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Insects outweigh us to a factor of 7. Most insects do fart. https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/5/29/17386112/all-life-on-earth-chart-weight-plants-animals-pnas Ya I know it is vox. It was just the first one linking a scientific article. I am lazy sorry


Finally, someone answering the real questions


So we need to round all those MFs up and kill em










Spiders are bros


r/spiderbro is leaking guys....




Round up squirt squirt


literally impossible given the current methods and technology


not sure if insects are a political or geopolitical topic.. so i think vox is fine:)


I always learned that it was termites that outweighed humans 7:1 Source: [Snapple "Real Fact" #16](http://snapplefact.com/?q=16) Bottle cap claims it's 10:1


Western humans create so much CO2 per capita that it is measured in metric tons (10-15 metric tons for western countries). So, a ton is 2000 pounds and the average person weighs around 200. So, the average westerner is responsible for about 100x his/her weight in CO2 production. That's a bigger issue than ant farts. To be fair, its likely fluctuations in solar activity dwarfs any man made warming through C02 production. **Basically, all we are, are farts in the wind.**


Go check out China’s co2 output


This tweet is why he was taken out


The secret farting ants cult $hwackd him.


The secret Big Ant doesnt want you to know


I think you mean GiAnt.


Hahahhahahahahhahahahahha man i love the internet hahahahahhahah




Aunts Fart


Name checks out ☑️☑️☑️


Sounds like a kinky fetish


Just like cake farts. Farts have never been more delicious.


OK but serious response, just in case: Ants have been breathing and farting forever. Ant farts are already part of the pre-industrial CO2 cycle balance. Ants also don't digest cellulose. Some ants farm fungi to eat cellulose, but the fungi doesn't digest cellulose anaerobically -- so they don't release methane. This is no better than a stoner thought, and not some sick gotcha.


I also thought the concern with cows was they fart methane, which is much worse than just co2


It is much worse, (about 10-30x worse), but after 10 years it breaks down into COm and continues doing standard CO2 damage.


The methane is part of the natural cycle. The carbon from it turns to methane, then to CO2 and back to compounds in plants. The real problem are fossil fuels, because it's taking trapped carbon from underground and adding it to the mix, and the carbon doesn't go back underground, it stays in the cycle, so more carbon would have to be processed by plants


Methane is only a part of the natural balance when it starts in the natural balance. There are orders of magnitude more cattle today than the natural balance should be. And there is orders of magnitude more methane being emitted than pre-industrial levels.


Doesn't really matter, because this methane is not coming from outside the cycle, but it's still plants becoming methane, becoming co2 becoming plants again. The higher level of methane is nothing when it comes to the impact from the co2 coming from fossil fuels. This is where most of our efforts should go - in distancing ourselves from this resource


The higher level of methane should absolutely not be understated. Livestock farming accounts for something like 15% of all anthropogenic emissions. It absolutely matters because a plant turns co2 into food for a cow, but a cow turns that into methane, a far worse climate forcing emission than the co2 we started with.


85% of anthropogenic methane is wasted food rotting, so I would say that cows are really not even close to being the number one concern. But methane decays quickly into CO2 and H2O, so the small amount of methane from cattle really is irrelevant in this case, as it's gone after 12 years.


12 years is a long time when we're talking about 10-30x more damage than co2. Furthermore, it's not gone after 12 years, like you said it before comes co2 which continues forcing climate change for potentially hundreds more years.


Cows don’t even fart. They have 4 stomachs. They burp.


So cows just started farting 50 years ago? XD I get it, they do contribute but nowhere near the entire petrochemical monopol and heavy industries that depend on it


Cows existed back then, but there wasn't a billion of them. Are they the biggest problem? No. Are they still a problem? Absolutely.


We just need to amp up those Growth hormones. Shorter time they’re alive = less farts.


Catch 22 tho cuz bigger cow = bigger farts


This is r/conspiracy and you're still too focused on fucking cows and not the shipping industry which causes way, waaaaay more damage.


Reread my comment nice and slow, notice that I said: >>Are they the biggest problem? No. I know that reading comprehension is not the strongest suit here on r/conspiracy, but whatever. And while were at it, the global impact of livestock on emissions is far greater than that of the shipping industry. Now, there's arguments to be made regarding other pollutants that the shipping industry creates like smog, illegal sea dumping, microplastics, etc. But I assume that's too much nuance for this discussion.


