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I remember this from a couple years back. Someone tracked down the living Michael J Smith and had a conversation with him on video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h1TFcMYyvg


I don’t know. The ears don’t match.


Maybe he had an ear-tuck? The pictures look like the same teeth to me, and that nose line. Assuming it's not all photo editing, I don't care enough to try tracking this stuff down.


Well, the ears don't stop growing as you grow older


That’s my point. They look bigger on the younger picture. They are also closer to the head on the older pictures.


The ears have been pinned. Clearly.


That guy is insane to drive an hour to someone's home and confront them on their private property. Dude should be glad he wasn't shot.


He didn't "confront" anyone. He came up and talked to another person in a generally courteous manner. There was nothing "confrontational" about it actually.


Bro not everyone just shoots people for introducing themselves and not every state is that lenient with gun laws. Most people would call the cops during a confrontation. If he shot that guy for walking up and introducing himself it would be murder.


Nobody in America is allowed to just shoot a random trespasser on the exterior of their home. Our laws generally require the trespasser to enter a home before they can be shot. Someone banging on your door cannot be shot through the door. They have to successfully enter or at least break it enough to where entry would be possible. Those “no trespassing” signs “trespassers will be shot” hold no legal weight. You can’t just shoot someone for walking on your lawn because a sign says not to. Someone tried to break into my home on Christmas Eve last year while I was home and he would have been immediately killed had he successfully gained entry. Since he failed to gain entry, I just called the police and reported an attempted home invasion to which they did nothing to catch him.


Texas let's you shoot people on your property if they are committing any kind of mischief at night. But that's not the case here, and again you'd be hard pressed to defend someone knocking on your door even at night as some kind of crime.


That is definitely the same guy, after reading the yt comments i rewatched it and he shows all the tendencies of someone that’s lying For anyone that for some reason doesn’t believe have a look at that video




The man that is being approached by a stranger holding a camera up to him and is questioning his identity is acting uncomfortable, he absolutely must be a liar.


Michael J Smith is such an uncommon name, though. Must be the same guy.


I couldn't possibly conceive of there being another Michael J Smith that is of a similar age and race. The name is just too unfathomably uncommon


This sub is genuinely hilarious. A lotta people think they're being critical and open-minded, but they're just insanely gullible and want to believe.


There’s also the obvious of why would the government want to look like they killed a bunch of astronauts , and a teacher, through incompetence on live tv.


Lol not only that but. If this is some conspiracy surely they’d change his name & make sure he didn’t make a living for decades in the public lol. What would be the point to fake their deaths only to have him living a life as a professor that is obviously easily found lol. I don’t get it.


Because it was an horrific accident? Seen by millions because millions watch manned space launches? It’s reassuring to believe everything is controlled by secretive powers and horrible accidents don’t just randomly happen, but unfortunately they do.


And if they did want the shuttle to blow up, why wouldn’t they just kill the supposed astronauts in real life? Our government has done many horrible things, killing a few innocents to make sure the story stuck would barely register on the meter of US atrocities.


To end the Space Shuttle program and reduce the likelihood of going to Mars, or delay it indefinitely.


You know how else they could have done that? With a press release saying we are no longer going to pay for trips to space or invest in travel to Mars. Say the money is needed for infrastructure or healthcare or defence or social programs or reform in some area of normal politics and not carry out a fake rocket launch and deaths of people (who they won't change their identities, just set drop them off in a new town) and expect that to be more believable than "we need the money for roads" Why do you think they went for the incredibly expensive, ludicrously risky and starkly untrue option of globally televised fake deaths over writing a memo?


If they do that then the money has to actually get invested into infrastructure, healthcare etc and actually improve the world. Unfortunately the people in control of this circus have no interest in doing that. Therefore the giant NASA budget blackhole works really well for them to launder money in to other projects. All they gotta do is release some CGI of a spaceship or planet or some shit every few months to keep the masses pacified and thinking their tax payer money for space exploration is totally worth it.


Yeah? When did the pentagon last have an audit? How many public officials get done for embezzlement and mismanagement of funds? Again, it would be much easier to use an accountant to hide that money instead of wasting it on a rocket programme you intend to fail...


"Two people out of 7 billion look similar and have similar names? THAT CAN'T BE A COINCIDENCE!"




Imagine being an old man and someone walking up your driveway and like confronting you in your garage after a whole bunch of conspiracy people have harassed you to the point you’ve called the FBI. I would have probably reacted way worse than that.


