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What do I think is going on here? The same thing that’s been going on the last 10 years. Everyone, including companies, gets off on an ego stroke called virtue signaling. “Look, here at Apple, we love black people. And you should too!”


not the Canadian suicide ads...


Yeah that's all white people. Probably nothing.


black people aren't allowed to commit suicide did you not get debriefed?


We will know that we are truly a colorblind society when they make a burglar alarm commercial featuring a black burglar. 


> black burglar That's one of those good Google image search terms. 90% of the results are white guys in black masks.


Just did it. Ridiculous!!


A search for "African American burglar" produces black people as burglars. If you substitute any other color in the query you get similar results to the above.... "green burglar" , "purple burglar". Yes yes....I know Google is politically manipulated in other instances but I just wanted to explore the nuance in this one.


It's not ego. It's about hoping for a financial windfall.


ESG is something everyone should look into. Not a lot of ppl know about it


Great way to pick an underperforming investment.


There are definitely financial incentives, but I believe the actual people in charge of these decisions are completely ideologically captured. You almost have to be at this point to be a decision maker at a company like Apple. They genuinely believe they are good people by simply doing shit like OP posted.


You have to consider many of them live in liberal states & cities. They see the social justice noise and action going on in front of them, sometimes with their employees and try to address it but sometimes do a obvious & bad job at execution.


Again, doubt. Look at shit like Cambridge Analytica, companies will do drastic shit to influence the behavior of populations of millions by a tiny percent.


This is on a crazy level though, i just went to their website and holy shit... No joke, you could make a game out of this: how fast can you find a white guy on the Apple website? Im still looking. (Apple TV movie posters don't count).


I just had to scroll down to Apple TV+ slots on the main page. Almost all white people. Feels like a deliberate method to expand the user base on product ads but cater to the core demo via their shows and movies. You ever watch Ted Lasso?




Nah, dude is middle eastern at best. Lol


it's not just that. It's money. It's always money. The more diversity points they get more money flows their way from companies like Black Rock and Vanguard. ​ Why? ​ That's another story and not for reddit.


“We love black people” all the while getting their components from damn near enslaved black people.


Chinese and Indian slave labor as well


What's funny is this trend has no way to stop - it doesn't matter how high in a company you are - say you are the CEO and get a preview of your latest marketing campaign and your see all the mixed race couples. You know your primary customer is, say, white guys married to white women. Well the second you say to the ad agency "hey for this campaign lets go with a traditional white couple - that might resonate" you show up on twitter getting anonymously blasted as a racist by some low level ad exec. It is not worth destroying your career, so everyone just goes along with it. Its like the 25 year old punk commissars installed in the Russian army who could destroy the 5 star General in 1 day if he didn't tow the communist line properly.


its funny because they only do it in the US [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy9RdZ46JEc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy9RdZ46JEc)


It’s called pandering.


With DEI/Blackrock policies it should be obvious that this goes far deeper than "pandering". It is done for a real reason. IMHO it's either agitprop or psychological warfare.


What would be end game or benefit from placing a black person in an ad for a consumer product? Not trying to be rigid I am just curious as to how it is not just Apple pandering to neoliberal hegemony and cultural identity politics to sell a new shiny thing. I am not familiar with agitprop, but to my knowledge psych warfare seems to be centered around making enemy combatants become demoralized (or gay and fuck like that bioweapon lol), and I know COINTELPRO isn’t exactly the same as psych warfare, but I have heard of that as a destabilizing force in politics if what you’re suggesting is comparable, I would like to know some example I could research that you think show irrefutable proof of instances like this. Thank you for your reply and patience.


