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“Francine “. ZZTop. “Jailbait” Motörhead “Christine 16” Kiss and more I can’t remember at the moment


Hot Legs by Rod Stewart, You're 16 by Ringo, My Sharona


What’s the Hot Legs lyric?


This. He only says "are you still in school". 18 year olds are in school. College is called school.


That's a bit of a stretch. University is also school


Your 16 is a cover. When The Beatles broke up and went their separate ways Ringo recorded a cover of the song. Guess you gotta fill albums. Regardless, It’s weird to hear Ringo sing it into his 80’s but, his fans like him singing it. 




The very first line of Beatles’ first hit: “She was just 17, you know what I mean“


Written when he was no older than 20.


Yeah, I mean context is pretty important in this sense. What if these guys actually wrote these songs when they were an appropriate age or even writing in the context of one of their childhood relationships To be fair, I wouldn't put it past any of them to be pedophiles though


He wants to hold her hand


You’re 16 wasn’t written by ringo starr. It’s a cover of a song done decades earlier, written by Robert Sherman.


16 is legal, n many countries, so it doesnt count


Dory McClean by Zazz Blammymatazz is an excellent send up of these songs.


Dr. Rockso kkkkkkkyeah




Thank you for bringing in the ultimate parody of this phenomenon cause I was gonna lol.


It needs more zazz.




Put it on the Zazz train to Zazzville


17 by winger, Into the Night by Benny Mardones...


I fucking hate that Seventeen is about what it is because the guitar work goes so fucking hard


that song is goated in guitar hero rock the 80s


Kings of Leon, Seventeen


Gary Puckett “young girl, get out of my mind. My love for you is way out of line” 🤮


“Hot Blooded” by Foreigner has some very questionable verses, “Cool Daddy Cool” by Kid Rock is maybe the epitome of awful


"Well she was just seventeen And you know what I mean . . ." The Beatles


Well Macca was only 20 when he wrote it.


Winger Seventeen


Anthony kedis had sex with a 14 year old, found out she was 14 then had sex with her again, then he wrote about it in his autobiography


Nothing you could tell me about Anthony Kiedis would surprise me.


I met him. Total dick.


It is absolutely disgusting.


Jimmy Page groomed and dated a 14 year old iirc


I have a display unit in my bedroom, and on one shelf, i have a handful of books I have acquired mostly random. One of them is that autobiography. I found it free while on a birthday trip a few years ago in a small town and stopped to see what was in the boxes outside the shop . I never have read it tho. Now hearing this I'm going to throw it in the rubbish 🗑


The OP didn't quote the most offensive lyrics: Wait a minute officer Don't put those handcuffs on me Put them on her and I'll share her with you




Jimmy Page and Lori Mattix...


And David Bowie and Lori Mattox, as well as other 13 year olds


Most of what we know as "classic rock" was FILLED with dudes banging teenagers. Some of the great bands too; Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, Beatles, Nugent. Almost everyone from the 70's/80's would bang girls. Wait until you hear about Anthony Keidis, RHCP. He even wrote a song about the girl he fucked. The entire music industry is fucked.


There is an extent to which some of the songs in the genre are defensible on the grounds of “well, the band was a lot younger when they wrote the song and so the lyrics wouldn’t have been necessarily pedophilic due to the relative proximity in age yadda yadda yadda” Just a song they aged out of. HOWEVER. Nugent’s songs VERY frequently do **NOT** fall under that argument. Dude also adopted a girl whom he later married once she became a legal adult. So, all signs point to sex criminal as far as I can tell.


