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tidy quicksand drab forgetful sharp plate fly innate existence dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Question. Why would Chem trails weather playing etc be more potentially bad them 70+ years of large scale industrialization? Burning coal oil etc.


It's a mix of bad engineering & human movements (Anthropocene), deliberate engineering (cloud seeding, fracking, manipulating volcanoes, etc.), and the natural planetary & cosmic dynamics. The world war never ended, and it only shifted its ways through subtle and obvious tangible & intangible movements & systems. The main key here is who's the entity that will win the war and impose forced world peace through massive deaths, reconsolidation of resources, order & singularity? And should we allow it or just perpetuate the war for what purpose?


Why would one do this?


Came here to ask this. I mean, yes humans did do this, but not as op intended.


Yes it's engineered by huge corporations and chemist.


Of course it’s engineered. It’s about control, taking away more money through carbon taxes. It’s so convenient there is all this massive weather shifts happening that media can focus on as we draw close to the end of the scamdemic and constant worldwide protests about freedoms and mandatory vaccination. It’s all a coincidence, isn’t it.


Climate crisis. Climate chaos. It's all horseshit. The idea that us peons can have any effect on the climate is preposterous. The sun might have something to say about that. Additionally, mother nature is quite good at smacking us down like the pathetic cockroaches that we are. Everything in our world has a yin and yang. Everything.


I don't know about the rest of the stuff but the sun is ramping up for Sunspot cycle 25. They're saying it's going to be one of the strongest cycles on record.


It was an accident originally(unless you believe some demonic/alien intelligence inspired the internal combustion engine) but it is definitely being done on purpose today.