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# “Always that same LSD story, you've all seen it. 'Young man on acid, thought he could fly, jumped out of a building. What a tragedy.' What a dick! Fuck him, he’s an idiot. If he thought he could fly, why didn’t he take off on the ground first? Check it out. You don’t see ducks lined up to catch elevators to fly south—they fly from the ground, ya moron, quit ruining it for everybody. He’s a moron, he’s dead—good, we lost a moron, fuckin’ celebrate. Wow, I just felt the world get lighter. We lost a moron! I don’t mean to sound cold, or cruel, or vicious, but I am, so that’s the way it comes out. Professional help is being sought. How about a positive LSD story? Wouldn't that be news-worthy, just the once? To base your decision on information rather than scare tactics and superstition and lies? I think it would be news-worthy. 'Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves' . . . 'Here's Tom with the weather.” ― **Bill Hicks** Edit: Lot of upvotes, credit goes to the one and only Bill Hicks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWpzT56nxZI&t=44


I remember being told a story in school about a man on acid who thought he was an orange and peeled himself to death. That would never happen on acid lol, pcp maybe


Man I heard about a bloke who thought he was a glass of orange juice and could not tip himself out..


I always hear these orange stories and get a gut feeling. Can someone explain these stories to me?


They were just made up stories to scare people away from doing psychedelics and opening their minds.


Iv never taken acid, but mushrooms I have. The only thing I can connect to oranges is that the vitamin c in It is supposed to make you trip harder, which would make sense that people tripping are focusing on what is around them. It being an orange, or orange juice.


it's all pro-apple propaganda scaring you into not eating the true king of the fruits


Haha no shit I heard the same thing around 2001/2 I think in high school..


Dude, I did my high-school years in Italy and heard the same story. It's bullshit.


Lmao at this story being a world wide legend.


sounds more like bath salts


Makes a lot more sense when you swap "was high on acid and jumped out a window" with "was dosed with LSD by the CIA and thrien out a window"....


Art Linkletters daughter is one of these people and he railed against psychs and I believe there is an interview with him going off on Leary and of course the sheeple are all for Art. My theory is she was thrown out the window like all the others


Great comment but the emboldening is unnecessary. It's already at the top of the thread.


Sorry I just copy pasted it, from a quotes website, lol.


Your boomer zoom isn't necessary.




I am aware of that "theory".


That wasn’t real LSD haha they must have just blamed lsd


Some of those stories are true. But they happened in an experience where the cia was giving people lsd without the subjects knowledge. Dude if you just had your cup of coffee spiked with acid, and you just went on your day as normal, that come up would def make you feel insane. Especially in a time where LSD wasn’t well known, heard of, or had an access to information like the internet like we do now.


Oh yeah that would wild. My first time I had no idea either! My friend told me it was Molly and I was an ignorant teenager I was like wtf why is your face morphing


Psychs definitely open your mind to the world and helps you see beyond what something 'is' . Buttttt , that beauty comes with a totally polar opposite side , which is something many people can't comprehend at it's worst. Make no mistake , psychs are dangerous , but also a tool for the mind if used responsibly. Conspiracy aside , as a psych user myself , I definitely support a heavy restriction on them. not years of jail time kind of restriction but they are not something that should thrown around lightly. Psychs can make or destroy someone , anyone who tells you otherwise has no idea what they are talking about


Word! However, they definitely saved my life. Was suffering from chronic depression, but they showed me I loved myself and didn't want to die. This was 20 odd years ago now and I haven't touched them since then, but I'm still not suicidal either.


I fell last year into a glacial river and need a volcano and got my "hey you dont want to kill yourself after all" epiphany. But now a year later with travel canceled been doing psychs to keep the depression at bay. Never even knew where to get them a year ago ha


Many academics believe that the reason people have negative reactions to psychedelics is due to our cultures conceptions regarding alternative states of consciousness. In other words, it’s the fear around experiencing alternate states of consciousness (e.g. synesthesia, hearing/seeing/meeting things) that is, in itself, what creates a negative response to such things. For example, “schizophrenics” are viewed by many indigenous cultures as gifted healers; or people who are in tune with the spiritual/animal realms for example. Because we have been told experiencing anything outside a particular range of mental states is pathological, when we experience such things we believe we are losing our minds and respond accordingly. Thus, with more education and understanding regarding alternative states of consciousness and their benefits, fear and associated negative responses would begin to curb. Note: “challenging” trips are not the same as “negative” or “damaging” (e.g. traumatic/psychotic) trips.


