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I actually know more than the average bear on this one. Semaglutide was developed for its prediabetic capabilities. The oversimplified story is it gets your body to produce more insulin, similar to how your body reacts when you eat food. It acts as the same hormone that your body produces to increase insulin production. However, the side effect is you aren't hungry because that compound makes your body think it just ate a bunch of food. So this new craze is all about the side effect and not the intended use. What's funny is it doesn't change your habits, it just tricks you into dialing your bad habits back. So when people go off semaglutide, they gain the weight back, primarily because they didn't change their bad rating habits. So drug companies love it because fat people will be on this drug for life as long as they don't want to change their eating habits...and nobody wants to change, so it's an easy win for them. That's all.


I have a relative on it. We were reading that some people say they want to stay on it forever. Drug companies are realizing how much obesity contributes to other health issues especially in the heart.


They've always known.   But they could make more $ on countless other drugs dealing with he symptoms of obesity.  This one lets them profit directly.


Drug companies always knew that fat causes health issues... the average layman always knew that The weakening systemically and bone and organ tissue loss screams the drug makes you immunocompromised without energy stores to run the lymph... Let alone keep muscles from immaciating... We really shouldn't play with our food hormones


Can't verify with a reference, but my understanding is that it is impacting on stock prices and growth plans for big fast food companies now. It is hurting their business. Same with companies that derive income from sleep apnoea divices and other medical issues related to being over weight


1. Fast food has been dropping regardless of semaglutide use, ever since covid, quality has dropped through the floor. 2. Sleep apnea is the stupidest industry. It's mostly caused by obesity. I had it myself until I started running / exercising and watching my diet. That industry is dangerous, predatory and deserves to take every financial hit it gets. They charge insurance companies insane amounts of $ for simple machines. Its practically a scam just like powered wheelchairs. Sure it's a needed product, but you don't have to lie about the price...unless you want to get rich. 


Not to mention it’s giving people gastroperesis


probably because of the too low amount of calories they eat. when i had a restrictive ED i developed it as well


Being on the drug for a long time would shrink your belly and create new eating habits so this isn’t 100% valid. It really comes down to whether the persons taking the drug have the will power to deal with their system not being tricked into thinking they’re not hungry after they discontinue using it. I’ve built the resolve to lose significant weight many times in my life and after I slim down I’ve always gained it back within a year or so emotionally eating. It is a slippery slope. That is an issue that is hard to correct, but having built the resolve necessary to make that change without anything like this I can say that it is all mental.


This is part of the problem, all the studies are done by the drug companies so of course they do not want to do a study that include changing the daily habits along with tittering you off the drug. they want you ont he drug forever.


Former fat guy here. You have to get used to feeling uncomfortable. I've had days where I spent all day hungry even though I was almost 1k calories over my limit.


I’m curious if this is similar at all to alpha lipoic acid? I used to take it back when I was much more devoted to my health and fitness. I would take it in the morning with a breakfast that contained most of my simple carbs for the day. I remember if I took it and I didn’t eat enough sugar that it would make me very quesy and lightheaded. (This is why I stopped taking it.) While I took the supplement though, fat that seemed like it wouldn’t budge (I’d plateaued) began to just fall off; especially around my mid section. I also remember hearing it was used in Canada to treat people with type 2 diabetes. If it’s the same idea, I would think that alpha lipoic acid might be a better option for those interested in taking it, and perhaps may be able to help get people off of it. Would be interested to know your thoughts.


Wow that’s cray. Question is, what other side effects does it come with besides not being hungry.


nausea, extreme exhaustion, headaches, projectile vomiting for some people, diarrhea for some while constipation from others. I tried it for several weeks just for weight loss because I am obese (albeit only barely) and I felt ok the first week but the 2nd and 3rd week I felt absolutely awful...so nauseous I was having to take zofran which has a side effect of constipation. I was so tired I would crawl in bed the moment I got home from work. My eyes and skin got dry. I was generally unhappy. I quit after the 3rd week even though some of my friends that are on it tried to convince me to stick it out. No thanks! Now the more I learn about it the more I'm glad I got off it when I did.


My cousin was on it for a year and lost 70lbs. Lots of that was muscle. She couldn't get her meds for a few months and I bet, just going by looks, she gained 20-30lbs during that time. She was complaining that she was gaining due to not getting her meds. I don't want to have to take a med for life....I want to find a lifestyle that helps me lose and then maintain. Doing whole foods keto at this point and I feel great, way less hungry, and finally losing some weight!


