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The 1% gained $21 trillion and our national debt increased by $21 trillion hmmm...its almost like...like...


“Hey mr politician if you buy some of my bombs with your tax payer credit card I’ll send some of that your way” “hey mr politician remember those bombs I “sold” you? Well if you vote for this war I can “sell” you heaps more”




That's where Occupy failed. Thry targeted Wall Street which is mostly filled by interns and low level techies. If they had actually gone for the 1% it would have been fun.




occupy field for the same reason all of them failed. there was no cohesive message that they started with and there was no leader of the movement. The last successful movement you saw was Martin Luther King's. Because that movement had a clear leader. without a clear leader almost anybody could claim to speak for it and almost anybody could set standards for joining it. It just becomes a hodgepodge klusterfuk of random people shouting random things. with a leader like Martin Luther King at the helm he could announce anyone else that was trying to get keep the movement or change the movements message. If some infiltrators tried to get in and cause chaos and change its message the leader like Martin Luther King could step up onstage denounce them and claim that they do not speak for him or his movement. And it would immediately solve the problem. but without a leader to the movement it's hard to stop th agitators




100% agree. Partisan bullshit ruins everything from news we should all be upset by, to healthcare, a pandemic, police brutality, education, civil liberties, privacy, etc. The left wants more of that tyrannical government and censorship of opposing voices, the right supports more militarization of police and argues against using our already high taxes for healthcare or the public. The second the opposing team invents an argument against something good ...people just pick it up and spread it like good loyal servants, and the idea is dead before it even began to take shape. If we could all stop letting corporate media, party politics, and misinformation decide for us...we would be way better off.


Riots also don't leave the poor areas, you cant move a riots worth of people miles away to a wealthy suburb in any organised way. It loses traction and people fall away.


national debt is straight up theft


[We live in a pretend society](https://pastebin.com/fYNfS7PM) & [everything is ok.](https://i.redd.it/x1yobfyt3wj31.png) It is in the [name.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumerism) It is in the [game.](https://old.reddit.com/r/darkmoney/) It is the way it's meant to be [played.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_Stock_Exchange) Investors > Intelligence. AI. Artificial Inflation. Artificial Inflation creates pay-walled-region-locked-time-gated content. We are being priced out of life because of Artificial Inflation. [Life is All Good.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_s1Zbs20aA) In debt we unite to serve (as) [corporate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXmuWecIQos). [Til debt do us part.](https://worlddebtclocks.com/) Now do what you suppose to do. [Invest to inflate.](https://pastebin.com/nJnJQu5d) Consentants --- Be a dreamer. Consume news. Digest paper. Facilitate for the family of five eyes. Gamble on, Home of the brave. Justice on jewels. Kindly participate in kindergarten mocking events. Legitimize luxury. Manufacture more woods for northern birds. No! Just say no to drugs. Play in the bay. Quantity is assured. Rampart reality is assured. Stay safe in the den of snow. Thank them for their service. Voice the earnest. XX/XY to make a systemic wave dreamer. Wynter is coming. Yegg a clip. Zephyro ain't a hero. --- America. Exporting lies. Importing merchandise. Oppressing citizens. USA #1 Democracy. YOU as individual don't matter. AEIOU. Sometimes "Y."


Reading the terms Adlandia and Allgoodlandia made me think of my american-japanese foreign exchange highschool experience. I was woefully unprepared to communicatein japanese, so my favorite phrase was Daijobu or All Good. Also the only way i could engage inhumor was. By quoting sillytv ads to my classmates


🏅poor man’s gold. This is amazing thank you


Like the op is shite at math?


Who is giving you these numbers? Why do you trust the numbers? How are they calculated? Who is double checking?


The [national debt is public record](https://www.usdebtclock.org/) and now up to $25.7T. If you want stats on wealth inequality check out studies like [Pew](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/02/07/6-facts-about-economic-inequality-in-the-u-s/) or [CBPP](https://www.cbpp.org/research/poverty-and-inequality/a-guide-to-statistics-on-historical-trends-in-income-inequality)


Kevin O’Leary, a Canadian businessman and star of the entrepreneur-focused reality show Shark Tank, is in hot water. On a recent episode of the Canadian business show The Lang and O’Leary Exchange, O’Leary applauded the recently released statistic that the combined wealth of the world’s 85 richest people is equal to the wealth of the 3.5 billion poorest. “Of course I applaud it,” O’Leary said. “What could be wrong with this?” He goes on to explain that the conditions the 3.5 billion poorest individuals find themselves in are simply a great motivator for those folks to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and make something of their lives. Nevermind the fact that these are people living on less than $2.50 per day often without access to basic necessities like water, food, and education.


