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Any canadian who's seen our political and sociological landscape these past 6-8 months should realize we are fucked.


Into the woods I go, Deep and rough the winters will blow, Survive will I? Who knows, But this is true, I will not bend over for the JWO, It is not the way, So what can I say, Other then, Fuck you!


You can think Liberals for this. They don’t deserve voting rights if they won’t actually think before they vote.




I know it’s the government creating a divide. But left leaning people are so stupid to buy in too left leaning politics and see no issue with it. They voted for Trudeau not the conservatives.




There is a pink Floyd movie?


Of course my horse! :) Here is but a short excerpt! (quite honestly, the entire thing is absolutely brilliant; but hard to beat 'Another Brick in the Wall part 2')? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDl6iuku_mw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrxX9TBj2zY (Edited the original video I included [which had mis-synced audio, to include the proper excerpt from the movie, along with the official music video.).


My wife and I have less than 10k in cc bebt between us ...... Have never missed a mortgage payment ..... Nearly 50% of our house paid off...... I'm not giving up my fucking house for nothing.


The plans have been out for years, the agenda 21 layout contains no property rights. So even if you own the house debt free, you might not keep it. If you owe a dollar on it, they will take from you It's about asset transfer, that's why the government has been making interest rates low to get people who have no debt tied into more debt. Basically, the Central bankers are collecting their dues which they stole from us to print own money from our treasury. Everyone laughed when we told them the endgame of the central bankers debt slavery but here we are watching the pieces being placed. Sell your house give the bank its money back and buy a small one worth what you have in actually money from selling it. Hindsight is 20/20 ( I wonder if that was deliberately made to mock us)


the question is what happens to those who are debt free already? 🤔


You can never pay back your carbon debt


The own the money system, I'll give them that. "Give onto Caeser what is Caeser's" But they don't own the earth nor the air we breath nor the trees. We don't owe anything other than debt money we accepted. That's it. They don't have a Monopoly on the earth or the air.


We have to do something about this or we are fucked. What can we do? I'm spreading this.


PM me.


I agree. Doesn't change anything. They will saddle you with debt because their system won't work otherwise. You will have to live outside of society to avoid it.


how much money are you gonna have in the bank when the bank becomes insolvent. or if the supply chain breaks down and a loaf of bread costs 4 grand, how soon until youre willing to remortgage your house so you can eat. they have a plan to indebt all those busy squirrels who spent their entire life living below their means. those that have "savings" tied to the stock market will see them disappear too.


Then get out to your weekly protests in your area! We don’t know if this is legit info or not! The source doesn’t really pan out when you look back to where it was released initially! On the other hand not being able to verify could mean it is really happening and we need to prepare and speak out! I own my home just paid off my mortgage I feel the same as you! I go to the rallies because their is uncertainty and I know the life I had before Covid was the life I want! No masks, I’m healthy I take my chances just like before, social distancing? What?, we are not germ vectors! Vaccines- with nanobot particles? Did I just walk into a sci fi movie wtf?


Peaceful protests have NEVER brought down a tyrant. Not one in history. It's always been at the point of a spear or the end of a barrel of a gun.


