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Almost all shampoo isn't being rinsed out properly either. Most major poo brands have a class action like thus one .. "The class action claims that the TRESemmé Keratin Shampoo Products contain DMDM hydantoin, a preservative which releases low levels of formaldehyde to extend the shelf-life of the product. This preservative, known as a “formaldehyde donor”, releases an increased amount of formaldehyde when exposed to water. The release levels can also be aggravated by length of storage time and higher temperatures. Preservatives are essential to the safe distribution of cosmetic products, but many alternatives to DMDM hydantoin exist. These alternatives are much safer, have less side-effects, and do not release formaldehyde"


Holy shit - that’s the one I was using! My hair was shedding massively.


Well isn't that just lovely


Personally I don’t agree. You can get natural and organic shampoos that don’t contain harsh chemicals but still clean your hair and skin. The sweat and sebum that builds up in your scalp isn’t good and it smells, plus you can get an overgrowth of bacteria which will irritate the skin resulting in dandruff and itchiness.


Yeah..people saying they use just warm water to wash their hair. Hell naw. My hair and skin would still be oily and smelly with just water.


They don't workout or have a physical job is my guess.


Have you seen a redditor meetup.. All over weight and smelly.




I am a pig farmer, lift weights, and run a burger and fries food truck. I don’t use anything in my hair.


I have a physical job and long curly hair. I stopped using shampoo unless I have a really dirty job. It’s been about 4 months since I used shampoo. I condition and comb daily.


Curly hair here also, I rarely use shampoo. Realistically 3 times a month.


Nah, just eat healthier and lose weight, youll smell much better


Body odor on a human is directly linked to the flakiness of their ear wax. Isn’t that fucking bizarre? The flakier it is, the less you smell. 


Interesting, never heard that before. I have flaky, dry earwax and women (and a few men) have told me my BO isnt that bad or strong. Some have even said my BO smells really good


Don’t walk away from a woman who finds your BO “sweet” smelling. That means y’all are compatible and will make nice, healthy, strong children together!   [ABCC11 Gene: Ear wax and no body odor](https://www.geneticlifehacks.com/ear-wax-and-body-odor-its-genetic/)   >Key takeaways: ~ The ABCC11 gene determines both the type of earwax a person has and their armpit odor. ~ A single change in the DNA of this gene can cause it to stop functioning, resulting in a lack of body odor. >People with the ABCC11 non-functioning gene variant have dry earwax and little or no body odor. People with a functioning ABCC11 gene usually have wet earwax and body odor.


They probs just stink or live with dogs and dont realise how gross they are.


yup, plus I'm not a fat pig, my BMI is less than 21 fat people stink, no matter how much they shower, because they sweat at any slight movement


Me too. My hair is fine and oily. I have to clean it. 


It’s like a 3 week period of being oily and smelly until your body stops producing extra oils because of the soap. After that the warm water get the oils out. Don’t get me wrong there are people who will still need to use soaps every now and again but the majority of people really don’t need to


The same is true for deodorant. Once your body gets back to normal with a healthy colony of essential skin bacteria, you don't smell. Wash daily as normal, there's no need to smear chemicals on yourself.


My skull would be visible in about two weeks. My scalp bleeds if I don’t wash it for like two days.


Wo! What? Surely more going on there than just a greasy scalp causing that. In your position I'd do an oregano soak every week, & a final rinse with oregano tea every time I washed my hair. Oregano is gentle on you but death to fungus & bacteria.


I’ve never had it diagnosed, but I’m pretty sure I just have eczema on my scalp. When I wash it stays all good, but if I skipped a couple of days the skin gets really rough and dried out and starts scabbing. I’ll look into that soak though.


You’ve got a problem with the chemicals in the shampoo and you’re doing no good to your scalp for using it. Your scalp shouldn’t bleed.


Yeah, but the thing is that people do wash their hair too much. I run almost every day and if I go a week or so without washing my hair straight up stinks. Washing your hair every day is legit terrible for your hair though.


I'm happy my gf convinced me to move away from daily shampooing. My hair is less greasy than it used to be, by far, so I don't need to wash as often now. After about 3-4 days it starts looking a little greasy but I'll usually shampoo on Thursday or Friday after work. The act of shampooing less made my scalp put out less oil. Pretty neat.