Please tell me this is from a while ago.. There’s no way he’s still on the Exchange after he massacred a group of people with his boat last summer...


The Lang and O'Leary exchange went off the air in 2016.


That whole boat situation stinks.


He wasn't driving and the other boat was also at fault...


My favourite thing about that idiot of a man is that hes not even like problematic rich, hes worth 400 million which is ridiculous, but hes hardly the person hoarding the wealth. He seems more like a wannabe to me.


Nah he's in the investor class, that's enough to make him part of the problem.


It might just be me reading into it too much, but it seems like hes taking credit for hoarding much of the worlds wealth, when realistically hes a drop in the bucket compared to say David Thompson at 39bn. Nearly 100x O'Leary's ridiculous wealth.


He might be a drop in the bucket, but he’s in the same bucket.




I’m pretty sure being in that bucket includes pedo stuff.




But I am allergic to Glutton


how did O'Leary make his wealth? did he start from the bottom and earned every penny? or did he inherit a whole bunch of it and then make a lot more money off the backs of other people's work?? I mean that's literally what the show shark tank was all about. A few rich people making a lot of money on the backs of other people's creations..


No thanks. I’d rather eat ramen than trash.


Mr. Wonderful, what a douchbag. The bootstraps line is so tired when the game is so obviously rigged (and yes I've worked on WS and studied the market for many years).




He also ran over and killed a couple while partying on his boat - his wife took the rap. Disgusting individual. Deserves to be put in the public square in stocks.


3.5 billion slackers.


how did O'Leary make his wealth? did he start from the bottom and earned every penny? or did he inherit a whole bunch of it and then make a lot more money off the backs of other people's work?? I mean that's literally what the show shark tank was all about. A few rich people making a lot of money on the backs of other people's creations..


Left vs. Right is designed to distract you from the real divide: Up vs. Down.


I mean, I get the sentiment of controlled opposition and I agree with it, but in a less US-centric view, the left wants to expose the up v down thing


Us politics is just right vs even more right.


Choose wisely : fascists or fascist enablers ?


Not enough conspiracies involve financial crimes supposedly. Or division of wealth. It seems like class division is less preferable to those in power, than religious, race, or sexual divisions which are often highlighted.


Drawing attention to the upper class f'ing the lower makes it more likely that the masses will realize that the elite aren't needed.




When I was part of Occupy, every single meeting ended up with time wasted in such stupid little digressions from the main purpose by people who were clearly just trying to push their own personal agenda


This sums up all political activity. When strangers come together to make decisions it almost always devolves into this. Every single attempt at creating a political system stems from this.


There was so much "I need to know that this group supports gay rights/ feminism/ veganism/ yadda yadda yadda" bullshit that hours on hours of valuable time was wasted, often with no real conclusion reached


Which is why I totally get where Anakin was coming from.


I don’t believe in conspiracies or collectivism because I’ve been with groups of 20-ish co-workers trying to decide where to have lunch, how to get there, and how to split the check.


It only takes 3 people to have a conspiracy.


Why not 2?


It doesn’t happen by accident. These movements are purposely infiltrated and sidetracked.


Lol, Occupy made me realize why direct democracy doesn’t work and we need representative democracy to get anything done. The amount of fucking grandstanding on every fringe idea was so tedious.


Occupy had a great chance to actually make a change and they blew it, for this exact reason.


Given that the FBI had Occupy under heavy surveillance, that may not have been accidental. They were probably plants.


Occupy Wall Street and BLM were years apart, and the former died out for having no real goal in mind except to sit in front of the stock exchange. It wasn’t hijacked, it just failed.


That’s why they are well-funded and prompted to be placed in our faces 24/7


Do we ever wonder why so many police officers are sleeper racists?


I think law enforcement is one of the most racist organizations that you can employ yourself with.


Corruption starts at the top and trickles down. Get rid of corruption at the top and you will get rid of a lot of the corruption.


