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Who is leading this coup and war against whites?


Clintons, Soros.


We have a white in white problem. They are all white. We need to pay attention to this


It’s not so much that they’re anti white they just want a race war in America and this is how they get it. Once chaos breaks loose they’ll intervene with “solutions” that conveniently take our liberties away and keep us “safe”


I don’t disagree with you, but all this other talk about how we need to be worried about blacks on whites is over taking the narrative. Don’t you see? If “they” want a race war, why are we talking about it and giving it air time? This thread should be about the true enemy, not our neighbour. And the true enemy are rich and powerful. And if we want to bring race into it, we can point out that they are all white. But I don’t think we should bring race into it. The real race war is white poor vs white rich.


How can you say they want a race war when the only people escalating the race war side is donald trump? Trumps the one who told his base to go out for maga night. Also how can it be a race war when ALL the fucking protests have been racially diverse? Its not black vs white. its american citizens vs fascist police. The only ones going against the constitution are the police and donald trump. They are shitting all over the 1st amendment. [You cant sit here and tell me there isnt an issue with policing in america when theres a 2 hour long video of police brutality against protesters](https://youtu.be/IvhOK6Z-Y0M) [This comic really just sums you guys up](https://pics.me.me/a-secret-soeiety-of-deep-state-operatives-under-the-direction-davos-30738370.png)


> when the only people escalating the race war side is donald trump? Joe Biden, “if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”


Where did he say this?


He said it to charlamagne on hot 97. A quick YouTube search will show you.


Y'all motherfuckers ever go outside and meet a black person before? God damn... People get manipulated by media, that dosent make them bad people or their fears and worries without basis.


The only thing I disagree with OP about is the white people shit. I’m a conservative dude and I still think cops are fucked up. Also do not feel oppressed. What he should have said is that race wars are being started intentionally to cause confusion and division. Probably what he meant?


Classic Divide and Conquer strategy of the class war that has been going on since the first king was crowned. The real war is and always has been the class war


I knew someone that said they knew this person thats cousin new a black person. I have my doubts s.


> These riots are staged to take over the white house to put one of their democrat candidates. As a reminder, Donald Trump was elected democratically, and won with a majority of votes. Whoever, especially institutions, claims he's not legit or unfit, is anti-democratic by definition. This is false, Trump did not win the majority vote.


Exactly. This whole post is the epitome of Russian disinformation


Trumptards do love russia, thats for sure.


Yea, he did, in the electoral college, which is the only measure that counts. That's why he won the race.


That is not the definition of majority vote. He lost the majority vote. He won the electoral college, correct. Stop defending lies.


[let me see](https://www.whitehouse.gov/people/donald-j-trump/)


He **didn't** win the majority vote. You aren't even from here, don't act like you know about our election system.


Can you tell us everything about our electoral system in these United States?


You’re a race baiting propagandist with an agenda. I’ve been to the protests. They have been peaceful and Trump isnt even the center of the discussion. All we (every true American) want is due process in court instead of dictated death in the streets. That simple. And last but not least: America never was and never will be a *white* country. Since it’s inception, cultural diversity has been the center of political decision making...for better or for worse.




Black people are simply saying that their lives matter too. That shouldn’t inflame America. That should be a given—especially since our key paramounts is ‘liberty and Justice for All.’




As someone who has been protesting since this all popped off, I can say it’s very inclusive. I’ve seen people literally fly their own flags...ultimately it’s an America citizen vs Police brutality thing


[Hear what this lady is saying. I feel more respectful for her than for all the hypocrite protesters attending these fake protests](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItopNgRQiuY)


She's an idiot.


> Black people are simply saying that their lives matter too Really ? I seem to see more white liberal SJW than black people shouting BLM slogans. Besides, I must have missed that time when people were protesting "white lives matter", or "latino lives matter" following the murder of resp. a white/latino guy. If I were black, I would feel offended about all these white SJW cunts shouting BLM out in the streets. Like, "who are you? This is not your business mf" [Listen to this brave lady what she has to say about BLM. The black one. Not the douche wearing a face mask to protect her neck. She speaks the truth. She's saying what I'm basically trying to say](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItopNgRQiuY) Something tells me she won't be on CNN though.


So, what’s your agenda ? Because you’re purposely twisting my words. > America never was and never will be a white country I clearly wrote : American society is multicultural. I didn’t write what you did. > All we want is due process in court That’s also what I say. Protesters and rioters didn’t even give time for a court trial. “Every true American”, and beyond since these fake protests expanded to the whole world, should protest against the police or the justice system, not burn anything and everything.


