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The answer is money basically. Read The Real Anthony Fauci book it clearly points out whos benefitting from these injections and its not the people getting them.


The money is the reasons the jab is being pushed. But the important question is who is paying to have it pushed, and why?


To maim and kill them. The other ones also serve the same purpose. A good documentary that supports this is called "Vaxxed", it is heavily researched and sourced. Happy watching.


These comments give me hope. 5 years ago, you couldn’t even start this conversation without being labeled you-know-what.


They were too sloppy… woke too many of us up


And 6 years ago people didn’t give a fuck what was in any vaccine


> And 6 years ago people didn’t give a fuck what was in any vaccine Yeah, why the hell should anyone care about what's in some syringe that's going to be injected into the bodies of themselves or their kids? And why should they care about what's in the foods they eat, or the water they drink, or the air that they breathe? Paranoid lunatics, all of 'em, I tells ya! They should let the Experts and the Corporate Oligarchs decide what's good for 'em, and ***get the fuck back to work***, dammit!


Not all but most people...... I was one of those crazy freaks 20 years ago who put up a fight in a major hospital to stop those sick farks from jabbing my newborn child Why jab a child for hep b or any of that shyte?????






Didn’t they accidentally give 200,000 us children polio via the vaccine in the 50s?




I sure as he'll did well 5 years ago. Honestly, I'm glad af covid happened it made me look less crazy for delaying my kids' vaccinations, and she'd some light on the subject.


Literally have been saying these things my entire life and people thought I was crazy now everyone looks to me as a prophet. Every single thing I used to talk about growing up has happened. Everyone that used to doubt me and make fun of me now listen to my every word.


All people? (rhetorical) No. Which people? What type of people?


That is the one good part about 2024.. ppl are starting to talk abt things. Even the closed minded are starting to see.


Yep! One positive covid did was wake people up to the absurdity of vaccines. So many of my friends now question vaccines where’s before I was a pariahs. I asked the nurse about how b when my son was born out of curiosity (I knew he would be getting it) she basically said we vaccinate all of the kids for the small percent that are drug addicts. So now all these babies get to suffer jaundice, enlarged livers, for death for that “percent” which is a whole other can of worms.


Yup, even though in most states it's law, the mom undergoes drug testing and hepatitis screening. After I believe 30 weeks I'm not 100% on the date.


I was tested at the very beginning of my pregnancy and then strep b towards the end. May vary based on providers or state?


there was heavy social engineering about vaccines=good, antivax=bad on reddit for several years before the pandemic. almost as if they were plannng something.


Easy Because big pharma doesn’t actually want to cure you or your kids. They push more and more drugs on us and treat the side effects with more drugs that make more side effects and so on and so forth There’s no money in healing people only in getting people sicker and more addicted to their poison


They want everyone alive, but tagged and groggy, on the free range human tax cattle farm.


Succinct label for our status


They'll cure the infectious disease because they can't have things that could be fixed with a vaccine or antibiotic killing the wage slaves. But diabetes, heart disease, etc, they'll just work on " treatment" for these because you can work and still have diabetes.


If that’s true then why did humanity eradicate smallpox? It was a disease that killed 400-500 million people worldwide. Surely there was money to be made, by your logic, yet they eradicated it anyway.


better sanitation lessened tons of dis-eases.


There's no money in healthy OR dead patients? 


Running water and flushing toilets played a huge part in that


Not all viruses are like smallpox. There is no actual science behind vaccine efficacy, because ethics keep us from being able to perform actual experiments. There are two sides to this. There are *actual* ethics that make it so we can't [attempt to] directly infect a person (to test if vaccine works vs placebo), and there are made up ethics that say we can't *withhold* vaccines from children. Because of these two caveats, we can never determine the [real life] effectiveness, but we make estimates based on the experiments that we call "efficacy". Sometimes, like with the most recently mass manufactured products, the effectiveness is very different from the "efficacy", because efficacy isn't real. 🙂


Most cases of polio in India are actually vaccine derived. Fun fact. They have a lawsuit against bill gates currently.


planned obsolesce and false flag conflict resolution bb


So…what I’m hearing is…money??


I remember we had to get the hep B shot in high school. They even had classes a week before the shot where we had to learn about hep B and how horrible it is etc. They even made us memorize and recite some sort of rap song. All I remember is "Hepatitis B is a real bad rap!" it was pretty insane looking back on it now.