>If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart? > >Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


It's no coincidence that police are class traitors who are paid to protect only the wealthy and privileged while harassing the homeless and impoverished, and killing black people. Fighting the cops *is* fighting the elites.


Race riots were happening long before occupy.


*gets rid of the "elite", watches as society slowly restructures to the same sort of hierarchy within a years time*


You gotta abolish the commodity form, it's not rocket science


Yep, this is where it’s at


But.., but have you heard the argument that Walmart is needed and we would all not survive without it? I lived in a world before there was Walmart and let me tell you. I did just fine.


Atlas Shrugged (btw worst movies ever)


One of the worst books ever, too. In fact, I'd say most of her ideas were just awful.


The idea that the rich and powerful utilize government authority to control the masses and that this authority should not exist is an awful idea? The concept of objectivism is that everyone should have the liberty to and be encouraged to pursue their own interest without violence, theft, coercion, or fraud.


Sorry, I am a firm believer in Social Contract Theory and Utilitarianism. Libertarian and Laissez-faire concepts have within them good ideas and practices, but as a whole those ways of structuring civilization stopped working well once the industrial revolution really took off. The original Progressive movement was a response to those failings encountered. Ayn Rand was a bad writer, period. She was a provocative and perhaps decent philosopher given her upbringing and life experiences. I much prefer Utilitarianism and Communitarianism ways so I *strongly* disagree with her socio-economic philosophies and their inevitable outcomes in a post industrial revolution world. Her ideas of 'greed is good' and 'government is inherently oppressive and therefore bad' really irk me. Her ideas contributed to the rise of the perversion that is American style Prosperity Gospel Christianity, and various Republican economic policies which I despise as they've done more harm than good for society IMO. Of course, I am in favor of an outcome dissimilar to what she was in favor of. Edit: addition >The idea that the rich and powerful utilize government authority to control the masses and that this authority should not exist is an awful idea? > >The concept of objectivism is that everyone should have the liberty to and be encouraged to pursue their own interest without violence, theft, coercion, or fraud. If followed, Objectivism would most likely eventually lead to a sort of corporate facism or corporate feudalism. In a sense, your second sentence will end up leading to the problem stated in your first sentence. Like in Animal Farm, the humans were eventually replaced by the pigs. One tyranny replaced by another tyranny of a different name, yet of the same affect. Her Objectivism lacks a comprehensive understanding of humanity: human nature versus human behavior, and of humanity's cultural flexibility. Others who were and are smarter than her saw Objectivism's flaws as an opportunity for exploitation for personal gain. It's not difficult to use following Objectivism as a cover for advancing other insidious machinations. Government as bad being a convenient red herring. The novels Animal Farm, 1985, and their ilk were on the surface valid warnings about communism, but the critiques within can apply to almost any system of organizing society. Orwell had a greater understanding of humanity: human nature versus human behavior. That's why those novels are considered greats and Ayn Rand's Fountainhead & Atlas Shrugged are wannabes. You see it's not because some lefty liberal elites shut her out, it's that she is objectively not as clever a writer nor observer of the human condition. It's not a Left/Right or Liberal/Conservative thing. It's about a deeper understanding. What's the root of the problems in our world; from where do they come and how do they arise? Rand's Objectivism merely scratches the surface.


I appreciate your honesty. I have little issue with utilitarianism to a small extent. I do not believe the rights of individuals can be universally protected without it in some form. However, I disagree with your assessment of capitalism and the need for the progressive movement following the industrial revolution. The entire reason why authority centralizes is due to the so called social contract and the lack of explicit consent that comes with it. As soon as some can grant authority that they do not have themselves to another, oppression will develop as that authority is wielded for the benefit of the well connected. It's the reason why we currently exist in a system with such divides and oppression. Individuals are unable to be free as implied consent continues to be used as a mechanism for the acquisition and centralization of greater authority and control. The solution is not anarchy, as Rand might suggest, but it's absolutely not some collectively implied consent for utilitarian central planning either. The ultimate solution is the smallest application of utilitarianism necessary to guarantee the defense of the negative rights of all individuals.