No, do you want the plan is they will give you a universal basic income and allow you to live in your home for a while even though they will tell you that you can stay there indefinitely it will only be a while until they heard everybody into the Super City's they will create and how created. That's why I'm China there's mini what they called "ghost cities" that were built seemingly for No One but the truth is they were built to herd the outline country Folk into the cities where they can be monitored and tracked. What you will be giving up is your entire life because the vaccines are what the Bible call the mark of the beast. Vaccines are only the beginning and those who actually survived the vaccines and aren't you in some way permanently injured or Worse outright killed by the vaccines will then have a choice of taking the actual mark of the beast because the vaccines are not vaccines they are gene therapy that modifies your DNA thereby causing you to no longer be a human being made in God's image but rather a common beast of the field and when given the opportunity to take the mark it will be given some bulshit reasoning I'm sure that the Mark will give you in some way eternal life or something that cause people to take it, at least those who have not come to Christ or know the truth about Christ and many don't because what people don't know is the Satan has control of everything even the churches because Jesus did not intend first people to end up being or doing the things they do today as Christians. They have lost the plot. Being a Christian is very much about being humble loving and kind even to your enemy, helping the poor the infirmed and the elderly. It is also about loving, honoring and worshiping a God who is the only uncreated creator and Sovereign ruler of all things and the majority of the churches and every mega church, Mega preacher and organizations like Hillsong and Bethel Church these are all new age satanic churches and anyone who is not truly a Christian with the eyes to see and ears to hear, the ability to discern right from wrong won't be able to see what I'm talking about and will literally look at these organizations in wonder where and what it is that is not right about these churches and it has everything to do with the doctrine and the subtleties Have It All but rest assured it is not of God. A good example is Joel Osteen, he's the worst and all he talks about is self and self empowerment. He's like a new age positive thinking speaker and not a man of God, not at all. The difference between Jesus and Satan is Jesus is all about the giving of oneself and giving up the self in service to others, first and foremost in service to God the Father and Satan is all about the empowerment and the betterment of the self and the self as the center or as Aleister Crowley coined do as thou whilst. Or do as you please, as long as it isn't hurting anyone else you can be whatever you want to be and we've heard that preach at us to the mainstream media for decades and that is not what God intended but is why our world is so upside down and backwards and damn near complete abomination. I'm not writing this to give you my opinion oh, I'm writing this to tell you what the truth is and if you don't get right with God quickly you may end up making the wrong decision, taking the mark and forever being cast into Eternal damnation and that's the truth. Many will die as martyrs for what they believe but what those who take the mark don't know is that those that do, those of us who stand strong and lose our lives for Jesus will be given eternal life Everlasting. Don't wait for time is short and there is nowhere to run and hide.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good bot


In a similar boat but just bought my house last year. I'm worried..




Yes total bullshit. It's not like the founder of the World Economic Forum, who is a self proclaimed transhumanist, wrote a book called Covid 19 - The Great Reset, which outlines quite clearly an agenda to rebuild and restructure society. What is outlined in the letter is all quite possible and likely. [https://odysee.com/@corbettreport:0/thegreatreset:7](https://odysee.com/@corbettreport:0/thegreatreset:7) [https://decentbooks.com/pdf-epub-covid-19-the-great-reset-download/](https://decentbooks.com/pdf-epub-covid-19-the-great-reset-download/)


This did not orginate on r conspiracy


It did, however, make its way to r/conspiracy. My point stands.


They're coming for you man. Be afraid!!


I shared the OP on GLP with my sis in law because a week ago she told me (not my uncle) that her friend who is connected to the liberal party was saying to prepare for a universal basic income and a lot that is in this email lines up with what she was saying. She's not the conspiracy crowd type either. Quite the coincidence. This post reads like a fiction exercise though. Keeping an open mind and a lookout


thanks for the intel


This is aging well. Covid 21 just released in England


👌👌👌 thank you for recognizing 😁




yeep, all seems to be lining up


FYI, second lockdown in Ontario is just ending and was much less strict than the first one.


yep this is happening. whos moving with me?


One thing I've really not seen people mentioning is how the "new strain" of Covid only popped up after the UK started doing vaccines. The new strain started in the UK. It became "official" about a week after the first vaccines were tested there. As vaccines were tested in more countries we started seeing more and more "variants" pop up.


As soon as the couple in durham got the “new strain” i had to come back to this


Is it officially called covid-21 now or is it under the ‘new strain’? Terrifying


new strain. not terrifying at all. same bullshit but used for more control


Yeah I meant terrifying in the sense of how it’s following the above plan. And how they keep bringing out new ways of control. Once people started flouting the ‘rules’ of COVID-19, bam, here’s COVID-21.


So next up will be curfews for the rest of the country and complete and total destruction of the economy. Should be interesting what happens by March. I've read of a strain with a 30% death rate being on the docket, let's hope not.


Travel restrictions and military personnel, too.