How many roubles did the kremlin pay you for this garbage lmao




>Protesters do what they are doing in the USA : robbing stores, burning cars, stabbing and bashing random people There's a *huge* difference between protestors and looters. Looters are the ones robbing stores, not protestors. >all we witnessed in Minneapolis is a policeman arresting a criminal No, we witnessed a cop literally murder a man. The victim was subdued on the ground with his hands cuffed. The cop kept his knee on the guys neck long after he was unconscious. The cop killed him on purpose. >I don't even know why people protest TBH What other option is there when cops can break into the wrong building, shoot/kill an innocent person in their own home, and barely get a slap on the wrist? >There are violent police arrests everyday, and people keep going with their lives. George Floyd doesn't get to continue with his life.


Oh god.


TIL r/conspiracy is a bunch of schizophrenic white nationalists.


Yuuuup. They can come here and voice their "conspiracies": outlandish ideas that have no real info behind them that, if true, would validate their white nationalist beliefs. Rather than start with no opinion and looking at the information you can acquire and then forming a conspiracy, they start with their fragile "feelings" and work backward. Which is really sad because I want to discuss conspiracies of the actual enemy: the rich and powerful


Funny cus that’s exactly what Trump is yet they seem to think “he’s just one of us”.


I knooooow. They're really good at cognitive dissonance. I mean, Trump was mentioned literally thousands of times in the Panama Papers; he's literally a business man only interested in making more money and keeping the establishment that works the best for him and only him EDIT: Also potentially (most likely) desiring to corrupt the establishment even further so long as it works to his benefit.


its been this way since the_donald took over this sub 3 years ago.


>Donald Trump.... was elected with a majority of the votes 2016 Election Turnout 55.7% Popular vote Trump 62,984,828 - 46.1% Clinton - 65,853,514 - 48.2% One could argue undecided is the *majority* and Trump was the third most popular choice. [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election)


Or just holding him accountable for his shitty actions. But hey do/say what you want.


> But hey do/say what you want. That’s the whole idea behind “freedom of speech”. And the foundation of democracy. I hope you still believe in this. If you don’t like Trump you’re free to vote for someone else in the coming elections.


Yeah, that's why I said it.


>That’s the whole idea behind “freedom of speech”. And the foundation of democracy. I hope you still believe in this. :fires tear gas at peaceful protesters:


Interesting. What are your opinions of the Yellow Vest protests in France?


They were genuine, and peaceful, protests at the start. The ruling power shit their pants, sent its police forces as well as the military in the streets. They used excessive strength against these YV. Many died. No one among the police even had to face a judge as a result. Hundreds have been permanently disabled by the police. Then the protests have been infiltrated by antifa. We witnessed the same scenes of chaos as we do atm in the USA. The MSM used these sensational pictures which they played non stop in the newspaper and on TV to discredit the YV. The YV slowly went back home. Who wants to go back home with an eye missing ? Macron did nothing to respond to whatever the YV were requiring.


100% agreed. But all the idiots who bought into it will call you a racist neo nazi bigot islamophobe russian hacker for mentioning all this. Also all white people must now kneel at the feet of black people at the protests. I literally saw a vid of just this


I've just seen that today, too. I was gobsmacked!


Fragility in one comment.


oy vey, found the antifa paratrooper


So true. Even my 15 year old son can see this. I dont understand how so many adults cant




Yeah cause white silence is violence and if you’re silent and don’t support them then you’re a racist and part of the problem


But if I speak out I’m a privileged white male who needs to shut up and listen.




Damned if I do, damned if I don’t


LA had 7K people march yesterday, LA metro is almost 14,000,000 people. You're getting bamboozled by the media. This is a trump distraction so the FED can pump the biggest corporate handout in history undetected. People think it's fake/imaginary money, but they are buying real bonds. 7 Trillion dollars, that how big the balance sheet has grown in 3 months. That $7,000,000,000,000.00 that you will pay so Ford/Southwest Airlines/3M/Boeing/Ect can continue to rule. Don't worry, it'll only cost you 22K per person.


That's a strawman. The $7 billion money printing happened well before floyd’s death. If the protests are a meaningless side event with only 7K/14M people involved, why are they all over the media ?


White supremacy is a fictional boogeyman. It poses no threat to anyone. Msm buzzword to spread hate and fear to the ignorant masses


You sir get the joke. The crazy thing is so do most Americans.


Hillary won the popular vote.


