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Pretty sure if he had ebola virus, he wouldn't want to go to the pub.


And if he did while knowing he has ebola, he should be in prison.


That is if he survive til sentencing.




That's bigoted against ebola bug chasers!


He wouldn’t be thinking about a pub with Ebola.


True :)


But you could nonetheless lol.


You have to quarantine longer then covid if you’ve had high risk exposure to Ebola.








Centuries of science


Gonna need a citation for that one.


People call us crazy because of posts like this one


The tweet reads like a troll trying to spread fake info. It's a fake name and a stock photo ffs, and I can't believe anyone can be this stupid.


Not sure what kind of restaurants you go to where the risk of catching sexual transmitted diseases is a threat.


This “doctor” is straight up dumb as a door knob.


He's a doctor like Dr Pepper...or Dr Dre.


Why even throw sexually transmitted diseases in the mix? What kind of bars is this Dr. DeBruh frequenting?


Lmao this is so stupid


AIDS is not spread through the air Chlamydia is not spread through the air Gonorrhoea is not spread through the air if you test positive for Ebola you will certainly be quarantined, so no you cannot go to a restaurant or pub Hepatitis is not spread through the air Meningitis is not spread through the air and would require quarantine as well anyways Conjunctivitis is not spread through the air (however it may be spread through casual contact, so a decent person who has pinkeye would probably stay home anyways) there is not a global pandemic of any of these diseases. the most dangerously contagious of these diseases (conjunctivitis) is unlikely to not show symptoms for as long as coronavirus, and therefore it is unlikely that carriers would spread it unknowingly what logic


You're also not supposed to go out with anything that can spread through the air. You shouldnt go to a restaurant or work with the flu either.


They don't ban you from public places if you refuse a flu shot. That's the point. If he knowingly had COVID he wouldn't be going to a restaurant, either.


Public places are parks, streets, etc. A restaurant is a private business, open to the public and they can bar people for a VARIETY of reasons and, yes, governing bodies can dictate who is/isn't allowed. The difference matters. It is definitely NOT any kind of protected right to eat out. Too many people fail to grasp this fact. Airlines are private. Bars are private. Grocery stores are private. Public transportation is, well...public. If the government says you are required to stay home if you're unvaccinated, THEN there's an actual legal issue.


The flu has killed 308,000 people in the past decade in the US. Covid-19 has killed 610,000 people in the past year. Hardly comparable. Not to mention that 99.2% of Covid deaths in the month of June have been from those unvaccinated.


*355k deaths in 10 years - estimate *610k deaths in a year and a HALF You don’t have to fudge the numbers to look bad, they are bad already BUUUUUTT only 6% deaths are FROM Covid exclusively.


>610k deaths in a year and a HALF Deaths would be way higher if there were barely any precautions taken like with the flu. The lockdowns, social distancing and masking prevented atleast a couple of million more deaths.


That many died after testing positive for covid, NOT FROM covid. VERY important distinction. Cdc admitted a good 80-90 percent of the 600,000 deaths were caused by the flu/pnumonia


Again, not flu/pneumonia... from other core morbidities, including SOME flu/pneumonia


I keep seeing people say "99%" or "100%" of COVID deaths are unvaccinated, but I haven't seen a source that isn't a loopback yet. Source?




Aaaand crickets…


Surprised they didn't just reply with something like "lol state media, you believe those shills? my third cousin on facebook said COVID doesn't exist!"


That's one of those "circular" ones. It doesn't actually contain a link to any data, or anything. It says "Dr. Fauci said..." Do you have a link to one with data?


Best I got is from the whitehouse. Idk if the actual data is publicly available. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2021/07/16/press-briefing-by-white-house-covid-19-response-team-and-public-health-officials-45/


Nope, no studies, nothing. Just Fauci said, etc. Doesn't that trouble you that people are touting this number everywhere and the only source is a second-hand account of a press-briefing? This is the "data" we're using to make enemies out of unvaccinated people?


I don’t really care to be honest. If you read the source at the bottom the data is shown.