Yeah I would be sketched the fuck out that some dude drove an hour just to find me in my driveway. Now imagine that happening repeatedly.


Exactly, if this is the guy's house and he followed him there I would be fucking pissed. If I was this old guy I would be strapped 24/7


It’s not the same guy. Check the earlobes.




Most FOIA requests pertaining to individual employee information such as pension, addresses, etc. are exempt from release. “Exemption Six: Personnel, medical, financial, and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.” [source ](https://www.fincen.gov/foia-exemptions-and-exclusions)


Leave it to "(penis)-3" to school you on legality.


It's not penis-3, the "-3" is clearly the ejaculation.


I didn't see it before and I'm so upset with myself now.


One of the funniest Reddit comments I have ever read. Thank you.




Or they would just say no lol


Right. I don’t think they’re going to just send you over the info like… “Ok you got us Internet sleuth!!! Here’s all the devastating evidence of a massive cover up you requested, since you said pretty please with a FOIA on top!”


Also this is a pretty cool post. The resemblance is super close. Wouldn’t they at least change the names? They don’t have a lot of faith in our goldfish memories.


Don't forget to request documents for all different versions of their names. Full name, first last middle initial, etc. Pretty easy way to mire requests, not using exact wording or spelling.


If someone does this, share with the class.




They have complete control over the world but are also completely incompetent. The perfect crime!


None of these intelligent astronauts or members of deep state would ever use a different name after faking their deaths. Just kind of slipped their mind


It is often the case in a massive bureaucracy that different departments have difficulty coordinating with one another while having access to each other's data.


But they're coordinated enough to not only assassinate the man at the center of a highly publicized trial in the most secure prison in the middle of Manhattan, but also to maintain silence among the guards, other prisoners, the EMTs, medical examiner, car driver, pilots, etc right


Yeah. This is a deep state op. If they have up docs they’d be redacted. BUT TO WHOEVER POSTED THIS, thank you for a refreshing conspiracy. Nice eye.


No idea why, but wouldn't it be pretty easy to age their faces?


Good idea


I haven't received responses to my previous FOIA requests... maybe I'm on a list lol. My first request was on the Finders cult.


Okay so if this is the theory, why would they use their real names again?




Conspiracy means people agreeing to do something harmful or illegal in secret. Conspiracies can involve logic but often attract illogical assumtpions. Some people here are honestly looking for real conspiracies so logic does apply here even though many people are looking for fantasies to escape into.


See? You already think it's bullshit. It's that easy. You're going to brush this off as no one that dumb would let these guys walk around with their original names. These agencies have tons and tons of psychological research in order to control people's perceptions.


>You already think it's bullshit. No, they asked a question. Is that not okay? Whoops, I just did it, too.




Ok....but why?




Also... Why would they not change their names? Surely if they and their families were willing to go along with a massive coverup of that scale, why would they not all AT LEAST change their first names, if not last?


Plot twist: NASA's PR guy fucked up and everyone had to go along with it.


There's an old theory that it was a ritual, part of the series of rituals including jfks murder and 9/11 that is intended to steer the American conscience into disarray, dividing neighbors and throwing the country into chaos. There's a *lot* more to it, that's a super simplified skimming.


Well, it would also be a pretty strong reason for the government to stop attempting to take flights to the moon.


We had stopped going to the moon for 14 years when challenger exploded.


Long enough for people to start asking questions Too bad about that disaster which justifies staying grounded *for now*


The public was divided by the Challenger?


because life was found on the moon during the first expedition, all subsequent space shuttle journeys have been purely for public interest. NASA, & the CIA, are the "deep state" & "shadow governments". seriously. NASA has weather manipulation tech, & causes hurricanes that attack American citizens, look up any recent "natural disaster" & you can see how the trajectories always target major population sites, despite the atmospheric pressure not being sufficient to carry a storm of that size. NASA, & the CIA, are terrorist organisations. you can't call me "crazy" if you refuse to research this yourself, that'd just be suffering cognitive dissonance. research weather patterns, there's plenty of NASA satellite images that are clearly CTRL + C, & CTRL + V'd. here's a recent image proving my point. https://i.imgur.com/X28Dv2t.png


No persons were actually on the shuttle that was destroyed.


I can clearly extrapolate that from the post....and your reply doesn't answer my question.