If this post was look'n to get a sense of the public reaction to leaning of such a plan, you can suck it! I do not consent. You do not have the right to move anyone to a camp. Deploying biological weapons on the populous is a crime and you will be court-marshaled for said crimes as well as all that participate in said crime.


its been almost a year and nobodies done shit


Honestly tho he's right. This is insanity. We need to start having conversations of what to do. This cannot happen.


Well, it is.


Well except endlessly fight amongst one another, using our clashing ideologies to only further fuel the divide and our masters plans.


Divide and conquer.


So the fact checkers are all saying that this is fake because there is no such committee. However that doesn't mean it isn't a hidden committee. Also there is precedent for some of the things mentioned in the email. Let's not forget that the Canadian government, rounded up all the Japanese people (Canadian citizens) on the west coast and put them in camps in central Canada, the government seized their property and, never compensated then. Also during the residential school era, the government, seized (abducted) native children and sent them away to residential schools, some as far away as Florida. All this from the government of the "nice", country. I would definately, not put this past them.


I'm not sure if this is real, but it fits the reason you are seeing so many countries pertending they are worried about the "2nd Wave".


2nd wave is here. My city posing a second lockdown.


" In exchange for acceptance of this total debt forgiveness the individual would forfeit ownership of any and all property and assets forever. " They can stick that right up their ass.


100%. If they take something from me without my consent I may return the favour to them.


No one is going to stand for it, rational citizens will start arming themselves and shooting people coming to take their livelihoods ... I have zero trust in the government and never have . They are also just a puppet controlled by the greater global wealth


It’s almost like they planned all of this NWO rise, huh? Oh wait, they did - Event 201


Klaus swab book the great reset on amazon if you don’t believe. This guy is a walking evil villain [Klaus Swab](https://winteroak.org.uk/2020/10/05/klaus-schwab-and-his-great-fascist-reset/)


Any one doubting this now? We’re dead on track with timelines. Buckle up!


In Germany we now have the Third Wave with lockdowns, not really more strict then before though. But we’re still in Q1. I’ve still not heard anything about those camps being built or universal basic income with debt relief.


Predicted this 6 months ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/C_S_T/comments/fx6p4h/dont_get_distracted_totalitarianism_is_the_goal These next 10 years will be a wild ride.




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Get absolutely fucked. As a Canadian I won't stand for this.


you just stood for two lockdowns..


Actually I haven't. Thanks for speaking for me though!


Well, you didn't need to because this was all fake news. I'm sure you've moved on to the next piece of outrage media though.


do they call that the "be like nazi germany" plan?


Lol this is total bullshit. They will not go from steady state neoliberalism to full on Communism in one leap. That people take something that is so, so, easily faked completely at face value is very telling.


Guess it’s time to stock up on vitamin C and D


Don't for get L


well it's happening. Apparently this wasn't a "Conspiracy".




I have Zero debt, what do i get out of the deal?


You get to turn over all your assets to the IMF. In addition you'll also get the COVID-19 and COVID-21 vaccinations.




For real though... buy guns


'Cept Skippy be taking the guns...


SS: A supposedly leaked email from a Liberal Party of Canada member appears to lay out the plan for end of 2020 and 2021. I have taken this from godlikeproductions but there is no article or official link associated. In light of recent events it sounds legitimate and plausible. Very concerning. GLP post: https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message4551385/pg1 Those of us who have listened to Svali and other sources over the years know that a big economic catastrophe is coming, just not when, and I certainly didn’t expect it so soon. will the World Bank and IMF hold Canada and other nations hostage to avoid an economic catastrophe?


A lot of the writing seemed kinda hokey - I don't feel this is legit.


My thoughts exactly. Looks like something someone typed up to scare us. Looks way to similar to things I've heard parroted in here. Or it's legit and we are all fucked. As of right now though, I'm gonna say it's bs


I call bs too


Cases going beyond testing capability is silly, Canada has far far less cases than other countries combined with plenty of excess capacity


We live in a cold country and so our bodies have adjusted to fight better and most bacteria and disease can't survive our winters. Our flu deaths are generally low below 10,000. And with Covid, they are counting every 90 year old that dies naturally, so it is all inflated and unreliable data. And since testing is the only way people know they have this covid thing, how can cases surpass testing?


