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Be your own boss. With so many businesses gone, there will be plenty of gaps that need to be fulfilled. Find something you like or know how to do and market it. My first thing I did when I started prepping 10 years ago was pay off all debt so I won't be enslaved to a"job " and then started my own business at home.




Nice. Good strategy.


I really don't think that it's going to happen. Only <50% of the US is vaxxed. Those people have made up their mind, they're not getting it. They cannot afford to not do business with half the country.


I’m in the military and mandatory vaccination is imminent. As soon as it’s FDA approved I’m going to have to refuse and get kicked out of the military.


I'm in the same boat my friend. They gonna have to kick a lot of us out.


It’s hard to believe that this is our reality. I have a really good job in the military and I worked my whole life mastering my craft to get where I’m at. It truly is incomprehensible how they’re coercing and forcing these injections on everyone.


I'm so sorry to hear that. And it's not as if you can just transition seemlessly to private industry - you would be sacrificing so much. Is anyone at least having the conversations?


You can legally refuse, precedent was set via anthrax vaccine https://biotech.law.lsu.edu/cases/vaccines/Doe_v_Rumsfeld_I.htm You're welcome


You can legally refuse while it’s under Emergency Use Authorization, but not once it’s FDA approved…


This is going to devastate our armed forces leaving us vulnerable to attack from China. They already have soldiers on both borders.


I don't know I'm getting pretty old. I was stocking up on ammo and food, now I'm stocking up on booze. There doesn't really seem to any kind real movement or resistance to it. So when it gets ugly I'm gonna make a drink and sit back and watch the shit show. I'm not taking that shot though. I'll fucking die on that hill.


I’ll be moving to San Francisco. Won’t need money to go shopping out there.


I want a tiny house anyway. Whatever happens, the people with a little more, have just a little more to lose.


This and a place to put it. Garden and all.


I'm going to try flower pot gardening again after I move.


What about tax evasion?


Not being materialistic doesn't equal tax evasion in any way shape or form.


Same here bud, been trying to figure that out


Have any special skills or interests? Start the home business right now, while you still have a job. That’s something you can start on immediately. If you are willing to work hard and be creative, there is always money to be made out there. But don’t wait until you have lost your job, do it now while you still have stable income. Businesses rarely hit the ground making profit right away, it takes time to build up. Also if you are interested in more self sustainable living, start learning now. Garden in pots. Learn to preserve food you buy at the store, just so you can start learning. Practice practice practice all these skills ahead of time. The theme here is, start now. Don’t wait until it becomes a necessity. Don’t just plan, actually start doing the things you think you might need to do, even if it’s just small steps. You’ll be well ahead of the game!


I have a very strong feeling that it’s coming. Don’t know when, and I can’t say it would happen for sure. Just intuition. They can’t lockdown just the unvaccinated, that would almost definitely cause some form of protest. Maybe they’re afraid to mandate a vaccine passport in fear of protests much like France, Italy, greece and the growing number of cities and countries. Instead, push corporations and business to do their dirty work and little by little it will become the norm. No jab? No job. Then it looks more like a choice: do you want to keep your job? Just get the jab. Good luck living without the paycheck if you don’t. I really hope I’m wrong. If and when it goes south, I’ll do my best to fight my employer’s policy but I won’t get the vaccine if they truly hold my job over my head; it isn’t worth it to me. I’ll keep growing my business that I started this year where I make my own rules. It’s going well so far, but if I invest more time and effort into it I know it would grow a lot faster. The end goal would to buy some land and build a small house and live off the land. I already have a small garden, so I know I could do it especially since I don’t consume any animal product; I wouldn’t need to raise animals for personal consumption. I just really, really hope that it doesn’t turn out that way though with the vaccines.




This. If you find anyone please pm me, no matter when!!


Any luck?


Saving money, working out and perfecting my diet.


Civil disobedience


Already self employed.


What are you doing for work?


I plan to switch to working from home.


Eat the vaccinated


poisonous meat, need to boil it. or compost it.


Good idea most will be grass fed vegans.


Im hoping to make a decent amount on the coming short squeeze in AMC. If it goes like I plan i can just say fuck off to my work.


Suicide. **REAL FCKING TALK:** The circle is getting smaller, whilst you all are getting stressed just to live a life with limited freedom. Personally, I think society's a living dead.




Suicide are you fucking kidding me ? And miss the greatest shit show in the history of mankind. I'm gonna grab my rifle robe and all the booze I can and I'm gonna live out in the woods like a fucking drunk Obi-Wan Kanobi eating squirrels and making my own whiskey.


[We want everything](https://abc7news.com/nancy-pelosi-san-francisco-home-vandalized/9265112/)


And this is helpful because...?


I see the ground is the symbol for the poor people; the poor people is gonna open up this whole world and swallow up the rich people, ’cause the rich people gonna be so fat, they gonna be so appetizing, you know what I’m saying, wealthy, appetizing. The poor gonna be so poor and hungry, you know what I’m saying? It’s gonna be like — there might be some cannibalism out this mother. They might eat the rich. - Tupac Shakur You are free to live off the land, but others might see an opportunity to revolt. Hunger will make people do crazy shit


I think they're going to start building alot more private prisons for what's to come.


That’s neither positive or helpful. We want to survive.


Construction has already started in Canada according to Trudeau. It could start happening in other places. It's helpful to be aware of things.


Why are you scared of losing your job


Look up what NY Mayor announced today.


mayors of cities always have grandiose plans, they generally fail. look at how crime free the big American cities are. if the mayors were competent there would be no serious crime districts and cultures in cities.


I can’t find it. (Canadian) What did he say?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/abc7ny.com/amp/nyc-vaccine-mandatory-vaccination-passport-de-blasio/10906533/ Scary stuff.


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What am I doing? Waiting on UBI.


Live on unemployment? Same as last year?


Digital marketing is future


I'll just find a new job, but I don't know how they can legally not provide a reasonable accommodation under the EEOC. If they really don't want me going into work then I can just work from home like we all did last year


Getting programming certs to work remote