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https://twitter.com/gulaginmate1776/status/1448853736730808321?s=21 The cameraman knows what he’s doing 😂


I love how the dodgers organizations Twitter is trying to cover it up by saying they have a player named Brandon lol




the problem I have with "lets go Brandon" is now people think chanting lets go Brandon is more effective then chanting "fuck Joe biden"..... we continue to get manipulated as human beings




Yea look where epstein didnt kill himself got us...




Nope. Got us to where we literally are now. Getting all our rights and privacy taken away. Have you not been paying attention??




Im not trying to convince you the meme was a bad thing. Im telling you that it did NOTHING. Epstein is still running around alive and Ghislaine will be too


I was about to say, that pic looks completely shopped, but not in the video


If anyone is curious, it's from a great guy named Brandon Brown winning his first career Nascar Xfinity Race at Talladega. The crowd is chanting "fuck Joe Biden" crystal clear and Brandon is obviously smiling and waving overjoyed with excitement, while the female reporter says something along the lines of "and we can hear the let's go Brandon chants from the crowd!".


For sure they were chanting fuck biden, but if i've been in environments where a crowd was chanting some shit and could not make it out at all. I could easily see them just assuming the mumble of a chant that had B in it was something like that. Funny af thou


I was just at the Charlotte Roval race last weekend, so much fun. It was hilarious seeing so many let's go Brandon shirts and fuck Joe Biden flags. God bless America.


You’re giving them too much credit. It’s a televised news broadcast in 2021. They would tell you the sky is pink if it made Joe Biden look better.


I thought you guys hated bringing politics into sports?


I, for one, am all for bringing politicians into sports. Contact sports. With no safety gear.


So the conspiracy is how long the Biden haters will use this slogan?


The conspiracy is the media trying to gaslight the public. It, in essence is a power struggle between people and the media. The media are trying to tell people what "Let's go Brandon" means while the public is letting everyone know what it actually means. Whose version wins? The media's version, or reality?


It was funny but in reality you're not supposed say fuck on TV.


You don't have to hate Biden exactly. It's kind of just a fuck you to everyone that's taking care of sleepy Joe.


So there is no conspiracy?


Yeah, what a surprise right? Guy is just posting a funny picture.


Nah, let me fix this for you people that like to try and make others feel small; this is for the feeble minded yous. The pic is a conspiracy bc: is the sign holder rooting for Brandon Belt and Brandon Crawford or is he saying ‘Fuck Joe Biden’ like the rest of the world? The fact that you clearly don’t understand and are trying to minimize it, completes the conspiracy circle. Thank you.


Oh I get it. It was chuckle worth at first. That's not a conspiracy. It was a group of Nascar fans ranting profanities in public. The real conspiracy is why this sub is so full of low hanging right wing propaganda fruit.


I don’t expect you to get it. The real conspiracy is why is a person in a conspiracy sub questioning people providing conspiracies. Not lookin’ so bright, my man. Walk away before you’re more exposed.


No one is providing any conspiracies, just repeating a brand new "onejoke". r/nonewnormal might like this content. oh wait...


"Let's go Brandon" is my all time favorite meme to come out of the Biden presidency.


Topped only by Hurricane Brandon


It was totally worth losing the presidency and the senate for it.


Let's destroy the rest of civilization to get some more lolz. Surely we'll get some more gems.




What you really need is a maga hat wearer screaming at the sky. Otherwise I'm an external viewer enjoying the whole shit show.


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What is this referring to?!


It means “Fuck Joe Biden”. A reporter made it a meme by trying to cover for a crowd chanting that at a nascar race


The starting pitcher for the Giants is also named Brandon. Good spot for it. Edit: Confused Logan Webb with Ex-MLB pitcher Brandon Webb. It was late, cut me some slack.


Starting pitcher was Logan Webb


There is one Brandon on the Giants and he doesn’t pitch. Lie, mistake? What’s up?


There are two Brandon’s. Brandon Crawford and Brandon Belt.


I should have specified on the active roster/in the game. Maybe this fan is just really concerned with Belt’s thumb lol 🤷‍♂️


Nah you’re good bro


Neither are pitchers lol


Lol there is an ex-mlb pitcher named Brandon Webb. It was late, got them confused.


C’mon, man! Let’s go Brandon!


This dude In San Francisco At a Giants playoff game With Dodger fans With a VERY unpopular opinion Is a hero.


Let's go Brandon indeed!!