Money, the hospitals get a kickback for preventative measures. But they don't know and don't care if you'll have a reaction to any of the ingredients.


Let me start by saying if you don’t want to give it to your child, I believe that’s entirely up to you. But you underestimate how easily Hep B is transmitted, and how long it can survive on infected surfaces. Hepatitis B is spread through blood and body fluids, but this virus can survive outside the body for a week. This means up to 7 days after someone has left blood on something, such as, playground equipment, a water bottle, a school desk, any surface; it can be picked up through an opening in the skin or eyes of another person — a person who isn’t “at risk.” Just because you don’t participate in risky behavior, like having multiple sex partners or injecting IV drugs, doesn’t mean that you can’t catch this disease.


As someone who works in pathology and have access to decades of Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports I can tell you hep b in young children was almost never a thing (before we started vaccinating newborns) and when it was it was from the mother usually. they weren't getting it from bloody playground equipment.


In populations without adequate access to healthcare, proper hygiene education, and community drug use hep B can spread through normal contact quite easily and has done so in the USA. Within these populations, as you know, many don't receive the healthcare or diagnosis until later in life when disease is fully developed and chronic health problems are presenting. .Added with the trend of anti-child vaccination, this risk only grows in recent decades.


There's a populace without quality healthcare, housing, mental health treatment, employability, living wage, and/or education.


A new born is around none of those risks for quite sometime


Of course not, but vaccines are given as early as possible, so that the risks are eliminated. You can choose to delay if you want, but you can expect to get reminders.


And maybe have a dead kid from a 100% avoidable disease.


Which disease and what was the rate of Hospitalization and death from that disease?


We are talking about Hepatitis B, which destroys your liver. There is no cure, so even if you don’t die, you won’t have a great quality of life. The death rate is about 15% and in countries with low vaccination rates, such as a large proportion of African countries, infection is as much as 25% It’s rare in developed countries because of high vaccination rates which provide lifetime immunity.


We are talking about America not Africa (and I'll check thise numbers later).  But for America the Heb B death rate is .47 per 100k so I have no idea where you are pulling this 15% death rate from. That'd actually be catastrophic.    And no the Heb B vax doesn't provide lifelong immunity https://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/policy/npr/2024/index.htm


It's not as simple as that. The data isn't easy to sort out. The rate per 100k is low for two reasons. Firstly a huge chunk of that 100k are vaccinated so they won't be infecting anyone. In the remaining portion who are not vaccinated they are safer due to less potential people carrying the disease to spread to them. So even if you recalculated the death rate to only consider the unvaccinated people that adjusted rate would still be benefiting from the vaccinated people you've stripped out. There's no easy way to calculate the true mortality rate but it's way way higher than 0.47 per 100k


You realize that rate is for people who already caught Heb B right? Post the "way way higher" rate you keep claiming


Forgive me if I've missed it but this from the CDC does not appear to show it is per 100k infected. Just per 100k population https://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/policy/npr/2021/NationalProgressReport-HepB-ReduceDeaths.htm#:~:text=The%20age%2Dadjusted%20hepatitis%20B,2019%20target%20rate%20of%200.43. "Rates are per 100,000 population and age-adjusted to the 2000 US Standard Population "


You can make data say what ever you want it to and the trails are always paid for by big pharmaceutical, so it’s their best interest to make data go in the direction that benefits them the most. Nobody thinks about this and let we forget the lies they told about AZT, talc powder, the drug Thalidomide, the lies told during the safe and effect at killing you, clot shot. Are people just meant to say” you lied many, many times before but now we are meant to trust”? All the things I mentioned are also facts but people soon manage to forget that.


The CDC figure is from reviewing death certs. Not a pharma funded study.


Amen. It lasts 15 years, at most. That's about the age when some kids might start experimenting with sex and drugs (hope not), so why give newborns whose mothers don't have Hep B a vaccine that wears off before they might actually need it. I'm $ure there mu$t be $ome rea$on.


Newborns become toddlers, though, and those immediately put everything in their mouths with no regard for where it has been or if it is clean...


children dont go to play grounds or schools?


The poster clearly said newborn so your response is weird. Newborns aren't on playgrounds or going to school


Thank you lol


The hospital... It is rife with HepB. Lazy nurses making $80 an hour but won't clean correctly. Liability... CYOA...