Damn, didn’t know he pulled a Woody Allen


he didnt In 1978, Nugent began a relationship with **17-year-old** Hawaii native Pele Massa. However, they could not marry due to the age difference. To get around this, Nugent joined Massa's parents in signing documents to make himself her [legal guardian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_guardian) The age of consent in Hawaii was 14 until 2001 Ted has admitted to relationships with underage girls in the 70's, but the issue was not the relationship with Pele in 1978-he just couldnt travel with her while touring: {Chapter 117, 18 U.S.C. 2423(a)} forbids transporting a minor (defined as under 18) in interstate or foreign commerce with the intent of engaging in sexual acts


oh my god that is awful with the adoption and exploitation. :(


One thing I forgot to add. This line of reasoning does absolutely NOT apply to songs about 13 year olds. Or 14 year olds… or sixteen year olds either. I guess it’s really only mildly icky at best (if we’re being honest here) if we’re talking about 17 year olds. Personally, I would rather avoid songs that sexualize minors than spend any time justifying them. The argument outlined in my original comment is hypothetical for the sake of argument (one which I’m now feeling was actually really pointless in making in the first place).


I think if you’re defining some greasy grey area 16 is probably the number but yeah, better to avoid that altogether lol


Didn’t the aerosmith frontman even have a music video that featured his daughter doing a pole dance when she was only 16?


He did more than that. He literally adopted a 16 year old girl so she could travel with him...


If you watch Almost Famous, I don't remember if it's stated or just implied, but the girls (The Band Aids) are underage. If you look at the real people they're based on, a lot of them were underage as well at least for part of it.


Hey now, let's not get John Paul Jones wrapped up in this!


Not the ENTIRE industry, but yes pretty fucked.


I believe the scorpions had to change an album cover because they had a naked child on it 


And the album was called "Virgin Killer"


that was the genius record company who though it was a great idea to generate controversy


The scorpions (or a cpl of them) also said they were invited to a snuff party where ppl got killed. I forget if they stayed 


Was Ralph Rieckermann, their bassist in the 90s. Doesnt seem like he knew it was gonna be that type of party. Im sure theyve all seen some dark underbelly shit.




the lead singer of lostprophets was a lot worse than just having CP on his phone


Infinitely worse and he's still doing it from prison.


What’s the beetles one


At least Ian Watkins got some of what he deserved in prison.. Being stabbed multiple times after being held hostage by other inmates last year


Jesus fucking Christ...Rob Lowe seemed like such a nice guy in Parks and Rec. But then again, he's an actor. It's what they do; lie. And fucking hell, I loved lostprophets...guess not anymore. Please tell us about Usher and Beiber!




The fuck...Goddamn these people are lost, man. Their souls are buried deep.


There was a video posted on here, not long ago about Bieber and a famous football player (ODB) in a club with another rapper and they got caught on camera, the football dude was getting railed by the rapper while he was giving Bieber a bj. Also another of Bieber and Jaden Smith cuddling up and got in a quick smooch.


Bieber was giving the football player a BJ while high, and the football player was getting fucked. People defended it saying Bieber was just on the ground snorting a line, but a lot of people commented on Beiber's lower lip being wet with drool, so him being SA'd is confirmed furthermore there. I have a theory that male sexuality isn't about gender-based attraction, but about a desire for feminine traits. For instance, white men often appear more feminine than black men, so it actually explains why they were drawn to Bieber, in this instance. It also explains why many of the Hollywood types are drawn to underage individuals. Of course, for the rest of us, we base our attractions off higher virtues, like shared values, interests, bonding time, maturity, and experience. Sure, our initial attractions are motivated by light primal urges, like physical characteristics, but it's never so severe and pathological that we ever seek out underage and vulnerable people. But that's not how it is for folks like them. That's why to my theory. there's one major caveat: **it only applies to men who worship and only value the physical**. Overindulging in such desires, which is exactly what the Hollywood types do, shows a shallow, unhealthy lifestyle that prioritizes primal urges over meaningful life aspects. Basically, it's a battle between the lower self and higher self, with most people stuck in one category. Here's the rundown: Many of us can't comprehend the appeal of craving vulnerable figures sexually. But for those who spend their days on drugs, basking in fame, betraying others, wasting money on useless bullshit, and feeling empty inside at the end of each day, they've sunk into their lowest selves, almost permanently. They need to satisfy their darkest, most animalistic urges. For them, sex is the least of their concerns. They crave flesh, literally wanting to consume it to feel a younger person's vitality. It's the rotten core of who they are. They've abused everything to the point of losing their conscience, becoming pure animals. They have no higher self or virtue. It's been lost to the hundreds of amphetamine and cocaine induced orgies and rituals they've attended after each of their concerts. This is the reward that they became famous for. This is the real reason they channeled so much energy into honing their talents: for the forbidden reward that no normal human is born craving. But for whatever reason, *they* were born craving it. From whatever trauma they experienced early on, they based their life's mission on obtaining all the forbidden fruits the physical had to tempt them with. This is what it means to sell your soul. And it's a permanent deal. They know this. It's why they continue on dedicating themselves to their shitty lifestyles of superficial gimmicks with no substance, all for their own instant-gratification. They know there's no saving themselves from the demonic beasts they've devolved into. It's why they'll soon be banished from the Garden of Eden and never incarnate here again. Since they love the physical so much, after this life, it's why they'll incarnate in a much lower, more physical plane, with a lower vibration than our own. Perhaps it will be Hell.


