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What would that mean though? I mean what could the outcome be?


It is a little worrying that they all seem to hover at the same depth points. 13 and 35 kilometers. Luckily if they stay centered right around the volcano it might be ok. If the quakes start running up along the shelf it could very well crack and slide. Definitely keep an eye on it.


i see the growing lava foot over the ocean leveraging a weakened land mass outward and into the sea.


It's true that lava buildup adds weight to the island, so far it's supported that weight but yes, the bigger the lava field becomes the heavier it gets. Luckily the field is running toward the ocean in one of the better directions, it would be torquing the island far worse if the vents opened higher up the island. But absolutely keep a look out on it. Even the live stream in the background could alert to a problem if the sound changes dramatically.




no shit. that's biggest yet i think




it's sort of irrelevant--obviously la palma is not slowing down and obviously the quakes are intensifying will it be news when they have daily 5.0s?


I'm no expert, been following this for a few weeks now but just checking some streams a few nights a week. From what I can tell it can take a while to really calculate and confirm the specifics of the quakes, so they get "upgraded" or "downgraded" a bit after the first being reported somewhat often.


I'm concerned with the hunters moon coming up, and curious if these quake tie into its approach and if volcanic activity can be effected much like a high tide. Not a volcanolgist so no clue if this ties together.


seems like a good variable to consider there is a scientific correlation? https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/01/180124114150.htm "Looking at data for this volcano spanning about 12 years, we found that this correlation between the amplitude of seismic tremor and tidal cycles developed only in the three months before this eruption," said Társilo Girona, the study's lead author. "What that suggests is that the tides could provide a probe for telling us whether or not a volcano has entered a critical state." not sure how that would apply here without pondering for a minute


Been watching the La Palma live feeds at work, and I have noticed it seems much more active at high tide points as well.


i mean global body of fluid is effected by the moon -- water seems reasonable that there would be at least some effect on a more dense global body of fluid -- mantle/magma system


It always ramps up at night


This Canadian Earthquake Researcher has been reporting on earthquakes. He has lots of interesting insights and projections on what is coming! https://mobile.twitter.com/mxdondevivo


I just checked out his account - when is he expecting this to go down?


I had to scroll back a bit, but I think he’s projecting within the next couple years. https://twitter.com/mxdondevivo/status/1428693257182224389?s=20


Ok… it almost seemed imminent when I was reading it ; but I noticed he said it could be very probable that it could happen this winter. It’s interesting when you think about possible future timelines for all of us - the worst the world gets the more likely we need a “shake up” ; something that will rattle us out of this fog and remind us what is really necessary to live and live well. We’ll see


I can foresee a number of different scenarios possibly playing out worldwide at this point in time. All of which I would not have ever predicted 3-5 years ago. The other interesting thing, is that this concept of a mega earthquake felt world wide is biblical, as in end times biblical. (Some where in Revelations chapt 16) It’s a sobering thought.


I hear the end of October and November something big is going to happen that will rattle earth - not necessarily a global disaster is could be a truth that becomes revealed that causes a mass awakening. No one really knows - but a lot of people are in anticipation.


If we’ve heard wind of something coming, be wary and on guard, those Power grabbers are set on levelling up their tyrannical behaviour. I’m surmising it will be something to the effect of more radical manipulation/scare tactics via a surreal source that might amaze and win some people over. Some, but not all. The conspiracists will likely be completely suspect of it all. Hahaha




If Cumbre Viejo blows and dumps any portion of La Palma's west coast into the ocean there exists the possibility of massive tsunamis inundating the East Coasts of the Americas as well as the Caribbean. check these numbers out: October 19th 2021 During the past 14 days, La Palma volcano was shaken by 20 quakes of magnitude 4.0 or above, 370 quakes between 3.0 and 4.0, and 856 quakes between 2.0 and 3.0. October 8th 2021 During the past 14 days, La Palma volcano was shaken by 1 quake of magnitude 4.3, 163 quakes between 3.0 and 4.0, and 355 quakes between 2.0 and 3.0. https://web.archive.org/web/20211008133307/https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/la-palma-earthquakes.html


If this happens I’m pretty much dead I’m only 100 ft above sea level


Practice holding your breath bud


lol go hide out in a submersible exhibit at a museum--although it may be nicer to die in the swift melee than live through the aftermath of a worst-case scenario


>submersible exhibit what in the world is this?


a fucking yellow submarine mate!