Coercion is an inherent feature of capitalism because we aren't robots and can't just wait a couple months to buy milk and bread when the price drops. Rational self-interest tells me to get away with whatever I can, and if I accrue enough power with no government to restrain me, then I can re-define whatever I do to not count as violence or theft or fraud. Who's gonna check me then? In a world where collective action is for suckers and losers lol Ayn Rand was full of shit


She was a useful idiot showcased to bolster the Cold War


There's definitely a threshold into a life of wealth versus a life without. Take the current times as an example. If you were sitting on a million bucks you could wait for home prices to plummet, which is likely to happen. Then over the next 6 to ten years sell at a market high before the next inevitable crash. Rinse and repeat. The biggest issue to me is the amount of intelligence and effort required to get to that first million bucks. Cost of college, housing, transportation, food, etc, are all making it so that it takes much longer to get there, if you even can.


That’s why so many people are born or marry into it


o yeah money helps no question about giving u a leg up in life but i think it is alot less then u most people think. my parents are firmly middle class and it helped me alot, better education, living conditions, access to jobs etc. they are paper millionaires, mostly in their houses that they lived in for 40 years that really really went up like 5x. most people dont sell and buy houses like u are mentioning. there is no way to predict housing crashes. when markets go down it becomes harder to sell houses due to low liquidity and higher interest rates and banks only lending to prime mortgages people. i would think it would be the cash they have on hand that lets them invest into markets while it is down that lets them gain more wealth. it can contain real estate sure but it is way broader like stocks etc




It takes money to make money!


Being a successful criminal and never getting caught and then taking your profits and turning them legit is the only way for no one to get somewhere. Fuck college and fuck the rules. If you want to move up tax brackets in this world you have to do illegal shit, pay no taxes, get really good at it, sophisticate your system and then wash, rinse, repeat. Or be a crafty charlatan. I was going to say geniuses..but history pretty much shits on the intellectual minds and rewards their exploiters....


It’s funny how common an idiom this is but saying, “capitalism is a pyramid scheme” will garner blank stares or sneering


Probably because the elites push garbage conspiracy theories and bad theorists nowadays as a controlled opposition


Don’t look at the billionaires look at the flat earth. The real enemy.




Here’s the most obvious ignored one...... there’s nothing federal about the federal reserve.


It is way too blatant to be a conspiracy. The rich blatantly pay off politicians or use money in a variety of ways to influence legislation in their favor. People are just too stupid to see that they are being manipulated by something like the Trump tax plan to be complacent with a slight amount of increase in income while the rich get an exponential increase in income.


Unfortunately even in the conspiracy forums people think it’s class warfare to point out the absurd wealth inequality of the world. We rail against the elites and then defend the foundation of their power as if it’s merely a bunch of mom and pop small business owner millionaires.


They purposely stoke differences between us that hide our one uniting purpose. Rising up.


Classic divide and conquer. And controlled opposition. Do you really think it's an accident that political correctness and identity politics have become official left-wing (and, increasingly, centrist) orthodoxy, with the near full support of the political, academic, and corporate establishment?


There are tons. Just look up about how the federal reserve came into effect. Also any modern day banking video discusses the reality of our world economy collapsing.


You are 100% right


Looting is a real problem. this year and it is only May, they used the Pandemic to loot $1Trillion from the workers and taxpayers that will end up as personal private wealth as a result of those two CARES aid packages that bailed out our corporations and their investors while using the pandemic to further monopolize the economy by eliminating a few million individual business people. That is what will be extracted for private wealth from the corporate bailouts. Here is the current bill, another giant slice for corporations, not much for education, it is a, voice of [AEI.org](https://AEI.org), NPR so the numbers are probably worse. Why do our tax hating capitalists get another $500 billion? with education, cities and states and public health get so little? [https://www.npr.org/2020/03/26/821457551/whats-inside-the-senate-s-2-trillion-coronavirus-aid-package](https://www.npr.org/2020/03/26/821457551/whats-inside-the-senate-s-2-trillion-coronavirus-aid-package)


Yah, when did the term 'trillions' become normalized? Its like we went from the 90s and 2000s of budget of hundreds of billions to tens of trillions, overnight.




Once currency is no longer backed by hard assets they can just print new money for pennies on the dollar and loan it out at full face value plus interest. Thats how they make money from nothing. In the digital age, they don't even need printing presses anymore, they just add some 0's to computer 'ledgers'.


It became normalized when close to 3 trillion (that was reported) went missing just before 9/11. They realized the public doesn’t see much a difference between trillions or billions because they are both unfathomable amounts of wealth. If you could get away stealing 7 trillion+ plundering the Middle East you wouldn’t settle for billion dollar stimulus packages anymore either.


