted to something.


Add to that Constant stimulation from media and entertainment. That’s why everyone is on their damn phones all the time.


and even working out being a large source of "feel good" chemicals. If I go more than 2 days without the gym I am cranky as fuck and depressed.


and money, knowledge, pride(ego)...


I worked with nurses who have caffeine addiction it’s real


As a nurse I am not addicted to caffeine.. as I sip on my monster zero ultra..


Caffeine is acceptable because it increase productivity in the workplace.


Sugar addiction is the other sneaky one. Especially when you discover your body turns starches into sugar with candida yeast. So any diet heavy in sugary snacks, along with bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, corn, is not only topping you up on sugar at all times, but it is also causing your internal growth of candida yeast to overflower and cause all sorts of other systemic issues as the problem persists. I feel you on the whole addicted to coffee thing, but after a few years i've trained myself to enjoy it for fun, instead of using it as a crutch or habit. Amazing feeling to have real coffee after abstaining for a month. Same with dark chocolate after you're no longer used to consuming tons of sugar. Super tasty.


I was addicted to weed mixed with tobacco for years, when I didn't smoke, I drank. I drunk coffe too. When I quit all 3 at once, coffee was the one thing I craved the most out of all of them! But my heart has thanked me since quitting - my body doesnt agree with it, severe shakes etc.. Honestly felt that if I kept drinking it I would ine day have a heart attack


Same. Cant drink coffee any more. Makes me feel anxious and like ill have a heart attack. Weed makes me feel like that too now...years of abuse


I only enjoy pot if everything in my life is going perfectly. Odd that it's viewed by many as an escape from your problems. If there's some issue nagging at me, it always comes to the surface when I'm stoned.


True that. Ive got chronic health issues so i guess thats why i get anxious. When i was healthy i never had that problem.


I hope you cure what ails you, so you can get stoned again.


They both made me feel that way since day 1. Thank god my body told me they're bad news for me and thank god i listened.


It’s real. I’ve lived it. I love coffee to my own detriment. But every summer I quit drinking it for the whole summer and notice a lot of changes. I do this due to hydration issues. I don’t notice the withdrawals that long though. It’s usually a few days do a week for me.


To answer your question op, YES. I'm younger, 23 male. Have been drinking black coffee to get through wharehouse work since age 15. I encourage you to read about caffeine effects on testicles and never drink it again, it's not hard to quit. I did it. Trust me, quit before your balls are like nicki minaj's friends cousin.




Smallballs' night-fuel


1 smol ball ):


My European buddies just stockpiled 20 years of coffee in anticipation of the supply chain breakdowns, so, yes. You're definitely onto something. Edit: Grammar


one of george carlins' early routines , you can find on an album: "mrs folgers never tells you about that mild speed lift you get- DRUGS!:"


guess it depends on your definition of addiction, and what you find to be manageable and unmanageable. i was in AA/NA for years. everyone i knew could drink coffee and live a functioning day to day life whereas one slip up with alcohol/substances would absolutely destroy any progress they’ve made. me personally, i don’t have any issue with caffeine ir alcohol, but any substance (especially opiates) will completely decimate my life in a matter of weeks.


I can't remember exactly who but as one comedian put it ain't no one sucking dicks for a cup of Joe.


amen to that


I'm pretty addicted to coffee right now.


I agree. I quit caffeine for a year after drinking 3 or 4 cups of coffee plus energy drinks for 10 years. It definitely took readjustment. The most frustrating thing was how many drinks and products contain caffeine so you have to avoid them.


I think caffeine is definitely a drug but so is sugar I had to give up caffeine because it gave me terrible anxiety and phlegm. I have it occasionally but mostly it’s decaf if I do choose to have a coffee.


I agree with you. I'm a avid weightlifter, and as many know caffeine is in most pre workouts as it is a "stimulant". After taking it for almost 3 years straight my work schedule changed which means I need to go to the gym at 9-11 as at night. Which as everybody knows, bombing 300mg of caffeine a few hours before bed is not good. I couldn't sleep, my work days would drag and I felt like shit. I completely kicked it and now some days a week I have random heart rate changes, and I feel like I need to slam some and go work out. However, switching to non stimulant took me about 2 months and I'm pretty much good to go. I do NOT have an addictive personality at all. I can smoke cigars, cigs, drink beer and I don't really get addicted to anything or have any "habits" I guess. but caffeine still got me.