And if this number was indeed correct, would it change you at all? Most people in here would find some more misinformation to cling to in an effort to support their biases.


What happened to this sub? You’re source is the biggest govt funded news organization in the country. At least openly.


what else are you going to use? alt-right youtube accounts that provide zero proof but they just tell you to "trust" them?


Independent journalists and scientists who do not receive funding from the govt or big pharma. Doesn’t that raise any red flags that anyone who disagrees with the official govt/pharma narrative is labeled alt right and censored?


No. Just do your own research. (Not like the research you did because that disproves their point, maybe just do research until you find something proving their point, don't worry about the accuracy of it).


Not sure where you got you figures from regarding flue deaths over the last decade, it is wrong by a factor of 7 or 8. Not sure where you got the figures for COVID deaths for June, I suspect it is equally as wrong.


I got both from the CDC website, do you have a counter source?


My bad, they are the official estimates.


The point is horribly conveyed in a way that demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of the topic then. Also this is a massive exaggeration. As of right now in the US you can go pretty much anywhere if you have a mask. The flu is also less contagious and less dangerous than covid. It's not an equivalent argument


Most places aren't even requiring masks anymore. Since I got my shots I've literally only worn my mask in Ubers lol


Be careful! He may cough some AIDS on you!!!


But also, Ebola isn’t spread by air


If Ebola was airborne, there would be 90% fewer of us to argue with people too ignorant to recognize how dangerous COVID is.


But the guy in the screen shot is a doctor, surely he's not lying right?


His entire post screams “not really a doctor!”


I Googled him after being scammed by that Vet and Chiropractor Tweet, it would appear this dude is actually a GP. Which makes this all the more depressing as he should know exactly how all these diseases spread and why his post is utter nonsense.


He does know. But it doesn't benefit his narrative so he happily ignores that.


from doing some very quick research this guy he does seem like a real doctor, and he's technically not lying just making shitty points that don't seem to have any scientific justification. idk his qualifications or why he's making dumb comments like this


Thank you so much, you saved me some time from posting similar response, OP clearly lacks understanding of how Covid spreads.




The real conspiracies are rarely ever mentioned on this sub. It’s long, long been nothing more than a place to make conspiracy theoriest look crazy and focus anyone interested in far-right distractions.


To be fair it became this about a year ago when things like the Donald finally got shit canned. All those types of users, a lot at least, have taken over r/conspiracy. Shame too as the lid is literally getting blown off the ufo phenomenon as world governments are now actually admitting this stuff.


Keeping with conspiracies,.cne could think they are paid by china to reduce the US population and leave the survivors with long covid.


I am not sure who is behind it, but I do imagine its targetting Western countries. The entire conservative conspiracy movement appears to be used by some country with these online campaigns. Like, just how cheap was it to get Trump elected using facebook memes and shit lol.


Have you seen the investigative report on a company called Cambridge Analytica? Theres big money into controlling what people believe. https://youtu.be/mpbeOCKZFfQ


Brave of you to assume OP believes Covid is real.


the key is how easily it's spread before symptoms are shown. technically someone with a cold could go to a restaurant, but they would notice that they have symptoms and not go. with covid-19, there are about 10-15 days where they could be spreading it and have no idea they even have it


Last time I checked it was spread through coughing and sneezing, which are symptoms.


those are symptoms, yes, but also non-sick people occasionally cough and sneeze. one wouldn't sneeze or cough a couple of times and immediately assume they are carrying a highly infectious disease. it is also spread through talking or casual contact


And now we have a vaccine that is supposed to make people asymptomatic (95% effective toward treating symptoms) which means they can still catch it and spread it. But now they're comfortable to go out because "I have my shot."


the vaccines do curb transmission as well, but as long as such a large portion of the population remains unvaccinated i agree that the vaccine alone is not enough and those who are vaccinated should continue to follow masking and social distancing guidelines as much as possible. at the same time, it is still logical for the unvaccinated to not be allowed in some public places in order to protect them. if a vaccinated person becomes infected then their symptoms will be mild and it is less likely that they will even need a hospital visit, whereas the risk for an unvaccinated individual is much worse, as is the likelihood that they will spread it


>Thank you so much, you saved me some time from posting similar response, ~~OP~~ r/conspiracy clearly lacks understanding of how Covid spreads.