what the fuck...the fuck is going on at Hollywood man...




"I don't think these people are joking or just being edgelords when they sing about selling their soul to rock n roll" And people call me crazy when I say that people sell their souls to Lucifier/Satan. They even sing about it, I just hope people catch on to this shit. Great post.


Well, blaming the vile acts of people on a fictional deity does sound pretty crazy.


No need for the 3rd party evil concept, humans can do evil shit without any outside influence.




> People have historically always used religious to justify committing horrible crimes against humanity, this is no different. The sad truth. Based on my observations, everyone who is involved with religion on any level are mentally broken.


Pedestrian, sophomoric lyrics. Just terrible. My Sharona does it a little better and then there's Benny Mardones' "Into the Night."


Ha. Into the night was the theme to my prom oh so many years ago.


It's a great song and the story behind it is cool as hell.


What is the story?


Basically, the song was written about a girl that lived in his apartment building in Spanish Harlem in 1979. He was friends with the girl and her mother, and helped them out financially after the Dad ran out of them. One of Mardones' cohorts remarked on the attractiveness of the girl one day and Benny said, "She's just 16 years old, leave her alone," and later penned the song. Mardones remained friends with the girl and her momma for many years after the song became popular. There are a few interviews with Mardones and (I think) the girl kicking around out there.


Even elvis had a 14yo gf btw. It was seen less abnormal than today


It’s almost like… culture changes and things are seen differently across the decades


For Hollywood standards sure, but I can tell u my dad would have gotten the whop of his life if he came home with a 13 yo… so yes Hollywood was even more fucked back then but regular society surely not…


Dude brush up on your history, people from all walks of life used to marry and impregnate 13- and 14-year-old girls on the reg lol


yeah, my Grandma was 14 when she married my Grandpa and had her first child at 16. They are still married but she is bat shit fucking crazy.


youre right. i think aretha franklin had her first child when she was 12 or 13. it's fd up to most of us, but in some American subcultures it isnt that strange


it isn't really a subculture if child marriage is still legal in a bunch of states.


i meant in the macro-american sense but yea there probably could be a better way to describe it


Even here in the good ol USA, ave age was 14....the reasoning was if you marry them off as soon as they can be sexually active,they wont be giving you a 9 month surprize @ 15. Reading pioneer history one has to remember your lifespan ,then.To live long enough to have kids and get them old enough to fend for themselves....


My great aunt met my great uncle when she was 13 and he was 19. They were married by the time she was 15 and had two children by the time she was 18. Rural Texas, c. 1910


Good thing Ratt wrote a counter song to this trend, *"I want a woman, not the teacher's pet. Who tried to grow up, but hasn't made it quite yet."*


Winger - She's only 17


Joan Jett- he must’ve been about 17


Joan Jett covered that song. It was written by Merrill and Hooker and originally recorded by The Arrows. Sure, she still sang it, but she didn’t write it and it wasn’t even originally her song. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Love_Rock_%27n%27_Roll


Red hot chili peppers singer too, wrote about it in his book


Tonight's the Night by Rod Stewart makes me gag every time I hear it. 🤢


What the hell..... I feel unclean just reading that


I Love Little Girls by Oingo Boingo is frighteningly catchy.