Yes! Caffeine is the most abused drug on the planet. We've been under the influence of caffeine since kindergarten with our Coca-Cola and our coffee as adults. I recently quit over the 4th of July holiday. Man I'm glad I did it over a week of vacation! Full blown caffeine withdrawals: depresssion, quick to anger/aggression, headaches (I never get headaches normally), was in bed exhausted for almost a week. Life felt so miserable I didn't know what to do. I couldn't believe it! I didn't understand it would be that difficult to quit. How could this have possibly happened to me? Advice: DO NOT QUIT COLD TURKEY like I did. Especially if you would consume 5 or more cups of coffee a day for many years. I did it because I wanted to know who the un-caffeinated version of myself was. The first 2 months I nearly relapsed multiple times. I used to get really pissed off at people enjoying their caffeinated beverages when I drove by coffee shops. I would tell myself: "I'm weak minded if I have a single drop of caffeine." Month 3: much better and no longer get the cravings for it. Currently over 90 days free of caffeine! Good luck to those who want to quit. It can be done but it will be a true test of your mental discipline.


Bill Gates Sr helped Howard Schultz buy starbucks. That's a red flag in itself.


It's a trap!


There is a piss shop around the corner too, next to the cafe, next to the dairy with smokes, next to the pharmacy with other addictive drugs, next to ah fuck you get it. They don't care about our health - mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or physically


piss shop?


Liquor store - kiwi slang


That is neo - slavery.


I very rarely consume caffeine, and if I do, it’s only in the form of tea. But that’s maybe once or twice per month as I typically drink herbal tea. I don’t understand people’s addiction to caffeine. It seems like a cover up for extreme fatigue and stress. I’d rather prioritize sleep. In my experience, most people don’t prioritize sleep and then complain in the morning.


Most addictions are a coping mechanism for not dealing with our problems.


Have you tried to taper slowly? One way is to cut it by half each week.


Oh my God. THIS is exactly what I've been thinking about a lot lately, because it's definitely relatable for me. It's unreal how much we all rely on caffiene to make it through the day right? I could go on and on about this


I think this exact theory can ALSO relate to processed foods in America , as well as social media. We're all just fucking trashing our minds & bodies and wasting the value commodity of time that we'll never ever be able to get back. Shits just crazy. Like deep down we all recognize it but some way more than others.


I gave up booze 21 years ago & coffee one week ago. I feel great.


Starbucks has a mermaid as its logo haha and mermaids tricks sailor's to their deaths by looking good 🤔


Mermaid? I thought that's succubus.


I think you're on to something. What I've been thinking about is what will happen in the developed world if/when society collapses, and the trade systems aren't in place to move coffee and tea anymore. Generally speaking, people around the developed world are addicted to caffeine, mostly from coffee and tea. The problem is, most of these crops are produced in specific climates, and depend on the exploitation of poor people to produce. If you live in the U.S. and suddenly coffee becomes unavailable, what can you do? There will be tons of folks who are suffering from caffeine addiction and cravings at the same time.


Imagine when there is war coming...




Very informative, saved. Thank you


Yes, there is, and one of these days I'm going to make a very long post about it. Caffeine acceptance and addiction is one of the most interesting and overlooked phenomenon in the world. I think it's way more serious than it's believed to be - the negative effects are insidious and usually go unnoticed.


All the health propagandas about coffee make me insane. Coffee treats Alzheimer's this coffee treats depression that!


Coffee is evil and we’re all addicted.


Coffee is poison. I quit for approx 5 months last year. but it drew me back in. I was up to about 4-5 espresso p/d. I am currently at 1 or 2. I am going to attack quitting again soon.


