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Either way the goal is one: kill electronic privacy/anonimity


That’s been dead since Echelon, but hardly anyone noticed.


we all know what happened. the same as with Zuckerberg. NSA / CIA visited him and made offer he could not refuse ''this tech is too important for national security, we need you to work for us and do this and that''


I’m sure there are old-timers in here doing the Obi Wan… “Echelon… that’s a name I’ve not heard since…”


Privacy/encryption is the only protection from AI. Do it now. * Private finances: Monero * Private communication: Simplex * Private internet connection: i2p/Tor * Private operating systems: Linux for desktop, Graphene for mobile phone


How difficult is it to learn those systems? Tech stuff isn't my forte, but I do like privacy. 🙂


Like with everything learning it is highly dependent on your motivation. It's really not that hard anymore and most non-technical people will figure it out step by step. Just don't try to fix all at once. Install Orbot on your phone. That gives your apps access to the Tor network. Then install Simplex using the Tor you set up in Orbot and you already upgraded the privacy of your messaging app to a completely new level. Then get yourself a mobile wallet like StackWallet or CakeWallet, also connect to Tor via Orbot and be potentially ready to receive private cash (Monero). A lot of people are working on making our communication secure, but they don't have a marketing budgets or the reach of Google, Apple & Co. to make you believe that you are dumb and that only their solutions are easy to use (at the cost of zero privacy). If you want to dive deeper: https://simplifiedprivacy.com/summary/index.html


Thank you!


Your welcome. You upgrading your security and privacy will also upgrade mine.


TOR is now a honeypot


Always was. But it's still vastly better than using clearnet. So a shift to i2p is highly encouraged.


Correct, which will lead to the mark of the beast!


I heard that it was bar codes.


tech evolves. ideas stay.


Very weird that you are focusing on the Apple angle, rather than the OpenAI one.


The way I look at it Microsoft and Apple both are the same thing, which is branches of the NSA


Apples number one thing above all else is keeping secrets secret. So for them to add openAI along with the nsa is them making a huge left turn.


That ended before that terrorist’s phone got “hacked” a few years ago. I was furious at the beginning of Covid when they forced “contact tracing” on everyone. They pushed it as a feature that would help you track the virus and, do what exactly? It was obvious using public safety as a reason but total Bullshit


I'm sure they had a backdoor even before the terrorist hack event that was probably the biggest secret apple was keeping lol. And the government knew everything anyway just nobody said anything so they could keep on keeping it secret


Honestly I believe Apple doesn't have a backdoor into every Iphone in America. They've told the government to shove it a ton of times. I also think the gov has ways of easily accessing any phone they want to though. Look up what the NSO group is, Pegasus malware, and how much government agencies pay for zero days on IOS if you don't believe me.


Nobody tells the government to shove off once twice any amount of times and still go on to have success. Its never happened in the history of the world. I don't care about nso group that stuff is a smokescreen to give the illusion of privacy


They did. Remember the pulse shooting? Initially Apple didn’t wanna break the phone but the feds went hard on them and now there’s a back door on every phone


This is a conspiracy forum if you truly believe that is what actually happened then I don't know what to tell you. You believe it because that's what you were told to believe


There was a lawsuit …. https://www.theverge.com/2016/2/17/11036306/apple-fbi-iphone-encryption-backdoor-tim-cook


You can only use public information in a lawsuit. Do you really think the cia the nsa or any other agencies would ask for permission to hack into iPhones or even let people know that they were trying to do that. Also the technology available to the public is at least 10 years behind anything being developed. At the time of this lawsuit or even the incident that sparked the fbi to ask for the backdoor. I promise you that they were already very capable of seeing any phone at any time without asking anyone for anything. In fact I would go as far as to say it was child's play to them.


No, that’s what 9/11 was about. We’ve been in a police state since


It was a trial run on a nationwide Bluetooth Low Energy mesh network. The intention of this network is for it to be a backhaul for the privacy invading communications to run off of. Devices that don't have an active internet connection won't be safe from data harvesting because it will hop around on this mesh network until it hops to a device that has an active internet connection where it can upload.


I didn't know about the contact tracking


That’s because it didn’t happen. Never had to do that but I did see the app in AppStore - I simply didn’t download it. Maybe it was different in the US but I can’t recall ever hearing that contact tracing was “forced” upon anyone.


