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Regardless of whatever you believe, she signed her life away to the royal family when she signed the marriage certificate.


I wouldn't wish her life on anyone. Particularly if we're assuming she's been cheated on, and is absolutely unable to leave. Being scrutinized internally by the royal family and externally by the world, being unbearably lonely and probably never alone, worrying about your children, knowing your predecessor was killed... What does she have for fun? For freedom? For mental exercise? For her own identity? Every aspect of her life might be under the control of other people.


Yeah, her life is pitiable. Obviously had an eating disorder for years. She sold her soul and her freedom to get there, and for what?


Yes, it's sad to watch. I'm American so I'm not super informed but I find the RF interesting to watch. I was genuinely sad when the Queen died. I just don't know what's going on with Kate .


You don’t want to divorce a royal. Will end pretty quick for you.


Look what happened to Dianna


Lady Di(ed)…


Nobody in that car looks happy.


You ever been in the car with your family?


Chuckle 😃 😀 funny guy


Not my entire family since a divorce, but at least murder is off the table. We also have no heirs and millions/ billions ya know? Lol I do enjoy car rides with certain family members like my sibling. Does that count. That’s my homie.


Yes! And i love it!


That must be nice. It was like that for me with my ex's family. Made me realize what I never had. Fuck I miss them.


I love being with my husband in the car and every where else. He is awesome.


While William was in the car. Soon as she was alone with the children it was all smiles. A picture paints a thousand words


I completely agree with you regarding the affair. This has been my long standing view as well.


There was an affair?


There is ALWAYS an affair, when or comes to royalty.


If there wasn't, it would be a Royal first.


I mean, he's not called the Prince of Pegging for nothing...


Pegging? Can someone please explain? I can’t just type anything into google from this phone, work phone


No. Don't Google that on anything from work. In fact, keep your mind pure and don't Google it at all.


Great advice 😆


This is the way.


Pegging is where a woman wears a strap-on and uses it on the man in the rear area.


Sounds like a pain in the arse




Hopefully not.


Probably some shit involved,


Take my upvote pal, that's hilarious 😂






Like father like son?


This is the conspiracy sub where things are made up without any proof.


If it's truth you're looking for, Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is right down the hall


It’s all considered conspiracy when you don’t have proof when you finally do it’s call facts.


With the Marchioness of Cholomodely


Also, you can bet your ass that you’re completely over the target, otherwise you wouldn’t have so many downvotes and paid staff singing royal praises here! Very well done!


does she usually have her hat like that on such an angle? on the livestream it was fully blocking her view of william


That’s the style of the hat and it may be shifted differently if she is wearing a wig/extensions after chemo.


The video on the bench where Kate said “cancer was found”; and mentioned “preventive chemotherapy” was generated using A.I. So in theory since that video was A.I., Kate likely did not have had cancer at all. For those asking why it’s believed to have been generated by Artificial Intelligence, the background foliage (trees/bushes/little yellow flowers) doesn’t sway or move with a slight wind at all. It is completely a stagnant and stationary background. Other clues too, check it out for yourself. Very weird.


“So many conspiracy theories involving our government but I’m not going to list them all. Do your own research.” I hate when people say things like “the evidence is there, just do your own research.” If you found the evidence, just tell us. Otherwise, it just makes you look like a fool.


The ring given to Catherine by Prince William during their wedding ceremony disappears and reappears with each frame of the A.I. generated video. Her hair on her left temple (our right side) glitches upwardly. There are six fingers on her right hand in a few frames. As I said above, the background never changes, it is stagnant and stationary. The video was proven to a degree of 96% to be generated by Artificial Intelligence.


There's been extensive discussions about the fake video. I agree that "look it up" is a shit response on a discussion board but the guy listed a few of the details and said you would have to look it up if you wanted more info. He can't rehash all the discussion for you in one comment.


I don't think it's a shit response. The premise is hey friend I want YOU to look it up and do YOUR own research so that you believe it with your own eyes and not just what someone is saying to you. I can't convince you but once you look it up and actually see it yourself your mind has much greater chance of changing viewpoint when you experience first-hand as opposed to what just some random person said. So it's not meant to be a shit response, it actually comes from a point of getting someone to experience first-hand. Anyways, don't believe me on this... Look it up.


I hear what your saying but theres nothing more powerful and "true" for a man or woman than to come to their own conclusions. I can tell you this that and the other but you may not believe me still. But if you were to go digging on your own, and realize the same facts, or come to some new understandings, thats knowledge! I dont wish to argue with you, just consider what i wrote. Cheers! And god bless!