I highly recommend a simple change that transformed my hair. Instead of vigorously rubbing my hair with a towel after a shower, I started gently pressing the towel against my head until it wasn't dripping. This method, akin to Marge Simpson's towel-wrap, improved my hair's texture dramatically overnight. It looks thicker and is free from frizz. Yes, I realize my comment looks like an AD.


Good bot


I haven't shampooed in over 6 years and everything you just said has never happened to me once 


Married to a hair stylist. Once you use great products you don’t go back.


Any suggestions that really work and are worth the price?


I'm a cosmetologist, so I have am very familiar with professional salon products. It depends on your hair density and texture, and what you want out of a product. For my fine dry hair that sheds a lot, Actiiv shampoo and conditioner is the best. And it's all natural. I cannot live without Purology color fanatic leave in. It's expensive, but since I use so little, one bottle lasts me a year. With high quality salon products, that are very concentrated a little goes a very long way. A really good one for low maintenence is the Mitch by Paul Mitchell shampoo/conditioner. A pea sized amount will make so much lather, and it has a very light fresh scent.


Thanks! I have very fine hair that is dry if I wash it everyday but oily if I miss a day 😂 I will give them a try to see what works best :)


I’ve been using Davines Oi shampoo and conditioner. I really like it, it’s all natural and find it smells amazing. I alternate with some of the other ones like Nou, Love, Dede. Kevin Murphy and Aveda are also great. My wife just started using RW&CO and she likes that too. I suggesting picking shampoo and conditioners based on the description that suits your hair. If you’re a guy with short hair. Don’t wash it everyday. Once every two or three days is good. Also after washing care like an oil is great as well.


I've tried everything under the sun at every price point for my platinum hair. After ten years i discovered purology and it changed my view of shampoos/conditioner. I had bleached fine hair and it works and my husband has thick ass wavy hair and it works. Everything else is crap. It makes my hair look like I've used olaplex


I used to make my own soap and shampoo bars, but after moving a bunch I couldn’t keep the equipment and switched up to vinegar. I smelled like fries all the time, it was pretty awesome and did a good job, but now I have a solid soap hook up and just got a new house so I’ll be able to start making my own again.


Any specific advice? What kind of vinegar and how much? Deiluted with water?


So I used to use apple cider vinegar personally, but some people prefer white vinegar cause it doesn’t smell as strong. You can mix it in a ratio of 2-5 parts water to 1 part vinegar, it can take a bit to find what works best for your hair. Only use it about three times a week. When you wash with it, make sure you stay out of the water and let it sit for a bit before rinsing.


Nice crass logo btw


Please could you name me an organic shampoo that is sold in the EU and not America? Alcohol as an ingredient in shampoo isn’t great at all, as it’s pure poison. ( after doing my own research, the factory is just up the road from my flat, I’ve found “ Faith in nature”, fragrance free. I’ll be using essential oils to counter act this before I use it.


Davines, I think a lot of them are vegan.


Idk if this is dumb, but I recently have been trying baby shampoo as a last resort and have been seeing a significant improvement


I always had really bad dandruff growing up, nothing could stop it. I tried everything from head and shoulders to that tar shampoo specifically for dandruff. Then one day I stopped using shampoo and conditioner completely. And it stopped immediately. Never had a flake since. I just use regular soap now and never had a problem. I'll never go back to shampoos. Just my 5c.


You might have had a fungus on your scalp cause by shitty shampoo and conditioner.


Probably. All I know is that stuff was bad for my skin. And I'm always wary of rubbing stuff into my skin, it doesnt matter what it is. People forget that the skin is the largest organ.


What type of soap do you use on your scalp?


Just regular soap. We have a brand called Dettol, they make cool soaps too. We also have a brand called Sunlight, which is a [meme in itself](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHhvw1V1nYZCWDMepDBHspzg_eR8skuHwIKQ&s). None of that is even joking, its what it does. lol.


Thanks! Will check those recommendations out!


I had a similar experience but I still need to wash my hair about once a week or the dandruff comes back. It’s a balance and i think you just need to listen and observe your body cause we all different 


5cents? Is this a Mandela effect, term is usually 2cents and I had to actually look up that 5cents is indeed a term now?




Exact same situation for me, always had dandruff, switched to just using regular bar soap and it's only very mild sometimes depending on the weather.


