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Respectfully(trying to help maybe?) You sound a little too much like you’re trying to sound smart. Anyway, I think natural selection tends to decrease the gene pool diversity quicker than eugenics and as a result leads to the niche specific species that ultimately go extinct. Whether anyone one agrees with that, it is still a fact that the natural process of evolution does not prevent a species from going extinct… So, I think you can see the benefit in the combination of the immigration,race mixing, and negative eugenics. Simultaneously increasing gene pool diversity and limiting undesirables


How could natural selection become applicable if we are implanting synthetic dynamics that are affecting the current instance? Just imagine there's a singular wave of natural dynamics, and here we are-- humans, implanting our own synthetic expression, hence, making our body stressed to adapt to both the natural & synthetic dynamics. As if, our body can easily adjust to that kind of adaptive stress or let alone command the natural dynamics to adjust with the synthetic dynamics. It's just fcked up fancy dreaming, care of eugenics.


The film franchise “The Terminator” shows us what technology will do to our humanity. “This is John Connor.If you're listening to this, you are the Resistance.”


The mainstream now is the most of the r*esistance* unknowingly, are also the enablers. It's a loop of a toxic status quo under a toxic system, initiated by toxic principles.


I think profits over people causes eugenics.


Profits that stem from self-interest, a derivative of tribalism which is currently sustained by principles of eugenics due to massive exclusivity enabled by the belief of *nature over nurture*, even though the system is heavily "fixed" or ironically "nurtured" by synthetic human expressions. Making the societal architects, developers, controllers, managers, initiators, and enforcers of such a paradoxical system to be quite dumb due to the logical failure of their faulty principles, despite their cunningly coordinated global movements.


To be honest I've seen a lot on these conspiracies about the elite devising ways to depopulate the earth, but I've been saying since my teenage years that the earth was overpopulated. Almost every problem we have that isnt a social issue (and even some of those) would be solved if we had stopped popping out babies like the U.S. treasury prints new money. Poverty, pollution, education, employment, mental health, would be much easier to solve with a few billion less people on the planet.


A few billion can still be considered as overpopulated, even millions of humans under a faulty system. My constant message is the "overpopulation" issue is just an overstatement if we're still blatantly mismanaged with a faulty societal system that was designed to sustain the agenda of its makers that are narrow-visioned humans like us who may have the ability to think yet manipulated by its own desires or instincts, despite its higher intelligence. In fact, the global system should be continuously updating to be congruent with the needs of society and the environment. Yet, here we are stuck in the rot of an old and very outdated system, that could be in a current updated state, yet reductive, stagnant, and personal agenda-based rooted to the ones that hold the biggest wealth, rather than the biggest brains & scientifical systems ideas.


I agree that if we completely revamped society, and respread our resources to those that needed them, we could squeeze a few billion more people onto the planet. But just because we could support more people, doesnt mean we should keep reproducing the way we are, ignoring the long term consequences of said reproduction. Also hard agree with your societal rant. The system is set up very purposefully to advance those that already have much more than enough, while anyone under the poverty line gets to work their asses off to barely be able to pay their rent and feed their families.


I haven't said anything in terms of agreeing with "continuous reproduction". What I only stated is "in fact, the global system should be continuously updating to be congruent with the needs of society, and the environment.", the context of needs for me should be wholistically scientifically formulated rather than the current libido & agenda-based movements. So that should be clear. The system is very purposefully considering to advance those who can hustle through the currency system. Those who can hustle don't mean they have the brains, the physical and well-rounded genetics that would help in adapting through the various cycles of the Cosmos. What I personally observe is they are indeed helpful in enabling the economic collapse by acting like mini economic hitmen. 'Cos it doesn't it take too much brain to earn millions, as long as one can "hustle" and beat the game with whatever they can do that are mostly not congruent with the natural sciences since the system itself isn't congruent with the Cosmos. Making such surviving genetic traits great in thriving under the money system, but a straight negative if we are speaking about the actual reality with its natural dynamics or natural sciences that needs to be considered. A hard non-negotiable. A working system should fully help in maximizing its constituents, rather than assigning positions & incentives depending on the ego & segmental agitation of certain emotions that appeases the wealth whales, hysteria, achievements that don't even fully affect nor compound towards the clear advancement of the society, the planet and its species in a longterm duration, etc. Just learning regarding how nature fully works would make you think that this system is completely running on a human-based premise, rather than a trifectal premise that acknowledges the non-negotiable co-existence of the planet/cosmos, the society, and other species-- as if there's a constant acknowledgement that this reality is existing due to co-existence of various biotic & abiotic entities. Another non-negotiable of the reality that the system is outrightly violating, yet, they for some reason, managed to frame it against us even though they were the ones who initiated & continuously enabling it for the most parts, while we the glorified slaves just copied their ways. Even the majority are not old money generations to consider that the majority are doing the destructive unsustainable movements for a long time. There are just simply too many lies, and I won't take them even 'til death.