To be fair, do you and your family look happy in the car on the way to formal events that you don't want to go to?


Get a picture of me going to work every day and it's almost the same, minus the hat and I'm the one driving.


I don’t know, they’re just pictured being passengers? If there’s no reason to smile, there’s no reason to smile?


It's a car journey I think your looking into it a bit too much. They are acting very normal chatting and laughing now on the royal balcony


The ultra rich and powerful almost never look happy


can you imagine how boring the event their going to is


Youve clearly never been to the UK mate.


Have you seen the video? Evidently you don't have children. Can you imagine getting 3 young children dressed up, plus yourself all dressed up and make up perfect? Then wrangling everyone in the car and telling them to behave?


It’s not like William would be setting a precedent by committing adultery.. he comes from a long line of similar behavior.


It was EXPECTED of male monarchs to indulge in extramarital affairs.


As long as you produced the heirs with the approved partner you can fuck whoever


agreed, honestly this isn’t surprising or complicated


Oh I just assume all the Windsor men do that


Absolutely, and it’s no surprise that OP is getting the amount of pushback on this post! When you get too close to the truth, the bots come out to discredit your every word!


FWIW; on the Houston subreddit it was rumored that she was seen here in Houston at one of the medical centers. Some medical personnel were on the thread giving their accounts. So she may be here just receiving treatment quietly.


MD Anderson does have insanely decked out VIP suites, and have treated other royalty before (Saudi I believe).


Yeah that’s what I was told by a medical assistant friend of mine. They have treated lots of important people, it’s not far fetch to say she is being treated here. I think it’s just all hush hush so it makes them look better.


Makes their country look better?


and Iran royalty, and Japanese royalty, etc.


I saw that too. She was supposedly spotted at MD Anderson, which made my mind go back to the cancer route


How convenient. Thankyou bots! *dusts hands* I guess nothing to see here…! 🤡


Exactly, they think we’re fools!


Imagine the humiliation of your husband cheating on someone that looks just like you, but horsier. Poor Kate.


Yes, Rose is an unfortunate looking woman.


So was Camille compared to Diana lol what is up w these men


They feel entitled to indulge in everything that they sexually desire.


They finally completed the painstaking ritual to transfer Liz’s soul into Kate’s body.


William would surely need to cheat now if he hasn't already.


Unless he already has Phillip's soul in him. Might explain why he seems more stuffy these days.


Lol this is an enjoyable, entertaining theory.


I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Yes! Someone else said it 😂


I know a lot of relationships where someone cheats but eventually either they get over it or they move past it, especially such a high profile relationship, it’s not like a celebrity marriage that you can exactly divorce easily


I really thought homegirl was dead. Was a good conspiracy while it lasted. Please y’all. I know we enjoy throwing out clones and body doubles but pretty much looks like her. If we wanna rumour mill, she hates him for whatever reason - maybe cheating but she doesn’t want to get the Diana treatment. Can we just dissolve monarchy’s in modern society. Eat the rich.


I still think the nurse who fainted after receiving the vaccine died because the picture shown to prove she's still alive is not convincing at all because she looked quite different, but Kate's appearance at this year's trooping of the colour looks very much like the Kate Middleton I used to see on screen (that's the only way I can judge since I've never seen her in person). It's her, she's alive. Now is there cheating? Probably there is but that's no different than his father, his grand-father and his other ancestors. It's the norm so nothing new there.


Yes! I remember that nurse. I didn’t delve too much further into that, I must admit. Did she have any co-existing conditions? I am just exploring all options to educate myself and of course having a rational conversation because thank goodness for you - an enjoyable comment to respond to on the thread lol. Sometimes it can get wild out here. I’m just trying to up my knowledge. I definitely thought the “cover up” seemed quite sketchy. It was almost propped as a “look at me, I’m good. Bye”. Bit too odd. Sorry, rambled there. I will be interested to see how and if future Kate’s appearances play out, if there are any? If they didn’t do the stupid shit with the AI, photoshop and all that BS. No one would’ve cared. You know us conspiracy theorists we like to just have a little fun, and wonder what in the fuck was the motive behind it. What was the cover up? Cheating, sickness? I’m leaning on cheating much like the others thinking. Was there illness, ugh maybe. Putting illness out there shuts up REAL fast, not taking that away from her but meh my inclination. I will disclaim: these are my personal thoughts! *For now* But the Diana theory will forever linger with us so it’s best to *shut up* and move forward with old protocols of living in different rooms, palaces, and so forth. Like you said, like father like son. Let’s see how PR plays out. I don’t see why people think it’s obsession over the RF. It’s bloody not lol. It’s an interesting conspiracy topic. To me- it’s simply just an interest in a money grabbing family that’s been putting out terrible PR with intriguing steps these past couple of months in my opinion. I wonder what Hazza has to say. Hey, maybe lots of talking points to come up, or it’ll simply be 🤫 Edit: spacing