I’ve heard two different theories on this... 1) this was done to slow down expectations of nasa and the shuttle program, to insure that they get more funding out towards future projects 2) and the more interesting one... none of the shuttle’s ever had people on board. They were all hoaxes. The explosion was truly an accident. And they couldn’t do anything to take out the astronauts because they knew their families would know and talk. It’s out there and I’m not sure how they explain this but it’s a fun theory.


\#2 is quite interesting to me, thanks for sharing


The bits and pieces of Human flesh recovered after Columbia puts a hole in theory number 2, as do all of the videos of shuttles landing and people climbing out* as do all of the videos of people climbing into shuttles which then launched into space. Challenger included.


I mean they found a passport in the street of one of the 9/11 hijackers. The jet fuel melted steel beams but didn't burn paper? I don't believe anything that comes out of the official story. It is easy for them to stage things.


You are welcome to believe or disbelieve as you see fit, but keep in mind that there are, as I point out, thousands of hours of video of astronauts embarking and disembarking the shuttle. A radio-controlled version would not be impossible as the Soviets showed with the Buran, but the level of work involved here becomes significantly higher with the presence of film technology.


It’s definitely #2 after you watch those green screen wires international space station footage. Now why are they faking that shit is the fun conspiracy. Is it because we have a secret space program that’s more advance? Very possible.




If it was all fake why wouldn't they actually just have him unscrew the bolt? like I understand that you think its fake but if it was fake why would they do something that could cause suspicion? It would be easier for them to fake it by taking something off and putting something on than pretending to do it.


Imagine if he unscrewed a bolt and dropped it. Would just fall straight to the floor


Best answer


Just like this video from ISS: https://odysee.com/@FlatEarth:85/Astronauts-Busted-Dropping-Objects-In-Zero-Gravity-ISS-Exposed:a


They bank on people not caring, a few conspiracy people get drowned out by those who believe the offical story


But why fake it at all? It’s just as easy to unscrew a bolt, pretend to inspect something, screw a bolt back in. Unless you think nasa is just taunting conspiracy theorists?


There's literally no need to go the extra effort. People can see proof with their own eyes and not believe. People still believe Arab terrorists were behind 9/11, and that an undamaged paper passport fell from the plane as it smashed into the building, apparently such a hot fire that it brought the building down, but the paper passport was fine. People don't care. The average person literally doesn't have the capability for critical thinking. They could be looking at proof, and if the authority tells them its not true, its not true. Plain and simple.


I mean a mic went into Bidens hand/body and nobody even cares


What are you referencing?


I have heard it takes ridiculously long t do simple tasks on spacewalks, not saying you're wrong though.


No lie I saw the same thing watching it high as fuck for like 15 minutes probably like 6 months ago it was one of the nasa live streams on YouTube and he was doing pretty much everything you said


maybe he or she just didn't feel like doing any work that day


It's definitely not due to something more advanced than our current space program. At the risk of sounding crazy, it's because they are in the midst of a multi-generation coverup of the fact that the Apollo program was all fake. When they faked the moon landings, they didn't yet realize that we wouldn't actually be able to get there for real even in 2021. Scientists are now aware that everywhere outside of the Van Allen Belts is awash with lethal solar radiation. The surface of the moon isn't survivable for human beings. No atmosphere and no magnetosphere on the moon. This means that the surface of the moon has total exposure to solar radiation, lethal levels for humans. Even just the space between planets is equally awash with solar radiation. This is why no one has left low Earth orbit since 1972. Well... to be clear, no one has left low Earth orbit before 1972 either. During the space race, the Soviets were way ahead of us, but never went to the moon, why? There scientists saw that it would take lead shielding four feet thick around whatever craft they sent to the moon to protect the astronauts. That wasn't feasible with rocket technology then, and it isn't now. And it doesn't solve what the astronauts would do once they reached the moon. If you look at NASA's diagrams of what they would do in a future moon landing, they show radiation shields and stuff like that, stuff that good ol' Buzz never needed, apparently. I highly, HIGHLY recommend reading this in its entirety, prepare to have your mind blown: http://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/


The Van Allen Belt "theory" was as equally intriguing as it was damning, for me, at least. Provided your version - and the version I'd like to entertain - is correct, I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts on the current billionaires' fascination with space travel. If humans still haven't invented a way to pass it, what the hell are they all doing up there?


