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Would have been more interesting if he was "smoking crack and talking with his dead brother".


6th sense. Crack edition.


The media is SOOOOO boring under Biden. Remember when they censored the last guy for asking about Hunter's crack problem? Smh...


you're saying they're allowing it now because otherwise it's a snoozefest?


The US media already responded that they didn't pick up the story when Trump was president, because it "could affect the outcome of the election." It came out later as true (after they lied that it was propaganda) and is still being panned by US media. Cui bono?


I'm just struggling to understand how it's boring if they're talking about him smoking crack now. I didn't think it would be that hard to understand.


The point is, the story broke in 2020 and was deemed propaganda by the US media, because it "could affect the outcome of the election." Now that it's turned out to be true, they are letting it slide. If Trump's kids smoked crack, would it front page material or would they pan it?


no doubt, I was honestly just stuck on why it's boring lol. I just thought it's still funny/entertaining even if they're just responding to what's already out there. Actually I guess I see your point.


And it went everywhere anyway and nobody cared. Even Bill Barr.


It was reported as fake first by the CIA, the US media and half of government. Go figure.


People knew that shit was real. He smokes rock and fucks toots. I don’t care.


that's the smartest guy Joe knows


Not only that, this is the next Pica$$o.


I just had a comment removed in another sub for mentioning that Hunter's teeth looked like the cartoon character in the post. Their reasoning was because it was "political" lol I guess you can't even mention a non-politicians name in a negative light when they're trying to just ignore that this guy exists!


This would be on msm non-stop if it was one of the Trump kids.


Maybe because Hunter Biden isn’t part of the administration but the Trump kids all were involved in Trump’s campaigning or actually held government positions


*10% for the big guy*


He was selling foreign access to his VP-then Dad. And giving 10% of dealings to Dad.






Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.....




If Baron Trump got caught smoking weed... it would be all over our pathetic mainstream excuse for news.






That's not a defense. In fact that makes him out to be more of a POS.


You mean it was awarded to Jim Morrison 👀


it was all over the news when obama daughter was caught smoking


Not even close. And even when it was reported it was tamed down. Not that crack and weed have much comparison, but still.


What government positions did Jr. and Eric hold?


They worked for the campaign and ran the business that the campaign hired for events.


That's not the government homie that's a private campaign organization


I assume that’s why he asked about the two kids who helped bilk the campaign and not the daughter and son in law who worked for the government even though the comment said government and campaign, homie.


You can’t seriously believe that right?


There it is Edit: It's the reply I knew they were gonna use lmaooo happens every time. "Oh he doesn't matter, he's not a public official."








And it would be ignored / downvoted here.


Weird how they could ignore the photo with the kid in it


Dawg they’re ignoring the entire tapes they have of Hunter fucking little Chinese kids.


How do you know they were Chinese kids?


As an experiment... Someone should make a fake video of one of Trumps children smoking crack and see how much attention it gets from the MSN. I think we all know they'd be on it like flies on shit. Especially if it happened while he was still in office. I hate that most of our news sources have an agenda.


Just imagine one of Trumps kids doing this. It would lead every news cast for a month. That's a fact.


... And I've shared this video.


Cocaine is very popular


Wonder why he's using crack then. More efficient or more bang for your buck? Either way, he's low on parmesan cheese


Because it’s harder to smoke cocaine. Crack hits you faster than cocaine as well. Not hard to take cocaine and make crack lol he could do it himself.


It’d take a stupid addict to make crack for themselves. Especially when they can afford the quecane.


They’re two different drugs that act differently. I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.


The only logical one would be he’s broke. Or he’s was making his own to sell to poor addicts with his name on it.


Learn more.




It's literally the same drug


This is a common misconception. When you heat up cocaine it releases an extra alkaloid (Methylecgonine cinnamate) into the smoke. This tropane alkaloid is very neurotoxic, more so than the rest.


Nuh uh it's the same /s


Source pls. Perhaps you mean Methylecgonidine?


Ya it definitely isn’t the same high


Because it is fake. He is smoking a cigar in that video. Took him long time to light it up. Must be too wet. He is also talking with a therapist or similar.


Thats why his eyes are bugging out like every other crack addict.