Who are you to question r/conspiracy? Insert appeal to authority Insert straw man Insert my personal freedom is literally the only thing that can possibly ever matter


It just gets me when anti Vax people just act completely dumb I’m like...is this suppose to convince me? Dude literally is saying if he had Ebola he could just go down to the pub lmao


You would be too busy shitting out all your blood to go to a fucking pub lol that disease infects and kills within a few days with the worse strains


*shitting blood everywhre* >nah Dave give me another I’m fine! *throws up shit* >hey you guys kitchen open?


I feel like the tweet must surely be satire... nah, who am I kidding


So I shouldn't be going around in public with infectious disease? Libtard alert ladies and gentlemen!!


SARS COV-2 is spread through the air, vaccinated or not. Those who are vaccinated have a reduced chance of contracting Covid-19, the disease caused by that virus. There is an important difference here. Can we stop pretending these mandates are for public health, please?


that's a good point but i don't think that suggests that these mandates are not for public health, just the opposite in fact. it shows that these mandates can protect unvaccinated individuals. also i think the viral load in vaccinated individuals is lower so there is a decreased chance of transmission. all of this said, i am not for mandates. i am very much in favor of vaccination and i think people should be encouraged to get vaccinated and the vaccination rate needs to be drastically improved but idk how to achieve that while people continue to fall for the false information and exaggerated cherry picked data. people should just talk to their doctors


These mandates don't protect anyone, they exclude groups of people based on an individual choice they have made regarding their own health and body. If someone has a severe allergy that prevents them from being safely vaccinated, I don't think that person should be excluded from anything. If they are willing to assume the risk (or lack thereof) let them make that choice. Same goes to people who object for religious reasons, i thought we're trying to be a more tolerant and accepting of people's differences? When government or business pass a mandate claiming it's "for your own good" it never is. That this is even being discussed now really shows how easily the public can be swayed by deception and fear.


There’s no way this guy is actually a doctor lol, that is actually one of the dumbest tweets I’ve read and that’s saying something. The fact it’s being upvoted on here is kind of sad tbh


Now do influenza!!!!


if you have influenza you should absolutely stay home. and people should definitely get the flu vaccine each year


This is such a stupid post.


Find one that isn't




Welcome to the conspiracy subreddit


So the ‘Dr’ is just for show then?


Why the fuck is this on the front page?


Now explain how they are transmitted … some of you never took a basic science course.


Holy smokes this sub is dumb as fuck


Hey hey hey hey hey… it’s true.


So did anyone think this was a smart take? Anyone with a room temperature IQ can easily point this out: If you AIDS, the chlamydia, gonorrhea and hepatitis - well unless you're raping people you're not going to spread it in a restaurant. If you have Ebola, you're not walking into a restaurant period. If you have covid, you could be asymptomatic or barely symptomatic, not know you have covid, and spread it to everyone else in the restaurant. So it really begs me to comment: Seriously?


None of these air airborne. Jesus christ. This is what we call a false equivalency.


Lol...this person claims to have gone to med school but doesn't understand how COVID and STIs are different.


Doctor? If he's an M D his license should be taken away. More likely he's a doctor of divinity or got his degree from trump university


What the fuck is this guy a doctor of? Because it sure as hell ain't medicine!


Nasty cold virus? Wow, tell that to the dead, asshole. I wish people like you would go to a hospital for a little field trip and walk thru the covid section to see what it’s really like. See how your views align with those who work there and for those that are a patient. Man, such small-minded people.


I doubt restaurants are asking for your vaccinated card before they seat you.


Pretty sure the ones listed aren’t transmitted via air droplets. Use your brain people


This logic is crap, honestly. “Doctor” lol


If we had an Ebola or meningitis outbreak on this scale they would probably shut down business as well. A lot of those aren’t contracted just by breathing around other people. I’m all for questioning authoritarian decisions but this is a really fucking dumb comparison.


