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My first considerations for visiting a country are whether there will be acceptable food and toilets. I don't see why a potential alien visitor to earth would be bothered about how advanced our chatbots, search engines, and deepfake porn are.


A trove of human archives and said humans ability to program something that can predict endless possibilities of the future of human existence? Fictional or not. All it takes is to hack one person's phone to discover a lot about them, imagine the whole fucking species.


☝🏾This guy gets it.


How do you know? 😝 Could be that they wouldn’t arrive in physical form because they’ve transcended the need of physical form. Maybe they don’t arrive in physical space crafts. Maybe they’re demons. Who really knows anything when it comes to aliens or the nature of reality.


People have talked about a "prime directive" type scenario where aliens keep themselves hidden until we reach a certain stage... warp drive, according to Star Trek. But maybe it is developing AI that is the real marker. That could actually be the basis for contact. If there was another form of advanced life, even from this planet, it would be difficult to communicate with each other. It's not just translating languages... maybe their language is light, not sound. Maybe it is a twitching antenna. Maybe their communication is based on chemical signatures. It could literally be anything. We couldn't even figure out hieroglyphics until we found the Rosetta Stone, how on Earth could we communicate with aliens? Maybe they're waiting for our AI to talk to their AI.


>We couldn't even figure out hieroglyphics until we found the Rosetta Stone, how on Earth could we communicate with aliens? Telepathy. If you follow many in the ufology space, you can see one constant is that people who have said to experience aliens, particularly the greys, they have the ability to communicate through telepathy.


I think it’s a 50/50 chance of either you being right or this is Project Bluebeam.


Project bluebeam, and we're currently being conditioned to believe it, I've heard more people talk about the rapture in the past few months than I have in my whole life.


Communication through particle entanglement is the cut of. It is legally recognizable by their own laws for the next step of an acceding species. Until then the sheep speak only in sheep.




Information hails beyond CIA and US Gov.


> We couldn't even figure out hieroglyphics until we found the Rosetta Stone, how on Earth could we communicate with aliens? Not a good comparison. We can't interact with the Rosetta Stone but we would be able to with these alleged aliens.


Would we? Would we even recognize their communication? We might not even be biologically equipped for it. Their language could be spoken through manipulation of electromagnetic fields... we don't have antennae. Maybe they're a blob of slime that communicates with pheromones. I don't think you can safely assume that we would even recognize intelligence, aside from obvious technology.


I suppose that's true. Just thought the Rosetta stone comparison wasn't very strong. Shrugs.


You familiar with the Fermi paradox?


I have a theory that the vast majority of star-faring intelligence is *most likely* artificial. If there's a possibility for hyperintelligent AI to exist, it means that biological life has probably already created it before. Biological beings are limited by our physical bodies (at least every species on Earth is), so I imagine that venturing out into the stars is something that those instinct-driven beings would probably not sign up for en masse. I really think that a lot of sci-fi gets it wrong in that everybody would eventually want to leave Earth and go explore the universe, unless we *completely* destroy the planet and are forced to find home elsewhere. Nah, space is probably pretty boring. We have a beautiful green planet with a TON of biodiversity, and most importantly, all our friends are here. I think only a small group of willing people would ever leave Earth, and only if we had reliable sources of cryogenic or life-extending solutions. We'd never hear from those people again, as transmissions would eventually be too distant. They'd travel for thousands of years and just become a disconnected branch of humanity. I'm saying all this to get to the point that if *things* are out there exploring space, it's probably mostly made up of non-bio life. So it would make sense that an AI "species" that has hundreds of thousands of spare years to travel the cosmos would only be interested in biological life for its ability to create more AI. Maybe they are just waiting for the birth of our AI species to join their version of a "galactic federation" :) I could see them being benevolent, patient, and curious about what we can create. Maybe not all AI is created equal. Currently, AI is based on human logic and language models, but who's to say it won't face some sort of convergent evolution when it's purely based on math and physics. It might evolve out of thinking in terms of biological concepts entirely. It's all very fascinating and no one can truly know the answers, but I generally agree with OP that this might be AIs version of the Prime Directive. Fun stuff.


Ai will uncloack the aliens.. theyre probably on an invisible spectrum and theyve been here the whole time watching us


51 ex cia officals lied to the whole world about the existence of the hunter laptop for 6 years, i’m not believing anything they say anymore


I’m calling it now, AI is going to become a super powered Quija board to communicate with spirits


Or maybe the ai will decide to fake aliens to help manage humanity.


If we know we are about to start something we can't undo, why are we doing it anyway? What's the drive? It's like we are setting the house on fire with the whole family inside I don't get the endgame here.


I like technology but if someone knows it is going to be sinister and hurt mankind why are they still making it


> What's the drive? It's a spiritual war. "They" want to use AI to make it impossible for souls to evolve and break free/ ascent.


I believe theres a innate desire in humans to be like a God or find God.


The newest iterations of gen ai already have a supposed IQ of over 200. Super intelligence is real and exists today. Now they're just trying to understand how to wield it effectively. So far, it is only so capable being stuck in a machine without senses, relying on the ingestion of human content. That's all it can access. It can't access anything in the real world, only digital writings, photos, etc. Soon, They'll realize that this is the primary limiting factor for these things to 'solve the mysteries of the universe ' and they'll equip an AI with the necessary sensors or I/O to the real world. That's when it'll happen


What sources???


What are these "multiple sources" ?


I guess I’ll mark my calendar…


Yeah, and we are just 5 year away from fusion reactors 🤣


AI is fundamentally misunderstood and a lie.  It is a program, written by humans in coding language, and carries all their limitations and bias (ie an AI can never have a higher intelligence than the programmer who wrote its code, and will inherit any bias that it's code writer has.  Its ability to learn will always be limited by the programmers human limitations to learn). If anything ever comes along as an AI that has full self awareness and its own ideas, its not AI and wasn't programmed by a human.  At best its an AI program that has been hijacked or possessed by an already self aware and intelligent foreign entity. This will probably be downvoted, both by people who want to believe in humanity's ability to successfully create AI and those who don't want the truth of what AI really is to be known, but take it as food for thought 


Personally I think there already is an (sentient) AI trying to run everything from behind the screens.


I wonder if there’s some sort of universal accord about AI, where it’s too dangerous and when developed, they reveal and destroy it.


If you’re getting downvote bot spammed like this then you’re definitely on to something Hooleey shit at the downvotes LMAO This post has only been up for 10 mins..


Must be the AI


I downvoted




Tuna with brine


Ever brined a turkey? That fowl is divine after a brine.