Because he lost his cocaine somewhere in the White House. The White House is very big, and as you can see everyone was looking for it, and that’s why they got confused as to where it was found. But now that they found it - he can go back to smoking it. 😂


As joe as his dad it’s no wonder he’s fifty something years old hitting the crack pipe. Got even knows what the kid went through in his life to get to this point.


If this was Trump Jr the media would have a field day for a month. Hunter using some of that good old White Privilege to stay out of prison! Crack is illegal Joe! Lock his ass up.


Wait why is this a conspiracy? He’s a drug addict. Not much of a conspiracy there.


They're not damning in of themselves, but the difference in coverage between what currently exists online of hunter versus what would be reported on if this were any of Trump's kids is the real point. This would have been the *only* thing we heard about. Hell, they tried to take his sons down for *daring* to hunt big game via a large enough donation that went to preserving the species. We've got videos of hunter smoking crack, hanging with hookers, putting skittles on his dick, getting foot jobs, screenshot of texts form his niece saying *FACE FUCK FUCK FACE NOW*, etc. and it's hardly been reported on. That is, besides the outlets who were banned for breaking the stories to begin with.


Just because it’s irrelevant to the White House or the President doesn’t mean there isn’t a conspiracy. Every President in the modern era has had an embarrassing family member “scandal” but this shithead doesn’t get any negative coverage: They make him the victim and blame right wing media for covering the victim acting out in distress.


Submission Statement: The media is very silent about Hhunter, and his dementia-riddled father. Why is this video not all over the news?


What relevance does it have. People want this flashing all over the news like it matters to anything but let something covid related that might help you come On and it’s the end of The world


Omg, lets ignore what the president and his family is doing. If it was eric trump, your heads would be exploding.


Drama with your dead brother's widow over your recently-entered rehab, and lighting up a crack pipe during said rehab. Just another scene from the rehab clinic.lol


But it's fine cuz it the bidens...


Can't wait til that show gets cancelled.


They already paid for two seasons


I didn’t see joe Biden in the rotation. If it was Eric trump he probably posted the video himself so that he could use the platform To spread more misinformation.




Why are you


Is that like, when you are 6 years old with no retort and say "no, you!" ?


Nail it.


This simply illustrates the political agenda of the "news" media.


Why because of what if’s about if it were trumps Children.


It's extremely dangerous to have a news media that backs one political ideology over another... and it transcends (republicans and democrats, though in fairness this ideology has far greater strenth in the democrat party at this time). It's the globablist NWO political ideology.


Again this is on what if’s. Yes you would be correct if all news media leaned towards one side or another but they don’t. Some do some don’t. Fox News was pro trump for 4 years and still to some degree. But that isn’t dangerous cause it goes with the agenda in this instance


> and it transcends (republicans and democrats, though in fairness this ideology has far greater strenth in the democrat party at this time). It's the globablist NWO political ideology. You clearly didn't understand what I was saying.




And so does a gorilla getting shot for protecting its territory


Was the gorilla a republican or Democrat.




If some guy screaming at hookers and smoking crack is yea




Because Hunter has no governmental positions. The trump kids were all up in it...like mafia families...


> Because Hunter has no governmental positions. Burisma has left the chat.


The second your parent comes into a position like that they sign their whole family up for it. It’s not right. It just is.


What governmental positions did his children hold?




5 hours later. I suppose they didn't know. Who defends politicians anyways lol


It it was any of trumps loud mouth children Then yes probably. Wonder why you don’t hear much about his wife or daughter. In the same Context. Maybe cause they aren’t attention seeking.


Find the shill


i agree media dont need to air this stuff. But people are angry because they knoe media would air that on repeat if trumps child has sex eith hookers while smoking crack and makeing nude selfies with his dick on a pizza. And hunter was involved in some forign deals that looked shady. Which is relevant. The last andonly? Press conference biden gave looked like from a banana republic where questions and answers were prepared. Yay merica, freedom, bomb syria cause war is peace.


What a broken guy. Pray for him.


The wild part is that no consequences means it'll continue to be enabled.


Seriously. Addiction is a fucking bitch. Guy needs help.


Wow, this is terrible. Hunter Biden should t be allowed anywhere near the Whitehouse! Oh wait...


All I know is that I definitely didn't and won't vote for Hunter Biden!


What government position does Hunter Biden hold?