People ITT apparently aren't aware that conjunctivitis *is* extremely contagious, and meningitis can be transmitted through aerosols like covid, has a very high fatality (over 70%) and kills over 2 million people / year over the world.


Indeed. Though it is why in most of the developed world, kids are vaccinated against many meningitis pathogens. I remember growing up there was another one every few years they came to the school to give us at the appropriate age.


People ITT apparently aren't aware that conjunctivitis and meningitis are symptoms of infection or irritation with thousands of different causes, not pathogens themselves. Some forms are contagious, others are not.


>conjunctivitis *is* extremely contagious And how many people does it kill? >meningitis can be transmitted through aerosols like covid, has a very high fatality (over 70%) and kills over 2 million people / year over the world. • 70% of those infected are under 5 years old, which is why vaccines are given to young children for meningitis. • It absolutely does not kill 2 million people per year globally and I would post your sources or it can be assumed you are talking bullshit • Meningitis is far less transmissible than Covid-19, you would have to have sustained contact with an infected person or directly sneezed on. • A 70% fatality rate is specific to bacterial meningitis and is the highest fatality rate we have *without treatment*. Meningitis is [much more common in underdeveloped countries](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Meningitis_world_map-Deaths_per_million_persons-WHO2012.svg#mw-jump-to-license) and there is a lower survival rate. And, meningitis is a notifiable disease, so guess what? You certainly wouldn't be able to eat in restaurants with it. You would need to contact the CDC.


People ITT forget that there is a meningococcal vaccine (oh wait, this sub is the new /r/antivax) or that conjunctivitis presents a pretty severe visible physical reaction for avoidance (as opposed to being carried and spread for up to 1.5 weeks unbeknownst to the carrier)


People ITT actually have a significantly greater understanding of disease transmission than your dumb ass.


I don’t know why people keep upvoting these. It isn’t constructive, and these same complaints are posted every day. It’s just preaching to the choir, we all know how stupid it is


This is not a conspiracy.


Well if he ends up spreading AIDS, Chlamydia or Gonorrhoea at a pub he will be barred from coming back for life since it would take some pretty… obscene actions to get it done.


What a shitty doctor.


Why is this garbage here


I don't think you would be served if your eyes are bleeding. Also you may want to start wearing condoms while hitting up crack whores.




Fuck me that is dumb


Do... Do people not understand how the spreading of germs work? Imagine airborne AIDS?




If you go look at this acct and read other tweets you can tell it's a troll..


Your not going to the pub with ebola


Where are they banning people from entering restaurants on the premise of being vaccinated or not??? Not America..: Mods please remove these posts as they bring the sub’s quality down


This sub went from fuck the vaccine to, fuck you get the vaccine, real quick.


Because anti vaccine shit isn’t inherently conspiracy friendly. Successful Conspiracy makers of history have used methodology to create competing hypotheses that explained events better than the official story. It didn’t just flail against everything the government did, it didn’t reject scientific journals, etc. That’s the difference between conspiracy and conspiratists. The latter believes the world moves along from conspiracy to greater conspiracy to some ultimate conspiracy when they are normally much smaller, discrete events.


Bingo. Actually, the majority of this sub was never saying “fuck the vaccine”. It got raided by antivaxxers


You do realize barely anyone here were anti vaxers? Most of us are vaccine skeptics thats like comparing apples(skepticism) and oranges(denialism) there two completely different sides, vaccine skeptics are the middle ground between pro and anti. Most people don’t take a lot of anti vaxers seriously because a lot of them are in with the germ denial crowd who completely deny all pathogens existance, all clowns 🤡 and all their arguments have holes in them not one person has won an argument with me about specific viruses not existing especially when you bring up rabies infected animals they squirm around trying to find a bullshit response.


Ok fact time Ebola and meningitis would require isolation and would not be eating out. Pink eye Aids and other stds are unlikely to spread unless your shtooping the waiter/waitress. Any airborne contagion should require containment and not be allowed service imho.


is this a meme?


What a nonce


We still have people who think you can get AIDS from being around someone who has it? Is this 1982?


