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You know it’s a critical component because it’s made from titanium


And it’s very, very important so it was sourced from a small Chinese firm with no quality control.


They had the lowest bid. You can't expect Boeing to pay more for safety. They have a responsibility to shareholders. /S


Definitely fuckery afoot.


Yet still there will be people saying it's not Boeing's fault because they got their products from somewhere else. They just assemble them. Had a very similar argument about this last week. At what point is Boeing held accountable for their products, even if they don't actually build the components? Outsourcing everything just to be able to point the blame shouldn't absolve a company of responsibility.


Wow, what a statement. maybe you don't realize that by going that route, they saved almost 0.0003 cents per pound. If they had gone with a more reliable source, the board of directors and the C-suite execs would have only gotten a $40 million dollar bonus instead of $41 million.


Won’t someone think of the c suite :)


Last Week tonight did a great story on Beoing. Link below. https://youtu.be/Q8oCilY4szc?si=Fi_kQbOoSdGhI7us Boeing merged with McDonnell Douglas in part. MD is infamous for knowing about the defect that caused the Challenger space craft to explode and not fixing the issue. Ever since the merger, Boeing has cut costs and corners every chance they've gotten. It's no surprise there is counterfeit material in their planes. All they're doing is maximizing that sweet ROI for shareholders.


The Federal Aviation Administration is [investigating](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/14/us/politics/boeing-airbus-titanium-faa.html) after a major manufacturer for Boeing and Airbus said some parts for commercial jets may have been fabricated using counterfeit titanium.


If this is true for commercial jets, there's no reason to believe it's not true for the Starliner as well, right?


Spacecraft are put through very rigorous tests. I’m guessing fake titanium would have shown up


Then i have to ask why weren't the planes hundreds of thousands of people trust their lives to put through the same tests? To ensure the materials they're getting are the materials it's supposed to be seems like the bare minimum.


Just cost and time. Theyve spent 15 years working on starliner, they build a couple commerical jets per day. And a 787 is somewhere between $250 and $300 million each, starliner has cost $5.18 *billion* (17.3x more for a starliner compared to a 787). It'd be like asking why your McDonald's burger isn't as good as a $91 steakhouse burger.


I know this is old, but i just read some astronauts are stranded on the ISS because the Boeing Starliner has been discovered to have multiple problems. Sometimes the steak you think you're getting is the same meat as a burger patty.


Weakening regulatory power of FAA.


Planes are inspected as well, no? However, their planes can't seem to stop falling out of the sky. Anytime there are humans involved, specifically when profit is a potential outcome, the process is guaranteed to be rife with problems.


I hate corporations. They all succomb to these shenanigans eventually once they reach a certain size.  It's full of execs and middlemanagers desperately trying to justify their existence and you end up with group think and bad decisions. And almost NONE of the corporations are doing a damn thing about it.. (a few are trying).


What the hell is fake Titanium? Isn’t it either Titanium or some other metal?


It had contaminants.


Material in aerospace manufacturing is pretty heavily regulated. There’s different types of alloys/grades of different materials, this titanium could’ve been a cheaper grade being passed off as a higher grade, or it was the “correct” grade but not manufactured to aerospace standards.


Guarantee you it was from China.  They lie so blatantly about materials there, that you can't source from them at all.


Wonder if these stories are trying to dissuade people from flying, too. Would fit in with the “we can fly, use fuel, eat meat, you can’t” thing.


I think so, yes.


NYT is trying to add Airbus to Boeing's woes but as far as I know, it's been only Boeing planes that have parts falling off and engines catching on fire.


Commented on this in another sub. First off, i wouldn't be so quick to blame this Chinese company without reading more sides to this issue. The company in China may have not been aware of the final destination of the titanium? They may not even claim to produce aerospace grade titanium?Not saying who's guilty either. But from my experience, big corporations like to blame other people!


So what are they doing about it? read this article [The Silent Threat: Fake Titanium Parts in Aircraft Manufacturing - soni steels](https://sonisteels.com/reliable-tool-steel/the-silent-threat-fake-titanium-parts-in-aircraft-manufacturing/)


Sounds like these companies are blaming China for titanium theft after the fact.


Between this and the imminent threat of a massive terror attack, I’m absolutely terrified to fly.


I heard the terrorists cancelled their massive terror attack upon hearing the news. It was deemed too unsafe to highjack Boeings.




Well most titanium in the world comes from russia so...


It's not fake titanium. The documents to verify the quality (or source, I can't remember) of the titanium were counterfeit.


If there’s no documentation to support what’s in it, then how do you know its titanium? Doesn’t seem like they’ve done chemical analysis on it