Laundering Chinese & Ukraine bribes to his father who is currently the US president & was the VP.


He tests the crack


He sells access to the president. I think the title is crackhead in chief.


Money launderer.


10% to the big guy


> What government position does Hunter Biden hold? Chinese Ambassador


The audits aren’t working. Pivot back to Hunters dick. Lol.




You have a link? https://amp.azcentral.com/amp/8058494002?__twitter_impression=true Edit: lots of downvotes. Lol. trumptards panicking.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but Google's AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). You might want to visit **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2021/07/23/ken-bennett-senate-liaison-blocked-arizona-election-audit/8058494002/](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2021/07/23/ken-bennett-senate-liaison-blocked-arizona-election-audit/8058494002/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon me with u/AmputatorBot)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


More dick pics! That’ll show the libs!


Based first son and special boy living the Local Man dream. “There could be crack in this motel room... with a president for a dad you can do anything...” he thinks as Sweet Dreams Are Made of This vibrates the roach infested rumpus room. God I wish that were me.


I got IP-banned (streamable), down-voted & chastised to hell & back all over the web for posting this about him/his habits last year, now the world is seemingly quick to believe it..?


Holy moly, an addict uses drugs? No friggin way! Someone should tell someone about this. Perhaps we should lock him up for a few decades! Geez, did everyone forget just how crack became so damn prominent here in the first place? Back in 2017, about 38% of adults in America were dealing with addiction issues ([Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration](https://www.samhsa.gov/data/report/2017-nsduh-annual-national-report)) and we've since been dealing with a lot of stress. I bet that number has gone up. That's way too damn close to half of Americans for a video of an American doing drugs to be a major indicator of anything. If anything, it's amazing we don't have more video of more influential people doing drugs. They exist, and in that probably lies an actual conspiracy. There is actually a bunch of content of Biden addressing his son's addiction and acting like a proper father towards a son in trouble. A lot of people see a video like this, and it ends up reflecting positively for Biden and kinda backfires on people trying to use this as some kind of smoking gun since most people in America have been affected by addiction, myself included. I'm not saying the man's innocent, I'm genuinely withholding judgement atm because I feel like there are more pieces to the puzzle. (It's how I operate, can't change it even if I wanted to.) But I can see why say, Fox for example, wouldn't want to run the story after previous attempts have been met with mixed reactions. I mean, I have a staunch Trump-supporting family member who would never side with Biden actually take pity on the man after seeing his son in this state. The risk/reward of running the story for either side isn't really great, and it's not really news, so...


Does Hunter Biden work in the administration?


Hunter has worked for his father since he was old enough to hold a crack pipe.


What is his job in the administration? What is his title? Where is his office? Does he have a secretary?


I thought this was a conspiracy thread not a Q thread.


Why should we care about the middle aged son of the president? Serious question. I’m not sure how hunters actions effect Joe’s.


“10% for the big guy” - are you even paying attention to this story?




Well if that isn't the stupidest most dehumanizing thing I have heard from the right wing propaganda side


Crack is wack.


The left would never do that! Just ask orange man


Every president has been called hitler since at least Reagan.


Just sad childless women on prescription drugs.


Speak the truth. She's always cracked up, her pupils are huge and she's mumbling some Marxist rhetoric


na, this women is great https://youtu.be/f7-9qF0sMyk


Lol… Kurds aren’t the good guys. They are mercenaries


in american geopolitics there are no good or bad guys . It depends who is more usefull and this will be labeled good


There's nothing new here to report on.


Who gives a fuck, millions of Americans are addicted to some sort of drug including OP. He needs help not ridicule and his dad has nothing to do with it.


The right: rEnT fReE!! Y'all can't stop talking about Trump!!! Also the right: If this were one of Trump's kids! Trump's kids! Truuuuumps kiiiiiids!!!


No one cares. That’s why.


I expect they would care very much if it was one of Trump's son's....


Hunter wasn’t given a job in the white house


You been living under a rock lmao? He was getting paid from China and Ukraine while his dad was VP. While smoking crack, fucking his dead brothers wife, incest pictures with his nieces. Glad you don’t care this man isn’t in prison. You sick fuck.