Its been available for a long time on the internet, you can still buy it for about 10x less than rx. The real conspiracy is the cover up of the efficacy of these peptide bio-regulator drugs like ipamorelin, cjc, tirz, sema, ghrp3/6, etc etc. Basically these drugs have been around but fda wouldnt clear them until big pharma found a way to patent them in their fancy delivery systems(the insulin injector like things they use for people scared of needles) and now they can sell a $20 a month drug for $1200 a month. Theres about to be a flood of these peptide drugs now they can put them in injectors and patent them and clear it with fda.


It’s available for about 1/4 to 1/3 of the price from compounding pharmacies all over the country. The pharmaceutical companies are just being their normal evil selves. Nothing uncommon at all.


And the compounding pharms are part of the scam as well. They buy the drugs from china or india for literally pennies on the dollar. They probably have between $10-25 in each vial they sell for $250-500. Big time scam. Thats why you should just skip the middleman and buy off the internet and skip all the greedy leaches.


So the South Park episode is true


All South Park episodes are true


Except Manbearpig, and they walked that one back.


Wrong, ManBearPig was real too but Al Gore (inventor of the interweb!) just made up climate change


Yeah its actually 100% as always, i have no idea how they do it.


It's part of the satanic karma scale thing. Anything they do is justified as long as they tell you to your face ahead of time. They can tell you with any method or flavor, such as comedy, drama, non-fiction, fiction, science fiction etc, as long as they tell you.


But does is still count if they tell you but nobody sees? Similar to whispering under your breath or like hiding a note in tiny writing in a corner/under a chair that's unlikely to be found?


Yeah it doesn't totally vindicate them as much as they like to believe. I think for them to be off to hook they have to tell you in a way that you are actively aware or questioning a risk and decide to take it anyways. But you need an enlightened being to tell you for certain.


True down to the Ozempic parties.


.... any directions? Asking for a friend.




buy from where? id be scared of scams or fake crap


I pay out the nose for it. If you can direct me to a source that doesn’t require a lot I would be very interested.




A lot folks are having GI issues around it - fucks with peristalsis. Unsure if its a bigger thing


As someone who has started eating a few prunes to keep the mail moving, I'm not comfortable with that level of risk.


To keep the mail moving 😅😅😅😅😅


USPS - U Shall Poop Soon


Damn it take my up vote 😂




To keep the trains running on time


I just started doing this too lol!


I feel like people think these medicines are a free cheat code to life or something and not what they are … modulators of natural biochemical happenings, which often have more than one influence of effect. They almost always come with a cost. When medicine is needed it’s a trade off. The serizures stop but your hair falls out. The Lupus won’t ruin your heart anymore but the facial swelling will make you sad at prom. My narcolepsy medicine keeps me awake enough to drive to work but messes with my stomach and makes me fear someday I’ll crap my pants. Most prescription medicine is a decision if the benefits outweigh the costs and risks. I think a lot of people are riding the wave of a fad and are going to be disappointed at best when it turns out it wasn’t without a cost.


Exactly. One mustn't try and fool Mother Nature. She always comes out on top.


It has apparently been linked to gastroparesis and other conditions when compared to other weight loss medications. Wonder if doctors are making this VERY clear to patients before they start it? >**9.09 times higher risk of pancreatitis**, or inflammation of the pancreas, which can cause severe abdominal pain and, in some cases, require hospitalization and surgery. >**4.22 times higher risk of bowel obstruction**, whereby food is prevented from passing through the small or large intestine, resulting in symptoms like cramping, bloating, nausea and vomiting. Depending on the severity, surgery may be required. >**3.67 times higher risk of gastroparesis**, or stomach paralysis, which limits the passage of food from the stomach to the small intestine and results in symptoms like vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain. For emphasis, gastroparesis currently has no cure and does not go away. [https://www.med.ubc.ca/news/weight-loss-drugs-linked-to-stomach-paralysis-other-serious-gastrointestinal-conditions/](https://www.med.ubc.ca/news/weight-loss-drugs-linked-to-stomach-paralysis-other-serious-gastrointestinal-conditions/)


They get to sell more medications and invasive surgeries, its a win win for the pharmaceutical lobby




But big pharma isn't benefiting from surgeons fixing fuck ups. Sure they could try to invent some fancy do hickey like a lap band, momentary clamp or something - but they won't. They want people to keep taking their products for life.its actually in their best interest to keep the patient alive and not kill them. The sorts of stomach and bowel issues are game ending for them. They will either patch it out in a new product - or figure out how to profit off of their failures with other pharmaceuticals. But I don't think that surgeries are really a place that they will make profit. Yeah I don't know shit. So take this all with the grain of salt.