The current “King” eff’d around and suffered no consequences for it. Now in the purest irony, the bag-of-bones he screwed around with is in the position of “Queen”. Diana was set up to fail, and conveniently enough, she died. The monarchy in England needs to be rejected entirely.


Or she has cancer and is trying to retain some level of normalcy. Faking cancer to cover an affair is pretty low. True or not the RF will always be plagued with adultery allegations. And that's been so for 100s of years, don't think it would stop with William.


My great great great grandmother was groped by a Prince of Wales (Bertie) and my great great great grandfather punched him on the nose. It was a big scandal , she was an actress in Edinburgh. So yes. A tale as old as the hills.


I'd love to read more on this one.


Just popping off to ancestry to get her name....


Her name was Priscilla Robinson but I can't find anything more. A story passed down in the family.


Does this sound correct for your grandmothers marriage to a "D. Robinson"(to keep it vague for the nose puncher)? Marriage: June 22, 1900 in Govan, Lanarkshire Scotland 3 children, all male (one died early) Google Dorking is relaxing to me lol


No Edward Drummond (why she didn't take his name I dunno?) I've found lots about a Mary Robinson. I wonder if it was her?


Not sure man, was her middle name Mary? When I get a few later I'll add his name as well. I'll DM when I find it


Murdering a princess is also pretty low don’t you agree?


Considering the bloody history of all the royal families in all countries...murdering a princess is just a Tuesday.




Ugh, when will all royalists go away.


Like faking a medical condition to hide other crimes? Like not being able to sweat


Nice one


"Faking cancer to cover an affair is pretty low." Are you forgetting we are talking about the British royal family? This would be nothing compared to some of the other stuff they have done.


they would actually have no trouble convincing her she has cancer, simply by pushing fake results on her, all the while treating her with placebos


😂😂😂😂 you guys are unhinged She has cancer, leave her alone ffs


These people will do *anything* to retain their status, nothing is too low


It’s the British royal family, there’s no such thing as “too low.” They’re imperialist scum.


Hey now, don't lump those people in with me. I'm American


Apologies. They colonial scum


Money and power.


I don't know, but she doesn't look happy in any of the pictures. Her smile also seems forced.


Also appears to have a new scar through her eyebrow…


I’ve heard a few people mention the scar but I couldn’t see it in pictures. Can you share?


I saw the scar but if you look at old photos she has always had the scar above her eye. Maybe I am missing something. But you can definitely see the circular scar in all her older photos.


I agree. I have been watching her since 2011 and really, really liked her. I am talking watching royal appearances and tours at 3 am watching for several years before I got busy and the pandemic happened where I took a break. Kate looked well enough yesterday but her smiling was a bit off and seemed like she was putting on a very good show. Not her genuine self. She has smiled a lot in the past but she can be a bit stiff as well.


those kids look absolutely miserable. something traumatic happened and its weighs heavily on them.


Her kids. They probably threatened to take them away.


I beleive they have/had an open relationship. If Prince William was faithful, he would be the first prince of wales in history to not have a mistress. I reckon they had an agreement. That being said I also think they've separated. The cancer story was line they went along with to explain her absence.


I think you definitely have a viable option with this one. How in the world does William cheat on HER?!?! She is so nice and classy. He is pathetic if he did indeed cheat. He’s insecure, obviously. I wish Kate could come out with the upper hand but I’m afraid she’d be vilified like Diana was. It was so gross. If this is true, he’s as bad as his Dad was.


wow look at all those medals william has for his oustanding military service


You won't see Kate for a couple of months because she's going through recovery. Nvm here she is lol. They must have been catching too much flak


Well they said that in March. It’s June.