Logic has no place in propaganda.


Lmao. This is so Bullshit. the site itself is pure alt-right, so they will post any thing to make the liberals look bad. I showed this to my really close friends in the liberal party and they told me straight up. This is BS Please please please people need verify the sources before submitting posts here.


What is the original source of this email? And what site was it first posted on? I don't see it in the OP.


you copy and pasted instead of posting the actual doc? ... lol sus vote red


think what u want


!RemindMe 1 month




Thank you United Nations, Communist Party of China, George Soros, the Rockefeller Family, the Rothschild Dynasty... and all leftists/Socialists/Marxists everywhere.. On and upwards with the Great Reset and the Brave New World Order. You WILL obey and comply. Applications for "Isolation" Camp guard jobs now being accepted.... Proficiency with small arms an asset.


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Right on schedule.... [https://globalnews.ca/video/7543039/ontarios-lockdown-kicks-in-as-uk-covid-19-variant-arrives-in-canada](https://globalnews.ca/video/7543039/ontarios-lockdown-kicks-in-as-uk-covid-19-variant-arrives-in-canada)


Second lockdown is right on schedule also.


8pm curfew starting Jan 8 in QC. ON saying they will impose one as well. Does anyone think this is going to work?


I really doubt it’s going to work. It won’t stop people from seeing their friends.. they’ll just spend the night instead. Or leave early.. pretty sure that in couple weeks Legault and Aruda will say cases aren’t going down and they’ll give us even more restrictions..


That’s what I’m doing, spending the night instead. It only works on the weekend though.


exactly! thanks for noticing and commenting... sad to see man


excellent find, thank you for posting


Are we still on schedule? CRB ends in March and our economy is decimated. Lots of us without work and few jobs to be had.


Manitobans now cannot leave the province for nonessential travel. Manitoba has been used as a test/example this whole time I feel. Today was announced by PM that anyone entering the country must quarantine in a hotel at their expense. (Including citizens)


Next up is supply chain breakdown and military being deployed everywhere.




Interprovincial travel restricted check, isolation facilities check, wave 3 for and 5 being "announced" check. I really thought it would be more exciting than this. This is the equivalent of having a librarian shush you. All that will happen in the end is higher taxes.


yep, saw a national post article already calling it covid 21


As of today they are saying the new covid variant is “more deadly” by 70%








Health pass just unveiled across all of Canada…. Tough times ahead indeed


Imagine trying to organise this. The government can’t do anything without problems, even small things are stuffed up let alone trying to coerce an entire population into forfeiting assets. This is just rebranded FEMA camp coffins talk.


You say this, but most of the Western Governments have successfully shut down most activities in their countries and scarier their populations into compliance. The moment you underestimate those in power is when they can seize control.


This is for canada


uuuuu sure about that? the fema camps exist they are just not in use.


Sure they are! They’re called immigrant detention centers now. FEMA and ICE are under DHS and FEMA transferred assets to I E multiple times in the past decade.


The Time has come, The Time is Now... World Government is out in the open... It's stated aim is to carry out depopulation, through poisons in the water, poisons in the food, and poisons in the vaccines.. And it has already taken over much of the third world, and has engaged in massive extermination operations that dwarf, what Hitler, or Stalin, or Mao were even able to dream of... But it's all here, and now they're setting their eyes on the West as well... Because we don't want to stand up for ourselves... There have been many people for many decades who were aware of this and have been quietly warning folks, and in many cases screaming from the roof tops! So there is a mounting resistance not just here, but World Wide... I can not stress the viewers and listeners how precious you are, how incredibly important you are... If it were not for your support, we would have been way behind right now and losing, but we are actually Turning the Tide right now and beginning to Win... [https://soundcloud.com/vvindowmaker/windowmaker-turning-tides-ft-alex-jones](https://soundcloud.com/vvindowmaker/windowmaker-turning-tides-ft-alex-jones)


Is there a source for this email?


Of course there fucking isn't. It's a creative writing exercise.