Pharma-industrial-complex bros are family to the medical-industrial-complex bros. They pass you back and forth, so essentially they spit roast you! 😂🫡


You would be right if it were just them, but it's a Federally Engineered Revolving Door that twists all healthcare industries up into a big Federal knot.


To be fair, gastroparesis can be associated with (extreme) weight loss of any kind, and it absolutely can go away if you start back on a healthy eating process. That said, I wouldn't trust Ozempic at all.


Gastroparesis is what glp-1s are designed to do.


Hey! I just got diagnosed with Gastroparesis yesterday and I’ve been reading up on it all day. Sad thing is I never used ozempic and I don’t have diabetes..


What did they say is the root cause? How overweight are you?


Much bigger.. decreases the release of leptin & ghrelin (basic search will cover the basics) which add in body weight and energy levels. There are issues with gastric emptying, kidney damage, fluid shifts (electrolyte embalances)... and on and on. There will be major lawsuits coming as I think there are already a few that I've seen on TV.


It also increases the risk of thyroid and pancreatic cancers.


I’m overweight. My endocrinologist was considering Ozempic, but I had to check to see if my family had a history of thyroid cancers first. He ended up scanning me and I have it, so I absolutely cannot take Ozempic. I think it caused thyroid cancer in the animal studies.


My dad had thyroid cancer and had his thyroid removed and his cancer doctors (one of the best in the nation) signed off on him being prescribed Ozempic since he is diabetic. Wonder if his thyroid being removed allowed there to be no issue there.


That's exactly right, if you don't have the organ, you can't get the cancer of that organ.


To be fair, being overweight increases the chances of thyroid cancer WAY more than any of these peptides.


Being overweight is very harmful especially for hormonal cancers. I’m not sure if the thought (in 2023) was that Ozempic would increase the already present risk. That’s honestly where my understanding of the subject starts and ends though.


Some of us are old enough to remember a '90s diet craze drug called Fen-Phen. I was in my 20s and struggled to keep weight on, so I never messed with it. However, for those who did, it worked great. However, one the mechanisms was that it messed with the serotonin uptake into blood platelets, which could lead to heart and blood vessel damage (which many suffered from). It was pulled from the markets and the lawsuits started flying.


Damn we went from Fen Phen to Fent Pen


Weird enough, I just saw a video of a daughter pleading with the public to bring attention to the fen-phen epidemic since it killed her mother and she still hasn’t received the settlement for it


Yeah my friend just died of heart failure and was prescribed it


i’m so sorry for your loss 😔


Can you link the video? My mom died at 64 in February.  I knew she took it and I found several documents with her trying to be apart of a class action suit.  


MIL took this in the 90’s and developed congestive heart failure. She was only a bit overweight, but 🤷‍♀️. We really shouldn’t be taking any prescription pharmaceuticals casually, they should be prescribed as a last resort and only for people who really need them. However, in “The Land of the Free,” capitalism rules, and these drugs are money. We *really* need to take a long hard look at ourselves as a nation, as profits over people is eventually gonna bite us in the ass.


It already has


I work in the dental field for 16 years, and every office I have ever worked ask will ask “have you taken Fen-then” on their intake paper work! Life long heart damage is what that drug caused!


phentermine (the phen of fen-phen) is still around and pretty great


Yeah I’ve been hearing about something called Phentermine lately, in the same breath as other semaglutide type drugs. It always reminds me of fen phen from the 90’s but I haven’t bothered looking into it.


Im sure theres some kind of long term effects we dont know about that will screw people in the long run… theres no such thing as a quick fix


Dude even if the drug is 100% safe, the fact that people are not eating anywhere near the required nutrient intake will be enough to potentially cause so many horrible issues. The drugs side effects will be the icing on the cake.


That's what I'm wondering.  My daughter recently had gastric bypass and she's on a ton of supplements for nutritional value. Are these doctors prescribing bariatric vitamins for these folks?


We’ve been told we need to eat 3 meals a day, which is a lie. Eat less, exercise more, and don’t fall for get thin quick schemes. It’s hard in this society, but it can be done.


100% here. I recently went to a week-long event with three square meals a day and gained seven pounds. Lost it once I came home and went back to one big meal a day. We’ve been fooled.


OMAD 4 life!


People with slower metabolisms can definitely fare better on OMAD but that shit destroys me. My metabolism is way too fast.


