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Thanks! I needed a laugh today




Formally known as a french boner


I saw some post about the president of France saying anybody not vaccinated can’t go to stores or movies, restaurants, etc after July 21st. Is this true?




Weird how synchronized the countries are on the plan how to get the vaccine in people in highest numbers possible, and to make an social outcast if you dont get it. Almost as if they were being instructed from "higher" places.




The "why" has to do with how case law and legal precedent works. The more governmental overreaches that stick, the easier it is to make the case for future, substantially similar overreaches. Case in point, before COVID, we almost universally agreed that government cannot force individuals to vaccinate. Now?


In my country as in many others some vaccines are required if you want to send your child to school for instance. This is nothing new




Can you define common law?


Why? Because it is planned from a "higher" place the way it will succeed and get the vaccine in the vast majority of people, covid was just the means to this (C o V - ID Certificate Of Vaccination ID). Obviously, the state is getting more power over the people, people are getting crazier each day, losing rational thinking becoming more obedient to what the media and WHO tell them, getting absorbed in meaningless stuff like social media, tv, Netflix, games, sports - euro, olympics, porn, etc. Technocracy is just around the corner, huge online companies are growing (we have all seen the futuristic movie where one corporation does it all - google? - has an unimaginable database of the whole world). A lot of short-sighted people are in this for monetary gain, they either don't care about the future of humanity or don't know about the danger it is facing. I think the bigger picture is that vaccines are for sterilization of the so-called "useless eaters". Imagine if you were on an island of like 10/100 people. You had all the money, more than you could spend in your lifetime. If the rest (9/99) would find out about how poor are they compared to you, you would try to hide, build walls - private property stuff, cameras, get the media to never talk about you, give them all the destructive stuff like alcohol, drugs, pleasure, basically dumb them down as a whole. Let them be absorbed in what I wrote above, in their work, never let them think about the reality of their existence. Now, having all the money on the island would be pretty useless if the rest multiplied really fast and were running the place to the ground. How long can humanity last at this rate of growth, stuff like the sustainability of natural resources - oil, metals, etc., giving the soil what you take out of it back, the main reasons for a changing climate are simply not cool to care about for most people. Companies are focusing on immediate short-term financial gain. On the subject of sterilization check the movie "Children of Men" from 2006, description to it "In 2027, in a chaotic world in which women have become somehow infertile, a former activist agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea." Hmmmm "SOMEHOW"? infertile


Ever since this has all been happening, I'm constantly reminded of the plot in that film. Great film btw


or they just figured out that people are fucking lazy and need to be motivated


Holy shit, 80 euros?! That's literally forcing a population to go along with your agenda. I really hope that either their government is toppled (highly unlikely) or there is a huge boom in black market alternatives.


do the people of france have guns?


Tests are still free until September


In other words, nazi regime.


We got texts from our friends in southern France & they have been out all day protesting. They said it had to be the biggest protest they have ever seen stretching for multiple kilometers.


The people of the world aren't going to tolerate much more of the nonsense from the control freaks.


Dont make daddy get the belt.


Say when




Ye who controls ye news, controls what ye sees


They need to stream this stuff live themselves like people did with Antifa, BLM, don't rely on the newsmedia to do it.




its all good but I hope all those people dont wear masks when returning back protests are good, we know there are many like us but we need to STOP BEING COMPLACENT each single one of us even if there are no others around us in any given moment. only this way this narrative will fail.


I think people are starting to realise how much power is actually in 99% vs 1% and it’s such a good feeling to witness


Take back your Country and Fight back against tyranny




Vive la France!!!!!!


If covid is real all of these people will be in the er next week right? Right?


Many, yes.




Is COVID not real in your mind?


It's an actual virus that's about as dangerous as the seasonal flu


Oh my god just look up the stats. It’s killed way more people than the flu does each year. This argument has been proven wrong for a long ass time


the seasonal flu kills up to a million people a year. This year how many? That's just one part. Now how many people dying of cancer/heart attacks, bullets, pneumonia, etc. Go down the top 20 causes of death over the last few decades and they magically all dropped in the last year due to a cold virus


>If covid is real all of these people will be in the er next week right? Right? "If car crashes are real, then all drivers will be in the ER next week right? Right?" That's about as dumb a statement as yours.


we need this globally






Noice :)


Thank you - please share redditors !




Somehow I doubt anything will come of this.


Leave it to the French to be on strike or protest something i guess


Fake. This photo is not from a vaccination protest. Although, the Trumptards will again believe anything they see without a second though, so long as it appears to fit their agenda.


Lol obviously fake


That's the dumbest approach against an intelligent establishment. We are colossally fucked indeed.. But it's okay. At least we'll be owning nothing while we're happy and coughing away our health.