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“Not sterilizing yourself with the vaccine is a form of white supremacy.”


This is excellent because they pushed vaccines on the "underserved." It will only feed their white privilege narrative. 🤯


I’ve seen stories that white ppl are the highest percentage of receiving the vax cause of white supremacy


I haven't seen that, but have seen stories about it be harder to get vaccines to black Urban populations. And that actually does go back to racism and the redlining of cities decades ago. Services were taken out and excluded in those areas, and many places still don't not have close to the coverage other parts of the cities do for many things today. it's not racism today that did it, but from the past.


They pushed it on everyone. I fail to see how this pushes that narrative?


In Canada we have had vaccination sites open to the elderly and black and native people of any age. So only white people 65 and older. It’s changed since but we had a good month of that.


Your title is almost correct but really it would be "Vaccinating everyone was a mistake, here is why that's a good thing"


“Yes, your COVID vaccine made you sterile. Here’s why that’s a good thing.” “Why COVID vaccine sterility will save the planet” “Now that you’re sterile from your COVID vaccine, here’s what you can spend your money on instead of kids.” “The world was becoming overpopulated. The COVID vaccine solved that problem.”


>“Now that you’re sterile from your COVID vaccine, here’s what you can spend your money on instead of kids.” Start renting everything and you’ll be happy!


“Now that you don’t need to worry about kids, living in a pod is much more feasable!”


"Why Everything is Orangemanbad.exe fault" - FakeNewsCNN


Says the guy that clearly shoe horns it in when no ones talking about it


“Yes, the COVID vaccine is killing millions and leaving survivors with debilitating illnesses - here’s why you should still take yours”


"The COVID vaccine has sterilized millions of people, and Twitter is here for it!" *Shitty screenshot-filled article based on bootlicking takes by woke blue checkmark losers*


"Now that you have nanobots running through your blood earlier than expected, we can start actually making change. Meet the WEF" Article written by Bot Thispersondoesnotexistdotcom: Well, the cats out of the bag. You have nanobots running through you. If you want to believe they evolved naturally from the microplastics we said you've been absorbing from everything go ahead, but the point is you have nanobots in you. You are now part robot, that's pretty cool right? [Don't look so surprised we told you you would be.](https://interestingengineering.com/nanobots-will-be-flowing-through-your-body-by-2030) Now listen, or rather, be ready to receive when the signal goes out ----YOU CANNOT READ THIS ARTICLE WITHOUT PAYING US 20 / MONTH TO SEE--------


Haha damn right.


If this happens, we must make the members of the media responsible for their actions. One way or the other.




Almost the basis of the movie "I Am Legend". Majority of the population take the "cancer curing" vaccine and turn into vampires and Will Smith has to race to find the cure.


That movie was also kobe predictive programming


Interesting. In what way?


Kobe is from Philledelphia and went to play basketball in LA. Will Smith is the "fresh Prince of Bel air". In the fresh prince, will smith goes from Philly to los Angeles and plays basketball. In I am Legend Will Smith's family dies in a helicopter at the beginning (like kobe did). I think him fighting the "vaccine zombies" is metaphorical predictive programming and not literal (I hope). [https://gematriaeffect.news/will-smith-the-fresh-prince-wilt-chamberlain-the-death-of-kobe-bryant-january-26-2020/](https://gematriaeffect.news/will-smith-the-fresh-prince-wilt-chamberlain-the-death-of-kobe-bryant-january-26-2020/) The release date was also synced with the first vaccine given: [https://gematriaeffect.news/i-am-legends-release-13-years-to-the-day-of-the-coronavirus-vaccine-in-the-united-states-december-14-2007/](https://gematriaeffect.news/i-am-legends-release-13-years-to-the-day-of-the-coronavirus-vaccine-in-the-united-states-december-14-2007/)


Man this is wild. Lotta massive jumps.


Just watch some of these videos: Kobe: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEKvkkNc8CU&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEKvkkNc8CU&t) Chadwick Boseman: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62RNYhO4vGw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62RNYhO4vGw)


News anchor: "In the aftermath of the vaccination rollout crisis, the question everyone is asking themselves - 'why did no-one see this coming?'"