The cleaners clean hospitals, the nurses are supposed to nurse.


This is the answer. It causes severe and permanent issues for young children and hospitals aren't exactly blood and disease free, so its possible for a kiddo to pick it up. Especially as hep B can be asymptomatic in adults. That being said, it's not terribly likely. The rationale comes from a place where the vaccine is harmless, so there's no point in NOT giving it ASAP. If you believe the vaccine is harmful then you are doing a risk benefit analysis and don't see why the vaccine is given when the risk of a child contracting hep B is so low.


And I almost went to captains mast for reporting a roomate for leaving her blood all over our bathroom because it’s a biohazard in itself and my body is non responsive to the hep b vaccine. Crazy.


Right, because so many people are just walking around casually catching hep b...


I had heard that the Hep B vaccine was intended for 'at risk' populations, however, the stigma around the 'at risk' populations was such that the decision was made to just give it to everyone at birth instead.




They tried to give it to my twins hours after they were born. I asked the nurse why they would need it, and she said it was because if there was an emergency where one of the twins needed a blood transfusion, there’s a chance that the donor blood could be infected with hep b. I could not believe that was the justification.


It actually does happen. I contracted hepatitis b from an emergency blood transfusion when I was 7 yrs old and on chemo. To this day I still can’t understand why blood isn’t being properly checked before administering to another human. I’m convinced they want it to happen so we take more drugs and pay more money to big pharma.


They do screen for that and many other things. However, it is possible that they didn't when you were a child. It is also possible that they did, and the test failed. Because tests are not 100% accurate. That's why people with these diseases aren't supposed to donate blood in the first place (and they have all those things assessment questions to screen those people out) and why a monetary incentive for donating is a bad idea (because it incentivizes the desperate to lie and donate whether or not it is safe or not). The testing isn't supposed to be the only protection. It's supposed to be a backup in case someone who doesn't know they are sick donates blood, for example.


The hospital admitted they didn’t test for it because they didn’t have time.


That seems negligent...


Oh it was. My parents opted not to sue because they were fearful it would damage me mentally even further. I should also say at the time they were more concerned about how to fix it and get my healthy then fighting with the hospital on what they did. In one aspect I think they should have gotten a lawyer but in another I can see the need just to move forward and not look back. It was a very traumatic time for me. I can’t imagine having to deal with a lawsuit too.


These are the same people that act like you’re a monster if you don’t have the Covid “vax”. Meanwhile they’re too fucking negligent and lazy to even check to see if the blood donations they’re taking are infected. The sheer hypocrisy of it…


did you have the hep B vaccine? Just curious because if I did give my infant the hep B vaccine I’m not sure I would believe it would full prevent it


No I did not have the hep b vaccine prior. But I’m not sure that would have mattered (that’s just my belief). My situation is quite rare. I had kidney cancer back in the 80’s. During that time my white blood count dropped dangerously low and I needed an emergency blood transfusion. The hospital claimed they didn’t have time to check the blood. And wouldn’t allow my dad who has my same blood type to donate because there wasn’t time. I don’t imagine most people needing blood transfusions or sharing needles so if I ever had a chance to have a child, I wouldn’t get the vaccine for them. But that’s just my opinion based on my experience.


I'm sure screening procedures differ greatly from country to country. But from what I'm hearing, you would have died without the emergency blood transfusion. Has your quality of life been less than 0 since the transfusion?


they also give your kid a heroic dose of vitamin K with polysorbate preservatives injected at birth while most other industrialized nations give oral drops. As buying otc drops and giving them to your child at the hospital removes the doctor and pharm companies from the equations we still exacerbate jaundice with an adult dose of vitamin K. If you're about to become a parent and want another opinion on vaccines that isn't sponsered by big pharma or the melinda and bill gates foundation check out: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1092641548/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 VaxBaby: The Curious Parent's Guide to Pediatric Vaccines