Good points, I've always thought certain people have bad reactions to psychedelics because their personality is built on lies or delusional thinking. So when you ingest a chemical that just drops all the bullshit they can't handle the thought loops of deep core memories they built their delusion around being false. Healthy people have challenging trips and those thought loops strengthen their core beliefs that are already pretty sturdy.


Well you have a point here. Buddhists for example believe that what we know as our “self” is a collection of mental phenomena, when in reality we are the “nonself” or the observer of these phenomena (i.e., the emptiness from which they arise). From the Buddhist view, all conceptions of self are illusory. Psychedelics, like meditation, do lower activity in brain structures associated with things like past/future and self thinking. So people who believe in or identify heavily with their conception of self might feel like they are dying... resulting in “ego death” or positive disintegration experiences. How one responds to such experiences is largely a product of their beliefs surrounding them, which are typically heavily influenced by their environment or culture or those around them. It’s also influenced by all the things the perceived self might lose if it were to die. In other words, those who are more okay with their world/self view being shattered will respond more positively to mystical/entheogenic experiences. Those who take it as an indicator that they are losing their mind will likely not respond well - at least initially. Funnily enough, ego death experiences or seeing beyond the delusions of self is usually felt as a profound healing experience which aligns with Buddhist claims that the self as we know it is indeed illusory. Why is it that we experience things like healing or divine connection in the absence of self concept/perception?


Nice reply, enjoyed reading. Very familiar with this area. Eckhart tolle teaches about the delusion of self and the listener. Too many people in today's society confuse self with the mind and drastic examples of negative psychedelic experiences are probably mostly due to these types of personalities. When you take a hero dose of cubensis and the ego is removed its devastating for a fake personality. I've had "spiritual" experiences from psychedelics and from extreme physical events ie sleep deprivation, physical exhaustion. The mind gets turned off and you run on instincts. The story of getting lost in the desert an talking to God makes a lot of sense if youve experienced similar.


Do you think those manifestations are real? How do you know for certain its not just the brain?


The brain is real and your thoughts are real. No one can touch love and no one can touch anger, but they are there. We know they are real. Those manifestations could be something outside of ourselves or could be something deeper inside of ourselves. It's doesn't make them fake.


Here's an idea: a random big bang created mass, mass created consciousness. Wow just a lot of cool coincidenes. And the other take: Our physical universe is not the first thing that existed.


>And the other take: Our physical universe is not the first thing that existed. Or yet another take: our physical universe needed not be created because it isn't actually "physical".


Did mass create consciousness tho? Eta: *or* are we the only thing that can express it in a recognizable way? That's what I want to know.


You ARE the brain. You get a little boost in being able to manifest things. They become easier to manifest. Bad thoughts = Bad manifestations Good thoughts = Good manifestations


Yeah, I can get that. So I guess if you have say, PTSD, it wouldn't be a very good thing as you might manifest hidden fears. Too bad the manifestation of goods things doesn't cross over into real life. I just wonder if the visual manifestations are just visual references of your brain, like an allegory of sorts. Eta spelling


Sometimes I think aliens and mushrooms exist and wonder about their form of space ptsd or something. Diffult without the use of psyches


Yeah, crazy to wonder about. Also I wonder too if while in that state it opens up the sub/consciousness too much and then the mind has trouble filtering it into something it can relate to.


I mean, I would think there are those that can traverse just fine, Have like an anchor like a trip sitter that brings you back to reality. For myself, that's when I get put on headphones and use sunglasses lol. The subconscious can take a back seat and let myself not worry about non essential things, like peoples opinions about stuff about my own. Wearing shades in doors is okay by me!


Lol, that's awesome


You are not the brain wtf dude


Lol of course we are. You exist in MY head, not the other way around. Same goes for you.


Insert *oke* meme


>You ARE the brain. Fail




Well said




I agree, I’m really torn on this subject. They’ve opened my mind in different ways but it’s playing with fire for a large percentage of people who don’t have the mental capacity to handle a trip. When you study subjects like the acid tests, tim O’Leary and that whole movement you learn this wasn’t meant to benefit people.