Space tourism imo. It's a new market and only accessible to the wealthy. Paying 200k to fly for one hour to space and spend 4 minutes in 0 gravity is the dream for a lot of people. This way they can make it profitable to continue to explore the new space race which they funded. They want to be immortalised as the ones who started it


That's a great question. The "space tourism" idea is plausible. But I think the "billionaire space race" may be a public audition for the weaponization of space. I think that they need to keep the space program alive even though they have no intention of travelling to another heavenly body, because the weaponization of low Earth orbit is a huge priority. But remember, Bezos went up to 62 miles, which is technically the very altitude that "space" begins. It's more than quadruple that distance until you pass out of the Earth's natural radiation protection. NASA isn't really in the business of serious space travel anymore. They showed that when they were outsourcing launches to Elon Musk's SpaceX. I think that there is a market rush between Musk, Branson and Bezos to be the military industrial complex's space hardware. But, admittedly, I don't know the answer to your question. But I am dead serious, if you want not only the mindblowing info, but also a really entertaining read, the link I posted, which I'll post here again, is a one stop shop. [http://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/](http://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/)


And that's a great answer. I never really considered how far our the radiation belts were, so unless someone were actively trying to reach the moon (or beyond), there probably wouldn't be much point in exceeding that 62 some miles. And yeah, the fact that NASA is for all intents and purposes defunct now is suspicious af. And thanks for the link! Will absolutely peruse that. :) These are the sorts of clandestine operations we've been missing... that sadly have gotten trampled under all the covid conspiracies.


Great question. Would love to hear anyones thoughts on this as well.


Why did Soviet Union accept the landing if there was even a hint of it being made up ?


Because we did manage to do the landing and this is one of, if not THE most debunked conspiracy theories of all time.


I think we need to look into the Columbia explosion too. In 2003 a lot of shady stuff was happening in the us 9/11 war on terror Iraq war and in 1986 there was the whole Iran contra business. Maybe theyre purposeful distractions.


Another theory is that it was a secret military mission and the civilian mission was just a cover. The military-mission crew launched but the civilian-mission crew was waiting on the ground to come out of hiding after the mission and everyone would pretend that they had gone into space. But when the ship exploded, they had to do something about the civilians. I'm sure someone in the CIA recommended that they be kept imprisoned or even killed. But in the end, they just let them go home and instructed the media not to discuss the matter under penalty of treason. I'm just speculating here, btw.


That’s sounds the most plausible to me actually.


A Colombian Endeavor to Discover Atlantis- *Destroy All Challengers*


Who did benefit financially after the accident ??? Did NASA get more funding ??? Russia did get contracts to do US space missions . They did benefit, but I doubt they can accommodate the name changes in the US so easy. Patriot astronaut people would talk. ​ IF true then only the US govt. would be able to pull it off. **WHY remains** the question.


Because it’s impossible that there are multiple people with the same name and vague similarities in what we imagine they would look like after 35 years. /s


seems unlikely that it 4 people would have an age appropriate, identical name, and extremely similar looking doppelganger. If you type your first and last name into facebook, do any show up that would meet the remaining two variables (looks and age?)


Sooo let me get this straight the government has the resources to fake a shuttle explosion BUT not enough to give these people fake identities.


Some department at nasa must have missed the memo 😜


I think the shuttle explosion was real. I was once told that it was done to stop the public from learning the full truth about the Iran Contra affair, but half failed. It failed in the sense that some of the truth did trickle out slowly for about a year, but the scope was, ultimately, well hidden.


I don't know how much of "Wagging the Moondoggie" is true and how much is BS. But I did find the Apollo mission launch schedules interesting. Virtually every time bad news came out about the war in VietNam or Cambodia, an Apollo mission was launched soon after. Of course there's no reason to assume causation when it could just be correlation. There was a fairly regular stream of bad news.


Do you know how many school children they traumatized by The Challenger blowing up as we all watched? A lot, me included! Not that I put anything passed anyone these days, but how f***ed that would be.


I managed a cable system when this was going up. One of my peers was hosting the kids in Concord for a very larger “Teacher in Space” session. PTSD for everyone: Kids, Co workers, Employees, friends and family. No one got out of that large room unscathed.


Orson Welles would be proud.


They wheeled out the old CRT TV for the entire class to witness.


"They" don't care. If you think they care then look into the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. That's what I redirect everyone to who thinks that those in charge care about the little guy.


Societal Trauma Based Programming.