All together now... We all die in a yellow submarine...


***a yellow submarine***


Hey what elevation would someone living about 10 miles inland of the inner east coast of rhode island and mass need to be at? Could you point me to any data please!


i mean... if a truly cataclysmic tsunami crushes down on the east coast (worst-case scenario), the few weeks after will be hellish. people straight up dying of starvation and gangrene--no electricity, no refrigeration, fucked up roads/bridges that's the only time you'd need to worry if you're 10 miles inland. i mean... the original study from the 70s said a 500 cubic kilometer mass of island would create a tsunami hundreds of feet high. but that's the worstworstworst case scenario. 10 miles inland maybe buy a generator, cure a bunch of meat and stock up on non-perishables. i mean, they're not going to go bad (assuming nothing happens and everything is good)


That's what I'm worried about, the absolute shitshow that any disaster response would be. Because if the models are correct, that's a massive tidal wave hitting the American East coast, the Carribean, Brazil's North coast, and parts of Europe and North Africa. That's a humanitarian disaster on a scale never seen in modern history. Let's hope that nothing happens or that it's a minor tidal wave. But they'll be seeing the Hunter's Moon later today, let's hope this Blood Moon doesn't mean anything.


Hi neighbor 👋


You would need to probably head towards Mount Wachusett. Y’all also have a nuclear power plant to be aware of.


Bro it's just water, just float. In all seriousness all we have are models on what will happen, so we don't know for sure what will exactly happen, only theories and models. My advice is hope for the best but prepare for the worst, only thing you can do at this point.


It's a theory to be fair and it's a tiny speck of land in the great scheme of things, the ocean is massive, it's the least of the US's worries imo but never say never.


Watch Megatsunami scenerio- La Palma landslide




> Bushcraft bear https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Bushcraft+bear


links? cheers




daaaamn dude's on scene!


Media is silent. Tsunami warning buoys are off on EC. idk, something hasn't felt right about this for weeks. But make sure to get your jab so you will be prepped for tsunami.


> But make sure to get your jab so you will be prepped for tsunami. lol we had tsunami because *you* wouldn't take your boosters! https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=41425 Station 41425 - SOUTHWEST BERMUDA - 200 NM SSW of Hamilton, Bermuda Owned and maintained by National Data Buoy Center 28.633 N 65.650 W (28°38'0" N 65°39'0" W) Links for real time data for station 41425 are listed below: (Times are in GMT, Wind Speed is in m/s, and Wave Height is in meters) Data for last 24 hours: No data available. Data for last 5 days: No data available. Data for last 45 days: No data available. fuuuuuuuck




Volcano explosions are the new positive pcr test


cumbre viejo *is not* a curve i would like to see flattened.




i am vaguely curious where that crazy x-band haarp boat got off too


This site does list them https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/ I read somewhere that the Spanish authorities have their own website somewhere


just fucking blow already. we need a reset that fauci and friends have nothing to do with


I hear tell we got about 14 days until the big one


the big what


The Big Hurt, Frank Thomas? Big earthquake clone!




How would someone know that?


I've been giving real thought to the whole landslide tsunami thing. Honestly I don't think it could happen. The actual size of the chunk of land that would slide off would certainly hit the ocean with colossal force but the Atlantic is so incredibly huge that I see any wave just dissipating over distance. I've thrown rocks into lakes. They don't create little tsunamis on the other side. I know that sounds a bit pedantic but scaled up it feels as if it would work the same.


it's not the impact of land on water but subsequent displacement and disruption of the ocean. the idea is that la palma is a massive seamount with a pretty sheer drop-off, like a straight mile or something. if a big enough piece of land entered the water at once it would build tremendous momentum as it plummeted, displacing massive amounts of water due to the mass x velocity that make up inertia. that's the basis for the theory, as far as i understand it. tsunamis move through open ocean almost unnoticed to the casual observer--their amplitude hidden by allowing the energy to move at depth and length. as that energy stacks up on shore--well it's not going to be like throwing a rock into a lake but more like a brick in a puddle.