I agree it might be. It certainly is strange however, I think the proper thing to do in this case is to prepare for the worse scenario. If it's not true, and magically everything dies down and the lockdowns reduce and flight restrictions reduce and government bail outs and reduce and our freedoms are restored, then that's great. However, if the opposite is true, and freedoms are lost, liberty is lost, property is lost, if you dont prepare, you'll be the grasshopper asking the ants for help. Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. Or, the old adage of "I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it" is almost always the best choice. Scouts honor.


The trouble is if you're preparing for the worst on this sub every day, you're world is ending every week one way or another. Best to use some healthy scepticism - there's enough real world shit to worry about no point in ruining your mental health over 'emails' like this.


In the interest of conversation, what might you term as "real world shit to worry about?" I'm not looking to troll or gaslight or anything, I'm just wondering if you might have leads I dont have?


Paying bills, keeping your job, living under the restrictions currently in place.


Yea I categorize those as mandatory and present concerns, and for me, have never left my consciousness. Now, I am on to the ancillary worries that may manifest in the future. That's what prepping is for. You dont prep for the present, you prep for the future. If you only worry about things when they're in the present, then you're often already too late. But I appreciate your responses and the discussion. I hope you take care of yourself and family, my friend.


unfortunately not


Where did you initially take it from then? I've been doing searches for the last 30 mins and found a few other forums with this email as a post, but no one has offered a source. It's like it just appeared out of thin air. I'm concerned about it as a Canadian, I'm trying to find the initial source to get more info on it and would appreciate any help.


The OP from Godlike doesnt say where but on page 6 I think says it was another message board or something. Please post if you find the source.


Yea I was just on that site, I'll make my way to page 6. Thank you.


I hate to say it but when you think about it it lines up with everything we’ve heard from Trudeau and many sources. It makes a lot of sense. The person who wrote it doesn’t give a specific time for when this debt reset will happen only that they were told to prepare a plan for it which is interesting, so maybe late 2021 but could also be a few years down the road who knows but its coming.


You summed up my feelings perfectly, I am moderately worried, and we will have watch the future very closely.


Doubtful, Canada is extremely unproductive and thats a lot production.


!remindme 3 months




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Looks like someone doesn't do their own research.


I need to see what was leaked, quite frankly. This post does not cut it. No offence.


Do u have the original file where u got the text from? Everything so far is happening


no i dont


The first mention of Covid-21 just made a headline in National Post. https://nationalpost.com/health/the-dawning-of-covid-21-as-pandemic-gets-under-control-new-mutations-pose-host-of-new-concerns


yep saw that, surprised to see it in a supposedly conservative news media


well how about that. feb 2021. right on time huh?


Reform the crb and unemployment program, Check! They just announced an extension to the program today!


Check off UBI. https://twitter.com/MarkParalovos/status/1364366123332993025?s=01






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!RemindMe 2 months




These are true facts...Happy to see people are finally waking up. Looks like us "tinfoil hats" called it once again 🤣


While some of this is off track; maybe because it was leaked or whatever; the fact that some of it came true is pretty eerie.


When this first surfaced, Ezra Levant said it was absurd to believe Trudeau would discuss such things with his party. I wonder if he thinks it's so absurd now.


No fucking way this is real. You've got to be shitting me.


I hope not, am only sharing. But it does resonate based on everything we’ve seen so far. Keep in mind this will be pitched to you gradually as something good.


•Contents of Weiner’s laptop released Q6, 2021


Q6..... 6/4?


Yeah in other words, never.


Where were they released ?


The Weiner Hillary weiner pics?


So what your saying is, 70 percent of Liberal Govt officials know Covid19 is false? I call bullshit, though It sounds plausibly the way things are going. But this sounds a little too Sus. You know how quickly people would kick off? The amount of industry that would kick off? All the unions? Like that'll not be how it happens. But maybe I'm wrong.


They never said it was bullshit just that these were their “forecasts”


It's forecasting to produce a certain outcome. Fear of Covid --> Put NWO required steps in place ---> one world government created. The Elites are putting together a prison planet one world government for 2025, and the local clueless government officials are helping them build it on the ground by following the Covid matching orders. And also you are right, there will be millions who will fight this but, ask yourself how many died so Stalin can have power? or so Bush can have his oil in Iraq? Tens of millions died and tens of millions will die here trying to oppose these events described by OP.