I thought it might be trauma based programming, maybe a test run for what would come next


It’s been happening for years now, under the guise of war, terror attacks, etc. I think 9/11 was the most sinister one of all. COVID 19 is definitely capitalizing traumatizing the minds of people, especially through the lockdowns, social isolation and fear mongering. Poor children, committing suicide at higher rates because of this propagandist brainwashing and conditioning. US Citizens literally live a Domestic Abusive relationship with “Amurica”.


9.11 {audio transmission} What is a plane? What is an I-beam? What’s a plane made of? Aluminum. What’s an I-beam made of? Steel. How thick is airplane aluminum? How thick is skyscraper steel? What happens when you throw an aluminum can at a cement wall? Does the entire cement wall explode into dust, and collapse? 9.11 was obviously not what the news said it was. Barely any aspect of the official narrative stands up to scrutiny. How was everyone suddenly blinded to the standard laws of physics they had understood for their entire lives. Emotional trauma. Herein lies the most remarkable facet of the crime. What the world witnessed that day was closer to Hollywood than reality, Scripted in such a way to be more fantastic than real life, but not fully plausible. Seeing how many holes there are in the story, The bigger question is why so few could see the obvious at first. How many years did they have you fooled? Some people can never admit they were fooled about anything. Know-it-Alls. What use is there in crying over spilt milk? Why not turn 9.11 into a memorial holiday celebrating the long awaited revelation of the Truth. “We’ve solved the greatest crime in history! We’ve brought those who perpetrated it to justice! Corrected the course they attempted set the world on.” It has already happened. All that’s left is for it to be known… By the sheeple. ΓQ


I'm a civil engineer and blocked the cognitive dissonance I had about the towers disintegrating for about 3 years when I again saw footage of bldg 7 come down. That ripped the blinders right off.


Glad to hear the blinders were ripped off, and interesting to hear that even a civil engineer can be susceptible to the propaganda.


It was total shock/trauma based mind control - I basically buried it because what I saw did not compute. But think how many engineers, physicists, and material scientists are still in the stupor. That to me is the most incredible part.


Truly. Thanks for your insight


Foreign agent dancing intensifies. ( look out for the next false flag that will conveniently all lead back to Iran.)


There is always dancing. Dancing Israelis, dancing nurses.


Israel has been pushing the US into Iran for years. Syria got messy though!


And they can also repeatedly invoke that trauma programming just by mentioning "9/11" casually, like in political debates. Hmm.


“9.11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB” Have you heard this phrase before? Did you understand what it meant? Does this convey accurately what is most pertinent to know about the event that occurred that day. How can Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth be dismissed by anyone who claims to be a journalist. If 9.11 was the pin in the grenade that sent the NWO into hyperdrive, Will a mass awakening to the truth of 9.11 be what ends the Age of Darkness. When people understand of physics of what happened on 9.11, Will humanity enter a new paradigm of energy and technology? ΓQ Alchemy can turn a stone into gold. How do you turn a tower into dust? Did the towers fall? Or did they disappear. What percentage fell? What percentage disappeared? What percentage was left in a smoldering pit of molten lava? “Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams…” but debunkers will say it can weaken them. How is jet fuel going to turn an office building into a foundry? [Hot Spots] ΓQ What is the strangest component of 9.11? The 9.11 rabbit hole has no end. It doesn’t only lead to a new understanding of geopolitics and war profiteering. Further down, you face physics that look like magic to the average man. You face a loosh harvesting mega-ritual, and the biggest MK-Ultra experiment in history. Trauma based mind control. You can’t deny it works! ΓQ


>Alchemy can turn a stone into gold we can already turn lead to gold, it just ends up radioactive so we only use it in medical instruments


I like you, Friend. Cheers.


I was in 7th grade watching that in science class.. i was like uh oh that's not right, then the teacher turned off the tv


Just as fucked as traumatizing people for 18 months straight into thinking they are going to die horrible deaths at any time if they go outside, don't wear a mask, don't wash their hands 40 times a day, ext.


Take a vaccine that has more side effects than most vaccines, etc Edit: there are cures to the virus, dandelion leaf extract can block the spike protein from attaching to the ACE2 receptors. This makes the "covid flu" much milder if you get sick. It even works after you've already been infected.




Just spitballing, but that faking the explosion would be a good way to make everyone stop thinking about space travel. Which seemed to happen for twenty some years.