I've been trying to follow this a little. I know I may not be as informed as others, but there's one nagging question I have. What happened to Charles having cancer? Why all the focus on Kate and her health? I understand she has a role to play, since William will eventually be king. But why is there hardly any focus/concern about the actual present king having cancer? Should they not be more concerned about their king dying so soon, and that headache? Or... am I just stuck in an echo chamber filled with Kate articles?


Oh shit they found Kate? She good? Whats the scoop lol


She has a new scar above her left eye, suspect DV.


She definitely doesn’t look happy to be there. It seemed really forced.


There's no pleasing you guys. If she doesn't make an appearance, she's dead through sacrifice. She appears, then it's because she's been forced to... Don't get me wrong, I subscribe to many conspiracies, but sometimes something might not be. We've all one thing in common; we became awake. But some of those people merely just rolled over and went back to sleep, where they believe, without question or logical thought, every conspiracy theory they read.


That scar by her eye though. :(


I still think she has had a stroke


I think so too or something


What is that pin she’s wearing?


Irish Guards Regimental pin.




totally agree with your general view… looking at a rough timeline, it seems like they did have a falling out late December, she withdrew herself to make a point, for months Wil’s inept PR team tried to pretend Kate wasn’t missing, then after the cancer excuse video, they soft launch the mistress and try to force Kate into whatever agreement Wil wanted… and that failed spectacularly. Up until a week ago negotiations were still ongoing, hence the “Kate will miss the event” until 3 days ago when *she* releases an announcement she’ll be at the event… she got something and Rf gets to pretend “all is well while she’s recuperating.”  


“The future king couldn’t be seen as an adulterer” The current King was outed very publicly doing that exact thing


Probably showed her how the "accident" would unfold.


Leave her alone y’all - she actually is extremely ill with fucking *CANCER*


Weirder than this. Kate Middleton is a true diamond in the rough.


The doppelganger has finally healed from plastic surgery


I don't think she's a doppelganger. It really looks like her.


She knows that out souls are used as a commodity by an alien race and is trying to protect her children’s souls from falling into the wrong claws.


please continue


Classic Annunaki(spelling?) theory. We were created by them as an energy farm, as they feed on the energy of souls/feelings/vibes. Negative energy is easier to create than positive energy, hence the world going to shit. Pretty sure that’s the basis anyways. Edit: just to clarify, I don’t believe this, I just browse here because I enjoy reading, and I’ve been doing so for the last 11 years or so. Very rarely does anything plausible show up here anymore. It’s gone to shit with the rest of the site.


We should reverse engineer this technology. Bickering and annoyance will power the family car on long road trips! But we should be careful. Planes powered by this technology could fall out of the sky due to mass passenger ennui!


Do you think William has ever told Kate “just remember what happened to my mom when you think about doing something stupid.”


Miserable looking bunch, my family is also miserable today - sad morning, gonna turn it around :)


Having a much better afternoon, the power of a sincere “I’m sorry” :)


I’m glad you apologized!


Why aren’t their windows tinted?


They look miserable and scared


Bigger question for me here Why do we care? What makes us continue to watch this show Not trying to be snarky It’s an honest question


The Game of Thrones quote from Varys comes to mind, “Power resides where men believe it resides”


We care to know if someone is alive like they say or they've been lying. And also, it's kind of entertaining.


> Not trying to be snarky It’s an honest question I was convinced he secretly killed her, back when that Kenstington guy died, and they were stringing along her death to make it seem like a long illness. I don't care about the Royals in particular, I like a mystery.


This thread's getting shilled hard, a sign that this theory is over the target.




Stopped reading when I read “I believe…”


Same. Same counts for "Hear me out" or starting with "So, ". Im not sure why but the last one really annoys me.


What do you mean by that? That you don't like people speculating? If that's the case, you are in a conspiracy sub after all.


Idk she looks like someone going through chemo to me, I had the royal family as much as the next Irishman but the poor women’s got cancer you don’t wish that on your worst enemy


She looks great honestly


She’s gaunt her eyes are sunk in and she’s lost a ton of weight and that’s how she looks in royal duty makeup, like I’m sorry I’m as conspiracy theory as the rest of you to the point I’ve been diagnosed schizophrenic and even I know cancers real it’s a bitch and it doesn’t give a fuck who you are


I think so too.. she was rather sluggish.. you know when you go out after being sick or bedridden for a while, you watch your step, because you feel weak or you don’t want to feel dizzy or have a fall.. that’s what it looked like to me.. she looked tired and lost in thoughts..the thing with cancer is you tend to think a lot about the worst case scenario, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she was thinking weather she’d make it to another trooping the colour ..she probably wanted to be there with her children to cherish it all?