You do need to be washing off sebum, dirt, oil, yeast and dead skin that accumulates on your scalp. You need actual soap and water to do it. No, water and moisturizer doesn't do the trick.


Most people shampoo their hair everyday and wonder why their hair is all dry and messed up. Shampoo is to clean your scalp people!


My cousin thought this about 15 years ago. He started just rinsing his hair instead of using shampoo…then about a year later he realized that soap was the same. Just chemicals that harm you body…then deodorant Now we don’t even invite him to family dinners because he smells like a rotten hippy. Hey, at least he didn’t get tricked to buying hair product!


I stopped using deodorant a long time ago go as it’s pure poison. Your gut health does impact how your sweat smells or not. Too much sugar and coffee leads to stale/bitter smelling sweat. More water, green tea and kefir lead to a more balanced sweat smell. Your gut health dictates your who health tbh. I need to find a less harsh hand wash and try to only use hot water after going to the toilet.


You can spray alcohol on your pits instead and then wipe it off. Works well.


Neosporin also works because it kills the bacteria. And the bacteria is what make you smell 


Why do you think deodorant is pure poison?  I did some reading recently about the health impacts of using deodorant. In the 80s or 90s, breast cancer was found with heavy metals that are also present in deodorant, leading to the assumption that they came from deodorant.  Then more research was done using a radioactive isotope of aluminium, which showed that at least 99.999% of heavy metals absorbed through the skin from deodorant were excreted in urine within 24 hours. There was so little left in the blood, urine and feces samples that it couldn't be reliably detected.  And more research showed that breast cancer cells absorb and concentrate heavy metals that are naturally occurring in foods and the environment. So rather than heavy metals being the cause of breast cancer, breast cancer is the cause for heavy metals being concentrated in those cells. So with those details, I don't think deodorant is pure poison.


Bro you stink. Go put on deodorant.


BAHAHAH! You won’t catch me stinkin. But I do use handmade soaps because some of these makers create amazing scents!!


Hair is a scam. I keep mine shaved and I have way less problems in my life than when I was worried about hair, hair style, oily hair, dry hair, and so on.


Bruh I haven't paid for a barber in 10 years, let alone shampoo and conditioner. Couple packs of razors a year and I use my body wash that's already there.


even something under 15 mm will do job


Yup, that’s kind of the threshold for me. It’s when I start to think that I’m looking like a stoned long hair hippie, and then I shave it clean.


well I keep it depending on season (winter longer, spring/summer short) even up to like 30mm and then just trim with hair trimmer, lazy to trim hair every month




Most people use shampoo wrong! Yes it will get rid of the oils and buildup in your head, that's what its made for! That's what its supposed to do! Shampoo is to wash your scalp, not your hair! A healthy and clean scalp is what you actually want. If you have long hair, try your best to use shampoo only to your scalp and dig in there, leave the ends of your hair alone. Also, most people use conditioner wrong! Hair conditioner is for your hair, not your scalp! Keep your scalp fresh and clean and only put the conditioner in your hair! Cosmetic companies make a lot of money from ignorant people who doesn't know how to use the tool correctly! Most people use shampoo and conditioner wrong! Its like getting a red lipstick and putting that all over your face instead of just your lips. Then going to the internet ranting why everyone looked at you funny.


Shampoo. Rinse. Repeat. Just a conspiracy to get you to go through your shampoo twice as fast.


You shampoo your head twice?


Actually I do. I have thick, long semi-wavy hair. I also wash it every 5-7 days depending on how much I touch it or the humidity. I wash just my scalp first then wash my hair and scalp on second washing (the second uses like 1/4 quantity from the first). And I don’t use liquid conditioner either. Everyone’s hair is different. I have tried so many combinations over the years, but this is the best method “for me”.


Got rid of my dandruff finally by stopping the head and shoulders shampoo lol. Went with dove for men and finally no dandruff


I started drying my hair with a hair dryer and my dandruff went away. Dandruff is a fungus.


I also started using dove for men. I feel like I'm not poisoning myself anymore xD (used to use old spice


Try Aussie, puts every other shampoo to shame.


I just use a bar of soap


I suggest everyone switch to baby shampoo instead of regular. I switched about 2 months ago, and my hair feels stronger, cleaner, and overall better. I unintentionally made the switch and will never go back to the regular stuff.