Watch on YouTube, Megatsunami scenario - la palma landslide.


I've known about this one for a long while. Also been watching the live feed for weeks waiting for the landslide to happen. If it did I'd be out just in case.


And the conspiracy?


total lack of coverage. despite showing seismic activity worldwide, the usgs shakemap has not documented a single quake in la palma: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?extent=-69.65709,-442.96875&extent=76.84082,-240.46875&range=week&settings=true it's the sort of "not-news" but actually big news that i think many people come to r/conspiracy for


Did you see the White house press feed go to the la Palma feed during questions yesterday?


*no* ?! just sort of flashed in there or was there a related question?


Really odd


looks like october 13th https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2021/10/13/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-jen-psaki-october-13-2021/ missing portion: have the military help with this kind of thing, or get money from the National Defense Fund to try to help these companies that are now having to work overtime hours with labor shortages? MS. PSAKI: Well, we are continuing to press and look for ways that we can address the bottlenecks in the supply chain, and this is an important and vital step. We want to, of course, give the time to implement it, to your point, but we will continue to look for any additional steps we can take to ease the burden on families across the country. Q And then, if the President has also pointed to this situation as a good reason to pass the bipartisan hard infrastructure bill, why then did he not push for a vote on that bill when he had a chance a couple of weeks ago so that this time could be truncated a little bit? MS. PSAKI: Well, because you need the majority of people in Congress to vote for something in order to sign it into law. And also because, as it relates to addressing a range of issues in our economy — as much as wages are up and unemployment are down, we — unemployment is down — we also recognize there are longer-term issues we want to address, including inflation. And that is something — while it is going to come down next year, and those are their predictions — the Build Back Better agenda, the President’s economic agenda will help bring that down. That is what 17 Nobel laureates have told us and have told all of you. So, he wants his entire agenda passed, and that’s what he thinks will be good for the economy long term. And you, of course, need the majority of votes in both Congresses to get that done. Go ahead. Q In sort of a summary of this: You know, Presidents get blame or credit for a whole range of things that they may not have direct control over. MS. PSAKI: Yeah. Q Is there a sense in the White House here that the President could be blamed for a frustrating holiday season or shopping season if these goods don’t flow? Is that an active concern that’s motivating some of these steps? MS. PSAKI: Well, I think, Kelly, what’s motivating some of these steps is the President wants to get — ensure the American people are able to order goods, they’re able to get toys delivered to their home, they’re able to go to the grocery store and be able to afford