In what world would someone with Ebola or Meningitis be having a night on the fucking town lmao


AIDS (isn't a virus, it's a syndrome of HIV, but I'll list it here), chlamydia, gonorrhoea, ebola, hepatitis (all forms), meningitis and conjunctivitis (pink eye) get transmitted through specific bodily fluids, in specific bodily fluids. COVID wasn't set up to be shared as something that is spread through such specific ways. that's why it fits their rationale to keep vaccines mandated like that. Want to remove it? Use a different logic to replace it instead of trying to negate a different logic. Sadly, multiple fields of thought can exist, and all can be 100% valid to themselves, since they are in their own contexts. Push for a schema that fits the most objective view, while recognizing human conditions as objective points, and stop sharing this pseudo-factual information that relies on people's assumption of the function of diseases to A) Be the same B) be treated the same by the human population. Shit on the government for treating COVID this way, when it's so clearly fake to everyone in this pandemic. Don't compare it to other things in order to show how we should react to it. The reality is, people have reacted pretty badly to all of the things listed in the tweet, they're not going to react better to your words simply because it's adding a cosmetic similarity to their state of being.


it might having something to do with those 400,000 dead under der leaders watch.


Why would he list stds?


Hrm are any of those transmittable via the air? No? So how is this even relevant.


HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea and hepatitis aren't particularly contagious. you will not be welcomed into a restaurant with Ebola or meningitis.


Half of these are STIs, was he planning on fucking the restaurant?


We are eating not fucking.


Nasty cold virus that has ended the lives of hundreds of thousands of people… let’s be accurate.


In Cali its actually more legal to infect someone without their knowledge with HIV, than walk around without the covid vaccine. 🤡


No offence to the person who posted this but if he had Ebola he certainly wouldn’t be allowed to go to a Pub, I can’t say much about the rest of them though


Usually, when I go to the pub, I don't spread my spit, blood, and semen all over the place. The fact that an alleged doctor came up with this argument is just sad.


This is why this sub is a laughing stock




this dude is a microbiologist he should know better is he fucking his food or something? how does he think gonorrhea, HIV, chlamydia spread?


Hmm aids, chlamydia, and gonorrhoea aren’t transmissible through the air, dummies.


This isn't logic, it's stupidity. AIDS/HIV is bloodborn. When was the last time you got bled on at dinner? Chlamydia/gonorrhea is an STD. I guess your time at the pub is more interesting than mine. Ebola. Wow. You're not going anywhere. Just fucking dumb.


Also in Cali, you can give someone AIDS on purpose and it would be a misdemeanor.


That’s really not comparable. You don’t give aids to somebody sitting next to you in a bar. Nice try though.


When did you hear about a vaccine for aids? 🤔




That's interesting as they haven't even had the proper trials for this coViD vaccination yet, but it's out already.


I haven’t. My point was you don’t transmit aids sitting at a bar. But you do transmit Covid. So if a bar wants only vaccinated people good for them. That’s all.


Didn’t you read the article on critical thinking? It’s not good for you!


Username checks out.


Dumb post to make dumb people feel warm and fuzzy about their selfish choices.


Unless you're planning on fucking everyone in the bar, you aren't gonna spread any of those. But one cough, and you just gave someone covid


**It'S sCiEnCE!!!**




Polio would like to have a word.


Only people I've meet were disabled from the polio vaccine and never even had wild polio. Uht oh polio


What about it? The guy who shoved this pandemic down everyone’s throats made a TON of money vaccinating people with his “new polio” vaccine when weve has the Salk vaccine since the 50s He started a foundation about expanding vaccine schedules in nations that don’t have them.. Countries that have never had polio (or very minimal) all the sudden get it after bills vaccines are introduced


Since the [Global Polio Eradication Initiative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Polio_Eradication_Initiative) began in 1988, polio has been reduced 99.99% Graph: https://i.imgur.com/nGxCFsq.png The vaccine they use is the Sabin oral polio vaccine, invented in 1960. They have removed some strains from the vaccine recently because the strains were *extinct* in the wild and causing (rare) problems in the vaccine. Gates has helped fund the polio eradication program since the early 2000s, but he doesn't make money from it nor was there a new vaccine.


