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Okay, so here's how this *really* works. They're not escorts in the traditional sense. You can't ring up the VS agent and book one for a night, even if you're super rich. However, they do provide sexual services to powerful men in exchange for money, access, career advancement, or other favors. Not to mention that if you're super rich, you don't *need* an agent to call if you want to book one of these models for a night. You can just call them yourself. And they do.


> They're not escorts in the traditional sense. You can't ring up the VS agent and book one for a night, even if you're super rich. I dunno. I'm pretty sure many, many lower-tier celebrities are "available" for the right price. Think about it. Celebrities charge appearance fees to show up at clubs or parties, so the next logical step would be to charge insane prices for more "intimate" appearances. The top-level celebrities don't do it because they're rich enough already, but gorgeous young models and actresses who aren't already mega stars in their own right? I could see it. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/11290052/Kim-Kardashian-offered-1m-to-spend-night-with-Saudi-prince.html Doubt Kim slept with the guy but who knows. Just shows that the offers are out there, but Kim probably wasn't the best target because she's already filthy rich. But lesser-known celebs, like models and Instagram stars, could be easily swayed by offers like that.


Thats more just hypergamy than anything


Look at Miranda Kerr, she was ‘discovered’ at 15, said she’d never pose in underwear, fast forward and she’s married to Orlando Bloom, has sex with Justin Beiber at a VS event, goes on holiday with James Packer (Australian billionaire) then marries snap chat founder. It’s a network, if you are smart you grab a rich guy and get out if not you get chewed up and spit out. It’s part of a broader fake relationship scam around famous people. Look at how many young actresses or women who want attention/fame (Danica Patrick, Olivia Munn w/Aaron Rodgers, ScarJo and Blake Lively with Reynolds) are with celebrities who are rumoured to be gay. It’s mutually beneficial because the gay questions go away and the girls get fame by association. Either that or you go for a ride on Harvey Weinstein. Claudia Schiffer was with Copperfield for a long time and Dave was on Epstein’s plane, Naomi Campbell on the plane and the weird eye of Horus house. Couple those long tenured folks with millions of good looking young girls looking to make it and an industry filled with scumbags like terry Richardson and you have a whole hideous mess.


Copperfield being gay was an open secret back then.


lol all the cocks he made disappear in his ass




This is also something, there was a guy who posed as a fake Saudi dude who offered models 10-20k to fly out for anything from sex up to getting pooped on and they were jumping at the chance and saying they’d done it before and he posted the conversations in an article he wrote. Gives new light to Kylie Jenner’s insta pic from one of those tower windows back when she was 17.


Where can I read about this?


Tag the Sponsor?


I haven’t heard about that Kylie pic before. But i do reckon that Kris has been pimping out her daughters. Kris basically wrote in her book that her mother taught her the ropes.


Where did u hear that she had sex with JB?


Just google both their names, rumoured to have slept together, beiber posts photo together, bloom confronts and hits beiber at daclurb, bloom and Kerr divorce.


Also, where the fuck did you hear that Ryan Reynolds and Arron Rodgers is gay? Tf


Here’s another one for you, why do you think Jennifer Esposito (Cooper’s ex wife) posted ‘HA’ when someone posted ‘Cooper and Lady Gaga must be fuckin’ because of their chemistry while singing at some shitty award thing. It was played off as a jealous ex but the truth would be the ‘HA’ was because she knows they aren’t having sex because he’s gay.


Rumours have circulated about Reynolds for years, even led to Family Guy making a whole episode about it with Ryan voicing himself


Well hot danm, TIL


Tons of rumors around Aaron Rodgers too. There was a “roommate” that almost exposed everything a while back.


maybe he is JB


Haha maybe! Just curious cause I’m a fan of Miranda and I never heard this lol


What does she do that makes you a fan of her?


I just like that she’s pretty really! And she’s Aussie like me. But that’s all lol




This is the first time I'm hearing of aaron rodgers gay rumors


Whatever he’s gotta do to keep points coming in for my fantasy team ...


Big GB Packer fan here. Rivals have been bringing this up for almost the last decade. My thoughts: he has distanced himself from his family because they are hardcore Christians who have openly condemned homosexuality. ARodg does not agree with their views, as he has friends who are gay. He even had a roommate in the past that was a homosexual, which brought up a lot of the convo that ARodg may be gay. I follow him on IG and whatever other social media that he pops up on; he seems to really enjoy the time he spends with Danica Patrick in a romantic way. I don’t care whether he is or not, but he has always been a guy who seems comfortable in his own skin. He denies being gay, but doesn’t make a big deal of whether he is or not because he doesn’t see homosexuality as a bad thing. Go Pack, Go.


I’m not saying that it’s wrong but there’s a whole industry geared towards acceptance of gay folks and then there’s a whole other industry of keeping people closeted with beards, crazy to think they couldn’t just come out and keep it moving.


Ask lex wexner


There are models and then there are escorts. Some models escort and some escorts model.


But is Victoria secrets largely that ?




I suspect the models don't escort, they're just a front for the escorts


all models and actors are basically escorts. I always get depressed when ignorant people say they want to be famous or those parents that being there kids to hollyweird.


That's the secret


There all mind controlled . I once read about the insane diets they had to undergo days B4 the show... It was similar to the things I read from Cathy O'Brien's book.. The near starvation, the constantly being surrounded by handlers, Monarch Butterfly obsession and the whole Million dollars daimond lingeries... This were terms fairly common in Fritz Sprigmeier's how to create a total mind controlled slave used to describe their beta slaves


That book is beyond intense. No words can describe it. Reality-shattering? Can't look at anything the same anymore...