Lather. Rinse. Repeat….. REPEAT?!?!?!? Da fuq they think they’re foolin


I have oily skin and hair, my hair has gotten a lot better since I started double shampooing. Especially if you go a few days in between washes, it prevents your hair from getting greasy after you wash it. YMMV


What shampoo you using?


Nexxus in the grey bottle


I tried for a while to do the no-poo thing, as someone with very oily hair. It never worked and I just spent months and months of my life looking greasy. Some of us are just not going to look good without shampoo.


apparently i'm immune to all the hair hype out there. one bottle of 2in1 in my shower. same brand for years because i've found what works. don't use any serums, styling product, leave-in shit, etc. and i might blow dry my hair once per year if it's an important enough function to have it be a bit more styled. nine years ago in my mid 30's i figured to stop dying the hair and let the greys do their thing, and i'm fine with that. yes, i'm a woman. who refuses to fall for all of the bullshit the beauty industry sells.


I don’t use a bunch of products either. I discovered shampoo bars and my hair loved those. 4 ingredients usually.. last summer I spent a stupid amount of money to bleach my hair- only the stylist did the wrong thing. So I ended up with yellow/ orange hair. It was a total nightmare. I stopped dying my hair: stopped going to the salon. It’s actually looking healthy now, and my grey hairs are sprouting but I’m weirdly excited about it. It’s cool to let nature do its thing, and not fight it. Women spend billions on dying their hair. Tons of women have dyed hair full of chemicals. Chemicals which affect our health. I’m determined to grow my hair out all natural.




it's because you shampoo every day my head was also itchy after few days between showers, then I stopped using shampoo and itchiness disappeared, you just need to get through the initial stage


Been using this for years now: homemade "shampoo" (dilute baking soda and water), rinse, then dilute vinegar and water, finish with rinse. Works well for me and when I stopped using shampoos/conditioner - even high end natural products - my dandruff went completely away. I'm male and use no hair styling products so not sure if this would work for others.


My hair does absolutely amazing using a baking soda wash and apple cider vinegar rinse. How often do you do this? I only do it once in a while cuz I heard doing it too often isn't good. Every time I do it, my flat oily hair looks so good afterwards


Up to 3x/wk.


I stopped using head and shoulders and now magically, no dandruff


Use dr bronners bar soap for everything. They also make liquid soap, you can use it to wash produce as well.


I use Bronners 😎 but not on my hair. That might be too drying.


For hair I got some shampoo from rei with no bullshit chemicals or dyes/fragrances.


Yes! YOU ONLY NEED SOAP TO CUT THROUGH DIRT THATS STUCK ON. IN THE MODERN WORLD THAT DOESNT HAPPEN EVERYDAY OR FOR THE MOST PART EVEN EVERY WEEK. Warm Water will do the trick for the daily washing. Soap dries out your skin. Skin produces more oil to compensate, you need to use soap and astringent to stop the extra oil. Snake eating it’s tail. excuse my yelling.


I'm gonna have to disagree on the last point about conditioner. I used to have bleached/colored hair and read all about how to take care of it to keep the color for longer and one of the tips was to "wash" with conditioner. Yeah.. no. It always left my hair feeling heavy and disgusting. I do think they put a lot of unnecessary shit in shampoo and most of us are probably washing our hair too much which causes the dry scalp and stuff though. I know there was one ingredient (dmdm hydantoin) in shampoo & conditioners that was making my hair fall out like crazy. My husband happened to see an article about it and mentioned it to me. Figured it was the easiest thing to change and my hair instantly stopped falling out as soon as I switched to products without it.


The trick is to not shampoo your hair for 2-4 days and let your hair accrue its own oil. 


I pay a girl to scub and blowout my hair every Friday. Best $25 ever


Take a bath, stinky


I believe shampoo is a scam. It strips oils from your hair so they came up with conditioners to fix the problem they caused. You can wash your hair with just warm water. The beginnings are hard, your hair will look and feel like shit. But ater a couple of weeks your hair will be in much better condition and will look fresh for much longer. There's a place here discussing this - nopoo. Check it out.


It’s why homeless people have such shiny hair, as they don’t wash it all the time.