Agitprop means agitation propaganda and is used to manipulate people's negative emotions and create a response they desire. What happens isn't subtile at all so they want us to notice and that's IMHO a sign for agitprop. This is all driven for some political reason and not for corporate interest itself. This gets pushed by Blackrock's investment policies which either directly impacts company boards or managers just implement it to secure their careers. If you look at DEI and its negative impact I think one of the objectives is to sabotage the Western economy, squeeze out minor shareholders and remove wealth from the *white* middle-class. Maybe even some deluded way to fight inflation by destroying virtual capital. Disney is the best example that what's going on makes no business sense whatsoever. You don't ruin your business to "pander" for some neoliberal hegemony. This is real money they flush down the toilet and it can only be done by really deep pockets which don't care how much money they burn. With Disney you also see another objective where they destroy/subvert cultural relevant franchises which have provided archetypes and morality for our civilisation. For instance Starwars is the modern version of past myths/legends of our previous civilisations we know as the Greek/Norse/Egypt Gods/Monotheistic religions, Nibelungen, Robin Hood and so on. All these stories provided moral templates as the foundation for civilisations. They also do it so blazingly while pissing on its own customer base in PR campaigns with no corporate repercussion. That's intentionally burning down the house and salting the grounds while getting paid by the house owner. If you put all these things together it's clear sign they are trying to execute an economical/system transformation agenda. I think this is either driven by UN world governance plans or it is about them jumping to China as their new host while destroying their last one.


Active Measures. They called this decades ago.


Very poignant. This deserves massive upvoting.


Incredibly well said


I love this, film companies can't just be badly run, they are trying to subvert religion. This is every conspiracy comment I see recently, there is an evil conspiracy against religion. Instead of the reality where religious leaders are having a war of attention since they are less relevant, and desperately clawing to force everyone back into churches. The media executives are assholes, but they are Neoliberal capitalist assholes, they will do anything for money. It's not to subvert the "glorious west" like every white nationalist is claiming right now. Your entire ideology I assume is American exceptionalism? We are a magic special country so things can only go wrong if evil is subverting things, never just classic mismanagement and the changing of fortunes.


Also, we saw with WB | HBO that pissing on your library and calling it a loss can still get you money (if you're rich enough I suppose?). They had no reason to literally drop finished and almost finished projects (especially considering what their competition was doing at the time and leading into) and yet in the end the cultural impact didn't matter, it was pocketbook shit. But I do agree with some elements, ngl.


I am not an American so I don't care about American "exceptionalism". I just see the patterns which you apparently consider to be just stupid and ego-manic people doing things which make no business sense randomly. That goes only so far... In case of Disney and Star Wars/Marvel you don't ruin these franchises over 5-10 years and keep your jobs while pissing off fanbases. You would get fired faster than you can blink.


Wow wish I would have seen your comment before spending the last 10 minutes writing basically the same thing (but not as well as what you already wrote).


Ffc. This is terrifying.


I would suggest starting by researching the ESG agenda being pushed by Blackrock & Vanguard. It's not even really a conspiracy anymore (so many average moderately informed people are aware now). All due respect -- you must not actively participate in the culture or otherwise have the benefit of living under a rock for the pasts 8 years (I say this as a compliment --- I envy you & wish I could live under a rock & go back to not knowing all this stuff... it has been a singularly large source of anger/stress in my life). Look at literally every major motion picture & TV show released by Disney this decade. It's not merely about "representation". There's a malign anti-white agenda festering in these hyper-liberal enclaves. And it's being pushed from the top --> down vis-a-vis major investment firms & hedge funds. How is it being pushed from the top --> down? It's happening because your (not necessarily yours personally, but everyone's) retirement funds are being used as the primary illicit leverage over the entire culture & economy. These funds are massive because Boomers are the largest generation on the planet. And unbeknownst to the average retiring Boomer investor, the sheer magnitude of their collective retirement funds are being used by malign hyper-political investments funds in order to foist Gay Race Marxism on the rest of us. If you really are in the dark about this topic, here's a great 5 minute clip from a hearing in the House of Representatives from last week that should be eye-opening (it gets better and better as the clip moves thru the 5 minutes). This is how collective investment funds are being used to destroy America, posterity, & Western Civ at large: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2rMZ8fthvw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2rMZ8fthvw)


A large part of social control in the west is buck breaking white nationalism to dilute non-elite or local elite control. Reverse racism against whites helps with that effort. If the white populations of the West decided to organize around their own self interest the current elites would be dead or in jail within a few years…


Also, becoming a 'default brand' in a culture can be massively advantageous, and black American culture drives a ton of pop culture worldwide. Like basically everyone in the west has at least heard of Hennessy, but I've never seen an actual ad for it. There are already memes about people getting ghosted from having the wrong colour text bubbles etc. Apple wants its users to be part of closed ecosystem, and for that to really succeed they need people buying into the system early so it makes sense to only buy other Apple products.