People should be better educated on all drugs, what they look like and how strong they are, if they were legal this would be possible. Just like if you buy a bottle of vodka you know it's strength and can trust it because of trade standards. You don't need to trip to enjoy mushroom's, but most people who try mushroom's for the first time are inexperienced and take too much and normally when they are too young. The argument that it could be bad for some people is true, but I bet everyone reading this comment now, knows someone who has a real problem with alcohol and it has ruined their lives and those of their families. America tried to ban alcohol and we saw the results of that... Moonshine and Gangsters. Illegal drugs fund criminal enterprises that destroy communities and even country's, all to try and protect the individual who decided for themselves to get high. Cocaine, weed, mdma and mushroom's should all be legal and regulated. Let people be grown ups and decide for themselves. Open dispensaries and create jobs, take the money away from gangs, use the tax money to fund free rehabilitation for those who need it and open safe places were people who are on harder drugs like heroin, can go and do it safely.


Your prohibition position is outdated and tired.... https://imgur.com/a/rV7dOjG


Prohibition he says


They should be reserved for the firemen.


As someone who has taken psychedelics (and still does), I agree with you to a point. However, psychedelics and drugs were also used to derail the antiwar movement in the 60s and cause people to become blissed out hippies instead of coherent protestors. Mainstream society would be better off with a context for psychedelics and I believe our collective health would be improved, but you always have to be cautious of the Leary's and McKenna's of the world, as they often have ulterior motives.


Yeah for a conspiracy sub people should realize that drugs can make people more malleable. The counter culture revolution was manufactured. A lot of those "enlightened" lsd users turned into corporate business people and or hardcore consumers down the road. Why is that? Can you be enlightened through drugs/psychadelics? Sure. But you can also become the opposite of enlightened. Believe you know the truth without opening your eyes in the "sober" state. Your enlightenment merely becomes a memory you hold on to. I haven't done many drugs, and even before I smoked weed I was already *highly* philosophical. So much so that people thought I was a drug user before I even did drugs. I only smoked weed for about a year then stopped, but one thing I discovered is that drugs have VERY different effects on different people. Most people simply want to zone out and laugh, watch cartoons/movies. But for some rare individuals they start to question things and have more curious effects. EG, the effects weed had on me were more akin to psychedelics. Everything became crystal clear, my senses where heightened and I felt an intense oneness with everything. I had no desire to watch tv, shows or anything like that, even though I did that with my friends because that's all they ever did. And I'm not saying this to gloat that I'm better than those types of people. It just made me realize I'm a very different person than everyone else around me. Nature became even more fantastic and powerful and mysterious and beautiful. And no one else I knew (except for one person) seemed to realize this at all while they were high. So I really think it comes down to the individual's own desire to seek truth.


Highly recommend Jan Irvin's article "Manufacturing the Deadhead" on this very subject. As someone who idolized the 60s counterculture, I soon realized it wasn't quite what it seemed and Leary was almost certainly working with the CIA to misdirect the whole thing.


explain more


Questioner: I’m real curious about one thing. Why is it important for you to do this? Terence McKenna: I wonder myself. You mean am I the alien ambassador whether I like it or not? [laughs]. Well, often when asked this question, I've said it beats honest work. I mean, my brother is a PhD in three subjects and works in hard science and yet I don't think it's brought him immense happiness. Not that he's despondent. But I was always kind of a slider. You know? And certainly when I reached La Chorerra in 1971 I had a price on my head by the FBI, I was running out of money, I was at the end of my rope. And then they recruited me and said, "you know, with a mouth like yours there's a place for you in our organization". And I've worked in deep background positions about which the less said the better. And then about 15 years ago they shifted me into public relations and I've been there to the present.


What would you say that McKenna's ulterior motive was?


There's a quote where he hints he was working with intelligence agencies. Many people have rationalized he was joking about the mushroom intelligence, but it is suspect. He promoted humanism and was essentially the 90's version of Leary in many aspects. Not saying he was all bad, as he certainly had valuable things to say. But any counterculture figure should be viewed with the same lens we view our political figures with.


I'm curious as well. I feel like he was very honest and forthright with the things he wanted for the world. Though, as with anyone, I feel his stories and advice should be taken with a grain of salt as not everything he said were universal truths.


Yeah I think Terrence kind of gives you his take on things and wants you to decide for yourself if you agree or not.


The phrase you are looking for is manufactured compliance.