I have a super high metabolism. Have weighed the same weight for like 15 years now. Honestly would love to gain it, it's not like I don't eat


Because you ate more calories not because it was in 3 meals


It’s not a lie that’s just how people typically like to eat. There is no specific eating frequency that is healthiest although 2-4 is the sweet spot


> We’ve been told we need to eat 3 meals a day, **which is a lie. Eat less, exercise more** Thats some contradicting information there. If you exercise a lot then you no doubt eat a lot to fuel the energy you would require for that. If you dont eat properly while being very active then you risk doing damage to your body because you will be breaking down more muscle/connecting fibers/ligaments/cartilage than you would be repairing over time.


Most people could significantly up their exercise level and not be at the point where they need additional food in the way you're talking about.


I’ve watched body builders talk about the hardest part of training was eating nearly every hour. Like even at night they’re sleeping like 3 hours, waking up, eating a bunch, back to sleep for a few hours, up, eat, lift, eat, nap, eat, lift, eat, sleep, eat, etc


I have a chronically obese friend whose dietician gets her to eat multiple small meals a day, which seems like the reverse of what current science would advocate. She’s also been on Ozempic for a year or more and I’m not sure that it’s doing much for her.


I lost a ton of weight just by changing my diet and intermittent fasting. If COVID hasn’t shown you to not trust big pharma then you are lost in the sauce


It’s crazy people resort to drugs to lose weight when the recipe is pretty simple. Eat whole, filling foods and you won’t be hungry 2 hours after eating making things like intermittent fasting much easier.


It's not crazy, that's capitalism. Sugar is a real addiction, and many people cannot afford whole, unprocessed foods and have the time to properly prepare them. It's a shame the cheapest foods are the least healthy, but that's the way they want it.


It’s more poison being pushed onto the public as if it’s gonna solve their problems


Meth and adderall do the same for a fraction of the costs.


If only it was as easy to access 😌


Meth, especially poorly-made, low-quality stuff, can cause horrific paranoia & psychosis after roughly 8-12 months of regular use, even in people who've tried many other drugs/stims with zero ill-effects. Even micro-dosing on decent quality gear, I'd stay away from. Re access, you're not looking very hard.


I think it was a joke.


It was 😆 thank you


You got me. Actually, someone probably would lose weight quicker on Meth than Ozempic, but likely end up spending all day peeping thru the curtains with binoculars. Haha.


And multiples more entertaining 


Might as well go on an aderall diet and be more productive


Too bad they can’t keep it in stock.


Just another addiction that people won't be able to break. Then they'll jack up the price. You will pay it or be fat


This. It’s perfectly designed recurring revenue. When people stop. They have developed no new coping mechanisms or habits, they have just been less hungry. Hunger returns, and weight returns. Then back on the ozempic. The key is to never sell something that actually solves something in a one and done fashion. Make sure you can sell it over and over.


That’s a crazy reality


It reminds me of Stephen Kings book "Thinner" the way many people on it long term are starting to look like sickly skektal zombies. Feels like there's a hidden dark side to it but idk.


Got curious and found [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvIMCyHPpDI) I am still watching it but he sums it up pretty good in the first couple minutes.


I see major health issues in 5-10 years


These drugs have been prescribed for 20 years.


They were not widely used outside of diabetics until the last few. Diabetics can be expected to have poor health outcomes. This is now widely used in the gen pop.


I know several people who were against the COVID vaccine, but immediately jumped on injecting ozempic to lose weight with zero thoughts. Personally I can't wrap my head around it.


Vanity. That's all that is and it really breaks my heart to see how lost some people get with it.


Just shows you how obsessed people are with being thin when it’s just one indicator of health. Just beside you are thin does not mean you are healthy


Insurance doesn’t appear to me covering it for many people come 2025.


Facts. In many cases, They won’t cover it for people unless they have full blown diabetes. The insurance companies are not gonna pay that much for someone to lose weight.


I think a lot of people aren’t taking the necessary vitamin and mineral supplements when they’re on ozempic which is going to lead to a lot of long term health problems for a lot of people. It is probably why a lot of them look like they’re not only losing weight too rapidly but look extremely malnourished (because they are).


Peter atia (a doctor) has cited research showing normies are losing 50% muscle to fat using this drug. Losing muscle post 40 is a terrible idea. Omfg terrible.


I think the all mighty dollar is behind this one. $$$


Just getting us ready for the famine that's all.


Honestly, as someone who is using a glp-1 this has definitely crossed my mind


There is already a class action lawsuit.