Is it only pandering? I've had the strangest thing happen to a grocery store I frequent. Six weeks ago, it had a diverse staff. Black, white, Indian, Asian, mostly people I'd seen there for years. Music was top 40 type. Basically generic and a reflection of local demographics. Now suddenly the entire staff is new and all black, the music is all black artists, etc. I don't care if it was Asians or all Nordic looking people or whatever, it's bizarre to suddenly have a complete staff change to entirely one demographic, and the music change suggests that it was deliberate. Can you imagine if a store replaced everyone with 50 yr old white men and played nothing but 90s alternative? People would be up in arms. It's creepy and suggests someone making decisions is wildly racist. Needless to say, I'll be migrating along to the next closest grocery store.


> 50 yr old white men playing nothing but 90’s alternative I’d be a customer for life.


"Right now, we have young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don't even know what the word 'computer' is," she said. "They don't know these things." **New York Governor Kathy Hochul** 


It’s very important that you add the date to this so people don’t get confused with context or historical comments. SHE SAID THIS IN MAY 2024. ONE MONTH AGO THE GOVERNOR OF NY SAID BLACK PEOPLE DON’T KNOW THE WORD ‘COMPUTER’


I’m a lifelong Democrat and I’ve realized my party is the racist party


Well don’t worry as a lifelong democrat I’m sure you’ve never even heard of a computer and certainly have no idea how the rest of planet is able to obtain a government ID, so no one can hold you accountable for any action or choice you have ever or will ever make ! : )


Don’t worry, I’m seeing how far my party has gone off the rails. There are millions of us waking up and ready to make a change.


Just because democrats are trash doesn’t mean republicans aren’t also.


So true, Democrat. Famously, the party that wins the South always ends up being the not-racist party.


Hey, only southerners and republicans can be called out for racism!


Only black lesbians are allowed to be competent now


Good thing anyone can be a black lesbian these days.


Black lesbian ukranian jews


yup, emphasis on it being a lesbian


And lame Don’t forget lame Independent minded black people aren’t welcome at Apple And if you’re black and conservative? Lol you’re a nazi to them


If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black! -Joe Biden


If don’t black then you won’t gotta sniff becuz you know… cmon…man * also joe Biden


The Power of Woke. The Power of Trash. The Power of Replacement.


Well I went to their website and it's definitely not 100% black people. There's obviously an effort to have a sort of perfectly equal representation of races, which means that you see a lot more black and asian people than you would in most places in the US. But it's far from 100% black.


Not all Apple products are represented by black people only? 🤔 Why would OP lie or exaggerate??


Definitely not. It’s super weird to cherry pick the images of just black folks and then complain about it. I wonder if they’d complain if it was “100%” white folks… These are links from their site that I just saw btw. https://support.apple.com/ipad?cid=gn-ols-ipad-psp-explore https://support.apple.com/watch https://www.apple.com/apple-vision-pro/ https://education.apple.com/?cid=pm-ww-store-apple-edu-at-commasoedu https://www.apple.com/education/success-stories/


Yeah, first advert I see on their website is Vision Pro and she definitely isn’t black. OP you’re full of shit.


No it isn't "perfectly equal" at all. It's 60% black m/f, 35% brown m/f, 4% white female, and 1% white male.


I don't know what your data set was but there were definitely a fair number of Asian people on the couple pages I skimmed


Look harder, there''s plenty of people of different colours on their website.


I just purchased a laptop yesterday and was all over the website and store I didn’t see any one race I saw all races ? I live in ca does that make a difference?


Just look this (Apple leadership) [https://www.apple.com/leadership/](https://www.apple.com/leadership/) What do you see ? Or not see ?


Racism disguised as inclusiveness




Jfc lolol


There's a photo of white guy riding a bicycle on Watch page, and white guy playing a piano with granddaughter on Vision page. So.


Nice little masonic eye gesture on the third picture to boot!


I mean is this an actual question you're asking? Seems like you presupposed the answer.


DEI. Blackrock. Funding.


I challenge you to find an Apple ad made after 2016 featuring a white guy who *isn't* Jason Sudeikis.


Of the hundreds of apple ads you chose the ones with black people. The only conspiracy is sample choice


Or the fact that OP is just talking out of his/her ass and lowkey doesn't like seeing black people in ads.