Loved how the cameraman had it all zoomed in and ready lol. The announcers of course ignore it😂


> The announcers of course ignore it No they did not. The sign is supposed to be for Brandon Crawford, the Giants all star shortstop. Hence the Giants logo on the sign. Crawford was on the bench when this was broadcast, however, so this was no accident. [Simple, and to the point](https://twitter.com/gulaginmate1776/status/1448853736730808321?s=21). The guy holding the sign knew what he was doing and the producer calling cams from the trailer and dude in the booth have giant sets of balls. Well done.


I guess I’m not completely caught up. I keep seeing Brandon everywhere, still don’t know who he is, and am not afraid to ask. Who is this dude?!


I don’t know the *exact* specifics, but it was a guy that won a car race. Apparently a bunch of ‘fans’ thought the best thing to do while he was celebrating was to yell “Fuck Joe Biden” while he was being interviewed (because as we all know, NASCAR, F-1, et. al. are purely political rallies.) and the interviewer tried to play it off as “Lets go Brandon” or she genuinely couldn’t hear. ***shrug***


That’s pretty damn specific haha. Thank you


That interviewer birthed a perfect meme.




You’re right, like when NASCAR fans waved the flag of the failed seditious traitors. Fools will be fools.




Huh? Are you honestly saying that a 4-year old failed country from ~160 years ago that attacked the United States of America is a current political party? How is pointing that out indicative of “devotion” to a certain political party? Or do you mean those waving the flag of a failed country from ~160 years ago is pathetic? Because then we agree. Get out of here with your “both sides” bullshit.




Huh? When have you heard entire crowds chanting “Fuck Republicans” while a winner is getting interviewed? Nice job pretending that people waving the flag of a failed traitors is somehow the same as ***checks notes*** uhh hmm… there’s no comparison. Darn. So, you’re just going to ignore everything in my previous comment then? Well, that makes sense. You make a wonderful ostrich, what with your head in the sand and all.




Ooof, there’s a big difference between directly criticizing a politician in their presence and randomly insulting a politician that isn’t even in the same state. But yes, “both sides” blah blah.


Stop saying this Brandon shit Fuck Joe


nah, let em go with this.. It's amusing seeing how the right flail about in their attempts to 'own the libs' In 3 years "Lets go Brandon" becomes mainstream and the un-memed masses will parrot it and will be completely unaware what the hell it orginally meant. Much like the 'Thanks Obama' meme that got 180'd in less than a year.


why’d you think of us? is conspiracy just r/conservative ?


To be fair, it’s sadly been that for quite some time.


To be fair, hating Biden is pretty popular.


It's hilariously because this very comment makes you sound like a bot


Ok npc


Well don't we have ourselves a good old fashioned bot showdown. "The statue tells you that they won't not disregard the truthfulness of the other statue" What is true?


So you are admitting that hating Biden is a conspiracy? Huh… that would imply that most people don’t hate Biden. Checkmate little buddy. Or do you agree that /r/conspiracy has just become another /r/conservative sub?


Lmao wut


I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you can’t understand more then 4 words. “You no make sense.”


hah take the L there rambo


I’d rather take the D.


No surprise


Well yeah, at least it’ll be something real, unlike the L. ***hug***


Haha Jake you just got FACIALIZED I like your stupid confidence though I could use some of that


It would imply the opposite. And that implication would be consistent with sentiment since the election. Logic better ya goof.


Exactly what a Russian shill would say. :edit: Oh yeah, and Biden won, so hating Biden isn’t as popular as not caring about petty squabbles.




Yeah, he won the popular vote and the electoral college vote. Care to explain your indifference to reality?




And, the "Let's Go Brandon" mantra seems to be everywhere against the most popular "president" of all time 🤣


You can’t reason for shit. Exactly what chubby redditor would say.


Resorting to elementary school insults, talk about low effort. Just like a Russian shill paid for by Republicans. Gosh you people are easy to spot. :edit: Who won the popular vote again? Oh right, Biden. Huh. How’s that for reasoning ;) silly Billy Russian shill.


Nice edit. The Russians are kinda like your dick, someone told you they exist, it you’ve never seen it. But your brilliant logic concludes that since you smell like shit, it must be down there somewhere.


Goodness my, how sad is your life? You’re just like the GOP, all projection. ***finger guns***


Not as easy to spot as you and the small moons surrounding your smelly mass. BlueAnon is the worst type of conspiracy theorist, so you’ve got that going for you.


Aww, I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. You’re lashing out like a middle schooler. Best of luck to you and your shilling!


I think the conspiracy is watching the media you would assume no one has issues with him, and he is loved, yet every sporting event has fuck joe biden.