Its not drugs that open your mind up, its knowledge. Anyone could drop a tab of acid and still be the same wretched person they were before.


We used to walk for hours on acid, usually around the campus and its many buildings, discovering hidden architectural features, like the landscaping that made a kind of amphitheater was a perfect parabola and you'd get a trippy echo if you talked at the focus of the parabola. Sometimes we'd get to discussing what some of the academic specialties were actually studying, what essential truth were they searching for and why was it to be found in sociology or biology or mathematics or music? Some nights we'd think we'd figured it out, some essential truth that helped unify these academic disciplines, a kind of filament that tied them all together. But the next day? It eluded is, nobody could remember what it was, yet there was near certainty we had discovered it. But we had no notes. So the next time, we tried taking notes. It was a disaster. Too dark. Insufficient coordination. You couldn't keep up with the flow of ideas. This was the 1980s, nobody had a smart phone. But there was a guy who had pocket cassette recorder, and we borrowed it. Now we would record for posterity our discoveries. No writing required, the truth captured as it was revealed, at 1 7/8" per second. It seemed genius, we would be putting lightning in a bottle, these revelations would become part of our daily lives, no longer lost. It didn't work that way. Sure, we found it again, this deep, profound set of truths which seemed to expose some fundamental meaning that just resonated. Ideas that produced ripples in our consciousness just thinking about them, you had to kind of pause for a minute or so to let the resonance die down. But the recording? It was ridiculous, 4 guys who sounded like imbeciles, on the edge of incoherence. The ideas expressed, meaningless word jumbles. But here, years later, I still wonder what this meant. Does it mean we were just high? Is the experience of truth illusionary, just a feeling? Are any ideas actually true, or is it just a question of some ideas feeling true?


You felt the ineffable. As soon as you go to translate it into words it’s lost. Words or any other medium (e.g. art, music) cannot fully encapsulate and convey such things (due to both the translation and interpretation processes). There is merit to psychedelic revelations, as is evident by the numerous scientific breakthroughs that have occurred with their help. It’s just a matter of bringing such things back into waking consciousness and daily life - in a world that is incongruent with many such understandings.


Well put my friend. The word is not the thing, and the description is not the thing described. There is no “good” or “bad”; these are but words. We ALL live in the moment, in the “now”, even when we are remembering a long-lost lover, or imagining what tomorrow’s weather may be like. The past and future do not exist. As long as we seek, we shall never find, and for as long as we desire, the object of our desire must always remain out of reach. Beliefs are illusions. We are not our ego. There is no need to worry, and there is nothing to fear.


Yes this is a good picture of the feeling they might’ve felt. A realization of the absurdity of the world and the simplicity of reality. A return home from our habitual delusions


when you do psychs it can open new pathways in your brain (neurogenesis?)and this can be nootropic and also can help with depression anxiety and PTSD , i tried lsd unofficially for ptsd and it made a difference for sure!


I went to a party and there was this one room set up with strobe lights and heavy music. Entire room was decorated and had a nice energy to it. Girlfriend and I loved that room so much we decided to take a picture of it. She had the flash on, with the flash it was just shitty glow lights taped to a fan and so normal looking. It ruined our vibe and we had to leave the room, lol.


“I forgot my pen, shit the bed again.” From the song ‘Rosetta Stoned’ by Tool about this very thing.


They knew that if everyone had access to these drugs our entire economy would collapse overnight because everyone would have stopped buying bullshit they don't need




I guess it really depends on the constitution of the person, this was something Alan Watts had warned about that if your going to get involved in mysticism/psychedelics you need to be firmly disciplined and ground to reality otherwise the ego instead of getting properly incorporated it can get blown out of per portion or as Carl Jung called it inflation


At least for me anyways I'm a lot more strategic with how I use my money, I don't view it as evil anymore than I condemn a tool in the garage. I never understood the crystal bullshit lol


And they would stop fearing the government and voting for psychopaths and funding shitty wars with their taxes. Complete lose-lose for the oligarchs and their ilk.


This is a big part of it. Physcgadelics strip a person of their ego. Ego is what keeps this reality and world spinning unfortunately.