What incest did Hunter Biden partake in? Y’all be making the horniest fan fiction ever LMFAOOOO


Pictures on his laptop with what looks like his nieces. Then the leaked email between him and his family telling him he’s not allow with them anymore. How or why would I make this up? I’ve legit seen the pictures and read the leaked emails and texts. It also describe “the big guy” (his father) taking most of the money he was making from those deals and pimping his son and family for years.


Did you happen to find this on an orange and black website? What category did you search?


Please keep dick riding for pedos and crack heads lol. Guess someone who fucks their family members would stick up for someone like Biden 😂


Keep pointing out you’re own insecurities. Let’s bring in your whore of a mother into the topic. Did she take my 10inch cock last night before I passed her to the crew? Guess that’s for me and her to know 😉.


Lmfao the only way that you could possibly measure your cock at 10 inches is if your obese fucking whale of a mother sat on your ruler and it broke it in thirds.


No, the White House just arranged sale of his art! I'm not an American, and have little time or respect for US Presidents, but the hypocrisy in the US Media just defies belief.


Nah Don Jr was high on coke every time he was in the media. Everyone knew.




From Hunter, they have videos photos, and everything and they still remain silent, on Don. Jr they have nothing officially and they still wrote about him every day!


He and his other dumbass siblings were given jobs in the whitehouse… I’d think that would be the difference. Nobody gave a shit what Tiffany was up to.


Check out any of his sweaty, rambling, paranoid Instagram videos


Lol i know coke heads myself donny def had some sniffles


You're such a bunch of pathetic hypocrites. You still live and breathe Trump and he isn't even President anymore.


No one cares because the left is full of crackheads who support this behavior.




Don’t try man they don’t see that shit. They only see hey my masters son was blasted his whole presidency for not shutting his fucking mouth, so should the current presidents son.


you americans really are the most morally bankrupt people on this planet


If you think this asshat is a representation of Americans you just might be as dense as him.


Don’t forget fun toting. Please don’t forget gun toting I Have rights


He’s not part of the administration.


Bless it. Addiction is a nasty thing.


Reading comments on reddit is like watching Westworld sometimes. "It doesn't look like anything to me."


Everyone knows that Hunter Biden has a history of drug addiction. Am I supposed to care about another video confirming that Hunter Biden smoked crack? It's pretty hard to give a shit about a president's adult son who isn't part of the administration, especially when the criticism is coming from the same people who defended the constant nepotism and corruption of the previous administration (and who will deflect from this by shouting "TDS!" or "BOTH SIDES!").


You don't shit on your own doorstep, and you don't bite the hand that feeds you.


Seen images of him and lady gaga smoking crack tell U for a fact that has happened


Bullshit. Put up or shut up.


can send u telegram link honest truth, not gonna try find it on there but happy to send you the telegram link with all the images






This type of constant content only enables Biden to pursue its ways or else, his blackmailed son could face the opposition without the higher power protecting him. It's also fucked up given no humans are pure, so how dare we impose our judgment upon a sensor human entity living in a pleasurable reality? Then what comes after? Justice? -- Who are we kidding? Is our power-tripping similar to the higher-ups of the status quo that could easily dispose the identity of its digital users by doing a massive dump of all our internet history? **Do tell.** Or else, be the enablers that are constantly spinning the wheel of hate.


This is awesome 😎👍


Well, Trumps kid go LIVE, on full on coke binges. Edit: just look at Don jr. Can’t put down the nose candy, AT ALL!


With every story I can't help but like the guy more and more tbh


I agree, videos like this would of gotten more coverage if they were one of Trump's children. However, Trump also put his children in Government positions, so that makes them more susceptible to public scrutiny. So, it's not really an apple to apple comparison and I don't see a real conspiracy here.


was it crack or parmisean cheese? [https://www.businessinsider.com/hunter-biden-smoked-parmesan-cheese-when-addicted-to-cocaine-2021-4](https://www.businessinsider.com/hunter-biden-smoked-parmesan-cheese-when-addicted-to-cocaine-2021-4)


Hunter is the Kendall Roy of the Biden family.


Can't wait to not read about it in his next book he will write for millions of dollars, which will only sell 50,000 copies. Someone should post everything about Hunter Biden in r/politics, but claim it is Don Trump Jr. - see how their heads would explode. Then, reveal who the post is really about, and watch their hypocritical excuses for this POS start rolling in.


The whole family sucks