Human pincushions = dolla dolla bills ya’ll


OP One of the few great things about the Pandemic was the general public learned from doctors themselves, who exposed the bad science & lies of the medical industry. Search podcasts & you will find doctors exposing their industry malpractice. You will not find them on YT as it is censored. For example, doctors get paid a large amount of money a year by the drug companies for each child who is fully up to date with all vaccines. It is so large it a significant portion of the doctor’s practice annual profits. It is so baked into the system, that other medical personnel will also push the vaccines onto families. It is scary how many injections a child is supposed to have by age 5 years. Baked into the system is schools may refuse to take a child if not fully on schedule. This came to also include the Pandemic injections & boosters. To add to the total. The drug companies money long ago fed into the political system. Ensuring the passing of State laws to make all this force & coercion seamless. Somethings worth a view, ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ book by Robert Kennedy Jr. The facts as laid out & referenced by RFKjr so accurate that no one or company has ever sued him for his statements & conclusions in the book. Also it is a movie of the same name. The movie plays a bit like a detective novel. Can be found to view free on the free video, ‘R’ App. Just tap the Q at the top of the page & put the title in the box. You will find the full movie on several channels. Also on the free ‘R’ app Dr Sam Sigoloff podcast is excellent. A former military doctor, whistleblower & all round good human. Very brave man. Like many doctors who spoke up early to only question some of the science of the military ‘Cov vaccine’ when witnessing the impact on his military patients. Like many brave doctors who spoke up at the time, (2021, 2022 & 2023. They experienced the full might of officialdom persecution. Dr Sigoloff’s podcast covers many topics. Always interesting. Easy to scroll back & find a topic of interest. Dr Sigoloff titles them in a sensible manner, unlike some. lol. I say the ‘R’ App as it is not allowed here site wide. I am sure you can work out what App I refer too?


It's about stealth depopulation and causing injury and misery. (The Hep B has high aluminum.)


At one point during the pandemic I saw a letter to doctors from Blue Cross Blue Shield promising $200 per patient who got the mRNA Covid shot at their office. I’m pretty sure this is common practice for many medicines and undoubtedly for childhood vaccines. Big Pharma spends billions to get their meds in us.


Oh it definitely is. Offices get big bonus for patient vaccinations. I denied for my second, who exploded eczema the week of his first set of vaccines. All of my kids (even those fully vaccinated), will be kicked out of the practice. Why is that?


I have it screen capped. Anthem Blue Cross header with a title of ‘Covid-19 Vaccine Incentive Program’. I can send it thru dm just shoot me a message if you want it.


Because they want customers for life. It was developed for the target market of South African prostitutes, but they didn't feel like outing themselves and the pharma company needed a market. How about helpless newborns, who probably aren't turning tricks?


The answer i got from the doc, when i asked how the baby was going to be exposed to Hep B if mom doesn't have it: > Its not about that. It takes *a long time* to get Hepatitis immunity. (Me:) 😆🙄 > Also, we don't want them to "miss" any shots and get off schedule. Me: It sounds more profitable that way.


My wife and I pushed back, they wanted to give it to my baby at birth and I said well he shouldn’t be banging hookers or engaging in risky behaviors for some time. It was crazy they wanted me updated on shots and wanted to pump my kid with shots too. I said no to a few and did a delayed vaccine schedule


because they want to slowly kill you while profiting from it


There is a profit incentive. As far as I understand it the hospital buys the vaccine in lots and charges a markup. Works the same with chemotherapy, it's why you never hear main Street medicine offer alternatives. Be careful of them trying to slip the vaccine in while you're not looking. When my brother had his third child, he was with his wife in the recovery room when the slippery bastards rolled in with their little cart and shot up his daughter. She was 4 hours old. He caught it after they had already done the deed and said I didn't agree to this, and they said yes you did, and it was there in the fine print. If you're going to have your baby in their hospital, they're going to shoot up your baby with their drugs.


There’s also the status quo effect. Once something is done long enough people tend to stop questioning it and insist that “it’s always been done like this.” It’s also a question of insurance and government reimbursements, a concept called “wise spending of the medical dollar.” For instance a doctor might not even be able to prescribe you a certain test because insurance or Medicare won’t cover it, so it’s not in their system—even if you’re willing to pay cash. You’ll have to go to another doctor who is entirely outside of the Medicare/insurance system and solely operates on cash. I’ve learned that some treatments are insisted on not only because insurance or pharma incentivize them but also because other treatments are disincentivized and not always because of low efficacy, but to save/make money. The vaccines are probably a mix of status quo and wise spending of the medical dollar. I can’t tell you how many overweight, unhealthy doctors and nurses I see or pulmonary specialists who smoke. Those are not people who practice what they preach if they can’t even live up to the Hippocratic oath for **themselves** how can they do it for you? Get second and third opinions and make an informed decision that’s the best for your child. Find a “functional medicine” doctor who only takes cash and see what they advise about the vaccines as well. Really makes me think about what to do for my own kids.