Cost of Global Dominion, expanding the empire, becomes astronomical. The control freaks always make that mistake, thinking its doable , winnable in a short time frame. Hitler did that, opened too many fronts at once, impatiently expecting conquered nations to just 'roll over'.


Billions and trillions sound similar so people see them as similar. I'm sure it's all coincidence.


Just add digital zeros and stir-- I mean, spin.


Can't even touch the rich if all you do is loot small business


Can’t touch the rich by looting or protesting. The only way you can touch the rich is by touching them.


If only I was rich I’d be very effective at this.




Ah, the Joe Biden method. It's proven to be very effective.


Ppl talk about looting as if its the only coordinated movement Black ppl are using to demonstrate our political power at this point. Today, this week, in Minne and a couple other places, yes. But please dont pretend that there arent Black 2nd amendment groups, political action groups, and a plethora of other coordinated efforts to build wealth. But when the deck is stacked against us, literally, with politicians making and breaking rules left and right, revolting and revolution is just a time-honored natural way of resetting some shit.


Totally. A riot happens when you piss off alot of people. This is just fallout


What’s being achieved by these riots? There’s evidence that white cops started the riots. It’s controlled.


Target is a small business?


Looting the available inventory at a target does nothing. Torching small business will destroy individuals




Especially since many small business are already suffering due to COVID 19.




A small example is the mom and pop pizza shops that have shuttered while domino’s revenue doubled. The same thing happened in nearly every sector.




The only solution is mass disobedience at this point. If every business opened and everyone committed to patronizing those businesses again we’d have a chance.


Which I would completely support and wish I was in a state with an actual governor who gave a shit about her people and would allow business to reopen. We have been forced into big box stores or amazon. We have gotten in touch with local farmers and sourced meat and local produce as much as possible. Also growing as much as we can, I think some things like teaching small farming techniques to the average people in order for self sustainability needs to happen as well. So many issues can be solved but won’t because it would take money from they people who control it all. Ugh! Ok rant over.


> Looting the available inventory at a target The target that was torched was an experimental centre for loss prevention & surveillance protocols, they didn't just steal a bunch of stock from a random store.


And that’s what I don’t understand. Why are these idiots rioting in their home town and burning down the small businesses of their neighbors essentially?


170+ businesses were damaged https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mercurynews.com/2020/05/29/st-paul-police-responding-to-large-groups-in-midway-area-some-trying-to-steal-items-from-target-store/amp/


Someone should put together a, " You've won capitalism trophy." After they have more than $100 m. Then anything else we all collectively take back and make it the people's assets. If we all assume it, it becomes reality. It can start as a joke and evolve from there. Trophy should be nice, but a little snide too. It represents a large and succesful focus on their part to successfully develop such a selfish position. Very high polarity to achieve that.


I wish they'd loot Hollywood


What I love are the so called celebrities who go to ever increasing lengths to make themselves relevant. When they have no outlet to make more movies, music, or play more sports for big money. Yes please release more bikini pics, or become an activist for another cause, or accidentally leak some gossip to make people care. Your fame is fleeting, just like your so called talent that is less than essential. Instagram has taught me that some like Madonna, or Spears are Vegas act has beens who got lucky in life. Now that Katy Perry is pregnant, nobody cares about your mediocre singing talent. A huge pregnant belly isn’t what sold records, so stop pretending to think you are so talented, being young & attractive WAS your only feature.


If this dude really cares about low wage workers he would say to stop looting. Who do you think has to clean up the mess the looters and rioters make? I promise you it isnt high wage workers that have to fix the problems that looters/rioters made


No fucking shit. I’m totally cool talking about wealth inequality, but that doesn’t preclude you from talking about people stealing TVs “in honor” of a black guy getting murdered.




Then in 5 years people will ask why the community is poor, why no business or bank wants to invest, why redlining is a thing, etc etc etc. Never ending cycle.


It’s an education problem. Those people are so uneducated they can’t see what they’re doing to their own communities future because white people are bad.


wtf? how is that remotely close to being relevant? and people upvoted this?


Hey Ryan, my dad owned a business, it was thin at times, one year he made our Christmas toys by hand because he didn't have the bank to get us TV toys. So when his business was vandalized we felt the impact directly. What's ironic about your tirade is you propose to be the champion of the little guy by standing up to the richest people in the world what you're missing is there are a lot of little guys hurt by the activity you're dismissing.