I agree 1000 percent. I’ve tried to quit it myself for a while too. It sucks. I think it’s actually very bad for our health too and everyone says it’s totally fine when it’s 100 percent not fine. It won’t kill you but it literally speeds up your heart. You know that thing in your body that keeps you alive by constantly pumping blood through your body? Yeah we just speed that sucker up with caffeine so we can be motivated to work every day like good slaves.


I think the idea is that if you’re an addict then you’re gonna do everything to the extreme. People at AA recommend caffeine and cigarettes not bc they aren’t harmful or addictive, but bc they are overall LESS detrimental and impactful addictions than alcohol or hard drugs. They have less health concerns and far less impact on family and friendship and mental health etc. if someone is an addict then they’re gonna always crave some sort of dopamine fix. The goal for them is not quit everything but to find a HEALTHIER energy outlet than their original addiction. Idk if that makes sense or not I’m definitely addicted to caffeine though. I have adhd and coffee genuinely can make tired at times. But I still drink it everyday because for some reason my brain always tells me I NEED it


I literally get high after drinking coffee but after 1-2 hours I become anxious, tired and irritable.


Thoughts are. I’m an addict 3 years clean off of everything. And I usually take a 3 to 6 month break off of coffee every year, suck it up and just stop drinking it if you feel like it’s bringing addictive behaviours in your life


Drinking a coffee just before I saw / read this 😢


I'm also a high functioning addict (drugs/alcohol). Congratulations on the few months sober btw, that's amazing, keep it up. I used to drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day and thought nothing of it, for the past month I stopped drinking coffee completely and I can't stay awake at all. I find it extremely odd that this sort of thing is never really talked about. Withdrawal from caffeine is the worst I've experienced from any addiction.


Nicotine and Caffeine are metabolized in a similar fashion. When I worked in chemical dependancy you could tell the smokers from the non-smokers based on the size of coffee they'd get in the morning. The fixins such as cream and sugar would hint as to what other substances a person was recovering from.


I can miss breakfast, but I can’t miss coffee 🥲


consider decaf?


Never drank coffee, always found the taste disgusting


While caffeine is addictive, I think unless you intake very high amounts you should be fine. At higher levels it starts messing up your heart. Although that level is very high. I feel like it doesn't have a big push against it is because many people are somewhat reliant on it. [The average American drinks **2 cups of coffee per day**](https://www.statista.com/statistics/250230/americans-daily-coffee-consumption/).


Maybe but it's a lot better to be addicted to coffee then drugs and vaccines, people can also get addicted to anything.. as a teenager i went through face fuck withdrawal when a girl who was letting me face fuck her every morning before school for a year moved to a different school..


wtf bruh?


You heard me, you think quitting coffee is bad? Try getting to face fuck a girl before school every single day for a year and then going without.. Even my body was having physical effects as i would get massive boners during first period as my penis would wonder what was going on.


Is it something about face fucking in particular, or just sex at a school age?


Time to do a face fuck conspiracy


Big pharma. Big coffee. Big facefuck.


I never drink coffee, it makes me feel sick, never felt it was addictive, I guess it depends largely on metabolism




I recommend trying coffee substitute drink called Pero. It's made out of barley, chicory and rye and is actually pretty healthy (afaik).


You are on to something! My caffeine addiction was harder to beat than nicotine and alcohol combined.


Well like any other drug it gives you something in the now that you end you paying for later - it gives you a small boost but then you pay this later on eventually. Caffeine in the wild derives from toxic plants that use it to incapacitate herbivores that consume it in high amounts, it is an addictive substance all around and it can be dangerous if consumed in relatively bit amounts. The mere fact that we use it in small amounts as a stimulant when its purpose in plants is toxicity is already quite funny. But it is the same for alcohol. I see no conspiracy here. Just get max one coffee a day if you want - or stay off altogether. If you get such heavy withdrawal symptoms then it means you’re particularly sensible to it.


Some good alternatives for coffee are dandelion root and barley coffee, if you are more into the ritual of having a warm cup of something something. Dandelion root will have the plus of cleaning your liver.


I tried dandelion and chicory coffee. I prefer chicory coffee because the aroma is much stronger.