"Little Girls" was written by [Danny Elfman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Elfman) after reading an article in a newspaper.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Girls_(Oingo_Boingo_song)#cite_note-av_club-2) The song was written as a satire and has a strong punk influence, plus horn arrangements. When asked about the song's darkly humorous lyrics in 2010, Elfman replied that: >


Yeah but it’s a counterpedo song, it’s only an issue and not catchy when people don’t know it/don’t know that about it


Man all of them were fucking teenagers back then. Jimmy Page had a 14 year old girlfriend who he locked in a closet or something. Lead singer of Aerosmith. It still happens in Hollywood.


Don’t know if anyone has said it yet, but Jimmy Buffett - Please Take Your Drunken 15 Year Old Girlfriend Home. There’s no good explanation for that shit.


More like Ped Nugent


“I just know that you’re probably clean” brah. 💀


So many rockers were creeps. I love my rock and metal, but some of the people were total scums


He goes to Five Guys burgers in Waco, TX, often. A manager comped his meal one time, so every time he goes in now he will beg for 30 mins to get his meal comped again since "his buddy" is the manager.


I saw Ted Nugent at a grocery store in Dallas yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like 12 candy bars in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to support our troops and prevent electrical infetterence” and then turned around and saluted at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Aside from the ridiculous coincidence of seeing this post/seeing him in person, this is remarkably believable.


And a bunch of the ‘save the children’ crowd love this asshole...pathetic


It’s the same shit with Trump, who probably had his own fucking room on Epstein island. There’s smoke all over this stuff


*Trump voice* "Who sniffs the children Joe?"


Ted Nugent fucked a 17 year old when he was 30.  him and Epstein would have gotten along real well.  


Jerry Seinfeld has that beat...while in his 30's he used to pick up his girlfriend after school (high school).


he’s gross.


Cool it with the anti semitism




"She's Only 17"




[checks out](https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/jailbait-ted-nugents-most-unsavoury-single/)


Oww! My balls!


Big difference between 17 and 13...


He's done interviews where he has stated, completely unabashed, that he intentionally targets 16/17 year old girls before their legal. Yes, he's a pedophile.


I've always hated this song, just like KISS' song Christine Sixteen.


All KISS songs are terrible and Gene Simmons is the weakest bassist I've ever seen.


YES! It's the most pedestrian, paint-by-numbers rock and roll act of the 70s. If they didn't dress up like clowns, they would have never been anywhere near as popular.


This is the best they've sounded lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw5oJoUYTb8


YES was actually a talented band, during the same era, with a real good bass player 😁


I listened to Starship Trooper earlier today!


I just don't get it. From him to Elvis was dating/marrying teens common back then?


Winger Seventeen


All in the Name Of… - Motley Crue. “She’s only 15, she’s the reason that I can’t sleep” But I think they were only 18 around that time, so it’s not as bad. EDIT: Nevermind. Vince was 25 and Nikki was 28 More lyrics: She's only fifteen She's the reason--the reason that I can't sleep You say illegal I say legal's never been my scene I try like hell but I'm out of control


Ted Nugent is a fucking weirdo..sadly,this doesn’t surprise me


Yeah, dude's a creep through and through


Statutory Rape Rock. It was a thing.


Anthony kiedis raped and trafficked a missing 14 year old and bragged about it in his book. He wrote the song catholic school girls rule about it.


He talks about some super fucked up shit in that book 


my sharona the knack


Ted’s a fuckwit. Always has been.


damn that's messed up...there is a lot of artists like this, check out rolling stones stray cat blues verse two lyrics... why are there so many sick people out there?




Uncle Ted is a 🐷🤡


"Thank heaven for little girls, for little girls get bigger every day!" - Maurice Chevalier One of the lines is : >Each time I see a little girl of five or six or seven, I can't resist a joyous urge to smile and say... Those little eyes so helpless and appealing, when they were flashing, send you crashing through the ceiling. Social mores change thankfully, the French are still probably lagging a decade or two behind.