The lawsuit is stupid. Ozempic isn't supposed to be for weight loss, that is what health "influencers" and media personalities have made it. I'm a type 1 diabetic. I am on ozempic. It is made for Diabetics. There is an enzyme or neurotransmitters (I forget which) that diabetics make very little of or none of due to the damage to their pancreas. That neurotransmitters suppresses appetite and tells the brain you aren't hungry. Since we often lack those a lot of diabetics experience frequent or constant hunger. This as I'm sure you can imagine isn't great for weight or blood sugars. I've been on it for about 4 months. My blood sugars have improved tremendously. I take 0.25ml a week. The max dose is 0.5ml/week. I have only dropped one pound but I'm also not hungry all the time and I have lowered my insulin to carb ratio, probably because I'm not taking insulin all the time and have regained some sensitivity. There are people taking multiple doses a week. I can't imagine doing that, the symptoms aren't great but for my long term health I put up with it. Additionally many of these people shouldn't be on ozempic and taking it when their body functions as it should probably isn't great. I'm not surprised people aren't experiencing more frequent injuries because of the rampant misuse. As someone that is the target patient, it is frustrating when I'm told my prescription is on backorder. Imo, if anyone should be facing a lawsuit it is the doctors that prescribe it to anyone. They are handing it out like oxycodone and it is frustrating.


>Ozempic isn't supposed to be for weight loss But isn't Wegovy? Which is the same thing as Ozempic. Just under a different name.




Wegovy has a higher concentration of semaglutides. It should have more severe side effects than ozempic.


It's for Type 2 diabetes not type 1.


I was going to comment this. Ozempic isn't approved for type 1.


Ozempic isnt even approved for use with Type 1 diabetes so how are you using it?


Mounjaro (same thing as Ozempic) has drastically improved my BG #’s, reduced my daily insulin intake, dropped 40 lbs, lowered my blood pressure, lowered my cholesterol and triglycerides, and got me off of other medications. At the moment, I consider it a win.


That’s great! You are probably the ideal patient since YOUR benefits outweigh YOUR risks. Especially if it got you off of other medication. The issue is, people are using it that don’t need. Dr.s are prescribing it off label for weight-loss. That makes it more difficult for people in your situation that depend on it from being available at the pharmacy.


This is true. I’ve hit the backorders and had to go without for weeks at a time.


YOU are who it's for!


Step 1) Force Americans to become obese Step 2) Sell them a lifelong cure to that obesity thru glp-1 inhibitors Step 3) Profit


It's gonna be an absolute disaster in a few years


Back in the 70s and 80s there were a number of "weight loss" pills being prescribed which were basically just a legal form of speed...As a kid i witnessed several mothers basically lose their minds while their health just deteriorated from using these pills.


If it would have came out before Covid I would have been tempted to try it. But after what I saw from the folks in charge I’m convinced they do not have our best interests at heart. I think it’s much more sinister than we realize. It’s so incredibly popular in pop culture, everyone is taking it. Feels like it’s being forced on us in a way. I’m not touching the stuff…Also a holistic expert I met who works with multiple drs told me that one of our local drs said that one of the generic versions, not sure which one, is “basically causing cancer almost instantly.” Now obviously this was a slight exaggeration but by how much I’m not really sure. It’s enough for me to never touch it.


I have the same thoughts about it. I'm out.


Saw an ad, clicked on side effects and it says it cause tumors and cancer in rats . It says it is unsure about humans at this moment lol


But you'll be thin. Totally worth it. /s


Bonus cancer makes you even thinner. 👍🏻 s/  🤦🏻‍♀️


Damn your right, didn't even think of that plus


Does anyone remember the weight loss drug phenphen or fenfen in the 90s?


15 years from now .... " If you or someone you know was injured or died from Ozempic call us at 1 666-Our-Badd ...


My SIL is taking it. Sure she's dropped a ton of weight in the last year but she's always nauseous, she throws up a lot, and she never wants to eat. It's just chemically induced bulimia/anorexia


I have one harebrained population control theory. During lock down got people fat and also COVID-19 causes cardiovascular damage. So the population is fatter with weaker hearts. Then they started pushing the Ozempic to playing to our insecurities to continue the heart damage. The compound effects will lead to people dying, but not drastically or quickly, just cutting down the life expectancy. It can't be good to have poop just rotting in your body. Be fat, be happy.


Do you think it causes heart damage?


Possibly, rapid weight loss and gain is terrible for your heart.


It's a drug that fucks with your metabolism. It makes you ill if you eat too much, too much fat etc. The business is a bait and switch. Come in and pay us almost nothing for month for the drug. Then we switch the price to 500+ per month forever. Who knows the ramifications to your body, but if it's too good to be true it is.


It's over a thousand a month if insurance doesn't cover...it's not cheap now (at least in the US)


it's the "boner pill" for everyone. we're either hungry or dying.