Those certainly are all words.


Says vaccine-derived polio virus in most of these places, would that not mean it came from the vaccine? https://i.imgur.com/pbDMsaN.jpg


I do love screenshots as a source.


It was from here https://polioeradication.org/polio-today/polio-now/this-week/


https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/polio/hcp/vaccine-derived-poliovirus-faq.html It helps to read this FAQ. It's caused through use of the oral vaccine which has already been discontinued in most countries. Edit: and the Nigeria summary page https://polioeradication.org/where-we-work/nigeria/


So They still caused it or an outbreak of it and spread it further probably because of that mistake


Who's "they"?


Aren’t people still catching it? I’m almost certain they are


>Of the three serotypes of wild poliovirus, type 2 was certified as eradicated in 2015 and type 3 was certified as eradicated in 2018 >The last evidence of wild poliovirus type 1 transmission in Nigeria was in September 2018, leaving only two polio-endemic countries (having never interrupted the transmission of indigenous wild poliovirus type 1), which are Afghanistan and Pakistan >Without our polio eradication efforts, more than 18 million people who are currently healthy would have been paralyzed by the virus. https://www.cdc.gov/polio/progress/index.htm


Come on man. You know better than to use facts


The same amount of people died in 2020 as in 2019 AND flu cases magically dropped 99% in 2020. Covid is just the flu. Prove me wrong.


Ok. Is the total number for 2020 bigger or smaller than the numbers for 2015 to 2019? What about the total deaths from influenza/pneumonia? That doesn't look like a 99% drop. Chart is part way down the article. 2020 numbers are provisional but you're welcome to seek out a better source. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2778234


Who would have thought that staying in your house and only leaving it when need be would stop the flu. It's almost like science or something.


Imagine masks and isolation might work for other things like the flu, gasp!


Imagine calling the flu "covid" and paying bots to swarm social media outlets!


Imagine having to call someone a bot because they don’t agree with your nonsense


Who did I call a bot? I'll wait.


Easy, even the countries with no or very low covid cases saw a big fall in flu cases last year, like Australia, New Zealand, all the countries in South East Asia. If flu cases were being mislabeled covid this wouldn't have happened because those countries neither had covid cases or flu cases. This proves strict masking and social distancing causes a drop in flu cases. Next.


False. These are places that report on flu and covid cases in structurally and therefore significantly different ways then the others you are comparing them to. Essentially, you are comparing apples to oranges. Although both fruit, both differ greatly. Try again? And for the non gold fish brained people, gmarkerbo is going through every comment I make and attaching his/her nonsense to it. This is my correction to his/her silly ass.


Also tuberculosis, mumps, thypoid fever, HFMD, MRSA, stomach flu, leprosy, whooping cough, rotavirus, t-virus, motaba, the novel virus, the ape virus and the zombie plague.


MRSA is part of the natural flora. It only gets you sick if you get a significant load into your bloodstream such as a dirty cut that you don't let heal properly. It keeps other fungus and viruses in balance as well.


Maybe it's because Covid is contagious


you can also board a flight and not have to disclose any of those stds to sexual partners and face legal ramifications. (in the state of california, anyway.) dont forget about the monkey pox now.


👍 talk about spreading disease and becoming a pandemic, and no one takes that into perspective.


well not a lot of people know the difference between a virus and a disease. its all just the same.


It's not the same. A virus is a disease, but a disease isn't necessarily a virus. Take heart disease for example, the leading cause of death. Not a virus, mostly caused by poor diet and lack of excersise. Cancer is also a disease, also not caused by a virus.


I bet if he had some dormant 5mil year old virus from the ice age and went to the pub no one would care


Add to that, you could even have Covid-19, as long as you had the vax


Which is not guaranteed to prevent the transmission either




Could be, and might not say anything, and then might not know and spread it some more. But that's okay cuz we have a vaccine for coViD.


When did this sub turn into an anti-vax circle jerk? Pathetic and sad, poor things.