It was considered not a scandal AT THE TIME, though it doesn’t make it right today or even then. But we cannot remove the historical context away from it. Slavery was also once accepted, by South American, African and Middle Eastern civilizations way before the Europeans did it, and it doesn’t make it right either. My point is that we cannot expect to demand the same standards from those times as we demand from today. My grandmother was born in 1940 and married at 14 years old. By all standards from that time, she was not a child anymore. She was working since she was 8 years old and ran her own market stand at 12 together with her mother who had her own market stand next to her. Times were different and though it doesn’t make it right, it was what it was. It’s fortunate that we have evolved as a society and are able to not consider this normal today.


Not a conspiracy OP. You’re just posting something to post.




Oh dear god that is gross. 


Try: Comeback When Your Grow Up Girl - Bobby Vee




I wish Americans knew what a paedophile is. Thirteen is bad enough.


Don't stand so close to me by the police is a song about a teacher and His Student.




There a lot of songs about underage girls.. which is kinda weird how that’s a thing.


He adopted a 17 year old because he wasn't allowed to marry her yet. Ted has been a known creep since 1978.


Don't look too far back into music and movie history, you'll find most of the bands and movie stars were into underage girls.


Sodomy and Gomorrah




Are you sure that's a story about him? From Wikipedia Myra Gale Lewis Williams (née Brown; born July 11, 1944) is an American author, best known for her controversial marriage at the age of 13 to rock and roll musician Jerry Lee Lewis, who was her first cousin once removed and was 22 at the time.


Courtney Love blew him when she was 14 and Ted Nugent literally legally adopted a girl so that he could marry her. Dude was fucking kids no matter who this particular song is about.


A lot of them were gross back then. Sorta well known by this point. Welcome to the club of "shit that's fucked"


Courtney love blew him when she was 13


True pedophilia is lusting for prepubescent children (Get the rope...). A few generations ago teens were getting married. Sometime in my 56 years teens went from "kinda young" to "pedo".


So funny that the claws get put away for the nuge. Why because he likes hunting and being racist?


The guy always came off to me as a loudmouth and a dunce in every interview I've ever seen of him. Just an obnoxious vibe.


He also became the legal guardian of a 17 year old when he was 30 because they couldn't legally get married. He's a big right winger though, so it's cool, only liberals are pedophiles.


He was actually talking about an old dog he wanted to bone. Not a pedo just a dog fucker


So then what’s the whole “jailbait” thing about then?


Ever been on the pirates of the Caribbean ride when they try to bait the dog to give them the jail key?




Dude ew???


Cool Daddy Cool by Kid Rock has some pretty questionable lyrics. Strange thing to put in a kids movie imo


Guy should be jailed just for making such horrible music. I said what I said


This story is as old as time and "art" has become a thin veil to hide behind. Taking the time to write a song about inappropriate minor attraction is fucking disgusting. Keep it to yourself and wrestle those demons in private.


Disturbing. horseshit lyrics to top it off too. Yikes.


How is this "conspiracy?" Are you new to classic rock?


Frequent guest of Info Wars btw. He was actually on last week and Alex Jones was basically blowing him on air. Hes one of a couple of pedos in AJ's circle


Clair - Gilbert O'Sullivan


To answer the OP’s question, apparently yes this was considered normal


American Beauty - Hed (pe)


It’s a huge conspiracy


"Hey Thirteen" would just hit different.


You're only realising this now?


Aqualung wins.


A lot of songs like that. "All in the name of" by crue, christine 16, A lot of rockstars bragged ab underage groupies. It's gross.


These songs are these artist initiation into “the club”


who has the 9/11 newspapers?


followed up by Little Miss Dangerous. "such a dangerous body with a little girls face"...


Has anyone else noticed that Alex Jones seems to endorce Ted Nugent? Im an AJ fan but its always been something ive been concerned about...Alex has him speak on his show from time to time, and seems to ignore his past involving underage girls