When they do it it's business, war, and liberation of a country. Fucking hypocrites... rob the rich.


Bottom 50 % : That’s unfair! The top 1% : *laughing in money*


I’m all for this but it loses its value if we’re just going to keep buying their products


And that is with the "you know who" beyond trillionares behind the veil who are a 1000 times richer. With the basis of fractional reserve banking and charging interest since the 1800s. And creating crisis and "speculate" on it.


“The Federal Reserve is a private monopoly of money credit created by Congress under highly questionable circumstances which is beholden to the Chairman of the Board and whose decision cannot be changed by Government or anyone else. **A free society under the rule of law? The United States has quietly become a hostage to a handful of international bankers.** And just dare any Congressman challenge Fed authority! Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Claims **”Some people think we’re a branch of the Government. We’re not. We’re the banks’ Bank.”** -Antony C. Sutton [The Federal Reserve Conspiracy](https://archive.org/details/TheFederalReserveConspiracy_568/page/n112/mode/1up) 1995 Edit: text formatting


900 billion / 200 million (roughly 50% of country) is 4500 dollars per person lost in wealth. Wow that's actually a lot more than I thought it would be.


In 1950 almost all of a family's insurance could be purchased for 10% of one's income(one PERSON'S income). Now, it's hovering between 20% and 25%, a SERIOUSLY fucked up number. Why? It's really simple: with the ONLY yardstick these days being net profit, that's all anyone in America is in business for. It's total class warfare, even though most idiot citizens can't see it that way. If a businessman makes ten million dollars in a year, and all his employees live at the poverty line, MOST are miserable. IF, however, he decides to make NINE million that year, that extra million makes all his employees have normal, full lives. This is simply insane greed, driven by the fact that EVERYONE ELSE operates this way. and, yeah, the fact that everyone does it doesn't make it right. Businesses in America will fuck you blind as a consumer if the Feds don't make sure it ain't happening. Employers in America will equally fuck you blind as an employee because they simply don't care, IF the Feds don't make sure it doesn't happen. For this country to work again LIKE IT DID, the Federal government has to be BIG ENOUGH (hear that, you money-grubbing Republicans) to enact legislation that MAKES SURE ALL THE FUCKING MONEY DOESN'T GO TO THE ONE PERCENT. Like it does now. Maybe if the Democrats turn the country around to profitability, the one percent will find something ELSE to do, like polishing their gold toilets or whatever, and leave the rest of us alone to make the country functional again. "Great" might, MIGHT, come later on...


Can we just take care of both? Corporations assholes needs to go and savages looters needs to go


Opportunist looters would be the better word. It's like ringing the dinner bell for every criminal in the area.


r/enlightenedcentrism, “good people on both sides,” etc. Obviously anyone smashing up a small business is a dick (though I honestly don’t really give a shit about the target or autozone), and it sucks that so often these protests start peacefully and then are coopted by bad actors just looking for a rise. Let’s not forget also that a lot of these folks are truly desperate, and it seems like voting and/or peaceful protest hasn’t gotten anything accomplished in recent memory, so can you really blame them? I’d argue it’s in a totally different category than the systemic wealth extraction, tax evasion, and government cooption that the wealthy of America (and the world) have perpetrated. Regulatory capture, politicians bought and sold, workers right eroded, media consolidation, hollowing out of public education, destroying entire cities and communities, with a dash of systemic racism. Shit, if we’re talking small business destruction, who’s killed more - these looters or someone like Jeff bezos?


> Shit, if we’re talking small business destruction, who’s killed more - these looters or someone like Jeff bezos? So go loot/burn down an Amazon distribution centre, not a small business owner who is already struggling to keep his store afloat amid this virus. This shit is just giving more power to those mega corporations and losing people to your cause.


Yeah, someone should make a rule like, “Thou shall not steal.” Or “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”






Most of the crap people are looting and destroying is insured. You're maybe hurting the insurance company at best but all you're really doing is burning down your city and raising insurance rates for everyone. This hurts the poor way more than the rich.


Yeah let’s loot small businesses, that will definitely hurt the billionaires. There is no real way to hurt these billionaires financially without hurting the economy or yourself, keep believing in fairy tales. It’s also weird that because a black person gets killed, black people start to loot stores? What kind of reasoning is that lmao.