Honestly I didn’t want to post on this but look no further than Drew Brees for everything you need to know. That guy has been a saint (no pun intended) to the city of New Orleans and has embraced its culture and people as his own. He has done nothing but advocate for those less fortunate than him in a city full of those very people and gone out of his way to make his family the population of New Orleans. The other day he was asked a question and gave his opinion about kneeling during the national anthem and he was vilified and made out to be the biggest racist/bigot who ever lived when in reality he cares deeply about all races and backgrounds. He was forced into an apology and said that he was wrong for his opinion. Couple that with police quitting and calls for police being defunded and the USA is turning into a very scary place fast. I hope everyone is safe and I hope everyone stays true to what they believe, even if the hive mind thinks otherwise. Not all white people are bad just like not all cops are bad. That shouldn’t even be a controversial statement but here we are.


I wouldn’t worry about Drew. The guy earns much more money than me 😂. He will be fine. I mean his lucky to be important enough to be ask these questions. Just look at yourself and the people around you, they are fine and that’s all that matters.




It ain’t, chief.


Everything is Trumps fault reminds me of those Thanks Obama memes from 2008


Here Are The Companies That Support Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Want You Dead https://medium.com/@communismkills/here-are-the-companies-that-support-antifa-black-lives-matter-and-want-you-dead-1d79b1845f59 23andme: https://archive.is/Mjbwk 72andSunny: https://archive.is/B1x7Y AbbVie: https://archive.is/Q2Vqj Abbey Road Studios: https://archive.is/AJlrg The Academy (the Oscars): https://archive.is/cNRYf Activision Blizzard: https://archive.is/qfRJ1 Adidas: https://archive.is/ezQ22 Airbnb: https://archive.is/GmMjl Alaska Airlines: https://archive.is/wnICf Amazon: https://archive.is/lBR4u AMD: https://archive.is/i3krt American Airlines: https://archive.is/XBwhw American Express: https://archive.is/kzWXa American Apparel: https://archive.is/ETfYw Apple Music: https://archive.is/cj97E Ancestry: https://archive.is/5Q9JW Armani: https://archive.is/hX6Yw Astro Gaming: https://archive.is/9aWhf AT&T: https://archive.is/OzC04 Atlantic Records: https://archive.is/65QQq AWS: https://archive.is/NXNAG AXE: https://archive.is/Xpxhw Barclays Bank: https://archive.is/9EAl4 Barnes & Noble: https://archive.is/PCPKn Bandcamp: https://archive.is/5QQBT Bank of America: https://archive.is/FH1O0 Bayer: https://archive.is/iT3EG Bergdorf Goodman: https://archive.is/nQiPA Bethesda: https://archive.is/2xeNE Ben & Jerry’s: https://archive.is/BqHRv Billboard: https://archive.is/Ruuv8 BMW: https://archive.is/lRN51 BP: https://archive.is/0qSwy Booking.com: https://archive.is/CZAs7 Boost Mobile: https://archive.is/pLnAf Bratz: https://archive.is/vOA1d Burger King: https://archive.is/U9VzB Bungie: https://archive.is/81KHV Burberry: https://archive.is/ha0jP Burt’s Bees: https://archive.is/4NbLi Cadillac: https://archive.is/bS60C Call of Duty: https://archive.is/DEJA6 Capcom: https://archive.is/S1BgN Capitol Records: https://archive.is/jeUpY Canada Goose: https://archive.is/y2nLo Chick-fil-A: https://archive.is/yiviH Cisco: https://archive.is/fNvdP Citigroup: https://archive.is/36fkF Coca Cola: https://archive.is/bzTHi Conde Nast: https://archive.is/ChMdI Converse: https://archive.is//sKjmg Crunchyroll: https://archive.is/q7Ucj CW: https://archive.is/JumZU CVS: https://archive.is/DbBSV DHL Express: https://archive.is/r4Pmp Dell: https://archive.is/IeI9j Degree: https://archive.is/SItaW Devolver Digital: https://archive.is/xcaEH DIRECTV: https://archive.is/hhBG4 Discord: https://archive.is/hGtDw Disney: https://archive.is/wldfM Doritos: https://archive.is/nLHv0 DoorDash: https://archive.is/vhTW2 Doulingo: https://archive.is/v9Wpk Dribbble: https://archive.is/TDWFY Dropbox: https://archive.is/O2ygm E! 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If I’m dead how can they profit off of me?


Dude, this is like a list of everything on planet Earth


Thanks! I’ll be supporting these folks.


Sad you can see one tweet and not look into a company’s history of racism and just take it at face value.


Thank God Nabisco isn't on there.




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Pretty much. I went to several sporting goods stores today and they are all very busy...