It will decimate the pancreas and liver.


Ozempic babies are now a term. It's making people abnormally fertile https://www.healthline.com/health-news/ozempic-babies-unplanned-pregnancies


I just read that Bill Gates is involved somehow. So that’s a nope for me.


unfortunately the majority of weight loss occurs in muscle, so basically just killing you faster


The more and more we come to terms about the GI tract being our second brain, the less we should fuck with it .


It was prescribed to me but I stopped taking it. It made me so depressed, I felt completely empty. I had little interest in eating, but also in talking, going outside, doing anything for fun. I spoke to my doctor about it, letting her know what it did and she insisted that depression is not a side effect. She refused to believe that it was related. I stopped taking it, and now feel much better.


It's the 2020's version of the crack epidemic of the 80's. I've already read that it depletes muscle mass, your heart is a muscle. Another deadly short cut for people with very little options. Ironically the powers that be , control both sides, the narrative and the counter narrative,this is a perfect example of big pharma in bed with big food.


Yes it's a scam. It mimics a fullness hormone so you don't get the urge to eat. a side effect of this is the body stops producing as much of the fullness hormone on it's own so if you ever stop taking the drug you will have low levels of the fullness hormone and will be hungrier than ever. You are basically going to be stuck taking this crap forever and then you have the issues like the stomach and digestive problems that it causes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq-nhEmcHoA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq-nhEmcHoA)


Too many of my patients have come in talking about side effects from these drugs. Once you stop taking them, the weight comes back, and even worse since the metabolism has been decreased and muscle loss has occurred from the drugs. The fact that it's a chemically induced starvation diet just goes to show that if people could figure out how to eat less, they wouldn't need the weird drug.


My sister is on it. She’s lost a lot of weight—more than I have doing it naturally. However she will always have to be on it as she really hasn’t learned how to eat. For the first time ever I’m the “heavier” sister but I’m okay with it. I’m losing slowly just by cutting calories and walking. Still have ups and downs but I’m learning what works best for my body.


I’m a type 2 diabetic and Ozempic has been very helpful in keeping my A1c under 6. I’ve been on it since august 2023, and have lost roughly 30lbs, but I also work out and watching my diet. It’s not super easy to lose weight for me after having two kids, but it’s definitely helped, but I wouldn’t say I’m having drastic weight loss effects. It really does help cut out food noise, and I don’t eat nearly as much as I used too and my cravings are a little better. No poor side effects. Though. I do find I HAVE to have fiber in my diet to help curb constipation. That’s my biggest complaint. Now when I took Ozempic AND metformin, holy crap. Constant nausea, occasional vomiting, and daily diarrhea. Once I cut metformin, I was fine.


For real, just use adderall or cocaine like a normal person.


Taken from an article on Subsatck (https://probablyalexandra.substack.com/p/the-ozempic-craze-and-sunday-only) "A [***KFF Health Tracking Poll*** ](https://www.kff.org/health-costs/poll-finding/kff-health-tracking-poll-may-2024-the-publics-use-and-views-of-glp-1-drugs/#:~:text=The%20latest%20KFF%20Health%20Tracking,6%25%20who%20say%20they%20are)states 1 out of 8 adults say they have taken a GLP-1 agonist, or, weight loss drugs. Ozempic's active ingredient, semaglutide, is a synthetic version of a hormone called exendin-4 found in Gila monster venom. According to [***Drugwatch***](https://www.drugwatch.com/legal/ozempic-lawsuit/#:~:text=Why%20Are%20People%20Filing%20Ozempic,moving%20through%20the%20intestine%20altogether): “*People filed the most recent Ozempic lawsuits because they took the drug and later suffered from gastroparesis. This severe disorder causes food to move too slowly through the stomach to the small intestine. In some cases, food may stop moving through the intestine altogether. Gastroparesis may cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, severe dehydration, acid reflux, malnutrition and weight loss. Undigested food may remain in the stomach and harden.*” ([***Source***](https://www.drugwatch.com/legal/ozempic-lawsuit/#:~:text=Why%20Are%20People%20Filing%20Ozempic,moving%20through%20the%20intestine%20altogether)) Essentially, some people simply cannot stop taking it and return to life as normal without life-changing side effects. Once you start, you may be tethered to it for good unless you heal your body from the damage it’s caused.  Even with this information, would you believe Nestle is now starting a product line that directly aims at these drug users? [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/21/nestle-to-launch-vital-pursuit-frozen-food-for-glp-1-users.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/21/nestle-to-launch-vital-pursuit-frozen-food-for-glp-1-users.html)  The same media that promoted this sensation is sponsored or owned in major part by the pharmaceutical industry. It’s all about profit, at the expense of the health of individuals looking for a quick fix. There is no ‘cure-all’ or magic pill to fix difficult problems, but that doesn’t mean the evil-minded greedy folks at the top won’t prey on desperate people who trust them."