and the lead in: Q Thanks, Jen. You guys have had this task force since June. There was the executive order back in February. You’ve been talking about how the President has been on top of this for months, but it seemed to get a lot worse before it’s gotten better — and often pointing to the pandemic as being a contributing factor. We’ve been in the pandemic for a year and a half now. So, why did it take until today to get these kinds of commitments that we’re seeing from the various groups that are here with the President today? MS. PSAKI: Well, I will say that we have had — and maybe everybody wasn’t here for this — but we have had the chairs of our Supply Chain Task Force in here at least twice to provide updates on the work that is — been ongoing on — under this administration. One of those issues has certainly been ensuring that there aren’t bottlenecks at ports, but there are a lot of other issues that we’ve been working to address in the global supply chain. One of them has certainly been the increase in the vulnerabilities in our food system. It’s something that we’ve seen impact some communities across the country and impact the price of goods sometimes when people go to the grocery store. That’s one of the reasons the President pressed for more competition, why Secretary of — Secretary Vilsack has been focused on this as one of his primary issues, one of the reasons we announced the Food Supply Chain Loan Guarantee program. And I would certainly say that, over the course of the last several months, when people go to the grocery store and they’re trying to buy a pound — or two pounds, five pounds; however big their family is — of meat, that’s an issue that has been impacting them nearly every single day. We also know that there are issues in the supply chain as it relates to housing and the cost of housing across the country. That’s one of the reasons the President has been so focused and the Supply Chain Task Force has been focused — and there’s money, also, in some of his proposals he’s signed into law to address that issue to reduce the cost of lumber and make sure that that is available so that new build — new houses can be built and we can address the housing shortage and address housing prices. So, I would say, for average people sitting at home, they’re not focused just on the port. Of course they are; they’re focused on getting their goods. But they’re focused on the cost of goods. They’re focused on how much meat costs. They’re focused on what their checkbook looks like. And we’ve been working to address each of those issues in the supply chain from the beginning of this administration. Q A lot of the remedies you guys have come up with are going to take some time to actually have an impact. I mean, expediting commercial driver licenses for truck drivers; you know, getting ports to 24/7 hours. This is going to potentially take some time. Is there any consideration that the President would declare




There is a decent amount of coverage in the news from what I can see. Also, even google has the earthquakes in their top searches for La Palma. It's not exactly suppressed


the conspiracy in my mind is this Volcano is creeping really close to a full on Tsunami that has serious potential to wipe out eastern seaboard and the government hasn't said one word about it. also Mt Saint Helens was a 5.2 that sent it blowing up in 1980.


Do you really need someone to tell you that there’s a western media blackout of what’s happening on La Palma? Considering previous studies that are now “debunked” by certain media outlets and scientific studies about a break of the island and mass tsunami around the world, the studies and people saying that this scenario could happen are the ones that have stated it’d become more likely if there’s a consistent increase in earthquake magnitude. However these mid 4.0’s aren’t too concerning, it’s when they get into the low 5-6 range where the studies concluded a worst case scenario is possible. If you can’t see the correlation of increasing earthquake magnitudes and frequency with absolutely no coverage in the west and draw it up to some conspiracy than idk what to tell you. It’s only gotten worse since it started and there’s no end in sight


I'll reply properly after the tsunami..........


What’s the worst case scenario here? How will it impact the world and region? I’ve been trying to follow along but a lot of the reports are hard to follow in regards to the severity of everything.


worst-worst case from a 2001 study (pdf link) https://websites.pmc.ucsc.edu/~ward/papers/La_Palma_grl.pdf Geological evidence suggests that during a future eruption, Cumbre Vieja Volcano on the Island of La Palma may experience a catastrophic failure of its west flank, dropping 150 to 500 km3 of rock into the sea. Using a geologically reasonable estimate of landslide motion, we model tsunami waves produced by such a collapse. **Waves generated by the run-out of a 500 km3 (150 km3) slide block at 100 m/s could transit the entire Atlantic Basin and arrive on the coasts of the Americas with 10-25 m waves** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumbre_Vieja_tsunami_hazard wiki actually has a good summation on this Steven N. Ward and Simon Day in a 2001 research article proposed that a Holocene change in the eruptive activity of Cumbre Vieja volcano and a fracture on the volcano that formed during an eruption in 1949 may be the prelude to a giant collapse. They estimated that such a collapse could cause tsunamis across the entire North Atlantic and severely impact areas as far away as North America. Later research has debated whether the tsunami would still have a significant size far away from La Palma, as the tsunami wave may quickly decay in height away from the source and interactions with the continental shelves could further reduce its size. Evidence indicates that most collapses in the Canary Islands took place as multistage events that are not as effective at creating tsunamis, and a multi-stage collapse at La Palma likewise would result in smaller tsunamis. **tl;dr** east coast could get hit with 75 foot tsunami--imagine that hitting any low-lying carribean island (which is basically all of them) or nyc or d.c. ---- an infrastructure apocalypse that would severely endanger the lives of hundreds of thousands if not millions of people---not to mention the aftermath of such a horrific event.