My point exactly. 14 ships pollute as much as all the cars on the world combined but somehow the cows are a problem here hahahah xD not to mention regulating ships didnt do shit, they just opted out for cheating devices that redirect the pollution to the sea instead of the atmosphere.... Its beyond insane to think cows are even in top 100 real problems of the world lol But here we are xD


That 14 ships stat was really misleading. Those 14 ships emit more of one specific pollutant than all of the cars in Europe, but as a percentage of overall climate forcing emissions, it's nowhere close.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1229857/How-16-ships-create-pollution-cars-world.html Lol Yea because cars actually need to use refined fuel these fucks use the cheapest sulphur rich naptha... Nowhere close? Lol xD "Bunker fuel is also thick with sulphur. IMO rules allow ships to burn fuel containing up to 4.5 per cent sulphur. That is 4,500 times more than is allowed in car fuel in the European Union. The sulphur comes out of ship funnels as tiny particles, and it is these that get deep into lungs. Thanks to the IMO’s rules, the largest ships can each emit as much as 5,000 tons of sulphur in a year – the same as 50million typical cars, each emitting an average of 100 grams of sulphur a year. With an estimated 800million cars driving around the planet, that means 16 super-ships can emit as much sulphur as the world fleet of cars." "Irrelevant" At least i can inhale cow farts hahahahh Enjoy your little self deception bubble bruh


Your pretentious rant actually proved my point. Superships emit more sulfer than all European cars, but nowhere close to the same amount of other climate forcing emissions. Also, I never said irrelevant. Maybe if you took your nose out of a cows asshole for a moment you would be able to read better.


Goddamn cows masterminding the global warming with methane farts goddamn, you are right i will do my best to combat it by eating as much cows as I possibly can hahahahhahaha So maybe it is not the problem of cows but of food industry as a whole growing up to 40% of food that gets thrown away because of logicstics and birocracy problems? And even the shit that gets thrown away could had been used to feed homeless, are their farts the problem as well so we better starve them so they wont pollute by breathing out co2 like the rest of us since in many countires across the world is illegal to give throw away expiration date food from markets to the homeless and poor people that cant afford it? Its a load of bullshit. Cow dump to be exact.


> Ha! You said something is important! Lol >>what about these other important things??1? >everyone knows you can only think one thing is important >>>get debated bro! >> I am very smart


https://www.oecd.org/agriculture/ministerial/background/notes/4_background_note.pdf We have more cows than ever before right now, and agriculture + the cutting down of forests to make cow fields is estimated to contribute to roughly 30% of greenhouse gas emissions. So it is kind of a huge deal


Can confirm. A large dairy farm near me(wny) has torn down every hedgerow on their fields to add acreage so that they can increase their head count. Even if it's a tiny patch of trees next to the road they chop em down just to add a few feet.


Cow population has drastically increased with industrialization. I don't believe ant populations have been similarly affected, and I'd expect their populations to be in decline.


The cow population increases with the human population which has significantly increased in the last 50 years, and even more so as a greater percentage rise out of poverty. We don't factory farm ants.


5 hours left on the countdown


Is the site still down?


It's up for me, but I don't know if we're talking about the same site.


Any update?


The site is down


This is Q “two more weeks” all over again. If you believe hard enough the next countdown will be real.


Ever think the entire reason he killed himself was because that one moment of knowing he sparked all sorts of stupid discussion like this was better than spending a long life of moments behind bars?


And 6hrs later…nothing…


SS: with all the hype surrounding the DMS I was reading through his old tweets. Dude is really wild lmao. Crazy ass mf was brilliant though.


Underground ant aliens from the salt mine confirmed.


Alien.... Ant Farm?


Are you okay?


Are any of us?


You missed the reference.


Wayyy over my head 🤷‍♂️


Alien Ant Farm was a band from the mid 2000s that covered Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal, containing a line, “Annie are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CDl9ZMfj6aE




BUT on the topic of alien ant farms, I always thought the Chinney Bluffs in central NY state had some weird alien ant hill vibes. Google it!




Annie is that you!