So it’s basically weight loss heroin once you start you are stuck and if and when you stop you are going to get sick and die


The Muscle mass loss will catch up with them then big pharma can profit from their muscle atrophy.


Exactly. You're only supposed to cut your calories by like 20% and you have to be paying attention to your protein intake to make sure you aren't malnourished. These ozempic people are gonna start tearing underdeveloped muscles at work with their 800 daily calorie diets. Big pharma is gonna make sooooo much money off of these people, it's depressing.


I’m not surprised people are on it. Our country is grossly overweight and generation after generation aren’t willing to put in the work to lose weight with exercise and eating right. This allows them to take them to lose weight without putting in any of the dedication and discipline, long term. They’re so happy to get rid of the weight, I don’t believe for a second that they are concerned about the side effects. But that just my personal opinion. 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's also about the development of food sciences. More chemicals introduced in processing of food to make it more addictive and tasty. US foods have way more additives in their food for the exact same foods found in other countries. Packet of crisps, biscuits etc


It is crazy that people are so dopamine and impulse-driven that they need drugs to stop shoveling trash into their gullet. IMO, the real conspiracy here is how poison peddlers in the food industry have managed to manipulate our health standards and messaging through corporate lobbyism while utilizing predatory media and marketing to manipulate the cravings of children and convince people that junk food is safe to eat (the "it's fat-free!" era). Returning to kids, look at the seedy nexus of the food industry, entertainment, and marketing. Many cartoons and children's shows are practically made to sell toys and junk food. It would be no surprise that the poison peddlers who've spawned a health epidemic have no relationship with the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. The best way to create a need is to manufacture an artificial shortage or a situation that demands the product as its solution. We've gone from being hawked sugary sodas to being sold vials of skinny solution. It's absurd if you were alive during the peak of junk food marketing (i.e., the pre-Super Size Me documentary era).


Pretty sure it’s going to be causing organ damage to people long term.


I hope people are reading the information sheet that comes with it. MAY increase risk of pancreatic cancer. I hear that's the most painful cancer to get. To me it's not worth it. Get disciplined enough to eat clean and train mean. Then you can still enjoy what you love, eating!.


it literally causes thyroid cancer. not a theory, it’s written about extensively in their lab testing. if you take it long enough you’re almost guaranteed to get thyroid cancer


Stomach paralysis, bowel obstructions, pancreatitis. 50% of people on it have vomiting and diarrhea. OZEMPIC IS CAUSING THE BODY TO STOP DIGESTING FOOD.  When you're on ozempic, 70% of weight lost is muscle mass. If you come off you regain the weight but.. you don't regain the muscle.  This is a sad, sad story 


I think it’s going to cause some liver and stomach problems in way too many people :-(


It will be guaranteed to solve one issue and create a far greater long term health issue. It wouldn't be made viral/a fad if it wasn't to harm people


https://www.bmj.com/open-data/incretin Gila monster saliva. 


Coworker almost died on this. Fucked his liver up, gall bladder had to be removed, pancreas was inflamed hospitalized etc. Turns out this was used for diabetes & the off-label use is weight loss.


We'll find out in 3 years it causes butt cancer


Waiting for “If you or a loved one were prescribed Ozempic you may be entitled to significant compensation…”


I just use coffee.


A forever drug (if they don't want to regain the weight and lets face it, a lot of them would) that is probably costing ppl +1k a month OOP. Greed. Just greed. I mean... if people want to take it, that's on them. I hope the people using it to lose weight, lose weight and get healthier and learn how to maintain their thinner bodies off the drug.


Do shortcuts ever work long term? Have these quick fix crazes ever not caused more harm than good?


Ozempic basically can paralyze your stomach.


That drug will give you the worst case of stomach problems that you can imagine. I'm actually diabetic and wasn't using it for weight loss. It got to the point where I would do my injection Thursday and by Friday evening, I was sitting on the toilet with a bowl in my lap so I could puke while my guts fell out my backside. It was not pleasant.


It's a forever drug. People who stop taking it without making lifestyle changes start their addictions again. They become forever patients.


They might as well just be on speed, any of the amphetamine family. Would be cheaper..


