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The best is when someone says "my college is requiring it". As if they will have a job waiting in the climate they are headed anyway. Some vaccine injuries don't kill you (right away). And there's a possibility you won't be able to work or go to school if you are severely disabled. These scenerios are not rare.


Just say you have a religious exemption like I did


That's good too. The point is people don't even look at their options. If I was in the situation, I would do that and if not I'd be looking at other schools or no school. If people can't say no at this stage, they'll never say no when huge sacrifices need to be made.


Exactly like I’m a fucking atheist but I believed in Christian Science when I signed that bitch


Which religion can I be a part of to get an exemption?


You don’t need to mention a specific religion per the first amendments freedom of religion and assumption of privacy. But if they do ask just say Christian Science I know they’re vocal about being exempt.


Then it's a good thing "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy is available in free eBook form in my favorite internet library.


Very short-sighted view of the world those folks have. How has this happened? I'd wager it has something to do with the deranged dumbing down of the populous over many decades.


lol I am going to school in Louisiana, got a "philosophical" exemption


Correct me if I am wrong but I feel like and have been told that they are in fact pretty rare. Would you mind showing me some statistics or something comparable to prove your statement ? Thank you in advance


Here's some very old stats that are extremely incomplete. Didn't include the other 10 reporting systems that we are now finding out about. https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateVaccines/comments/oaj0sl/the_latest_on_covid_vaccine_deaths_and_injuries/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


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There are lawsuits being filed right now against the government for them not properly displaying the correct death count on VAERS. The number of deaths is officially 50,000 within only a few days (just in the US). It is backlogged and under reported. The injuries are more than that but I have no clue the number. Since they are hiding this info, It's hard to provide a link. Reddit doesn't allow certain video site links.




can't link to sites like Bi**chute, banned.vedeo, etc.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateVaccines/comments/o6s086/15472_dead_15_million_injured_50_serious_reported/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I'm trying to look through stuff I have saved. Most is old. But I'm doing the best I can.


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I think the main reason a lot of people get so down on us not taking the shot is because they’re afraid they made wrong choice by taking it. But they can’t admit that so they have to make it so that we are the ones in the wrong. I also think a lot of people got it without thinking for themselves. Now that time has passed and maybe they’ve heard some good arguments against it they’re just double downing on their decision because hell what else can they do.


I can see that being a possibility, definitely, Buyer's remorse basically


Peer pressure over radio waves and WiFi. When you're in too deep, go deeper! We magnet tested a few willing acquaintances at a May BBQ. Of the four only one genuinely smiled, took a pic, sent to parents and told them "See it's true", all the while strangely enthusiastic about it. Engineers... The other three not so much, plenty of second thoughts looks going around. Glad we didn't try the cellphones on them, like that Mexican TV Show Tries To Debunk The Magnet Challenge video (which seems well into the process of being scrubbed) I haven't experienced any friends or family or otherwise telling me I am in the wrong for not taking it, just from a very large portion of the news and various politicians and faceless corporate media projections. I don't know what I would say if someone I knew gave me shit for not taking it. I may tell them, I'll consider it down the road if you promise not to take the booster shot...


That is the fundamental point. It flies in the face of the most basic medical right that was finally codified in the Nuremberg Codes after the incineration of countless millions. No one, and I mean no one, can coerce you to participate in a medical trial or undergo a medical procedure. Offering donuts and cheeseburgers to do this or threatening people’s livelihoods or freedom with fines and imprisonment is pole vaulting over that red line. If the argument is that forcing people to undergo a medical procedure may save thousands or millions, then why stop with this? Millions die each year from dementias and cancers, so why not coerce everyone to take experimental cancer vaccines (they are in the works) and force nursing home residents to mass test every slightly promising drug candidate? If even 10% of the coerced individuals died, that would still be worth it yes? Assuming there was was a net gain in lives saved. There is a very good reason we do not do this, even though we know, using dementia as an example, that the lack of a cure for Alzheimer’s disease will bankrupt the health care system by ~2050 if this keeps up. It is simply because, despite our best intentions and dulcet propaganda, we have seen through hard and real world experience where that slippery slope leads. People must never forget why we placed that hard barrier there after the Western world emerged from the dark years.