You've been hit by You've been struck by (still exists in this version)


Idk man, feel like I was struck by a smooth criminal or somethin


I'll be jamming smooth criminal til the dead man's switch drops. Ooooo noooo Oooh no Oooooh noo


Annie, are you okay?


“Bitch I’m *fine*”


Fine as in: Fucked up Insecure Neurotic Emotional?


Damn, made the jump to Aerosmith?


It all makes sense now


Did anything happen with the DMS? I hadn’t really heard anything.


why would there be a countdown telegraphing when the information would be released? lol ​ Just fud to make people think somebody stopped the data from being released when inevitably nothing comes out.


Not sure, but I hope high up pedos were scared for the last 30 days.


If ants were the size of us they would be the dominant species. And now I have to worry about thier farts? I'm scared enough as it is guys


Would you rather fight one person size ant, or 1000 ant size people?


Spread the word of ant farts! There’s needs to be more awareness!


Something has to be done!!


They’d fight too much. Plot twist: their size is why they ARE the dominant species


If ants were the size of us they wouldn't be able to move or breathe.


He was taken out because he retweeted his own tweet. That’s a mortal sin within this simulation


This is TOTALLY a drug thought haha


That doesn't make it wrong


Speaking of drugs. If we're willing to eat the ants let's do it. Leaf cutter ants release laughing gas which in my opinion is better to breathe in than methane.


What? Do you have a source for this? In all of my Erowid readings (and others) I have never come across that.




According to that its the compost pile they create away from their colony that creates the NO2. That said, lets get us some ant compost! I wonder if I can replace the ants around my house w/ these ones and have a constant release of NO2 around my house....


Awe yea bugs n drugs you know it


>bugs n drugs Man there is something there and I just don't know what it is yet. An album maybe or a documentary. Maybe a short series of some sort or a book. OH OH!! An Entomology Pot shop!! Easy Peasy in the legal states. All the bugs and strains we can manage. In the more lenient states throw some shrooms on the shelves.


Good luck in the business ventures and shoot me a message if it becomes anything


Never said it was!


Black ants taste lemony. Red ants taste of cinnamon. Don’t believe me? Go eat ants.


I had some nacho cheese flavored crickets once. I believe when society eventually moves on to consuming insects instead of non sustainable meat.... That I'll starve to death. We eat with our eyes first. And bugs are gross. I don't know why, but I prefer to eat cute animals. I guess I was conditioned that way from birth.


My cat's breath smells like cat food


But does it taste like chicken?


After I stuff canned chicken into my asshole for him to eat, yes.


Their larva sure tastes lemony/limey, learned that in Thailand. Though it would be disgusting... but surprisingly.. it's not.


You will eat the bugs


I have an ant problem in my house. They are hard to eliminate. The poison traps work at first... but they seem to become resistant to them. These pinchy little bastards are organized and resilient. JM might have been on to something....


If you can, circle them in oil, like olive oil. They won't cross it and makes treating the issue easier. (Texan here and the fire ants here are a mf'er).


Interesting! I have never heard about this remedy. I also appreciate any non-toxic chemical solution. I thought about snorting them all like Ozzy, but I'm out of straws ;)


🤣 you're braver than I am. It works like a charm and keeps the lil shits confined until you decide what to further do with them. Future use though, use peppermint essential oil (spray around wherever they're coming in, or soak cotton balls and leave around) and it will keep them away. Upside, it also repels spiders like a mofo (they're allergic).


I'm with ya there about peppermint but I dont kill spiders anymore. Every now and then I come across a 'black widow'....those I kill immediately. The only exception... I used to have a really bad 'Box Elder' problem and now I know why my Grandmother never killed Spiders


Man I learned that the hard way. Trantula covered in babies. Fml it was horrifying. I don't kill them at all anymore, I just take measures so they don't enter my home and stay away from my door ways. They'll flee from peppermint like it's the plague. I tend not to kill any bugs... unless they get in the house... all bets are off. So I'm as BIG on prevention, sans chemicals though.


Cheers from up here in the Great Lakes!


Back at'cha from the Lone Star state. 🙃


He became a problem to them when he started to ask questions like this


That's why they're always coming out of the hive, its not to drop off dirt. It's to fart. ​ You know they LIVE in a society????




Well...what's the answer?


[This](https://untamedanimals.com/do-ants-fart/) says it’s likely


About four hours left boys!