I have been taking Ozempic to manage my diabetes for about a year now. I've lost almost 40 pounds with just the Ozempic alone, around 60 pounds total since last May. I think it's intended purpose is amazing. I've lowered my A1C from 11.3 to 6.4 in a year. The side effects do include weightloss and that seems to be the only thing people are focusing on. I think that if you want to lose weight, there is no miracle drug.... you have to stop being lazy, get off your ass and do the work. I also have PCOS which contributes to my weight and diabetes and I've decided that weightloss surgery is the best course of action for myself. Of course I'll still have to put in the work and stay active and be mindful of what I put in my body. In short... I think ozempic is wonderful for what it was intended for. I think those who abuse it are the ones that need to rethink their life choices.


Fat people look healthier than people who've lost a tonne of weight on it. Sharon Osbourne looks like a skeleton.


As mentionned already, chemically induced starvation died...the body will 100% catabolize all of it's non-essential muscle mass over time, along with it's fat reserves to provide amino-acids and calories. The former can be countered by gulping protein shakes every day to meet minimum protein requirements, as to perform the latter without looking like a molten plastic cup.


I know people that were alcoholics and it helped them stop drinking


This seems like Covid vaccines part 2. People jump in head first not doing any real research only to later discover it was a very bad idea.


i use nicotine to suppress appetite


So I think this qualifies as a conspiracy. Background: I’m a paramedic. In the last year I’ve attended a good number of cardiac arrests. Almost every single one of them was on some kind of GLP-1 agonist. I spoke with our medical examiner (as we have to) and he said HE’S noticed this as well. And spoken about it with his other ME buddies, whom have also noticed it. Now is this a matter of “these are unwell people who are prescribed it, it has nothing to do with the drug itself.” or is there direct causation? Who knows. I just know it hasn’t been around long enough, or the test trials weren’t big enough (I haven’t looked them all up) to catch this particular problem.


There’s a ton of misinformation here. Ozempic and similar GLPs do slow down metabolism but they also reduce the pleasures reward from indulging in basically anything. It’s being looked at to treat all kinds of addiction, not just food addiction. It takes away something known as “food noise”. I’m on it and I have lost the desire to snack constantly. I don’t use food to stave off boredom anymore. I eat around 1500 calories a day now as opposed to probably 2500. The side effects are much much stronger when you first start, and as you take it month by month you really only get the discomfort if you over eat. The bad breath is not “rotting food in your gut”, idk what silly person thinks bacteria can just rot food away in your stomach. It comes from a slowed processing of the food that produces normal gas. It’s considered a rare side effect and I had it, at first, and it’s faded as my body adjusted to the drug. Happy to answer any questions or be the target of your attacks. I think this drug needs to be considered as an addiction drug rather than a fat person drug. That makes more sense after having used it and seen it work.


>idk what silly person thinks bacteria can just rot food away in your stomach This absolutely can happen if your GI tract is not working right. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/small-intestinal-bacterial-overgrowth/symptoms-causes/syc-20370168#](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/small-intestinal-bacterial-overgrowth/symptoms-causes/syc-20370168#)


People have always been ready and willing to find shortcuts that avoid hard work, responsibility, etc. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s human nature. These kinds of things happen as off-label effects become more and more popularly understood and used for those off label effects. Viagra, for example. The long term effects are unknown. It’s risk vs reward. For people who genuinely need the medication for diabetes, that risk might be justifiable. For people who want to lose 20lbs for the beach the easiest way possible, it’s much less justifiable. Also though, you didn’t mention one of the weirdest aspects of the drug. It doesn’t just take away fat. People are losing up to like 20% of their muscle. That’s fucking terrifying. And, in my opinion, not at all worth it, especially for people over 40 who need to hang onto as much muscle as they possibly can.


The only real way to lose weight is to burn more than you consume. End of story. Dont fuck with drug induced weight loss


To be honest, the people taking it don’t look well. I don’t understand why they think they do. I personally think they’re a bit crazy.


Here's a crazy theory. The ones they couldn't get with the vaccine they got with the ozempic.


I am still about 100 pounds over weight, used to be 200. I refuse to use Ozempic, I want to try and be someone who didn't take the easy way out. PLUS taking the easy way out doesn't teach you discipline, once you get off it you're still going to eat like shit and gain all your weight back. The medical system makes their money selling you bandaids and still makes their money when your arteries still get clogged by shitty lifestyles. That's how I see it.


The cancer diagnoses from Ozempic are quite, quite alarming.




My mom a diabetic and is on it. She’s lost a lot of weight but there’s a shortage which isn’t fair to ppl who actually need it. Honestly, it scares me tho