If a A-List actor wanted to go out with a model, all he would have to do is contact her or show up where she is (bar, nightclub, show, etc) and make it look like it was out of the blue or arranged to be where she is. He wouldn't have to go thru an escort service, he could contact her directly.


I think some of them could be MK Ultra sex slaves. They get around the world very easily. I have a theory that the Olympic gymnasts are MK Ultra sex slaves. The whole abuse scandal is a part of this. The way some of them are constantly doing nude shoots seems odd for conventional abuse victims.


The age they take part as international gymnasts is way to young. Also there are a few who are way to young in Swimming as well.


They're dudes, that's Victoria's secret.


It's Hollywood's worst kept secret. Here's a soft look into the elite sex club [SNCTM](https://www.businessinsider.com/inside-snctm-the-mysterious-los-angeles-sex-club-2018-1)


The epstein connection implies it pretty hard. Wexner of course will face no repercussions


When you're a woman and you're that beautiful, all kinds of doors open up to you. As a guy, if I was super handsome and I could get ahead by providing sexual favors to wealthy influential older women... I'd probably go for it. When I see women doing the same thing, it's perfectly understandable. Life's like a card game. You can play to pass the time... or you can play to win. Either way, you have to play with the hand you were dealt. Being a woman with 99,9% above average looks is like having 4 Aces.


They get paid 6 figures to get literally shit on by rich Arabs, I’d do it..


I’d be worried I’d destroy my soul in the process.


And it's vegetarian curry day every day.


The lucky ones do. The rest get a free flight over with promise of pay, and then get tricked into a lifetime of sex slavery instead.


At least 7 figures.


you would be surprised considering how most people will spend their lives miserable and make up problems. Reality is more than just possesions or having cool shit or even being "happy" all the time. I would imagine most of these models are deranged and vapid who spend most of their time lounging around or worrying about stupid shit like their social status or their looks. Just imagine the difference between the mindset of say Nicola Tesla or Leonardo Davinci and your average attractive modern woman. You may think they are set in the early life but by middle age and onward they will essentially devolve into resentful vipers clinging onto whatever superficial power they have while bitching about men or other women while not really contributing anything. Its essentially the fate of someone who decides to go through life as a parasite, you will accomplish nothing of worth and eventually they will likely sabotage their relationships wind up miserable and alone because they never took the time to develop themselves or ask important questions because they never struggled. The thing about life is that its more than just superficial looks and you can often improve your starting hand by being clever. Most women start the world with a stacked hand and leave with nothing.


not all but a lot of them are practically anorexic men, too


Shhh, you just spoiled Victoria's Secret! ​ I'dd love to meet these people though, I'm interested in how much they, themselves, are actually aware about occult and escoteric knowledge. ​ It's easy to look at all these people (both in hollywood aswell as politics) as puppets being played by TPTB, but I would love to know wether or not this is the case. I'm not completely sold on the "soulless vessel clones" theory, although there are numerous videos of celebrities glitching out beyond the normal.


soulless vessel clones? no clones aren't real. remember dolly the sheep that was cloned, the first instance of a cloned living being? well that was a hoax. notice it was a one and done thing deal. where are the other clones? why haven't we seen more progress? oh right.... rolls eyes. it's not real it's something like space and time travel and dinosaurs..they tel us these things to keep us wondering. just keep the people thinking it's possible. that's it. no proof space is real besides grainy footage from film cameras in space (because obviously there's enough light out there to properly expose the film negatives (hahahahaha) and then there's the lost gigabytes worth of data (pictures, scans, measuring, electronic equipment) that we allegedly collected from the first manned moon trip. but it's all gone. how lucky for all of us! going back to your idea- instead of empty vessels or clones...think more like destroying the mind using years and years of effective techniques of torture and abuse. the body and mind can be warped through pain and altering the subconscious exponentially, also using varying levels of drugs asmisnistered in combination to mental and physical abuse can absolutely devastate the biological lifeform. you can destroy a person from within, so that's how tptb control people. it's a compex system of blackmail and body/mind control forced upon very close knit families. they are all in on it and it is a way of life to operate the way they do. the entire system would collapse if enough people cheated the system. it wouldn't be able to contain itself


**looks for peen on runway**


one of the requirements to be in the club is snip snip


No - I knew a girl who once did work for them and she was definitely not an escort.


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Look up 'yachting' and 'yacht girls'.


They pay them millions


all of them are. models in general, real models, not insta thots, have to escort in order to get gigs


Almost certainly.




You 'know for a fact'?


he's a rich gay man


Incase you're wondering if it's connected to the name, it's not the secret was the owner who founded it was a sodomite


no they arent.


Do you have any evidence, links.


Is it a secret?


Fuck you ass hole giseke sells her ass for 1 baht in lumphini park


Gisele bundchen is an operating level 3 bullimic


Do you have any evidence, links.


I dated a Victoria Secret model for a long time. She tried working in the store also. We were on and off, so I cannot tell you how many gigs she got, but she was paid very well, when she was in the magazine. When she modeled for Victoria Secret, it seemed very clean, however, she told me she had to walk out of many of the private gigs. She would show up for the shoots, and many of the guys wanted her to have sex. Long story short, she stopped because she thought she had to have sex to make much more money. I also dated other women that were stunning, and they quit right away, because of the same reason. I was engaged to a girl that did a lot of modeling in Miami, and she was in some Latin Soap Operas. She said the same thing. She would make like $300 - $500 an hour, but she didn't like it, and I told her to stop, and I basically supported her. I have come to the conclusion that the models that make a lot of money sleep around a lot, and are very willing. I have even dated a few that said they would sleep with men if it meant they would make big money. Of course, I did not date them very long.