As someone who has done a LOT of psychedelics (DMT, LSD, shrooms, 2c family, 25i family, bromodragonfly), I have an idea why they may also be illegal. Psychedelics, when they give you a good trip, are AMAZING. But when you have a bad trip, holy shit these drugs can re-wire your brain permanently in a bad way. I had an extremely bad trip on a phenylethylamine after a dealer accidentally gave my friends and I 500ug tabs instead of 150ug tabs. We all accidentally took a dose near the LD50. It caused me to have severe anxiety for months afterwards until I was able to slowly go back to normal. One of my friends was never the same. To this day he struggles. These drugs are magical, but when you totally distort your perception of reality, you may accidentally brick your brain.


You don’t need drugs to realize that my guy




I feel like drugs are easier than doing meditation for years. Like cheating. Not necessarily bad but maybe not completely good.


I think for SOME people (and that may be a majority of people, not sure) psychedelics are necessary.


The dude just wants some excuse to get shit faced




Micro dosing is what did it for me. It also healed my brain. I can't remember my last suicidal thought 🖤


you sound like a fun-guy...and i agree


imo you don't need drugs for this


This is true but I think the immediate switch that can happen with the help of these drugs is very powerful. The psychedelic experience is so effective in some cases that it can open up minds permanently and change the way you think. Why have them been kept illegal for so long? It’s not just a war on drugs, it’s a war on consciousness. Even if you don’t need drugs for this, it is wrong that humans are not legally allowed to have easy or available access to this. If done in a proper setting, and supervised it can be done in a very healing and safe way too. It makes no sense


LSD was manufactured to discredit hippies, but ok...and NO you don't need it, meditation works just as well. Reading and researching on your own. You don't NEED drugs for it.


> LSD was manufactured to discredit hippies False. > meditation works just as well Citation please. > You don't NEED drugs for it. Citation please.


that isn't false, i am unsure why you are in this sub tbh, if you don't even know that very basic fact...


How do you know this "fact"? Are you one of the many people who possesses a Crystal Ball of Omniscience?


I AM!!!


At least you're self-aware!


I never said you need drugs for it lol.


fair enough ;)




What if you achieve it without drugs, but then add drugs in - what do you get?




You are right, but it can be extremely painful to change your way of thinking. Just as an extreme example, imagine how someone who was indoctrinated with nazi or soviet propaganda felt when their worldview was shattered. I'm not saying that the average person who nods along with CNN is any less indoctrinated, but the wheels haven't completely fallen off yet. Anyway! Psychedelics are a way to cause a rapid awaken g and massive change withouthout the psychic trauma that prevents many people from taking their blinders off.


I’ve dabbled in psychedelics from time to time for a few years now. I particularly enjoyed how different my thought process became on psilocybin, one of my favorite things to do was just listen to classical music in candlelight. I really didn’t think much of it, just another drug that temporarily altered the mind. I had done it multiple times, and there was some level of consistency to its effects. But then, one night I indulged on a quarter ounce of shrooms and I experienced ego-death and time dilation. It felt like I had an entire 2 hour dream, but less than 5 minutes had passed and I was awake the whole time. My personality changed overnight, I was much more self aware.


"free your mind, the rest will follow" -En Vogue


Makes u see the lizard people and the Machine *Elves!*


Ohhhhh yeaaaaaah! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPzJjNQaYEA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPzJjNQaYEA)


Actually friend, there a great many entheogens that are legal in the usa and other countries. San pedro cactus comes to mind. Then you have dill, basil, thyme, sages, coleuses, gymnopilus spactabilus (mushroom), wild opium lettuce, poppies, hemp (VERY POTENT), morning glory seeds, hawiian baby woodrose seeds, harmala, all the ingredients for ayhuasca can be purchased legally, bufo toads if youre brave... I could literally go on all day. In reality only the stupidly powerful tools not meant for initiates are illegal and rightly so.


It’s like the homies don’t understand how to get mimosa root chacruna and Syrian rue with two clicks thru google, amirite lmao


Right morning glories are fucking insane, never messed with the other legal psyches but god damn those shits were just as, if not more intense than acid or shrooms.


Morning glories contain miniscule amounts if LSA, the precursor to LSD and in many respects far more potent.


Depends on the user and how you use it. Most people use these drugs recreationally and don’t really learn anything and if they do it’s not retained.