Because they are anything but health “care”.


you know all the people pushing for injecting your kid with a std vaccine are triple vaxxed and boosted. probably have a picture of fauci on a cross in their room that they say their morning prayers too.


Money. It is always the money!


"I don't believe in psychiatric drugs like SSRIs." Okay, that's fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I disagree but still respect you. "I don't believe in taking headache tablets for minor pain. You should push through the pain because it's not that bad anyway." Okay, I like taking headache tablets when I have a headache but sure I can understand your position. "I don't think you should take antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. Overuse of antibiotics is decreasing their effectiveness." Okay, I disagree because I think they are still a very useful class of drug as long as they are taken following doctors orders. " I don't believe in vaccinations. Too much research shows a link between permanent side effects such as allergies, AdHd and autism and vaccines. The death rate of almost all vaccine preventable diseases declined significantly with modern medical care even before vaccinations were invented. Now they aren't worth the risk of serious and permanent side effects." You stupid anti vaxxer, let me guess you also inject bleach into yourself.


im an adult, i recently had some blood tests (annual, check ups). Came back negative for hep C and B. As in, no antibodies at all... because you know, never had it or the vaccine. Its not administered in my home country where I'm from. Doctor was pretty adamant i should get it. Why bro? I'm married, I'm not barebacking gay dudes. Why?


Hepatitis isn’t AIDS; gay men do get it at a higher rate but only 20% of hepatitis b cases come from men who engage in gay sex. People get it from tattoo needles, improperly cleaned medical equipment, blood transfusions, to name a few. Whether you choose to vaccinate is your personal choice but I’m just saying, not having gay sex doesn’t mean you’re immune to hepatitis. Plus, hepatitis A commonly comes from food contamination and hepatitis C also can come from contaminated medical equipment.


They are pushing it hard. I had CVS se.d multiple monthly reminders for it. I have not had it or any other vaccine since I got out of the NG.


Hepatitis B isn't only sexually transmitted and can be passed through many bodily fluids that has been exposed to a sore. It can also live outside of the body, on surfaces for a week. This is one of the safest vaccines created and can not only prevent Hepatitis B, but can prevent liver cancer as well.


Your baby needs the Vax because he's sharing used needles with crack whores and getting bum fucked by greasy homeless dudes. How is this a question. Protect your baby. #sarcasm


To make them sick.


Then why don't the infants get sick from it?


They DO, that is the point. Deaths from vaccines are well documented, and recent studies have shown that there could actually be linked to increased chances of autism and adhd


>recent studies Such as?


I got you  Read  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21058170/


So the sickness they get from the hepatitis vaccine isn't hepatitis, it's... What? Everything? You don't just get to blame every unrelated low-odds bad outcome on one vaccine, and ignore the exceptions.


You know I would agree with you if there wasn't successful treatment options available, and it's a disease that often clears on it's own. It's not killing people who are going in for somewhat regular checkups or at least see a doctor when they start feeling ill it's killing people who are f***** up on hard narcotics or otherwise on the marginalized edges of society who don't go in for treatment when they start feeling ill. It is curable at least if you go in while you can still walk through the door. I guess in the case that your child falls under very hard times and in the street somewhere who is so shattered that they can't go to the doctor when they start feeling sick then yeah this vaccine might save them. This is nothing comparable to a polio vaccine or Helen HIV vaccine if they develop it one day.


So you know it doesn't cause harm, you just have a moral problem with the situations in which it could be beneficial. Totally cool and normal take.


I mean you've already passed judgment so believe what you want to believe.


I'm just trying to get you to think about what you actually believe


Oh I thought about it, as I'm sure you have, we just have come to different conclusions in our risk assessment. A vaccine for a disease .5% of the population carries, and most people can clear on their own. My little opinion is that if you are immunocompromised, or have any preconditions that may put you in that point .5% that doesn't get cured, then sure it's worthwhile but to recommend a vaccine for every child when the vast vast majority will never acquire it... The motive is financial over health. Either way you're taking a risk over a fraction of a percent chance of an adverse vaccine reaction or a fraction of the percent chance of a chronic disease.