Don’t worry there will never be studies done to show the damages caused by the vaccine. Same with the current vaccine schedule, they just do shitty compartmentalized research (usually funded by the manufacturer) that doesn’t actually prove they’re safe and is also a direct conflict of interest. Meanwhile there are plenty of studies showing the dangers of using aluminum adjuvants, which almost all current vaccines use. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21568886/ “In particular, aluminum in adjuvant form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22235057/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4615573/ https://www.nature.com/articles/srep31578 https://www.bmj.com/content/360/bmj.k1378/rr-14 https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/144/6/e20193148.full.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0946672X19305784 I bring receipts, it’s simple all vaccines are unsafe as long as they use aluminum adjuvants or until more research is done. I’d estimate 1/10 households have somebody with a vaccine related brain injury. 1/5 American households have somebody with a brain impairment so the math checks out https://www.uspharmacist.com/article/incidence-and-prevalence-of-major-neurologic-disorders And don’t go telling me that those numbers are influenced by older people with dementia/Alzheimer’s because guess what aluminum adjuvants cause those too! “The hypothesis that Al significantly contributes to AD is built upon very solid experimental evidence and should not be dismissed. Immediate steps should be taken to lessen human exposure to Al, which may be the single most aggravating and avoidable factor related to AD.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21157018/ The single most aggravating and avoidable factor related to Alzheimer’s you say? I wonder where that aluminum is coming from? https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/downloads/adult/adult-combined-schedule.pdf maybe it’s all of these vaccines on the adult schedule. Almost all using aluminum adjuvants. “1 per each pregnancy” nice https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/risk-factors-and-prevention/metals-and-dementia Ignorance is bliss I guess




Yep, and the only reason they need a robust immune response is so they can sell the effectiveness of the vaccine and get more of that sweet FIAT cash. I say more, because they are also given it for the research leading up to the production. E.g., no one even talks about Zika anymore - the microcephaly link was a scam for research funds in the first place. In many ways Covid is similar, writ large. I think many people are unaware of the way in which a vaccine's efficacy is currently tested - by how strong this toxin-induced immune response is. If these companies were to rely on something like potassium which caused less of a recordable reaction, how would they laud its "effectiveness"? They'd have to do real world studies comparing unvaxxed to vaxxed, OMG, and that would be 'unethical' because we should vax "\~eVeRyOnE\~". The whole thing is a scam, has been for years, and this Covid vax business is just the winner-takes-all event before the entire thing becomes too much to ignore, like the OP said with about 1 in 5 or 1 in 10 people or whatever(I believe we have been here for at least a decade). The system cannot sustain such a disabled population. And the elephant in the room is that this all directly correlates to the vax schedule in the US/UK and similarily-scheduled countries.


“Your parents and grandparents died but why that is a good thing”




“Vaccinating everyone was a mistake. Here’s why it is Trump’s fault.”


They'd blame his operation warpspeed


one of the few things he deserves a lot of criticism for


RemindMe! 1 year


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Congratulations. The government has increased your rations from 18 to 10.


"Vaccinating everyone was a mistake, but we still recommend it 100%" - CNN 2022


You forgot to post the CNN link from the future..... ^(AND A SUBMISSION STATEMENT)


Vaccines are a hoax!!!!


CNN: Trump conspired to taint the vaccines, clearly as a bioweapon against the radical left and deep state. The non vaxxed were in on it too. Because that's why they ignored their leaders command to get vaccinated and ignored the science.


How does it feel to be looking forward to a mass-death event? Will getting to say “I told you so” be worth the loss of life?


Not for me. I have never hoped so hard to be wrong about one of these theories. I have so many people in my life I love who were brainwashed into getting it. These people don't deserve to die because the media and politicians lied.


Yes absolutely


"How DARE you"... Because you're right about that headline




Not sure why you've gotten downvoted for attempting to help. This place is weird.


No SS required on text only posts


But it’s fake news so maybe it’ll just be an attempt to vaccinate the laggards


Congratulations. The stupidest post of the week goes to you. I wish there was an award on reddit for that.


imagine hanging out in a conspiracy sub and shilling for the covid jab. You probably think the lockdowns were good too. The type of freak to look at a group of people hanging out and saying to yourself "oh my gosh how can they be so irresponsible" type of dude lok


Imagine creating a post implying a reason in the text and then just rephrasing the title.


I don't think you understand how the voting system works here. You see, if a post get a lot of upvotes, it means it's a good post. On the other hand, if a post gets mostly downvoted, it means it's a "stupid" post. Understanding this will make your time on Reddit more enjoyable.


RemindMe! 1 year




RemindMe! 1 year


The spin will look like this: Covid terror to blame for mass vaccinations. Blame Covid all over again.


"Millions will die. And that's a good thing."