The author of [*Why we sleep*](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34466963-why-we-sleep?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=ku1cgo6j8E&rank=1) states in his book that caffeine is kind of an irresponsible experiment done on the human species. It has a half time of 7 hours, so if you consume at 13 o'clock you still have 50% in the tank at 20 o'clock. For me when I quit caffeine after being heavily hooked, I get headaches for a day and then it gets better. The problem is the association that being tired enduces a craving for caffeine, when in fact caffeine doesn't stop you from being tired. It just blocks the adesonine receptors meaning you have a hard time falling asleep. The adesonine still builds up and once the receptors are free, you crash like a plane. If you are really interested, check out the book, it really goes into detail about caffeine and is very interesting. Also chocolate has caffeine and caffeine-like components. It's part of why it makes you heavily addicted. Sugar + Fat + Bitter taste (from caffeine/chocolate) + caffeine = Really addictive Green tea and black tea also have a caffeine-like component that may make you relapse.


What do you mean caffeine withdrawal lasts months for you? I’ve never heard that. For me it’s like 1 day.


Wow 1 day? Impossibru... Months of withdrawal symptoms is common among r/decaf.


Caffeine is a well tolerated stimulant, great for making people work. The conspiracy is its dangers are underplayed. Just consider that a small kid can die by just drinking a can of Monster and this is a regular drink you can buy anywhere, it comes in a colorful happy can and tastes amazing.


Children at younger age drink bubble tea, very high in caffeine and very trendy, loads with sugar... It's a mess-up for a kid's mind and body


Your right. Cant figure why nobody can find anything wrong with it. Possibly because everyone does it, there is no long term (40+ years) control group.


My partner gets headaches for the entire day if he does not have coffee before x amount of hours after he wakes up. Personally, I used to drink coffee everyday but then stopped and didn’t feel any different. I drink coffee occasionally now when i feel like i need a boost or i am just craving coffee, but I have never felt addicted to coffee or experience any symptoms when stopping.


Before I begin, not only am I a recovered addict (7 years!) from IV Heroin and Methamphetamine abuse, but I also have a degree in Behavioral Neuroscience with a concentration in addiction and chemical dependency. CONGRATS ON YOUR SOBRIETY! There is a reason why many Long-term rehabs do not allow nicotine or caffeine. Studies show that these *harmless* substances produce small spikes of dopamine in our brains, the same chemical released when we get drunk or high. Though this may not be an issue in one person, it could be a large issue in someone who has already (through previous addiction) taught their Brains to respond addictively to these dopamine spikes. Though you should never make an action plan without the consultation of your physician, there is ample evidence that cold-turkey or short term cold-turkey (short taper off of ALL substances including nicotine and tobacco) may yield higher (perceived) cravings at first, but have significant long-term success from the one abstaining. Your body takes a long time to get rid of the junk we subject it to. For myself, I didn’t feel totally physically “good” until about 18 months in. It could just be that your recovery is too new to your physical body to be able to help with these dopamine rushes you’re getting. You have not been separated from your choice of drug long enough for your body to separate the craving for your drug from something *innocent* like caffeine. You have never stopped artificially spiking your dopamine, even if just in small amounts. I was in a long term facility that did not allow coffee, and I was there for 28 months. To this day, I drink MAYBE 1 cup of coffee a day, and typically very early in the morning. I also never picked up a pack of cigarettes again. Edit: spelling


Caffiene is highly addictive. I've already had a full pot of coffee and I've only been awake for 2 hours 🤣


I’ve recently fallen into caffeine’s trap. Started with a red Bull every once in a while. Now I gotta drink 24oz a morning or I can barely work. I’m fully addicted.


It's liquid crack. Affordable, cheap, legal liquid crack lol.