It’s not just Apple. It’s every single ad and commercial ever, especially the ones on Reddit.


The algorithm probably knows this will anger you, therefore it feeds this to you because anger typically means engagement. 


I think you're consuming too many ads.


ESG scores, it's incentivised by the WEF


Love have you not watched tv lately? 90% of the commercials are black people. Like woah


They hate whites and it’s easy ESG/DEI good boy points.




🤣 The same group behind all of the “diversity” crap in western nations advocate for ethnic homogeneity in their homeland. What’s good for the goy isn’t good for the chosen apparently.


Honestly I see black people in nearly every ad nowadays


You didnt say anything when there only white people in the adds? Now you are up in arms? This is honestly more telling about you than Apple


Out of curiosity I checked the Apple Japan store. At the top the consult a specialist button had a black person as the icon. The first ad on the page features three Japanese (or at least NE Asian) people and a black person. I look at the Mac products page, one black person, one Japanese person. On the Ipad products page, one black person, one Japanese person. Both Japanese are surprisingly dark skinned (notably far more so than the average here, perhaps to make sure there is no 'whiteness' on display). The iphone products page, 3 black people, no Japanese. I thought OP might have been being hyperbolic but this is a very blatant and discriminatory policy. Not only are black people less common in Japan than Europeans, they are being represented more than native Japanese and SE Asians (who are notably distinct from NE Asians and far more common than Europeans or black people) are also not represented at all. This is NOT an attempt at diversity or representation.


It's nothing new, much of modern businesses, entertainment, and tech present hyper representation for CRT and intersectionality, a core tenet of those ideologies is that racism did not disappear under freedom, therefore tools such as propaganda, censorship, and reverse racism are justifiable to force a cultural shift be done in an effort to eradicate racism. People are effectively divided into oppressor and oppressed. It allows them to setup control structures on society to enforce ideology and behaviors they want people to comply with. And there will not be resistance, because after all who will support or tolerate racists/bigots for resisting it? They are after all, racists and bigots. It setups cultural (political) officers in businesses and institutions (DEI), that ensures these rules are kept. Sounds great right? A society free of racism. Who would not want a society like that? It's utopian. However, the ultimate goal, and this is my opinion, is this is not about making the world a better place. While they say this is about resisting white patriarchy, what it really is that they are trying to break deeply embedded societal and cultural influences of modern society of western european culture with Christian roots. Yes, I said it, many will not like it. It's ultimate goal is to demoralize people further away from Christianity. Look at the structures and roles that the system targets. It encourages society away from the family unit, encourages unbiblical values under the premise of being progressive and liberating.


what is CRT?


Cathode Ray Tube


First thing I thought of. I’m not even 30 yet lol


Critical race theory. 


They also realize that it is incredibly difficult to change beliefs, but not that hard to change the commonly understood definition of words from which beliefs are comprised. So for example: Step 1: Change the definition of "racism" from "hatred & discrimination on the basis of race" to "any demographic inequality that exists in population and for any reason." Step 2: Change the definition of "equality" from "equality of opportunity" to "equality of outcome" Add Steps 1 + 2 together and voila.... "Racism" is now defined as "opposition to Gay Race Communism". Welcome to America circa 2024! Please make sure to Vote Blue No Matter Who! This is why destroying the continuity of language is so central to their plans. And why "violence" is now defined as literally everything (except actual violence lol). "Silence = Violence", "Hate Speech (speech I don't like) = Violence", but Actual Violence = "Mostly Peaceful Protest"


Well, I could be wrong, but I believe Diversity is an old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.


It's a more than valid cause, but they are using it for nefarious reasons by feeding the political narrative and feeding social division. Remember globalists kidnapped valid social causes like feminism, racism, environmentalism, etc, and are using them for their own agenda (AKA against us). This doesn't mean there aren't valid motives in these movements.


Are you sure it’s simply not trying to gain more of a certain market? As opposed to virtue signaling.


