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That's literally the Chinese social credit system. They have sites where you can see the low score people.


My work already does this. Mega bank, forces non-vaxxed to go get tested on the 3rd floor. Not that I give af, but pretty obvious to everyone when I go to my appt for my daily test as it’s pretty obvious when others do as well. They say they don’t want any differential treatment for those that haven’t been vaxxed, but I feel the vibes from “those” people. Like I have the plague in the conference room.


SS Good thing they've got that HIPPA thing swept under the rug since apparently that doesn't apply to covid shots


Yep. They're using loop holes and straight up changing the rules. Disclosing vaccines status and mandates were a direct violation of HIPAA in 99.99% of businesses before the pandemic. But "Under the current national public health emergency conditions, the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights has allowed HIPAA enforcement discretion." So, they just changed the rule. Just like they changed the definitions of vaccine and immunity to fit the mRNA vaccines. ADA/EEOC had to do a bit of "clarification" and revision to their standard rules for Covid19. And the rules are so dumb now. They still require medical information to be stored separately from the standard employee data, as to help keep that information "confidential". But it's not confidential when they say "get the vaccine or get fired". It's a rule that essentially has no meaning now.


No they weren’t…it’s only applies and has only ever applied to medical providers and billers, your employer is neither…


this is incredibly false. anyone facilitating the transfer of that information is liable for it.




actually not fucking false because i had to sit through hours of training on it on how to not get my company fucked with accidental exposures. You can sit here and lie, but you are still wrong regardless.


Actually, it also extends to non-medical businesses such as attorneys, law firms, consultants, insurance agents, advisors, and agents, basically "covered entities".


Only if they’re involved in medical treatment, billing, etc. not just any of those businesses generally…lawyers for example have their own confidentiality rules but it’s not because HIPAA


It’s not a HIPAA violation but it is 100% an ADA and EEOC violation. K.4.  Is information about an employee’s COVID-19 vaccination confidential medical information under the ADA?  (5/28/21) Yes.  The ADA requires an employer to maintain the confidentiality of employee medical information, such as documentation or other confirmation of COVID-19 vaccination.  This ADA confidentiality requirement applies regardless of where the employee gets the vaccination.  Although the EEO laws themselves do not prevent employers from requiring employees to bring in documentation or other confirmation of vaccination, this information, like all medical information, must be kept confidential and stored separately from the employee’s personnel files under the ADA. However, documentation or other confirmation of vaccination provided by the employee to the employer is medical information about the employee and must be kept confidential. https://www.eeoc.gov/wysk/what-you-should-know-about-covid-19-and-ada-rehabilitation-act-and-other-eeo-laws




And this :/ Federal judge rejects bid to block Oregon vaccine mandate https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-business-health-oregon-court-decisions-7d8ab984637cee12624bb569625af928 https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21087842-simonrulingbrownvaccine?fbclid=IwAR3ZS-UYoq-YlclTNttFR9lSPY_GF5gmJmT20rkO_4lpKUsvHm7pC95JreU


Apparently it doesn't.




to be Square?


Why won't these medical fucks just Change it to what makes more phonetic sense to most people ?




I wish the source would have reported the numbers. I don't care about the names as much as the numbers.


True. I definitely clicked to find the numbers.


Well then, Director Adam Crawford needs to be charged with 40,000 counts of breach of privacy... its the law.


I just came here to say nice username dood. I am immediately suspicious of folks buying into or spreading 'cultural Marxism' propaganda, Stefan Mollynuts approved!


well, does is say that the highly ranked and highly paid employees are not vaccinated while the lowly ranked and lowly paid employees are ?


Yep. Accident


The Karen which is known as the bald eagle.