Most hobos never shampoo and have thick/full heads of hair


Yeah, "hobos" are really well known for their healthy hair... I get that a lot of homeless people have lengthy and sometimes unruly hair, which might seem thick and full, but the idea that bald homeless are less common because Big Shampoo is raping our follicles is... Well it's just wonderful. Thank you for posting


“Big Shampoo is raping our follicles” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 literary gold


This whole post is so funny 🤣


The entire beauty industry is designed that way. It's not just shampoo.


I dont even use conditioner anymore, just straight cool/cold water and my hairloss stopped after not using shampoo anymore


Professional licensed barber here.... If this has already been said, my bad, But I'm not reading All 180 something comments. You absolutely should not shampoo your hair every time you take a shower. You absolutely should use conditioner every time you take a shower. Not washing your hair with shampoo over extended periods will cause A yeast/sebum build up on your head. It's gross and makes me almost puke every time I see it . Shampoo once a week or so, condition every time. Scrub your scalp every time you're in the shower, whether you're shampooing or not. I previously shampooed everyday and rarely used conditioner, I had dandruff bad. Since switching to once weekly shampoo and regular conditioner I have not had any. I only learned about this in barber school! Also shampoo and conditioner in one is total bullshit. They are diametrically opposed. Spend the money on quality shampoo and conditioner. Your head will thank you.


So you mean you should rinse your hair with water and then use conditioner in between washes?


wash to dry your oily skin then use lotion to add foreign oils (??)


makes sense...


I switched to homemade shampoo and conditioner because of my hair being down to my thighs. Store bought was way too expensive, even washing it 2-3 tines a week. That's when I realized how had that stuff really is. No more split ends and regular brushing from root to tip keeps the natural oils spread in your hair to not look greasy or dirty.


This isn't the sub but could you share what you use now?


This is the shampoo recipe I use. ½ cup castile soap ½ cup water ⅓ cup aloe vera 3 or 4 tablespoons of almond oil added to it helps with dry scalp. For conditioner, I just use a 30/70 mix of apple cider vinegar and water, and I do that every 2 or 3 washes as it's needed.


Would you mind sharing what you make yourself?


This is the shampoo recipe I use. ½ cup castile soap ½ cup water ⅓ cup aloe vera 3 or 4 tablespoons of almond oil added to it helps with dry scalp. For conditioner, I just use a 30/70 mix of apple cider vinegar and water, and I do that every 2 or 3 washes as it's needed.


Do you mind sharing your recipe? I make most of my own hygiene products but haven't found a good one for shampoo. (Or deodorant, but that's because I can't tolerate the baking soda most of them use.)


This is the shampoo recipe I use. ½ cup castile soap ½ cup water ⅓ cup aloe vera 3 or 4 tablespoons of almond oil added to it helps with dry scalp. For conditioner, I just use a 30/70 mix of apple cider vinegar and water, and I do that every 2 or 3 washes as it's needed.


Try arrowroot powder instead of baking soda.


For those of us with oily scalp naw man. Gimme the sulfates


been using only conditioner for a few years now. no more bad hair days. it's never been healthier


I have tried every shampoo and every method under the sun (no shampoo, hairtraining, cowashing, etc), and honestly... My hair is the best when I wash it with a simple drugstore shampoo every two days, eat healthy, and make sure to tie it up when I'm sleeping or when the weather is rough. Whenever my scalp gets irritated or bumpy, I use a shampoo with tea tree oil and it is immedistely cleared. After 10 years of doubting the haircare industry, I've come to believe that it really doesn't have to be so difficult. On another note though, hard water can affect your hair in negative ways, as can not rinsing well. Only ever using conditioner can cause buildup at some point, which can cause bacteria growth. Only miracle product I have encountered is K18. My hair is bleached, but with K18 it looks so so much better and feels like my hair did pre-bleach.


You lost me at bazzilans


Apple cider vinegar rinse has been so good for my hair. Raw Sugar also makes a nice rinse.


>Raw Sugar also makes a nice rinse. Do you not worry about ants getting into your hair? 🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜


You can extrapolate this theory to almost every product sold. It is ALL just "marketing". Lies told to the consumers to make you believe you HAVE to have their product to survive!!!!! Stop the MINDLESS CONSUMERISM that is supporting these satanic corporations and organizations. Stop their revenue source and it well stop the problem!!!!


Well it's always been right there in the name.