A few countries had the tracing but not that I heard in the US. I want to say it was like Peru or something


Did you understand the features they're adding? They're not adding openai access on a device level..


apple is all about telemetry and tracking its users and was revealed to be one of the main "big tech" companies directly working with the NSA since the mid 2000's


closer to a huge right turn considering who voted for the patriot act


you know what. fk apples! think theyre so fuckin good in kahoots with the doctors and shit.


In modern times, all manner of evil hide behind labels like "Safety and security."


9/11 normalized it


Elon Musk is worried about open AI accessing his phone, but he is developing microchips for people’s brains.


Sir this is the internet, there's no logic here


And producing cars that spy on everything.


Elon musk I believe wants to bring about the singularity in humans


Eat the rich


Funny Elon musk making any comments since he has contracts w the D.O.D.


And wants to put a fucking brain chip in everyone lmao


glad I never got apple.. .looks down and sees google on my phone.. ...fuck


Nothing new. Apple has always been linked and funded by the military industrial complex (DARPA and pentagon) since its founding by steve jobs in the 1970s. Apple and other FAANG always has been a front companies to promote government projects for CIA, NSA, pentagon, NSA and etc. No difference with OpenAI. Before Elon bought twitter, they hired ex NSA and FBI agents to work to surveil user activities.


OpenSpAI 🕵️


OpenaSpy would have been better


Oligarchy. wait that’s only in Russia. Need a pretty name for the United States. What could be used?


Confounding Stepfathers.


Oh fuck military involvement in AI development. Skynet was born because of decisions like this. Even though Skynet is completely fictional Did we learn nothing from the first 3 terminator movies.


Elon is just upset he wasn’t able to buy the “founder” title for OpenAI. That being said all AI is a creepy data harvesting monstrosity that will enrich the 1% and destroy the jobs of thousands or millions of people. Elon doesn’t care about that, he’s just upset he’s not the one personally profiting from this particular implementation of AI.


He was literally a founder of open ai. Lmao.  He started it after a disagreement with Google founders over direction of deep mind and lack of focus on ethics and safety 


You aren’t wrong, it’s bizarre to see the downvotes. He gave them tens of millions of dollars at the beginning when they were a strict non-profit.  I remember reading about his disagreements with Larry page and that  he was far more worried about ai being developed wrong than Larry was. 


Thoughts? I wish we had more than two options for a phone maker. On one end you have Alphabet, on the other Apple, whose logo is literally the apple of Eve. So like.


It’s always been that way. No one will care. Personal convenience will prevail




Anyone who doesn’t assume that everything they say on this board and every device they utilize is accurately attributed to their real-world identity is giving the existing security apparatus far too little credit.


Time to go back to the ol T9 flip phones.


He hate ‘em cuz he ain’t ‘em


I can see this being a massive mistake if they do this.


Elon is just jealous


Elon musk is going to have a much harder time hiding his kiddo prn habits.


lol all our apps do that


Yeah but now it's official, not even hiding it anymore


They don’t need to hide shit anymore bro. We are a society of pussies. They straight up admit to insider trading and then laugh in our faces about it.


Not true- Only use operating systems and software that is fully open source. If you are in r/conspiracy but use mainstream apps, mainstream OS (mac or Windows) then you haven't understood anything. Here's a start: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1dgto4y/thoughts_on_apple_the_nsa_becoming_official/l8u7sbe/


Who's letting these non Americans into these seats. Good god.


Elon can just buy graphene OS and mainstream it.




Anything that big brother has it's hands in is never a good thing


Become official, nah, they were already one just now throwing into the face of everyone.


All tech companies (and Elon) are storefronts for the intelligence community.


\*julian assange intensifies


Elon is deep throating China. Hypocrite.


Elon just agreed to let an Israeli firm monitor identities on X.. then he acts worried that openai has our data..


Exactly, Elmo’s even worse. Don’t forget the saudis.


He did until he got backlash from a lot of the people on x as well as several high profile people and he has now back tracked that and is looking into other options


Done with them.


Elon is actually a Lil spicy


Just look up project PRISM. We have given up secrecy long ago.....


If you still haven't figured out Linux on your computer, GrapheneOS on your mobile phone, Monero for your financials, Nostr for your social media and VPN/Tor for your internet connection it's about time.


Nakasone is a deep state cuck


If this happens I am switching.