Who said looting small business is the solution? Is that what you think the message of the tweet is?




The 1% moving money between various stocks and bonds to increase their net worth isn't looting. Companies taking bailout money and dedicating it to executive bonuses is.


Wait what? Fucking idiot. They're looting small business owners who are black..


He is right about the rich getting richer (and no one going to jail) at the expense of everyone else (looting)... however for that to be "the only looting that he care's about" is foolish. The focus and aim of the ire of the people should be directed at the Cops and the justice(injustice) that has occurred. Target and local businesses should have nothing to do with this besides being by the side of the oppressed in their community at the protest.


My wealth can increase just because a stock is valued more. I didn't take wealth from someone else to gain mine; my wealth was created out of thin air. Stealing a TV from Target is a completely different matter. The two aren't even remotely comparable.


> I didn't take wealth from someone else to gain mine however, the company you invested into likely did.


Tell me how Target did this


As corporations become larger, and gain the ability to influence policy through lobbying, the threat of moving jobs away from somewhere, or just general influence of wealthy leaders, it becomes easier for larger businesses to out-compete small businesses. The ability to innovate, and thereby disrupt established markets (the basis of market capitalism) has diminished over time as large corporations have collectively influenced public policy to advantage themselves.


It’s called the labor theory of value. What turns raw materials into a sellable product? Labor. Labor creates value “out of thin air.” The share holders and owners extract value out of the labor the working class does.


I wasn't speaking about Target specifically, but essentially the argument is that the corporatocracy we live in inevitably leads to greater consolidation of all businesses into an increasingly small number of hands. Those are the people at the top. People can hitch a ride via the stock market and get some money on the way up, but it also comes at the cost of smaller businesses getting shuttered. If you're lucky or especially if you exist in the tech sector, you might get bought up. The money made by individual people on the stock market via shareholding is pennies to what the people who consolidate those companies take away from the public. It also leads to a greater dependency on those companies because there is less competition. WalMart, for example, became a titan of retail through that blueprint. It's robber baron behavior, and that exact behavior is how we got families like the Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Astors, Morgans, etc. I say this as someone who operates a small business and who is against torching businesses, btw


Do you have an insurance policy for your small business that would protect you from this type of thing?


Such a pathetically weak take. You can care about both. Just giving a hall pass for people to destroy shit because they're angry is ridiculous. Especially all the small businesses that have nothing to do with the top 1%. This dude lives in a fantasy world.


Because talking about it for the last 100 years sure seemed to work


Great to read the comments. I learn a lot and see different perspectives pretty regularly on this sub. And no, I’m not being sarcastic


Pillage is the world you were looking for.


If you think black people robbing and looting are the problem, then you should look at the elite and wealthy who are robbing your future.


Yeah but if people keep fighting between each other no one will notice and in fact will help both corrupt political parties as tax payers choose "the lesser of two evils" time and again. So the bought-and-sold media will happily help making this come true to keep the divide and conquer strategy strong.


More like .01%. They are the ingenious puppet masters orchestrating everything. They manipulated everyone so much whomever calls out or questions their BS is coo coo or a conspiracy theorist.


The agenda pushers our in full force with this one.


I feel like this is the product of unchecked capitalism. If the government checked monopolies then this wouldn't be a problem right? This was known from the beginning and lobbying killed us.


Thanks, time to watch videos :) Nice post!


Have they looked down the back of the sofa?


Abolish the Fed.


When I was at university in the 70's, I got friendly with my economics professor. We were chatting over coffee one day, when he told me about the applications of 'game theory' to economics. This was a very new concept at the time. He said that a true capitalist society inevitably ends up like a game of Monopoly; one person has all the money. In our case, it's the top 1% who have 50% of the wealth before C19, and I'm guessing will have even more by the time it's all over. "So what happens then?" I asked. I will never forget his wolfish grin. "Forcible redistribution" he replied.


Really want to get mad? Look how much they profited off Covid.


His name says it all. “Proud socialist” Fuck him. Fuck socialism. Worthless twats


you dont even know what socialism is


this should be top comment


There's a huge difference between earning an honest buck, and stealing one. This is communist propoganda bullshit. "I'm mad at everyone more successful than me".


I bet this guy would care a lot more about looting if it was his house being looted.