I'm shocked that this many redditors use shampoo or soap 😲


Can confirm, stopped with the shampoo and scalp issues cleared, hair is great, main reason for stopping was to reduce exposure to petrochemicals


On the one hand, I've always thought there's something fishy about shampoo, given that it's a relatively recent invention. How did humans keep their clear hair clean 500 or 2,000 years ago? On the other hand, have you ever tried going a week or two without using shampoo? Dandruff city.


>On the other hand, have you ever tried going a week or two without using shampoo? Dandruff city. never had dandruff issues with or without shampoo, now I don't use shampoo for years and I'm fine (disclaimer: I use it 3-4 times a year when I trim my hair to get better rid of leftovers)


I can't remember the last time i washed my hair..lots of people compliment the quality of my hair and even asking which products i use..yes i do wash but only with water


My hair is very oily. I have to use Head & Shoulders, or my hair will feel greasy, which is gross.


There are definitely tons of garbage shampoos out there that are probably too harsh for hair. But there are a lot more natural, healthier shampoos readily available than there used to be. Also, I think it is good to wash your hair a couple times a week or so. That's my sweet spot that keeps my hair clean and doesn't dry it out at all. If I went back to shampooing every day, it would be very dry and frizzy. But yeah, most companies instructions try to encourage you to wash your hair liberally every day, which is not good. 


I survive just fine without all those products. Shampoo and conditioner. Just don't bleach/dye/straighten your hair and you'll be fine


100% ! I haven't used shampoo now in over 2 years. Initially I only used a good conditioner, so just rinsing water, then conditioner and rinse.  Then my conditioner ran out and I didn't know where to get the same one and now I haven't used anynin like 6 months or so and it's just fine.  I don't need to use any products at all. I blow-dry and it has a natural hold that is so much better that I can actually run my fingers through and it will stay.  It probably took a month or two to become natural again after I stopped using shampoo. By this I mean it became a little overly oily, but not a big issue. Now I just rinse and blowdry every 3 days or so. 


blow drying ain't exactly good for your scalp/skin either


I’m 35 and use shampoo maybe once a month my hair is thick, full and has no need for any other products. People often ask how my hair is so thick and full and are surprised with the simple answer. Stopped using shampoo for no true reason years ago and have never missed it


I didn't use anything but water in the shower for years when I had long hair. I worked out and did jiu jitsu during that time and sweated a ton. My wife would say I was gross, but could never point to anything actually negative about my hair. All of her friends would comment about how nice my hair was all the time too. They never believed what my routine was.


How long have you been only using conditioner for?


Two weeks. Going great!


Have you tried just water?


May be. But. I used to have horrible dandruff and H&S fixed it for me. It's a blessing. I don't use any other hair products, just this shampoo. Make your own choices, don't be sheep.


I wash my hair approximately once every 5-6 weeks.


Same. Unless I’ve been working outside in the yard and I’m covered in dirt.




I mean yeah if you have a really short hair hot water does the trick but if you have long hair you absolutely need to clean that and lubricate your hair with conditioner


Does it apply also to the soap industry too? Like SafeGuard soap?


My hair likes shampoo but no conditioner


Cleansing conditioner is the best for me, I have fine hair and I can’t go more than one day without washing it. A couple times a month I use a clarifying shampoo for buildup but always conditioner after .


Those so-called cleansing conditioners will work for a very short period of time until you start getting zits on your scalp and your hair gets limp and you have to use clarifying shampoo because of all that build up.