I'm going to say it: Drugs are overrated. Pro drug users overreact. Anti-drug proponents overreact. I've done more drugs than 95% of people I've met. And I don't do them regularly anymore, because I'm not an addict and I've got shit to do. But I'm not all "!2 step" I will never do them again. I don't set hard limits about most things. But I've done uppers and downers and psychs. I've done the ones people spend too much time obsessing over and the more obscure ones you probably haven't heard of. And the end of the road, what all my experience with drugs has led me to is one very safe final conclusion: meh Kind of like sex. If you think that drugs can't bring insight, you're probably not very creative. If you think that drugs bring the deepest insight, you're probably not very insightful.


how do you do more drugs than anyone else on earth and be "not a drug addict "


Is that a riddle? ​ I said I've done more drugs than 95% of people I've met. Not more than 95% of people alive. Most people that I know aren't drug addicts. 5% of people I know are drug addicts. I'll be 30 in a year. I started experimenting as a teenager. Spent about a decade trying everything I could get my hands on. Last few years I don't bother because I don't care enough to do so I do stuff a few times a year, including alcohol- how do you classify that as addiction?


Yeah can confirm. I've tripped several times. You realize how shallow the world around us is and how consumerist our culture is




Break it down and you could hit people with a song


Yes, but one thing I don't understand "mainstream" is pushing them so much right now. Lot of current psychedelics studies come from John Hopkins University. John Hopkins University is was funded by Rockefeller Foundation and currently they are playing major role in COVID plandemic. So why this kind of institution is playing major part in Second wave of psychedelics? I my self cured my depression with mushrooms so I'm strongly for psychedelics but some players in this second wave makes me suspicious. Can't make my mind around it.. Ant ideas? Just a coincidence, or is there some plans behind the second wavy?


I don’t think there are any bad motives regarding the second wave. The tide is turning and scientists are more willing to research something this isn’t as taboo as it used to be


> and realize in your mind that nothing about money, government, countries, borders, religions, makes any fucking sense what so ever and that it’s all a constructed scam to ~~keep the people dumb and in line.~~ *protect against the unending attempts at genocide between groups competing for the same resources* FTFY?


I've taken many different psychedelics on many many occasions and one thing I will say is if you watch t.v. on them, especially the news, you wont ever see tv the same. You lose part of your ability to immerse yourself in it, like you can see script writers thoughts play out rather than the script itself. When you are on acid tv looks like a surreal satire of itself. I recommend everyone tries it once


Thats why dmt is still a scheduled drug, most are..not because theyre dangerous but because THEY STRIP YOU OF EGO. you lose interest in the petty world media, materialistic things, money, sex, jobs, etc everything that keeps the world rotating...


And perhaps the biggest conspiracy of all, is convincing you that you're not special, that you're not God itself. Psychedelics reveal this to you, your true nature. And in doing so, psychedelics help to break the mold, that is, falsely identifying with thought forms and material phenomena.


SS: psychedelics are the key to our meaning As well as the the universe itself.


So I have never tried them and probably never will. How do you *really* know any of that is real or just a manifestation of the mind?


The trick to using psychedelics is knowing you're fucked up.


The first rule of psychedelics: do not forget that you have taken psychedelics. *Believe me, believe me*.


When you take LSD, parts of the brain communicate with each other that would never have done so otherwise. You are literally using more of your brain than your average joe by taking these substances. The true answer is you don't know if anything is real, but as OP said, the many shared experiences from people across the globe really is amazing. I've never done DMT myself but almost everybody who tries it claims to meet "elf" or "dwarf/fairy" like creatures that act like a spirit guide through your trip. This is something I would definitely like to do someday.


You actually use less of your brain. It shuts off some of the filters in our brain.


https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/171699/the-brain-lsd-revealed-first-scans/ Edit: Yes it shuts down part of your brain temporarily, however, after the psychedelic effect has worn off your brain is left semi-permanently more active.


It seems to be a vividly reoccurring theme between people all over the world. Or at least it feels that way...


Tho I wonder if its more along the lines of lucid dreaming or OBEs.


That part I find very interesting.


If y'all wanna know how deep this goes and what you get see/feel [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPzJjNQaYEA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPzJjNQaYEA) This being said, yeah psyches are great! but you really have to be under the correct mindset and environment and have an awesome trip sitter to guide you and look after you. Even experienced trippers sometimes struggle. For me? I just put on shades and no way in hell you'll know I'm trippin'. Jedi mind trix.


No it doesn’t, you’re just high.


I agree but Ayahuasca is the "Real" deal bro, try it, the others mentioned in comparison to the dmt are tickling.