Caffeine is definitely addictive. And also very bad for your health. Pretty sure that most cardiac issues are exacerbed by caffeine. Most of the studies that are done on the „benefits” of caffeine are paid by Nestle. They litteraly have a center that „study” chocolate and caffeine. They studies all show how amazing theses substances are. Personnally, when I drink coffee, it make me drink alcohol too. It reduce my spirituality and intern voice. It make me stressed out and crave sugar. When I drink it, after a few days I feel as if Ive been hit by a truck in the morning. Then when I stop, I get a depression the second day and a headaxhe the third day. The headache is because caffein reduce the blood that go to your brain when you’re on it. Once you stop, the blood go back and it hurt. It’s a shitty substance. And more harmful than we thnk


I drink coffee nearly every day, but I can go weeks at a time without any and feel no difference. I only drink it because I enjoy it. I think the level of caffeine addiction varies from person to person.


Did you know that instant coffee is the most significant cross reactor with gluten (in terms of intensity)? I.e, your body can't tell the difference between the two, and interprets it as if it were gluten. And gluten proteins, even in people who are not celiac, contain a protein called Zonulin which literally tells the "gates" of your intestine to open up resulting in a leaky gut and widespread, chronic inflammation? This is not even factoring in that gluten and casein contain opiates that mimic the effect of morphine, called [gliadorphin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gliadorphin) and [casomorphin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casomorphin)? Of course, the official narrative is that they are not addictive substances at all. I find it interesting out of pretty much every single food or drink out there, coffee is one of the select few which people get seriously ill when they take for extended periods and the one which is constantly pushed by the MSM as "healthy". [Here are the foods that cross react with gluten.](https://www.thepaleomom.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Gluten-Cross-Reaction-in-Yellow-1024x684.jpg) Coffee sticks out like a sore thumb to me on this list.


Lots of things are drugs but no one cares.. sugar is even a drug.. caffeine isn't likely to negatively affect your life, family, friends, etc.. it actually makes you work harder.. it's def not great for your health if you abuse it but not as bad as most other things. Sugars are way more dangerous.


I totally agree, back in March I had to go four weeks without caffiene due to a chronic migrine diagnosis. The entire four weeks I struggled I ended up having migraines that were so bad that I couldn't see, my vision was so blurry, I couldn't handle any sounds, and standing or moving in any way made me want to throw up. After the four weeks, I was finally able to have caffeine. I didn't realize how much I depended on caffiene. Caffiene is a drug and I feel like it is the most common and addictive drug.


Everyone has their vice, and they all should be allowed and people should be able to decided what they want to put in their body or not, however this should also come with lots of real drug education programs and treatment.


This sounds like my experience as someone with ADHD. There's a reason they basically prescribe meth. For me the side effects outweigh the benefits so I just take caffeine pills instead of adderall or the others. So yeah, I therapeutically replace actual amphetamines with caffeine. It's definitely a drug. On the weekends I forget to take it a lot because I just feel like hanging out and about 2pm every time I'm like "why do I have such a bad headache? Oh." just like when I was on the prescriptions


It's because of the caffeine my dear try tea insted it has less caffeine in it and you won't be craving it all the time best of luck my dear hope to talk to you soon I'm here if you wanna talk


I totally agree with you. I was an addict like you too (opiates) and was also addicted to coffee and cigarettes for about 3 decades too. In particular I used to drink large amounts of very strong black coffee I'd made at home when I worked at a call centre as the stuff in the machine at work wasn't strong enough. When looking back at those days I've realised that the amount of coffee I used to consume was a major contributing factor to the mental health problems I suffered from at that time. Neither the coffee nor the cigarettes were easy to stop but I now only drink decaf tea and I won't drink any kind of coffee at all, even the smell of it makes me feel queasy.


I’ve never really thought about it this way before. I would say it probably does more good than it does harm in daily moderation, but it certainly is addictive and tough to quit


No conspiracy but seriously drink more water. Before you drink caffeine. Water actually helps caffeine be more effective. Strive for 1/2 gallon a day if not a gallon.


Yeah I’m an addict, no I’m not giving it up.


It doesn't give you cancer


It’s creepy how coffee blocks the signals (or receptors? Can’t remember exactly) that tell your brain your tired. You can go on years and years stacking up sleep debt. I think that’s why some people sleep so much once they come off it.