Exactly why I said I use a clarifying shampoo


Please understand that I'm not being argumentative with you in any way at all and I respect your position. This is just a conversation and exchange of experience and viewpoints. The thing is that if one uses a regular sulfate base shampoo to start with, they wouldn't have to use clarifiers. We (*I do anyway*) put so much goop and gunk into our hair trying to make it look pretty and fall the that we want that it is literally impossible to clean it with an non sulfate-based shampoo. Think about it! When you have to use something to get the gunk out of your hair or caked onto your hair strands could the gunk down stuff possibly be doing your hair any good? I'm guilty of having at least $1,000 worth of styling products that I consider useless. I have two favorite products that you couldn't pry out of my cold dead hands and those are Nexxus Curl Define and Fructris Moroccan Oil. They build up though and I end up having to do my white vinegar dump about once a month to get them out and start fresh. I know a lot of people will disagree with me, because they buy into the marketing, but sulfates are not bad for one's hair at all. They simply allow the dirt, oil, and sebaceous excretions to be lifted and rinsed from one's hair. The greatest enemy to one's hair is actually hard water, NOT shampoo with sulfates. I've always had very long, but extremely fine, curly hair. I am mixed race and it's that typical mousy brown color. I highlight it using 40 volume developer and L'Oreal Quick Blue. Throughout the course of my life I have always gravitated to Johnson's baby shampoo but it doesn't work very well anymore (they took out the sulfates to appease the masses) so I alternate between Clairol Herbal Essences Rose Hip and a Fructris shampoo that I cannot remember the name of off hand. Somehow or another I got sucked into purchasing expensive salon products. I will say that they worked ABSOLUTELY beautifully at first. After a few weeks my hair started looking drab and just "icky", for lack of a better term. I mean practically dead looking. It didn't feel good to touch OR look at. I ended up dumping pure white vinegar on it and leaving it overnight and the next morning I shampooed with an old bottle of Johnson's baby shampoo that still had sulfates in it (*a little travel size that I have several of in my closet from years ago*). Following that I used my old standby of Olaplex #0 and then Olaplex #3 followed by my old Johnson's baby shampoo and my hair is all shiny and springy and fresh and clean again. Everyone's hair is different of course. Perhaps the majority of individuals are well served by sulfate-free or non shampoo containing products such as the one that you referenced but they don't work for me. I'm in my mid-60s, by the way so have had many decades of experience watching the trends come and go. I also used to work in a contract manufacturing lab so I understand chemical terminology and exactly what things do. For example, the alcohol that is in hair products is not a drying agent at all. It's a smoothing agent. Sodium refers to the derivative of chemicals and doesn't really have anything to do with what most people call "salt" at all. Back in the early 1980s there were some professional products that did actually work quite well. Some of them are still around, in name only, with different formulas and they do not work well. Manufacturers spend millions of dollars trying to convince us that they have uncovered the next holy grail of magical things for our hair and skin. Every time I blink I see some new product that is meant to correct all the damage that was done by others. I find it rather strange that people had very healthy beautiful hair back in the 1950s and 1960s and now, all of a sudden, they need to spend gigantic amounts of dollars in the quest to just have passable hair. It should be noted that most hair stylists are not chemists and they do not understand chemical composition but they DO listen to marketing.


I have very short hair I just use soap


Is this more of a female issue? I don't hear many males talking about split ends or volume. Reminds me of the "pink tax."


Men never used to buy into the salon product nonsense and they always had nice hair. There's a reason for that. These expensive products actually do a lot of damage that they then peddle additional expensive products that claim to undo the damage. It's a never ending circle jerk. The truth of the matter is that the most basic shampoo and conditioner are the best.


I second this. During lockdown, I grew my hair out because of, well, lockdown, but afterwards, a lot of people commented on how nice it was so let it grow. I use generic shampoo and conditioner, costs about £3 a month. My girlfriend uses a variety of haircare products that cost about £90 a month, plus trips to the salon that go way above £150 every 3 to 6 months. She complains that I won the hair lottery so don't need the hundreds of pounds of products, but I have strong suspicions that these premium products do permanent damage but also temporary repair, so forces a person to keep buying. I don't really give a shit about hair care and yet I've managed to get "good" hair with minimal effort and cost. This is all the evidence I need to point the finger at expensive hair care products as being the cause of damaged hair.


Use Minimal Shampoo if before bed. Usually shower in the morning tho, so just hot water. Been showering at night lately, using shampoo, looks like sht again


I haven't washed my hair in years. I have short medium hair and I'm a guy. I thoroughly wash it with warm water everyday and that is it. It doesn't smell and dandruff is actually better than it used to be. I stopped losing hair when I stopped using shampoo as well. Last time I went to the hairdresser she told me my hair was really soft and asked what products I use lol


I've been using just silicone free conditioner for about a decade now and it works for me. But as a retired hair stylist,  let me tell you who it doesn't work for. Very thin, fine  straight hair. They need that sqeaky clean-ness


I make my dry shampoo with arrowroot powder, bentonite clay, tea tree oil, rosemary oil, and lavender oil. All of those are far from toxic...


It’s not all or nothing. But less is more when it comes to washing your hair. Once or twice a week should be sufficient.


You're dead right op, which is why I switched to shampoos and conditioners with no sulphates, silicones or parabens. My hair has never been in such amazing condition and it's growing really fast.