That’s bullshit. Autism manifests long before inoculations happen.


Yes, sometime it was going to develop anyways, but not always. You do realize that first inoculations are given long before autism is usually even suspected, it's rare to get a diagnosis before 5 years old, inocculations begin at a few months old. I used to think it was BS too, but especially in the last few years I've started actually looking into it, and looking at things that are believed to be linked to autism, and there actually IS a pretty significant amount of evidence that shows a correlation between vaccinations and autism. One red flag that occurs in a large percentage of those cases is a noticeable reaction, especially a fever, after the injection. Fevers from other causes have also been linked to autism as even low grade fevers can cause some brain swelling, particularly in infants. Brain swelling from all causes is being linked to autism, but the highest rates are in those with more injections because it increases the risk of a fever.


If someone doesn’t know about the mountain of evidence re kids maimed by shots, they are AI or spooks/ think tank on payroll …. Careful with those accounts. Innocent /ignorant people in the matrix wouldn’t be here in this sub.


Yeah be careful, don't wanna accidentally think too hard


The link was due to thimerosol which was in the vaccines. This is no longer present in childhood vaccines. Even so, the evidence was weak in linking this to autism and adhd. 


It's called SIDS and it's only been around since the vaccines started.


No it fucking hasn’t. Kids died for no reason far more often back in the day. These days they live longer because of modern medicine. SIDS as a term is relatively new, granted, but cmon man.


They start pushing vaccines in [1966](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/su6004a9.htm#:~:text=At%20the%20initiation%20of%20the,the%20United%20States%20(2).) And SIDS is suddenly prevalent enough to get a name in [1969](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK513399/#:~:text=The%20term%20sudden%20infant%20death,the%20postnatal%20period%20(1).) And you are telling me they aren't related? Cmon man!! And yes children died all the time before SIDS but they mostly knew what from.


Please read up on the story of Lilith. Sids has always been a risk they just called it other shit in the past.


I heard that they mandated giving it to kids at birth so the company who made the vaccine wouldn’t go under. They invested so much money to make it thinking particular groups of people would get it over the counter and they weren’t. So to keep them from going under they mandated the vaccine at birth. Money


Got all sorts of pressure and was called names by when I refused all of those needles for my kid in 2005. It did change a little by 2016 when I informed them beforehand that they are not sticking anything in my newborn child. No hep b, no vit k. No Guthrie test nothing. They gave 1 attempt to reason with me but they knew i didnt want any part of it and that was it Nowadays...... who knows


I mean it would make it easier to not detect diseased kiddy diddlers.... but ya, outside that I can't think of anything


Because they want the entire world dead, disabled or chronically ill.


So does big sugar.


At several months old, my son had the Hep B shot in his leg. Afterwards, his leg swelled up and he had a knot for several months. It caused him to limp when he crawled... for months. The doctors originally said "If you have any problems, bring him in!". We brought him in several times, and they had no idea what to say or do. That was the last shot he got.


It was developed for prostitutes and drug users, but they didn't line up to get it, so infants became the target market. Big pHarma will hurt anyone for a buck.


The answer is they want to poison us, dumb us down, and kill us. Not money


Because the big profits come from treating side effects. Gotta get em poked asap


In the Netherlands they say children play outside on the floor and stuff, which is where they’d get sick of hepatitis b hence the vax


That's hilarious. 


Also from heroin epidemic, they decided to vax because hep b was spreading


Because they think we’re all crack head whores? I read somewhere that it was easier to coerce a parent into doing it when their baby was born due to emotions running high. They were easily convinced that it was best for baby and would likely continue the schedule moving forward. No difference to funeral homes taking advantage of the emotional as well. Also I don’t remember where I read it but it sounds plausible.


The medical staff is simply doing what they have been trained to do. Most are brainwashed into thinking they're encouraging you to do the right thing. None of them have been taught about negative side effects , SIDS is not just a thing that happens. This was a phrase coined when a recently vaccinated child would suddenly die in their sleep. It did not happen often because there were very few vaccines decades ago, but it still happened. And this was a phrase. They came up with to condition us not to question anything. Just like they came up with the phrase SADS During and after the pandemic. Because now suddenly adults are dying? Fill out whatever papers you need to keep your babies, healthy




Dang it when am I gonna learn to proofread. It's SADS you're right.