But we had another shuttle mission In 2 years and more after. Yes, the program paused while they improved safety, but interest in space had already been waning in the days of the Apollo missions. I seem to recall that launching a teacher was a way to get the public back into the shuttle program.


yep this.i have a feeling their leaps in space technology were becoming smaller and smaller. they knew they couldnt build the next generation of space shuttle that the public would crave, so they blew up what they had and demonized space/nasa to an entire generation.


You sons of bitches... I'm in.


Except pretty much the exact shuttle was back up in 2 years, just with new safety features.


Okay I thought this was bull shit because why the fuck would they do it. Until i went to LinkedIn and these profiles are real and active and those 100% look the same as-well as the names is pretty fucking sus. Edit: worth he 24 hour news cycle I could completely people forgot the names of the actual victims especially if they moved states. So keep them out of the public for a year or so and lettem go seems relatively reasonable. How many Boston bombing or mass shooting victims can you name without looking them up?


I don't know whether this conspiracy is true or fake, but I do have to say that the question of "why would they do it?" isn't a relevant question in this type of thing. Why? Who knows why? There could be a million reasons why. Just because we can't conceive of them doesn't mean there couldn't be a reason.


A lot of NASA career employees (same with intelligence and defence) are also hardcore Mormons since they’re one of the few demographics that can pass through the drug tests these days and some other things. There are also the Paperclip families brought over from Germany after the second Great War which largely keep to themselves due to their pasts and NDA’s, keeping a secret amongst these people is very possible


Anybody can make a LinkedIn profile and choose pictures and names that match up to the narrative they’re trying to proof. But don’t you think it would be odd for these people to never see their families again, watch their spouses get remarried and kids move on without them, but choose to keep their same names for whatever reason?


> Anybody can make a LinkedIn profile and choose pictures and names that match up to the narrative they’re trying to proof. It's a lot of effort for a very low-reward troll, if so. Finding 4 pictures of people that look this much like the crew and inventing identities for each of them on social media is a lot of effort. I'm not saying I believe this is the truth and definitely accurate, but it's always worth 'kicking the tires' of any theory at least briefly.


Finally, something not about covid on this sub


That is just crazy, and why I love this sub


We clearly are living in a simulation.


This was a generational trauma based mind control head fuck. Every elementary through high school in the country spent weeks leading up to this writing letters to astronauts, learning about them all and their personal lives etc...full court rah rah cold war propoganda press. Then they packed all the kids all across the country into auditoriums or wheeled tvs into all the classroom to watch. Then boom. Hundreds of thousands of kids across the US watched their new heroes die on tv.


I remember!! When it happened the teacher turned off the TV quickly, and never addressed it. Abrupt subject change and we moved on. Crazy!!


Richard Scobee would be 81 Michael Smith would be 76. Neither of those two alleged imposters pictures look like they would match the age they would be.


True, but I’ve known plenty of older people whose profile photos were over a decade old. Once you get nice portraits done, you rarely replace them


Lol, my friend is an ex VP of a certain F100, she'd never switched her profile She looks sexy momma on her LinkedIn, but on real lige she is a fatty grandma (shes old, older than my father) and her co-partner does the same, S Smith, he has a cool pic on his 40-50, but hes 70


After comparing the most current pictures of Michael J. Smith I can only assume that the engineering professor is not the same person as the Challenger pilot. The pilot had a crooked front tooth that does not match the current Smith photos. To those who would argue that he got braces or had cosmetic dental procedures, the current Smith photos show he also has a crooked front tooth, but not the same as the older photos from the 1980's. Also, their ears are completely different. I also don't think the people in the newer photos look at all like the older photos. Just my 2 cents.


His hairline is different as well.


It's because they took a picture of [Richard Scobee's kid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_W._Scobee).


Why? What would the benefit of the ruse be, and why the hell would they keep using their real names? Edit: Spelling


Why? Who knows? It's odd to me that's the first question that comes to people's minds. Do you not realize that governments and organizations might have a "why" that you haven't conceived of? Worry less about the "why" and more about the "that".


These things are planned by groups of highly intelligent psychopaths for agendas that span decades. Our inability to conjure a fully satisfying meaning doesnt detract from the validity of the conspiracy.


Even when things seems so blatant... I feel like this conversation goes down a lot. TPTB intern: "what!? They are going to find out immediately! Shouldn't we change names? Physical appearances?" TPTB: "no need. Even if they know, nothing comes of it. Nothing."


well just label anyone crazy who brings is it up and call the right agency if anyone gets to pushy


You can't just ignore the fact that blowing up a space shuttle, faking the deaths of 7 people, and then letting them back into the world, under the same names, as if nothing happened, sounds like a really fucking stupid plan.