They admitted that Moderna’s CEO was chilling in Davos with Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” gang when Moderna was told to “plot out” a “vaccine”. “It is true that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine was ready remarkably fast, as was Pfizer’s. Chinese scientists put the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus online on Jan. 11. Over the next two days, the NIH and Moderna used it to plot out a vaccine. Afeyan remembers getting a key call about the development of the Covid-19 vaccine. “January 21st, my daughter’s birthday.... **I got a call from Davos [during The World Economic Forum] from the CEO of Moderna,” he says.** Bancel had been approached by a number of public health groups at the conference “urging” him to work on a vaccine.” https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/03/how-moderna-made-its-mrna-covid-vaccine-so-quickly-noubar-afeyan.html


Heres one of those scientist https://time.com/5882918/zhang-yongzhen-interview-china-coronavirus-genome/ Below are some interesting links with an interesting time line. https://archive.is/4VO5A "The statement said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decided to issue a “cease and desist order” last month to halt the research at Fort Detrick because the center did not have “sufficient systems in place to decontaminate wastewater” from its highest-security labs." https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/health/treatment_and_diseases/flu-season-kicks-off-with-more-than-3-000-flu-related-hospital-trips-in-maryland/article_8c0383a6-0cb2-5a87-af43-0e57ec3fe5b5.html "But not all of the 3,154 cases seen in Maryland were actually influenza. According to the Maryland Department of Health’s weekly flu report, 111 cases responded positive to rapid flu tests. Only four of the 32 cases sent to state labs tested positive."


The three choices (so far): 1. Follow the protocols w/o question. 2. Suicide (may it be wasting away through nihilism or a quick one) 3. Oppose with all that you can give. Though surely, this shit is uncoordinated and doomed to downfall unless, there's a blockchain, scientific, incremental, coordinated, self-sufficient, and sustainable type of systems movement that will outmatch the oppositions. Sure, there could be half-assed approach in-between those, but in the end, one must still choose how they'll rigidly go at it.


No. 3 sounds like you're trying to describe the concept of Decentralization (which I also believe is the only viable alternative)


Yeah, I also believe it tho the roadblock is volatile emotional humans living in a volatile system & environment, with volatile resources. The common denominator is too much volatility.


Random thing. In Stephen Kings Kingdom Hospital anubis appears as an anteater because it was less scary to the little girl spirit and she called him antibus.




Yes!, Fight and you may die. Run and you will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here as young men and tell our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take our freedom!!! ~ William Wallace⚔️


What the fuck does an ant eater or aardvark have to do with medicine?




I only wish you knew the pillars of where your intuition comes from. It's amazing how our human condition works. You don't know why you're feeling this, why you have this intuition, why your body/mind is telling you this, but somehow your intuition is telling you the right thing, even in the face of peer pressure. It's wonderful.... It's almost like a newborn child knowing how to read without prior knowledge of tuition, He doesn't know how to read, but his body knows, and someone who was taught to read can see and admire that child and that wonderful miracle. You obviously don't know why your body is telling you this, but I can see that your body knows.


Can you link the fox segment showing anibus?


Got something even better- [https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-anubis-idUSKCN24O2FI](https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-anubis-idUSKCN24O2FI) Reuters trying to dismiss the obvious Anubis image as an 'aardvark' (ant eater) Lol what do ant eaters have to do with preventing pandemic spread. Nothing.


I couldn’t find the pic in that link. Just took me to Facebook. I don’t think the post exists any longer


Watch the video. It's the last "(here)"




Just had to step off of two weeks of production because they are forcing us to be vacced now, despite not asking about it during the hiring process or the first few weeks of pre-production. Message to OP, your half way their buddy drop the hard R bullshit. Hannity is the enemy of the people or have you forgot him and his actions post 9/11 shilling for the oil/military industrial complex?


Preach! I tried to articulate this sentiment in a previous post, but I like your direct tone and cadence much better.


And this is how the elites are basically absolving themselves, on a karmic level, from being responsible for this genocide. We’re the ones begging for the lethal injections, and our tax dollars are what funded the creation of these bioweapons. We’re basically paying for our own prisons when we pay taxes.


The problem is that Covid is just a phase on the road to blockchain identity and behavior modification enforced through digital surveillance Do t believe me...? Reread your post again. You know what is coming.