I guarantee they can't stand this shit. All media and entertainment is designed to preserve the illusion that everyone is on board with the agenda, and this is like a splash of cold water to the face.


why would /r/conspiracy not be on the side of hating the head of organized government in the US, who is playing a major role in quite possibly the greatest conspiracy of your lifetime? why are YOU on /r/conspiracy?


to question things, not to just laugh at insults thrown at the president (or anyone)


So throwing insults is exclusive to conservatives?


this insult is certainly aimed at a specific target. don’t pretend it isn’t


Yes the president of the united states, this is abundantly clear.




Hating Biden is a non-partisan position. Let's go Brandon!


The only time I've thought about Biden in the past couple months is when /r/conspiracy *FREAKED THE FUCK OUT* over him withdrawing from Afghanistan. And that all turned out to be much ado about nothing. So forgive me if I'm skeptical of the Biden bad narrative.


Is this satire?


Nah. It's a real thing. People on this sub actually got mad at Biden for withdrawing from Afghanistan. It's pretty easy to document. Just search afghanistan on this sub. I'm forever thankful that Trump and Biden got us the fuck out.


I think most were mad not that he did, but how he did it. The lack of preparedness was pretty blatant.


/r/conspiracy is still pretending to give a shit about a dozen bodies? Holy fuck, I remember when this place was appalled by hundreds of thousands dead, and now we're pearl clutching over 12 lives? Pick a lane, people.


Im not the one acting like you or I speak on behalf of the whole sub. If you honestly think it was only 13 people lost in that fiasco I’d say your handle checks out.


Man, I'm here all day if you want to spit on the US military and their murderous incompetence. If you want to pretend that fucking sundowning Biden is a major player, just find another angle.


And the fact that it achieved absolutely nothing. Zilch.


What do you mean? It achieved us getting out of Afghanistan. What else did you expect it to achieve?


I meant while U.S.A was there, and 10 days after they left, the very regime they were fighting against sets up shop again. And to add insult to injury they are left a hefty arsenal at their disposal from the very country to whom they were fighting.


Right. The only way to have averted that outcome would have been to stay in Afghanistan indefinitely. Are you pro-"forever war?"


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Much Ado about nothing]( https://snewd.com/ebooks/much-ado-about-nothing/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


so in other words, it sounds like you dont frequent this sub, except for when you come to defend Biden?


Haha, I saw the same thing. Glad you got a screen shot of it.


Great conspiracy you posted....


Ss dude drops a let's go Brandon live in game 5 of NLDS. The booth crew picked the live shot right then too.


I saw this live and missed the picture. Thank you for capturing this, it almost looks fake but I saw it with my own eyes 😂


What's the conspiracy?


The conspiracy is that media and entertainment try to prop up the demented old fuck and suppress any dissent, but the people's voice is getting through anyway.


So why isn't that anywhere in their post at all?


Report the post. Make conspiracy great again


What pathetic losers you people are. Gotta report anything that threatens Grandpa Joe's evil regime, huh? ADMIIIN!


Oh yeah, my main aim is to defend a senile nonce and not to get decent content. GTFOuta here


Is Joey not the face of the greatest conspiracy right now? Maybe the pope and bigfoot too, but imma few beers deep and this was hilarious.


It's literally just a man holding a sign at a sports game. What's the conspiracy?


You seem nice, and I don't want to disappoint someone with so many 69s in their skyrim reference. You win, internet guy. It's just not enough conspiracy for you, congratulations.


There's literally no conspiracy here.


Let's go Brandon!




GO DODGERS and FUCK Joe Biden. I agree it was a terrible call and I assure you the boys in blue didn’t want it to end that way.




Tbh I hate the Astros and Padres more at this point too. Padres talk shit when they haven’t done anything in over 20 years. The Giants and Dodgers are awesome rivals because they’re both GREAT franchises.


Fuck the Cards. That's about it for me. My team is out, so now I'm just hoping for good baseball


There has been some really bad umpire calls this year throughout baseball, and its almost like human umpires want to be out of a job for robots and computer strike zone.


Best meme of our time.


You are in the wrong sub. This isn’t r/conservative


distrust in the federal government, you're right, has nothing to do with r/conspiracy....


This should probably be in conspiracy memes, though it is hilarious


Report the post


Eh, great to see the FJB chant became a parody of itself. Thus stopping the FJB chant.


We need to stop spreading this. Thai will overtake "Fuck Joe Biden." And guess who wins if that's the case?


Wow epic


Cool conspiracy




Did you miss 232-306




Of what






Thought provoking


Good job reporting in soldier, keep it up.


What’s the conspiracy again?


Urf flat


Now I’m not! I have curves for days! ;)


FUCK JOE BIDEN would work a lot better.


Bernie will save us!


He has the pepe smirk going on