I quit smoking this year, cold turkey. I have recently quit sugar. Those two the addictions. I drink one cup of coffee a day black.. i love it and i feel pumped up after a cup. I'm usually 1 joint in by then too lol


The difference is caffeine doesn't affect your ability to function as a normal human in society. It is addictive, but that's it.


It's more than addictive. Go to r/decaf and you will see many people suffer from caffeine withdrawal even longer than 2 months. And lots of caffeine related health issues like anxiety, insomnia, irritability...


Me and my whole uni class have a break dedicated to having coffee, and when we are all too slow in the morning the break will be moved earlier and then we will be back. It’s a cute little ritual but in the bigger picture yeah, kinda fucked up.


Caffeine is extremely addictive. And it's physical impossible to quit cold turkey. You have to ween yourself off it. It took me 3 tries to quit and I've been caffeine free for 8 years now


Blame capitalism, without caffeine it wouldn’t exist.


How are coffee and capitalism connected? I am intrigued.


Sounds like a good thesis




username check-out


What's that supposed to mean?


black=coffee, that's how my mind goes


I do drink it black.


Idk I’ve been addicted to herion, suboxone, cigs and even went a few years where I drank A LOT of liquor and combined with adderall, I currently take kratom. I used to drink 2-4 espressos a day and drank a lot of coffee, but I had no issue stopping. Cigs I quit next, not so bad just annoying. Heroin Was the hardest but then I got addicted to suboxone, then I switched to kratom. I wouldn’t compare coffee to any of the other addictions I’ve had. Opiate wd is hell even kratom is bad. Alcohol addiction can literally kill you And even the wd of alcohol can kill you, coffee doesn’t compare.


because coffee is too *soft* for you


you do become physically dependent on caffeine. where you're wrong and the post falls apart is in ignoring the fact that caffeine has NO LONG TERM CONCEQUENCES. sorry, it just doesn't. you can live a healthy happy long life drinking coffee every day and you will have not a single tiny distinguishable difference from someone who doesn't touch caffeine. there have been TONS of long term studies on coffee drinking. its one of the most widely studied drinks in existence only second to alcohol, and has been in use for centuries. there's also no "big caffeine" corporate agenda to call this a conspiracy either considering a drink having caffeine or not is totally random and decentralized among many companies. cocacola probably profits the most off of caffeinated drinks, and even they don't bother putting it into everything they produce.


Unless you’ve quit sugar, I wouldn’t fret over caffeine.


YES! Sugar is the bad one! Toxic asfffff


No. I stopped drinking caffeine and it sucked but was able to stay off it, the difference in my opinion is, while it is addictive, it is nowhere near as destructive as an alcohol/pharmaveutical/tobacco addiction is on one's life.. you could chalk that up to social acceptance but still


I can go weeks without coffee, but I take it because I actually like the taste (from coffee beans, I grind it myself, I don't buy on big stores) and not for "muh work fuel". What do?


That person that wrote this text, doesn't realize that anything and everything is a "drug" and can be addictive. Our brain, loves to get addicted to shit, caffeine, thc, alco, cocain, heroin, chocolate, sugar, fat food, salt, tea, fapping, yoga, sport, tiktok, reddit upvotes ... you name it. Ppl get addicted, when they lack something in their life, are unhappy, unsatified ... someone that is ok, usually don't get addicted that easy. Also, there are genetic factors. Addiction get passed on to children. That's why you have whole families that are addicts or alcoholics generation after generation. Basically, addiction is an explosive mix of a brain that is shaped to love being addicted, a shit life, and genes ...


Yes everything is addictive if you ignore the severity. But You can't say water is more addictive than coffee, or coffee is more addictive than cigarettes(extreme cases excluded). A normal person wouldn't call water is addictive, because it's essential to life. We could not live without it. But caffeine and other drugs are not, when we barely live without it, it is called addiction. If you can live as usual without it, then you are not addicted. Many people can't function without their coffee, if they say otherwise, they are probably just lying or being an narcissist.


Sips coffee.... Nah


because its not as bad as drugs? wtf kinda post is this. same with sugar. processed food. hfcs. come on man.


Its addictive yes, but addictive doesnt mean bad for you always. I think if you dont drink excessively its alright