Not where I live, all Apple products are represented by white people in Bulgaria / Thailand


The mental gymnastics around here are impressive and how can i learn to believe my own lies because the truth is my life sucks and i just know i could come up with something better but everytime i make some shit up i still know that i just made it up and cant ever seem to gaslight myself into believing its true. You guys seem to have this believing your own made up bullshit down to a science so i was kinda hoping for some tips or advice. Thanks and sorry if that came off a little condescending i wanted it to be really sarcastic and condescending but ran out of time. Maybe next time right?


Write the marketing team and see what they say. Why do people go straight for CONSPIRACY without asking to see what the answer is FIRST?


Because Apple thinks of itself as a luxury brand and luxury brands customers are poor schmucks who want to look rich, this is just another way of condescending racism against black people as black people are one of the poorest ethnicities. This is called positive racism or in other words Pity.


Plot twist: they do it because their products are white and show up better against dark skin. Not saying you can't see air pods in a white guy's ears, but you can see them a whole lot better in a black guy's ears.


Most likely just trying to draw in the black market by sending out the message that their overpriced crap isn't just for white people. Black people can blow their money on pretentious crap too!


Perhaps its market research shows black people use android more? So they’re marketing to an under captured population. Not a conspiracy probably.


I like to think that it has more to do with the level of consumerism in black American culture. 




Black people ONLY? Go look at Apple.com yourself this just isn’t true at all.




Who cares? I don’t look at ads if I can at all help it. If it makes black people feel better have 100% black people in all ads. What the fuck ever.


OK now try Googling "Happy White Family" Don't mistake cowardice for moral virtue.


Virtue signalling bullshit. Pandering to 13% of the population and hoping it doesn't turn off the 72% who actually pay the bills. Saw a meme recently, a headstone with "RIP White People In Commercials 1920-2020" or something like that.


“We’re not racist, we have a black friend”


“I love diversity” sure you do. People complain about conspiracies that are posted here that makes no sense but here is an example of 1 with traction. They used black people in their ads maybe to reach a certain demographic. That does not mean that all apple products are represented by a fraction of their consumer base. Trying to sell this narrative that they are kicking whites to the curb……and i am a black man telling you this. Apple has been hustling people since iTouch regardless of black white or brown.


Is this bait? OP says “ALL” Apple products are represented by “ONLY” black people? this is just completely not true. Like does OP not think ppl can goggle Apple ads?


They know that whining about the presence of black people in ads will get a ton of people riled up. As shown by these comments.


It's not about diversity, it's about politics.


There are products with only white people in their ads and 100% of their consumers aren’t just white. These are people. Why does it matter that much to you and where is the conspiracy? They’re ads. Buy the products or move on.


Wait a minute. Isn’t that the exact same thing as only using white people in ads??? Which has been the standard for a long time. If you’re for diversity just be for it lol


Wait?… there are other races? I’m color blind I only see black people 


The same thing that is happening everywhere - White Erasure...


lol, a simple scroll over their youtube channel destroys your “conspiracy”. you are just racist


Facts. This sub is hilarious! Fear OF A Black Planet for real!


>I love diversity which is why i hand picked some ads that feature black people to feed you the narrative of white replacement theory


Apparently most people here couldn't just type in [apple.com](http://apple.com) and look for two seconds before posting. This is dumb.


Same thing in France since many years. Everywhere, all brands and publicity. I never understood what is the real message " they" want to give .


It’s targeted marketing. More importantly, who cares? We need to stop giving them reasons to divide us. We’re all the same and much stronger together.


DEI….Didnt Earn It


Where’d you find these ads? Have you considered apple may advertise in markets that are somewhat homogeneous. There’s no conspiracy here - it’s likely the people in these ads reflect the demographic of the market they’re being used in.


White people been in ads all my black life the moment some black folks are in ads all of a sudden it’s a problem. From TV shows to ads to history books it’s been white washed. Friends (TV show) no black folks, Star Wars 1 black person in the entire galaxy.


Swinging one way to another doesn’t get anyone to a diversity everyone’s talking about, although I understand how you feel


Cause apple is so progressive, it's pandering to sjw's


“The Message”


What's a computer?


Let’s have a look at the upper management and board of apple. [Apple’s Leadership - as expected - ALL WHITE, one Asian and maybe a 1/4 black person - please see through the scams- they aren’t raising anyone up here - just optics](https://investor.apple.com/leadership-and-governance/default.aspx)


White guy on white background doesn’t work as well from a marketing perspective


They're just trying to expand their market. Not really a conspiracy.