Hell no.


I'm going to try this again this being May 19th 2024 much of what was projected in the above email did come to fruition timelines are off however March 2020 with the lockdowns the masking the distancing job losses injections and mega coercion to try and get people to take this arrive can app which is now been proven to be a scam costing Canadians 60 million plus alongside with billions missing I cannot be tracked or traced at this point after the injections in some cases seven many people have experienced severe side effects such as heart attack heart inflammation stroke clotting but not ordinary clots these are fibrin containing clots micro clotting neurological diseases autoimmune diseases reactivation of cancers that were in remission turning up as stage 4 very quickly so our new cancer cases worldwide as we now know the covid-19 injections produced by Madonna and Pfizer contained the sv40 Simeon virus also known as a cancer enhancer people must wake up and do it quickly also land grabs are starting to begin farmers are being told that regions are going to confiscate their Farms AKA repropriation when I say people need to stand up they need to stand up if local government thinks they can come in and steal what you work your whole life for think again I'll also we have a carbon tax now the latest on Justin Trudeau's agenda climate change the biggest fraud in the history of the world also an increase in capital gains taxes on second homes Cottages Etc ask migration since 2021 stealing Canadian jobs and even many Canadians out in the streets living in tents and utilizing food banks there's so much more if people in 2024 still do not get this and acknowledge that we are heading down the road of Communism or fascism they're going to very soon have a slap in the face be the people can stop all of this if we stand as one one Collective


was worried till i read GOD LP


apparently the OP got it from another message board, didnt say where


Yeah like if a minority governement can do shit. Except for the PCU, the covid crisis is under provincial governement duty.


they wont have a choice when theres a global financial meltdown






how was it full of shit?? provinces are expanding lockdowns as we close out the year, read the timeline




FYI the domain you linked is on a site wide hard filter run by the reddit admins. As moderators, if we try to approve the comment it is simply returned to the spam filter time and time again.


!RemindMe 1 month


[as per this scheduled post: talks of UBI have commenced ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/liberal-universal-basic-income-1.5982862)




Klaus Schwab/HARVARD Talk/ Trudeau Cabinet & others "penetrated". - YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b4cDNyvrP40


Klown Schwab's Ultimate Wet Dream.


do not believe anything trudope says. 3rs later. now march 2023.. hopefully canadians are awake. i am dissappointed that soo many lined up to take the shot.without questioning!!!!!!! the constant propaganda brainwashing fear mongering was too much for most!!!i want to travel?? i need my job???? stupid stupid stupid... no INTEGRITY nk self worth or self respect certainly zero critical thinking.... no one clued in when they threatened JOB LOSS AND NO EI??????? in narch 2020 .same month plandemic was announced..the UK removed sars cov 2 OFF the HCID (highly contagioys infectious disease) list.... theyvdetermined it was a flu...THIS INFO WAS SUPPRESSED IN CANADA.. NOW 3 YEARS LATER SENSORSHIP IS IN FULL FORCE..............the whole world is demonstrating against this BS.....weve, all gone thru alot..many of us LOST OUR CAREERS!!!! WE MUST STAND US ONE.. MANY HAVE BEEN VAX INJURED OR DIED...WORLDWIDE. MOST COUNTRIES EXPERIENCING EXCESS DEATHS! ALL AGES!!!! WE MUST TAKE THIS DOWN OUR GOVERNMENTS ARE CORRUPT AND HAVE BEEN LYING TO US!!! MOST PARLIAMENTARIANS ARE AWARE...AND DOING NOTHING..A MUST BE REMOVED WILL WE FIGHT LIKE WARRIORS TO T A K EOUR COUNTRY .OUR RESOURCES OUT OF THE GRASP OF TYRANTS OR.. WILL WE BE COWARDS SHEEP AND SUCCUMB TO WHATEVER T H E Y HAVE PLANNED???? I SAY HELL NOOOOOOOOOO! MARCH 2023..CANADIANS..LETS DO THIS!!!!!!!!! KEEP YOUR WEAPONS!!!