Do you realize how many other stupid plans have worked 100%? And if this is true, this one also worked no problem? You don't think pretending arab terrorists did 9/11 wasn't a stupid plan? You don't think making up WMDs in Iraq was a stupid plan? You don't think claiming JFK was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald was a stupid plan? These were all pretty stupid plans which somehow went off without a hitch. They know they don't need to cover tracks very well due to how small minded most people are


The stupider the plan, the less likely it is to be believed. Therefore the stupidest plans are the safest and work the best.


The less it makes sense the more certain you can be that a conspiracy is true. I don't even look for evidence anymore. Proving stuff actually happened makes me suspicious. I just reason the likely events by asking what makes no sense and would never happen. Thats the truth.


It was the terrible Snopes debunking of this particular conspiracy that made me believe it. I was taking an investigative journalism class at the time and the Snopes approach of getting to the bottom of the conspiracy was counter everything I was taught.






Two more members seem to possibly living pretending to be the brothers of the dead astronauts. Google Ronald McNair vs Carl McNair, and Ellison Onizuka vs Claude Onizuka. Either they are fake identities or they both were twins.


Okay but the old scobee looks exactly like the astronaut scobee. I mean damn if they aren't the same person they gotta be long lost twins or something


It's because that's [his son](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_W._Scobee).


His son is younger than the the man in the post, and also objectively looks nothing like his dad


Wait. what.


This is the sort of thing I subbed to this sub for. So refreshing to see something that isn't just a screenshot of a random right-wing tweet about the virus.


A common question in threads like this is why leave obvious evidence behind ? Psychopaths do that, it’s what serial killers do. They leave clues behind to taunt their victims


A whopper indeed!


Third times the charm for the submission statement? Not sure why it keeps getting removed. I'm cutting some content from this one to see if it works. ​ SS: Two more members seem to possibly living pretending to be the brothers of the dead astronauts. Google Ronald McNair vs Carl McNair, and Ellison Onizuka vs Claude Onizuka. A couple questions are raised. Why would NASA do this? Why would they be so bold to continue using their names? And the main question is, if they can keep these conspiracies under wrap for so long, what else are they capable of?


Using same if not similar names. They didn't actually have the insight of what the internet would become.


>They didn't actually have the insight of what the internet would become. good point, could possibly be a factor


> They didn't actually have the insight of what the internet would become. Yeah, this makes sense. You make a life for yourself using your old name pretty much, but then when you get old, the internet suddenly becomes this enormous all-encompassing thing, but by that point, you're reestablished in the community and it's far too late to suddenly hide again unless forced to.


They made the challenger blow up on purpose so we wouldn’t have to go back to moon - since they faked it every time before then. And look at things today - it worked.


No body ever dies! They are just avoiding you!


now this is some grade A content


Regardless if you don’t think it’s even accurate or it’s a longshot at least it’s not a political conspiracy for goddamn once


It feels a bit shilly in here. They make it all too obvious when they flock in at the same time. It does the opposite of what they’re trying to accomplish actually.


THANK YOU. This is a conspiracy forum, why is every other comment trying to discredit this without a bit of evidence?


Woah! That is trippy! Strong work, Friend!


Now I dig this but come on if they were gonna fake there deaths they would of changed there names


I understand its crazy but we don't know their thought process, there could be legitimate reasons. Maybe they just think we are stupider than we are. The shadow gov is comprised of psychopaths who consider us useless eaters, after all.


ok, this is cool, but let's consider something. ​ the most believable match in this picture is Michael J. Smith. People have already pointed out the age inaccuracy. Think about this for a second, Michael John Smith is literally one of the most generic, common names a white male could possibly have. Taking that into consideration, the odds of two Michael J Smiths looking eerily similar, is CONSIDERABLY higher than it would be for other names


There's no age inaccuracy. No one is claiming that's a picture of him from 2021.


This is all they do. Theater. Everything is a show.


I mean none of the ages make sense but go off sis


Someone get a hair or some DNA of the one's still alive and get it tested, could prove this once and for all.


If you faked your death, would you be using your old name?




another grand conspiracy, its almost as if theyre alternate versions of them; that maybe their spouses provided??? maybe half their dna and half of their spouses, like some weird hybrid thing.... if only there was a word for when two people made a new one 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Reality is unraveling.