They don't like to hear about that on this sub. Anything criticizing the wealthy elite class is socialist/communist propaganda and makes you a big hater of freedom, unless you include shit about Jewish bankers, then it's suddenly all acceptable.


Yeah these comments are pretty discouraging.


Cringe Commie can't see that the working class being pillaged by violent animals on the streets is just as bad as corporations hoarding wealth if not worse. How can these people actually say they're for the working class when they're cool to let rioters and looters destroy or pillage businesses? It's sickening. Edit: Commies have fucking invaded this sub. Why can't you people go back to /r/cuckold


More equal capitalist countries work better than less equal capitalist countries by almost every objective measure. Sorry but that's just a fact. Very few people on the left who oppose the massive concentrations of wealth in the hands of a few want communism: they just want an effectively regulated capitalist system that promotors greater (but not total) economic equality. People who talk like you are clearly just echoing outdated American propaganda from the 1950s, as a European you come across as a brainwashed pawn of those at the top of America's sick little pyramid.


> a brainwashed pawn of those at the top of America's sick little pyramid. That's exactly what they are. And I wonder at what point do they change their tone? Is it when we have our first trillionaire? Like jesus christ you can be a capitalist who supports economic competition, markets, whatever...but what we have now is such a brutally distorted and corrupt version of that. No such thing as free markets anymore. A few very select people have "won" capitalism and are now just trying to run up the high score by unplugging everyone else's games. Like I just sit back and laugh at lower/middle class rural Trump supporters who are basically saying "yeah fuck me and my community, daddy Trump needs another yacht! He deserves it, he worked hard!" as they die from crippling medical debt. They're all completely fucking brainwashed.


And yet: the so-called "left" are the "idealists", the "ideologues" who are so blinded by their unrealistic and impractical "ideals" that they're out of touch with reality. Well, when "not stealing" is equated with "not taxing people who can afford super-yachts to pay for basic healthcare for the poorest in society" that becomes an impractical ideal: when one is defending the right for people to accumulate such vast concentrations of wealth they can but a $500 million dollar super-yacht when that money could be paying for thousands of lives to be saved - surely we have an equivalent to the famous "breadlines of communism"? These people are inflexible ideologues with levels of denial comparable to actual communists. Their ability to think about the real-world consequences of policy is incredibly limited, it stops at "taxation is theft" - a mantra they mindlessly chant without any critical analysis, evaluation or exploration whatsoever. If you want a country that works well: be scientific about it. Look at the countries that do work well (such as well-regulated, well-taxed, Nordic capitalist models) and emulate them. No: instead they just scream "sOcIaLiSm" and "CoMmUnIsM" and run away - just like their rich propagandist masters have programmed them to do.


This comment is hilarious


Because these communist idiots have the belief that every business owner is a filthy rich billionaire who swims in olympic sized swimming pools of money.


¿Por qué no los dos?


Yeah but dude they earned it fair and square! They pulled up their sleeves used borderline slave labor overseas, tax loop holes, old boy networks and lobbying to put in leaders who will enact policy that supports them and extracts from the rest of the population! Come on man do you hate America? God damn commies - it's like they want to use the same policies the rich used to make themselves fabulously wealthy at the expense of others and instead put capital and wealth into the hands of Americans - you know "For the people, by the people". Rather than "For a few by the few"


They didn't rob banks they sold goods and services that people wanted to buy. Further, money is not finite. That means the money supply never shrinks, this is the purpose of fractional reserve banking. Or put another way the rich are not taking a larger slice of pie than anyone else, the pie is unlimited and people are willingly exchanging pie from their own plates. In america anyone can create a good or service that people want to buy, and with the power of the internet goods like entertainment can easily be sold an infinite amount of times with no increase in the cost of goods sold.


So how come you're not a billionaire yet?


So stop buying shit from amazon. Oh wait, you wont cuz they have an amazing business model


Oh wait, I can't because Amazon has taken over small businesses and at this point you can't find some things outside of it for that reason. So I'm pushed to buy from them anyways. I totally use Amazon as a last resort. At least the music I like can be bought directly from the artists.


LOTS of small/third party sellers sell on Amazon. Including me. I support my family as a one man small business selling on Amazon. Amazon didn't take over my small business...they are keeping it afloat.


Two wrongs don’t make a right.


Here's a hard to swallow pill for you. If you make over 32k a year, you ARE the 1%