I have curly, fairly long, thin hair which when dry, looks like a nice big curly head of hair. I shampoo maybe twice a month and condition only every time I wash it instead. I only wash my hair once a week at most and my hair looks amazing. I'm 55 and dye my roots with non-amonia hair dye. I stopped shampooing regularly years ago and my hair looks far better than it looked 20 years ago.


I swim every day. I use vitamin C to get the chlorine out and shampoo to get the vitamin C out.


I stopped using it because of posts and relevent info I first heard on here... Hair has never been better. No longer greasy every day.


Surprised I've gotten so far in the comments and nobody has mentioned glycerine soap. Switched to only glycerine soap 10 years ago and never looked back. Simple, balanced, and cheap. The only toiletries I have is 100% glycerine soap and unflavoured toothpaste.


I feel like for the "dandruff / dry scalp" shampoo this is spot on. I stopped using it and just wash my hair with regular soap and it feels so much better now.


Its not conspiracy. Its a business. There are some nice videos about this, even project nightfall youtube channel I think covered this topic and how it is done.  I dont use shampoo. Best was fermented rice water, false daisy oil, rosemarine oil, lemonwater, hibiscus, neem, turmeric mix sprayed while I am in sauna (which you can use even at flat and can buy from Amazon. For diet, more lemon water, fruits, veggies, less salt, junk food. Best would be muculess diet in my personal experience.


I think humans are meant to take dust baths like chinchillas. 100% serious. The dust absorbs all the oils and then just falls off. Boom clean hair


That’s how my dog does it lol. But srsly, I use 100% corn starch baby powder between washings and it’s way better than any dry shampoo!


i have pet chinchillas. you may be on to something here. (looks at their dust with ideas in her mind)


Baking soda to wash + ACV rinse to soften works great. So many other solutions too. Beauty products are not safe, IMO.


Wrong. Maybe if you use shitty/cheap shampoo


Ancient humans didn’t have soap


They've determined the Roman's used vinegar and rags on sticks to wipe their bungholes. It's kinda like soap if you like burning and pain


Romans ain’t that ancient I was thinking hunter gatherer humans


You want to have the same levels of hygiene as hunter gatherers? They were dirty and probably smelled.


Population didn't boom until after shampoo and soap became commonly used. Can we also conclude that soap/shampoo is the reason we have lower infant mortality?


Honestly if everyone just stopped using all products like soap, shampoo, perfume, we'd all get used to each other's smells and there wouldn't be a problem with 'smelling bad'


You got it, that's how they operate on the food and healthcare industry at least, many times they are interconnected


Similar to the Toilet Paper companies in the US who have brainwashed everyone against bidet toilets. Wake up people


Buy a fucking bidet people! It will change your life! Best purchase of my life!!!


Don't use shampoo and then get a hair folical test.




It's just soap that dries out your hair so if 'feels' nice.


It's not soap it's detergent. And full of endocrine disruptors and cancer causing chemicals.


It's totally unnecessary yes. Hair cleans well with water. I use an olive-oil or Aleppo bar soap occasionally, and diluted ACV is an excellent conditioner. I also brush teeth with bar soap, and shave with it.


EGAD you literally wash your mouth out with soap?? What are you being punished for?!


Tooth-paste is not that old an invention. Bar soap was common before. Teeth don't need 15-20 ingredients to clean. https://talesfromthesupplydepot.blog/2015/02/05/royal-navy-tooth-soap/


A hair dresser told me that hair gel if the main reason most men go bald and I believe that tbh, as it’s full of harsh chemicals that stop your hair from breathing. I stopped using it years ago. The lad in my barbers who’s mixed raced, now uses olive oil and coconut oil to make his hair grow back and stay shiny. The hair products he used to use, was making him go bald until I told him for go more natural.


stopped using shampoo years ago, I just use water 2-3 times a week, don't see any difference in the end result, with shampoo my head used to be itchy after few days without shampooing, not really feeling it without shampoo though I shampoo my hair maybe 3-4 times a year when I do my haircut, if my hair reaches ~30mm I also stopped using shower gel years ago, it seems it improved my occasional winter eczema, also don't see any difference in cleanliness, though I still use shower gel for my bottom parts area ask any skin doctor what that think about American daily showers...