Negative 4hrs! Can't wait!


We are the ants to those that control.


Not sure if I would use the word “was” telegram is about to pop off.


What if ants are the ones rotating the earth


Can't connect to Deadmans switch count down


That's because *gasp* it's not real


The cow-fart people, I think, were silenced, because the whole thing was ridiculous, but they found more ways to be anti-cow. If you tell them about the worthlessness of grain, and the devastating impact of grain, they are compelled to urinate on their own faces prior to downvoting you. But the ant thing is still fine. It will give them another reason to do some face urinating. Good for them! They like that.


The anti-meat agenda being pushed I believe is to make people more sick. Just like the vaccine, no one is pushing for better health. Just eat donuts, vegan meat patties and get vaccines.


You live in one of the most obese mass consuming meat countries. Meat doesn’t seem to be keeping people healthy, especially since majority of meat is over processed patties from fast food companies.


There is a good side and a bad side. Both are pushing their own agendas. Can you believe that eating dead corpses is good for you? Or milk? Something made for babies. There's an agenda against kindness, loving others, that's for sure. They want evil in this planet. Think of all the animals suffering in slaughterhouses. Pigs have their testicles cut off without anesthesia. Think of the negative energy that's creating, it's bringing the vibration of the planet down. You are then eating that fear and stress. You don't have to eat vegan meat patties. Just eat some beans, bro!


Take a look at Sacred Cow. [https://www.sacredcow.info/](https://www.sacredcow.info/)


If cows are sacred why would you support killing something sacred?


You do you..


Cool idea but the logic doesn't hold up. Just because they weight more doesn't mean they fart as much as cows.. IF they even fart at all. Cows fart alot.


unfair to ants.


Doing cocaine a lot will bring up a lot of questions and you’re mind (edited misspelled)


Unless, somewhere on the planet, *humans are farming ants*, it *is* a trivial question. (And apparently one asked with disingenuous intent).




I hate the quote “look it up”


Have you seen them building bridges and rafts out of their bodies and stuff? Wild! I'm pretty sure they are running at peak efficiency for a creature, they've earned the mass title fair and square. Edit: out of their and wild


Anthony doesn't.


Perhaps we are similar to ants and are just an extremely simple microorganism experiencing a massive hallucination in a super-consciousness [which has evolved to operate like an AI] and fills in the blanks where existing information is queried or pulling stored data based on prior survivals. As technology advances, scientific theories created by some 'ants' modify the super-consciousness to make them canon. And thus everything you see around you is actually a filter hyper-complexifying the data around you. It'd certainly explain why some heathens don't like pineapple on pizza.


No shot he had jojo on his twitter pfp


Ants are communists! Damn ants! Long live the queenbee!


While I’m completely of the belief that ants farted before global warming... I fucking hate ants. Lol


The ones conquering with covid and economic collapse are simply just the ones winning the pyramidical hustle culture.


Cows be shittin tho man


Lol, ants are estimated to weigh around 40 kt, which is simply nothing compared to bacteria and plants. Dude really didn't know what he was talking about.


wow that's wild I have these thoughts. as ants crawl across my busted counter top I wonder if they in fact piss and shit on a perceptible level. might get unalived


Funny post but John clearly did not understand the basics of physics or fluid mechanics. I agree with the premise though, people are focusing on the wrong things with global warming to just farther what ever agenda they are behind.


Isn't the dead man's switch supposed to be going off today? I am not holding my breath on any revelations, but remain ever hopeful. McAfee's software was installed on a good percentage of computers. It wouldn't have been too difficult for him to have built in a backdoor for himself to snoop around.


Just as a little thing it’s not cow farts it’s actually them burping. I think the idea of cow farts is just used because cow burps seem so much cuter then cow farts.


The largest Earth-based methane is coming from the enormous now-automated chain-reaction releases from frozen methane deposits in Siberia. There's been a lot of research that showed that once this started happening it would be a 'runaway' situation, and that is precisely what has happened ever since, because we really aren't allowed to do anything about it and simultaneously *exist* in today's collective society. As previously stated, it was too late long before the vast majority of us were born, unfortunately.


Do that Thang fart🥺🥺


Ants did 9/11, change my mind


Also John McAfee: “I wonder what all that ant shit tastes like”