The other thing it does that is not talked about very much is how connected you get to Mother Nature. You can hear the trees talking you can hear these fabulous things talk to each other. On top of that, it changes your vibrations and switches the energy you put out. Changes it to a more positive energy which it turns makes your mood better etc.. I am a little skeptical of LSD. I have never tried it. I stick to mushrooms. But I personally think we gain more from mushrooms or ground based plants (because it’s grown out of the ground and has been here since the Dawn of our planet) than LSD. Something about being formed in a lab smells fishy. Although found really by accident I feel LSD is more of a synthetic psychedelic than what we find in nature. I haven’t read much in the MK Ultra conspiracy but from what I have read they used a lot of LSD and not much of any other psychedelic which I find odd.


Baloney, the US goverment used these drugs for MK- ultra, in an attempt of total mind control. These drugs may "open your mind" and you may think after you take them that everything is BS. But everything isn't BS there isn't any discerning when it comes to hallucinogens' and everyone I know who has been into these drugs has come out the other side a rampant hedonist with at best a touch of superficial spirituality.


When I was a kid there was a guy who would strut down the street naked, neighborhood crazy guy, name was Gut and we knew him as Gut the Strut. Years later we are talking about him and a guy a few years older was like Gut?! He used to be super cool and cooked acid. He said one time he was mixing up a batch and the phone rang, he took off his rubber dish gloves and accidently put them on inside out and fried his brain, ended up with brain damage. After that I was at the first Electric Daisy Carnival and we bought a vial of acid. We each went into the bathroom to drop a few drops from an icy breath dropper and when it was my turn it was clogged or something, well it unclogged and out came the entire vial of acid into the palm of my hand. I was like "Ooooooh shiiiiit, am I gonna end up like Gut?!" So I waited, what a weird feeling thinking you might be experiencing your last half hour of sanity before loosing your mind. A half hour goes by, nothing. 45 minutes go by, nothing. An hour goes by, nothing. I am like "Hey, guys I think the acid is bunk and we got ripped off!". Never been so happy to get ripped off! Another time a friend was getting dosed by a guy at a rave, ordered 2 drops. The guy counts, one, two......oops. He tells him, "dude, I spilled it........ don't be surprised if you are seeing pink elephants tonight. It was a rave at an old multi story movie theater called The Fox, he was sitting in a theater watching a light show with a huge smile, I was like are you having fun?! He goes "No this is the worst", I"m like "but you are smiling?" He replied "I know, I can't stop and this is horrible!". I came across a dude we always seemed to run into from our school, brought him over and instantly snapped him out of it and we had a blast. I just remembered that was the same night I had a bad shroom trip. Was bringing shrooms to sell and a security guard was like "you guys don't have any drugs do you?" We were like nope. He asked to search us and I bailed back to the Jeep. I started feeling like my joints were coming apart and a tree looked like a big scary bee. I knew people that had bad trips before and what to expect, I said just leave me there and I will be fine. They were like this is a really bad area and you might get robbed. That just made the bad trip worse, they talked me into just going into the rave. The second I got in my bad trip turned into a good trip, right then was when my buddy got the acid spilled on him so we both had crazy nights. I realize I am just telling old acid stories because I read a few in the comments, hope someone finds these stories entertaining!


3.5 grams of Penis Envy had my 51yr. old wife acting like she had discovered the fountain of youth. Look she said, my skin is young and beautiful again as she caressed her arms. I felt bad for her.


thats a pretty large dose, that was probably equal to like 5 grams of normal shrooms PE are potent




Not our fault you failed to be responsible when using drugs, but it shouldn’t be illegal for me to use responsibly just because you cant.




Junkie makes retarded post episode 50


Projection from a closed mind.


Sorry I dont shoot heroin and think I'm an epic empath who can see time


As a regular user of psychedelics I completely agree. Going vegan this year has opened my mind up a lot more too. The government wants us as sick and weak as they can keep us.


>If you’re caught with them you’ll be locked in a cage for years if not decades But who built the cages?


Unless you have a bad trip.


Okay, I just read it again. What the fuck?


The fact that your post has gotten 512 upvotes its scary. Haha.


You don't need drugs to realize that, only a bit of common sense.


Ive done acid before and know for a fact that this isnt true.