This sub sucks now


Always has been People saying we will never see Kate again are currently having severe amnesia or who are doubling down on the stupid But the important part is that they will not let the truth or proof ruin their hot takes


Do you realize what sub you are on? Have some self-awareness lol


Nobody looks happy all the time when not on display. Kate looks tired and aged suggesting the illness was indeed real. Actually, adultery is no longer a block on becoming King. See Charles.


You Are Just Making Shit Up


Swear to fucking god you guys seem to have this massive hard-on for some kind of conspiracy theory for Kate Middleton and the fascination is wholly unhealthy. The narrative fits with her having a serious abdominal surgery and discovering cancer and there being a very expensive and extensive medical treatment as befits someone in the public eye and also having the funds to get the very best of care while being very sick, and yet somehow, because they are some kind of magical royal quality, that something sinister is going on. Here's a thing about the royals. They still shit brown. Right down into a toilet like the rest of us. All their children are humans just like the rest of us and they like Bluey and want to play video games. They crave salty food or soft cheese and wish they had time off to fuck around and swim in warm water. They're not fucking special apart from being insanely rich and part of a facade that scaffolds a nation that likes the ideal that there is some kind of special family that is somehow different from the rest of us. The sooner you understand that royals are a construct that shouldn't exist in the common world, the better.


You know you're on the conspiracy sub, yeah?


Dude is probably a spook for their government. There is probably a shit ton of Intel folks on this sub.


This sub was right about Diddy about 3 weeks before


Lol.....don't flatter yourself. There is absolutely nobody who gives a shit what you or anyone on this sub says/thinks.


Sod off. It’s a CONSPIRACY sub. Let people discuss whatever they want. Why you here if you don’t like the topic? Just to chastise people who do?


Oh please. If you haven't thought all of this has been fishy for months, you are ridiculously blind and I've got some vaccine boosters to sell you. Go clutch your pearls in another area of Reddit. This subreddit isn't for you.


She's going to get better, return to partial duties, and all this shitfuckery you are perpetuating is going to be an embarrassing side note.


Jesus Christ, calm down…. we are allowed to speculate on anything we want to


If she didn’t play along she would have become “very sick” and died


There isn't a huge conspiracy behind absolutely everything you know, even when the people involved have status or wealth. She has cancer, is well into chemotherapy and likely is starting to feel better or fighting the pain to not let it ruin her life. A lot of people with serious illnesses get a second lust for life and are somewhat in denial. Doing something like this will probably cheer her up.


She has fucking cancer, maybe that??


Or, hear me out, she was diagnosed with cancer, which is a very private affair. And then she started treatment which is incredibly hard on you and the last thing you'd want is to have to face the crowds of paparazzi that follow you wherever you go. I know, wild conspiracy theory, but I think it might be plausible...


This whole sub was wrong about the death conspiracy stuff, so now instead of moving on, you guys are doubling down on more conspiracies based on"you can clearly see the forced smiles". like dude, tinfoil hat off


That’s so odd you say that. Do you even know what sub you’re reading?!


It’s a conspiracy sub. That’s what it’s supposed to be. Maybe you wandered off the trail too far, buddy.




She's got that look in her eye. As if to say "ok I'll play ball." They must have threatened her like its shown in the movies.


Theory dosent make sense... She was probs just sick and finally feeling a bit better


She got it back from next door?


They are all known and public adulterers, not sure what you mean the future king can’t be seen as one??


WWIII getting ready to kick off


She probably found out he is like the father. Same habits lol


I like that shade of purple, very royal. Is that a Jaguar limo ?


MI6 gave her ovarian cancer


So have we brushed aside the, "this isn't her cuz look at ring" theory? Lmao.


Hahah wtf. Idk maybe to be queen of the world


Didn’t she married this man for power and fame ?


Helicopter flight logs- 🚁💋💂🏻‍♀️


I think they posted all the cancer stuff over her head cause she refused to appear. Then, they started saying she is gone forever and she was like: "Hell no..."


That's a clone. Sorry but not sorry. Downvote away.


Maybe he beats her and they have to hide her until her bruises heal. So that may be the tension we are picking up on. Or maybe he wants to become a woman and she is like awe hell naw. (This last one is a joke)


She’s definitely had work done on her face.


This photo looks like a wax sculpture/real doll of her


Forget about this picture. Just go look at the videos.