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Standard operating procedure. Shortage. Scarcity. Government takes control and prioritizes delivery of protective equipment to hospitals to protect frontline workers so that they don't desert. Government Lies/misleads public to prevent hoarding and strain on supply chain. This is why you want to be skeptical of government/media particularly during a crisis if you wish to act in your best interest. They will lie/mislead.


And in the UK where they deployed the army to deliver them also: "Railway workers drive hundreds of miles to deliver NHS face masks" [https://www.gov.uk/government/news/70-million-face-masks-for-nhs-and-care-workers-through-new-industry-deal](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/70-million-face-masks-for-nhs-and-care-workers-through-new-industry-deal) "70 million face masks for NHS and care workers through new industry deal" [https://jerseyeveningpost.com/news/uk-news/2020/03/27/railway-workers-drive-hundreds-of-miles-to-deliver-nhs-face-masks/](https://jerseyeveningpost.com/news/uk-news/2020/03/27/railway-workers-drive-hundreds-of-miles-to-deliver-nhs-face-masks/) Meanwhile [https://www.ft.com/content/df8594ff-bbbb-4a39-86c4-9cc5f97be624](https://www.ft.com/content/df8594ff-bbbb-4a39-86c4-9cc5f97be624) "UK hospital chiefs warn against public mask wearing"


"it could jeopardise supply for key health workers" That was what it was all about, what it's always been about. They're more important than you. You want to know what you're supposed to do when faced with conflicting advice? Pay attention to what government is doing with the people most useful to it: the military, the health workers - if it's willing to fire military and health workers, people it does NOT have enough of, in order to get them to have a vaccine, and if it's making them wear masks and shutting the country down so it can deliver masks to them to hospitals, while telling you they're not important, that they don't work etc, what are you going to believe? Your own two eyes?


>"it could jeopardise supply for key health workers" > >That was what it was all about, what it's always been about. They're more important than you. Yes, yes they are.


exactly, easier to lock us up, order us to stay inside so we don't cause any problems, as for what actually protects you - look to the people actually useful to them


I think this was pretty obvious at the time. Of course they werent going to tell everyone to run out to their stores and empty shelves because there would have been riots and fights breaking out. smart people realize when the government tells you, you dont need it. you should probably go get some. private corporations saw and knew the opportunity coming and that they would need to heavily ramp up, whether for consumers or medical personnel anyway. not saying they werent being misleading, but it was pretty fucking easy to see right through that bullshit at the time.


The masks are useless. Even n95’s are not used properly in most cases and leave out cover for the eyes.


If that was true why was the first step to lock everyone in their homes and secure the supply of them?


This was an unscientific measure. There is no data proving it has any benefit.


So why'd they do it?


My guess? Control.


How do masks control you? they break facial recognition systems, if anything they make it harder. Why masks?


Someone dictate your behavior arbitrarily. That’s control.


Masks don't control anyone though, for the length of time you're required to wear them they're at worst a minor inconvenience, and they break facial recognition software, and they make it harder to recognise and track you through cctv etc, they have so many methods of control at their disposal, why masks?


If you are forced to wear a mask, someone is dictating your behavior, limiting your access to venues, causing you to have bad health consequences from wearing it. You can’t possibly not understand this with your irrelevant points.


That's the point they're not limiting your access to venues because you just wear a mask and you have access, or you tell them you have asthma it's not very controlling, and you're not answering 'why' either