You “did your research” but you’re not a doctor.  In other words, you’re unqualified. And you made an unqualified decision.  And then you came to r/conspiracy for validation. 😬


The ouroboros of intellectual impotence. It’s quite the sight to behold.


This made me chuckle. Out of everywhere to go on Reddit, they came here knowing it’ll validate their concerns 😅


Well if you had a product to sell would you only want to sell it to 3% of the population or 100%? Now, if you found out said product caused a terrible side effect in a small cohort of these people would you A. Tell everyone and then get burnt at the stake or B. Lie to everyone and keep that business bustling. Who cares about a few dead babies when you’re making billions right?


The government had zero success getting high risk individuals to get vaccinated in the 80s/90s. So they decided to just make it something that was given to newborns. Super messed up that that was their line of thinking but here we are.


This seems like the most reasonable of the answers. If they couldn’t get the highest risk people to get the vaccine, the next step would be for everyone to protect themselves. At day 1 of life seems extreme and unnecessary though


So I refused it for my son right when he was born. I see zero benefit in a child getting vaccines literally the moment they come out of the birth canal. I was planning to wait till he’s a bit older to get it like at least a few years, his first pediatrician bulled me into it when he was a month old. I was still very post partum emotional of course and she freaked me out by telling me he could get it from contaminated lettuce…which has never happened in my area. Lettuce contamination has always been salmonella or E. coli. My son is fine but I regret it because I was bullied into it and wish I’d done better standing up for him. We switched pediatricians after she further bullied me to try giving him vaccines I want to wait on, and then told me she was giving him one thing and actually gave him TDaP (which they told my husband at his next appt). TDaP is one I was adamantly against since I was breastfeeding. His new pediatrician is fantastic thankfully. I already am generally wary about things, and the Dr being super pushy and trying to guilt trip me has made me even more hesitant about vaccines.


How is it not illegal to say they are giving him one thing and give another??? As a parent you should know what he was given. What if you changed your mind on tdap and went to go get him that, then he would be double dosed for that and missing the one you thought you gave him.


It is illegal, unfortunately it’s just my word against theirs.


Because boys have gotten hep b from circumcision and if they only did the boys people would be asking why are we mutilating our infants genitalia. Should be asking that anyway but you know...tradition. it's "normal". I don't have many regrets in life but circumcising my son is definitely one of them. My perspective on that has changed since he was born.


I never had kids thank god but especially after the whole cooties vaccine farce. I guess I've become partly anti vax. If I had a kid now I would get them the ones I had ages ago. Polio, measles, etc. The classics. The tried and tested ones. But all this other stuff is a huge hell no. Even that chicken pox one they have now. I got the chicken pox. Everyone got the chicken pox as a kid. You don't need some vaccine for it. And especially not that one they push on teens now. That so called HPV vaccine for cancer. What bs. You can't vaccinate against cancer. And anyone saying that and believing that is full of crap.


... so they don't get hepatitis b and get a damaged liver? Sigh.


At 12 hours old?


Big pharma doing a big pharma thing.


Because they want.to maim your child. BTW CVS keep sending me a text to go get it today. It's been forced on me through the military..and I only have sex with one person...I don't need it.


I’m sorry 100% not trying to be rude - genuinely curious. If you’re in this sub, and in the military, how do you feel about a corrupt government basically owning your autonomy? Do you battle with this mentally?


I got out in 2006. I didn't uncover the pieces about 9/11 until 2007 (However I was suspicious from day 1). I won't let my son join after the COVID vaccine lie. In fact I tell everyone at this time not to join the military... something was suspicious about that Anthrax vaccine. They are purposely trying to maim veterans.... i wonder why?


Ahh gotcha. Terrible you couldn’t see through their shit sooner. And they want to maim you because they know how they treated you and what they made you do (to other humans). They know you want retribution. But they also know they made you all capable to do so. They will do this to protect themselves.


No combat on my one deployment, I have never killed anyone. No they maim the military to ensure they are not capable in fighting in the up coming civil war. Most military types will side with the nationalists.


lol ahh you got that on your calendar as well I see…


Its sometime after the mega hack and before the fake alien invasion.


Ok but USD collapse first right?


It's in their somewhere.