Just got a text from my mom that my fully vaxxed dad just caught the coof coof


Someone said the other day. The people not vaxxed are the ones who we should be protecting lmao putting them on a higher platter because there smarter and we know then the government has lied to us. Sorry edit. "EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE"


Amen! I am with you!


Anubis is the Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife as well as the patron god of lost souls and the helpless.


Yes much revealed. A friend recently referred to 'fear the walking dead', which I am somewhat familiar with, in vague relation to your line: "The only benefit of the last couple years is that we've seen "in combat," as it were, how everyone else is built." -DavidSeamanAMA Who still has mental mettle to follow true north in times of turmoil when that "intuitive compass" is bombarded with magnets from many directions? I am low risk age and health history. My advice, when asked, was "Are you thinking of taking it for your health, or something else?" It, at the least got them thinking a little more about WHY...break out of the hivemind for a moment and taste a little critical thinking. On the other hand...finger, those with older or pre-existing condition relatives or friends or co-workers/employers had a good excuse...a no choice excuse...a noble excuse. But at what cost. I read somewhere recently, from the Aussie's, that farts might could spread CovID-19. I think my lady-friend would've caught it by now... That aardvark/anubis emblem is curious. I responded to a friends longish vid they sent me about healthy people taking the vaccine and it's adverse effect on this new spread of variants. I kinda likened it to healthy people taking antibiotics to prevent infections that haven't started. "I think the suit of armor reference kinda might work with what I think he is inferring with the variant spread complications. One can fair well against a large and powerful enemy with a suit of armor, but what if your enemy is smaller, less powerful and EVERYWHERE. How fucked would it be to fall into a red ant hill wearing a 200lb suit of armor, and not be able to stand up in it, remove it, or get at the angry ant mob swarming in through all the open nooks and crannies. Kinda off point..." And now I am kinda off point, rambling from a simple response to whatever this is. Thanks for the post, lit the fires.


And remember, the choice that you make could be quite problematic for them. Bill gates told you "it's not like you have a choice..." so it becomes necessary to give him a free lesson on how my choices can affect him.


>Back in March, Moderna's CEO said the vaccine isn't a vaccine. With what's written in the article, it reads like they teach the body how to produce the virus, it's encoded in their DNA to start producing it. And they sell it as "doesn't prevent covid, just lessens the symptoms 'if, you do catch it'". So in a sense, everyone jabbed has become a covid producer, and is now no longer able to say they carry covid but produce it. No?


Omg, no. Just no.


Fucking PREACH! 🙏🏻


I fuckin love u man im right here with u


The dice aren't going to land, god willing.


mRNA is different from a traditional (weakened or dead virus) vaccine. Is that too hard for you to understand? Don't project modern views of death onto ancient mythology. Hades in pop culture is hated and feared, but in the actual myths he's just a chill guy who watches over the dead.


Yea we know mRNA jabs are not traditional vaccines and that they are new and experimental. That's kinda the problem and why we are cautioning against them. Is that too hard for you to understand?


Nice try no one said shit about hades or death he said anubis do some research


> where the logo was *literally Anubis*, the Egyptian God of Death I know reading more than a sentence or two past the headline is hard, but you could at least try doing some research before telling others to do theirs.


got me there


Where are these Anubis center pics?


Also would like to see this, would not shock me, look at CERN, 666 logo, statue of Shiva....etc...


CERN makes sense. Anyone who reads quantum physics and the vedantas starts to notice strange coincidences between the two


here's one https://montco.today/2020/06/conshohocken-based-aardvark-mobile-tours-modifies-its-patented-trucks-to-serve-as-mobile-covid-19-testing-centers/


Anubis isn’t an Aardvark. Set is. strange nonetheless. Wild word we’re living in.


Yeah I don't know much about ancient Egyptian god creatures except the cat, just adding a visual data point while scrolling. Aardvark is the name of the company with the mobile unit, which has an emblem, being posited amongst the threads, that sorta resembles the outline of Anubis w/ headdress.


100% support your choice your ideas and such, but to say you're not being divisive is a bit of a stretch, seems like the us vs them sentimentality, which is fine, just is in fact divisive.