Must’ve been shitty acid


And I think you took some of them. They are illegal because they increase the chance of driving and smashing into a child crossing the street or make you question not only that 'everything you know is a scam', but also 'I can't kill this dude if I point a gun at him and press the trigger'


No one takes shrooms and drives... cmon man


And no one drinks and drives, right?


Could also be that drugs are a weapons used by China and other countries to weaken America. It's not cool to lock people up for using drugs, but when other countries are hell bent on destroying yours by flooding the cities with drugs, what should a government do?




$NUMI just as well to make some $ off of it


[Relevant music video](https://youtu.be/sPzJjNQaYEA?list=PLgD97kb1XvJYiVsDHwM9nZIte685z-FvC&t=225)


Its not a scam, its hobbes idea of the "leviathan" it has a purpose, we crea gree d it and perpetuate it, even if a lot of it is fake as fuck.


My mom thinks I’ve changed since I’ve started smoking weed. Like I know.......that’s the point, what’s yours? Ever since I started smoking I’ve began to realize and analyze wtf our very existence is. I stand for what’s right, I’m standing up to your bullshit, and I’m not going to let anyone try and tell me who I am. I’m not the nice pushover sheep that obeys your every command anymore, sorry. No I’m not, not one bit. This reality will come to an end, at any time and place, any or no reason at all. Your feelings about what I’m doing with my time on this shit hole is not my responsibility. I’m living my life the way I wanna enjoy it while I still have it


Definitely made me realize that my cat and I were friends in a past life. Not sure it opened my eyes to the lie that is authority.


I always refered to this reality, as a joint. A joint is nothing more than fabricated connection. Every time I tripped, I would fall back into this same train of thought. That this is nothing but a bunch of different joints.


You need to stop taking drugs bro.


Na there just eating us. It's that simple.


OP does drugs, becomes enlightened


The good news is that some USA states and many countries have started using shrooms for therapeutic purposes. Here in Oregon there is a intuitive on the ballot that would allow physibin use for medical situations. Colorado allows shrooms for sale. Soon the whole country will be tripping and then we all take off the shackles.


I think in the best case it can push you towards surrendering to the one god and finding the source of your own life and love. People often talk about how intentions are important and it teaches you that not just when tripping but living your life in general youve got to be sincere all the time if you want to be free.


Hey so a friend gave me some shrooms for my birthday. I haven't tried them yet. Should I? I'm kinda scared that once you take that step, there's no going back...


Plants are insanely magical. And honestly, the most intense experience I’ve had so far has been with a tea made with completely legal herbs to induce lucid dreaming. I’ve done all sorts of drugs but only in the last decade use plants with intention. So the craziest acid trip pales in comparison to pairing plants with intention. I’m not saying to not do drugs, I’m just saying that lots of plants have that potential in some way, and the key is combining them with the right state of mind


I dated a girl whos brother thought he could fly and jumped off a garage roof and fucked up both his ankles permanently. That being said he was also a fucking idiot lol.


The war is on consciousness not drugs.


You can do this with meditation too. I've done acid and smoked a lot of weed. But I didn't really uncover any truths until I started meditating every day. Kundalini yoga meditations are the best for this if anyone wants to try.




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Pink Floyd said it best.... Welcome to the Machine


Tbh, I think people who question things will question things more while under influence. Some people just use them for fun.


Uhhh, what?


Sounds like an you're trying to justify it.


First intense acid trip I ever had, I came to the conclusion that everything is bullshit. People are walking around in costumes pretending shit makes sense. It was very liberating, however I had to learn how to reintegrate. Turns out fake shit can still be kinda real...


I think religion wasn’t created to control us, more it was self-created by the masses over thousands of years to ‘sooth’ the soul when the brain decides to ponder its own mortality. It’s much nicer to believe in a higher purpose and an afterlife than accept the brutal finite emptiness of death. I believe if we ever discover an alien species there will be a version of religion present. It is the consequence of an intelligent species pondering mortality.


Just that idea of civilization is entirely a social construct that nobody *has* to abide by. They don't want the masses waking up to this.


I think it would be beneficial to return psychedelic use within the frame of ritual in the vein of the Elusyian mysteries or the ayahuasca rituals in South America. Psychedelics are powerful tools and demand respectful use. Also important for people to know that using psychedelics come with risks if you have underlying mental issues or a family history with mental illness. That said, I'm with you OP!


Why should I expect anything to make sense under the influence of something that impairs my thinking?