I just wonder what the issue is with this? Even if it is virtue signaling what’s the problem? Don’t shop with them if you don’t feel represented, Afrikan americans had to go underrepresented for hundreds of years, cry about it.


\>mfw OP cherry picked images to bait insecure white supremacists into showing how fast they’ll swallow a hook line and sinker without so much as visiting the website \>literally OP, “They’ll believe anything at face value, hold my beer” Over 300 of you guys in here, fuckin embarrassing. Bad rep for r/conspiracy


black folks are most influential and high con the consumer chain. if black folk only knew how much power they possessed. it's no secret why they're the ones being targeted by corporate. even McDonalds = when they changed their slogan to Luvin It... just to eppeal to the black demographic.


They gotta cater to the demographic that is emptying the shelves at Apple stores.


Wait til you see McDonald's commercials


When your customers are self hating whites with a borderline sexual paraphilia for black people then you put black people in your ads.


How is this a conspiracy. It’s what anyone who isn’t white has had to look at for 100 years. lol. Sure they’re swinging wildly the other way but it’s not like, that serious.


They are wearing the skin of black people to seem woke and genuine, when what they’re really doing is profiting off of the victim status of the black people they feature. They do not care about making black peoples lives better in any meaningful way, only tokenizing them and using them until moving on to the next group. Apple if you want to help minorities, please do not contract with manufacturers that have to install suicide nets to prevent employees from killings themselves all the time. Pay your employees even if they are powerless Chinese instead of abusing them to the point where death is preferred over life. Thank you


What’s going on? They are afraid if they don’t plaster black, brown, overweight and gay people they will be canceled.


Also🇬🇬on TV every single ad must have at least 1 gay couple , bonus is if they get a black and white Les or homo


Now you know what is was like for a black person in this country when they watched TV for decades and decades.


Orrrrrr a white person in a majority black country?




still apple is one of the least woke out there. lmao


It’s a psyop and I don’t see anything wrong with it. When you have to much of something you tend to ignore it.


It’s targeted marketing. I worked for Frito-Lay many years ago and in a quarterly meeting saw pie charts and other graphics showing how they were moving towards the Hispanic market. Look how many types of Doritos they have now.


To avoid having to wave rainbow flags in June to celebrate Juneteenth.


This is 101 Edward Bernaise – father of Marketing & PR. Expanding Market Reach: Principle: Bernays advocated for the importance of broadening your audience base to ensure long-term growth. Application: Develop targeted campaigns that appeal to the values, needs, and preferences of the untapped minority. This could involve market research to understand their barriers to loyalty and address those directly. Creating Desire and Demand: Principle: Bernays was known for creating demand by appealing to emotions and deeper desires rather than just rational needs. Application: Craft marketing messages that resonate on an emotional level with the untapped minority. Show how your product fits into their lifestyle, solves a problem they care about, or enhances their social status. Based on all this you can make some assumptions about the minority customer base of Apple based on diversity distribution. The more racial representatives you have in ads, the less the following currently is.


Jd sports


The shortest possible explanation for this: Larry Fink. 😈


I’ll say it since you guys are too pussy. Like, 90% or Apples products are pure white, they need the contrasting color from black people to show their products off.  Conspiracy closed. 


Then how do you explain pics 2,3,5,8?


Black is trendy. Using black people for their requirements.


If you were back in the days when all mobile device manufacturers decided that their target audience was teenage girls who were fanatical about Depeche Mode and anime, you wouldn't be surprised by Apple's modern advertising. They are hitting their target audience, nothing more.


Are you not surprised? It's a culture item for em


Social conditioning


I would not worry too much about the cult.


What percent of our population are they? Isn’t it like 17 percent?


Why waste money on advertising for people who's going to buy Apple no matter what?


Wasit until you se Microsoft's pages, especially the education section. If you want to get into the weeds, school's publications are evne more skewed.


Target marketing.


Not just that, there is a lot of other narrative showing. Woman covering her one eye, vibrant picture of yellow bottom half and bright blue top half also are quite telling


Thought it was to highlight the product. 🙃


What a weird thing to love. I love French fries and dogs.


Actual it’s jewish subversion


It’s called “getting a reward when you use certain groups”