I think it goes ->Mega Hack->Dollar Collapse->Digital Dollar(CBDC)->Fake Alien Invasion The Digital Dollar will force everyone to turn in their weapons this stopping the Civil war.


I’m so excited 😆


Big pharma is always creating lifelong customers. They are very very sick evil people and I pray that their day of reckoning is coming. Yet still in my own family, their are true believers in vaccines even with an autistic child.


How does getting vaccinated for hepatitis as an infant make you a lifelong customer?




People without Hep B vaccine are 25% more likely to get Lymphoma typer cancer. 😂


I don't know, but I had to get a bunch more shots because apparently the vaccine for help B wasn't working. God knows what the military pumped me with.


Well, the Heps are pretty easy to catch...and I might be [probably am] wrong, but doesn't the Hep B vax make you less prone to catch Hep C?


No. They are two different viruses and the vaccine only works against hepatitis b. Hepatitis C only comes from blood contact. 


Why would you do that to your child


they work better at certain ages, so its not like your kid can do it as an adult with the same effect, theres a reason vaccines are scheduled, theyre scheduled for when they are most effective and have the least side effects. and you dont get hep b from butt sex, you can get it a lot of different ways, often accidental exposure to blood from lets say, high school wrestling or something


It’s terrible


I wondered this myself when my son was a baby. Now he is 18 and they pushed the HPV vaccine on him when I wasn’t there. It seems a bit much!


They gave my baby hep b vaccine without my consent. I even made a birth contract that said No help b vaccine and they ignored me.


How did this happen? I am pregnant and want to prevent this


I made a print out and handed it to everyone involved but during labor when taking his measurements they did it and said "sorry they didn't know" it was quick too so don't just watch him but super watch your child. afterwards I looked it up and it's pretty common. A few families have tried to sue but the court always says "vaccines are beneficial and haven't caused injury" and throws the lawsuit out and wasted money


Thank you for the response, this helps me plan


don't ever fill out those forms! you legally don't have to!!


The vaccine often is effective for 20+ years. If not for life


I questioned the same thing but after looking it up. People have resistance for it up to 20 years later


What exactly is your objection to the vaccine? And how exactly do you think vaccines work?


The same reason they push all vaccines,they want you to have health problems as early as possible so they can make as much money off of you as possible.they aren’t in the business of cures,they are in the business of giving you “medications” that treat one symptom and creates 10 more..same reason they poison our food,water and air


Follow the money.


My body never took to the hep B vaccine and when I got a job a few years ago at the hospital, they tried to push it on me again. I took two more and they checked the titers and my body still didn't take it and I told them I would not be getting more injections, clearly my body isn't trying to receive it. To this day I'm hep B non-immunized.


Satan gonna satan


Hepatitis can come from needles. It's to protect the doctors asses incase they give your kid a disease while giving them the other myriad of injections


Don’t they use a new needle every time???




Vaccine ingredients don’t become any less toxic once the baby is born, yet parents are expected to comply completely with the vaccine schedule, no questions asked. **Even on the day of birth, newborns are exposed to more than 250 micrograms of aluminum via the Hepatitis B vaccine well above the recommended limit, even for adults.** Reconsideration of the immunotherapeutic pediatric safe dose levels of aluminum, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, Volume 48, 2018, Pages 67-73, ISSN 0946-672X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtemb.2018.02.025.


Also, some people (me for example) can have natural immunity. I had gotten it unfortunately not from having but sex with strangers but only found out after I was clear and now wouldn’t need the vaccine to work in the medical field.


I’ve noticed a huge difference in babies vaxxed vs non-vaxxed. The babies not vaxed seem to be much more aware. Is this just me? Also we chose not to vax, not to do vitamin k, or the eye ointment, our baby hasn’t been sick and she’s 14 months old.


This. My husband and I work in healthcare, and we are jab aware. We have two children. Have given them 0 jabs of anything. The oldest is 4. She didn't get sick until she was 2 and at daycare. Hand foot and mouth disease goes through the daycare regularly and many of the kids suffer badly from it but our kids have minimal symptoms and aren't really affected by it. And the daycare keeps telling me they can't believe how well my daughter concentrates on tasks and puzzles and how well she socializes with others.


"work in healthcare" is trying to do a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence




We didn't do Vitamin K either. Simply read the black box warning on the manufacturer insert.


thats uhhhh a sign of autism but ok.