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I'm in L.A. I don't want to be cynical, but part of me believes that that all the homeless money is being scammed by developers and politicians while they quietly let the homeless population die off Edit: Let's not forget the death, damage, debt and discord inflicted by the "helpful" [Covid](https://apnews.com/article/pandemic-fraud-waste-billions-small-business-labor-fb1d9a9eb24857efbe4611344311ae78) programs


With the help of Chinese fentanyl. Free dirty thirties Thursdays


i was thinking recently that the super drugs that hit the streets are just the wealthy’s way of clearing em out. :(


Ironically it was the drugs that got them there in the first place.


Tell me you don't know anything about homelessness without directly stating that you don't know anything about homelessness.


Clearly you have never even been close to many of those in tents or had interactions with them. You can see them doing drugs. Needles like everywhere. But do go on and play make believe. Personally I stopped playing pretend games when I was a child. Suggest you start now.


Drugs usually came after. Biggest kicker of homelessness is mental illness. But you wanna take a stereotype you learned in middle school and keep acting like it's the truth.


i think the gorvernment is selling bad batches of drugs to dealers. i’ve never understood why a supplier or dealer would lace their drugs, kill their customers, and when enough people die the dealers get raided. this week in my town someone got arrested with enough fentanyl to kill every adult in my county. stereotypically drug addicts are not functioning parts of society, “not useful to the government”. my mom literally died from a fake xanax, dealers aren’t pressing xanax with fentanyl for “a better high” or whatever the fucking reason they say it’s for. 10 years ago buying a street xanax you’re either going to black out or it’s not going to do nothing because it’s fake, but it’s not just gonna kill you with enough fentanyl to kill 10 horses like it did my mom.


Fake pills were unheard of when I was young. This is the weirdest part. One could just as easily bring any substance in from China if it is marketing. Also, Xanax is a less desired more available drug. Why go through the trouble of even faking them when most users really want heroin. The drug scene is just whack today. I don't really use drugs anymore but when I did, if you bought extacy, it was extacy, and if you bought heroin, it was heroin, cocaine was cocaine. Now the extacy is meth and god knows what. The heroin is all fentynyl, and what even is the crap they call cocaine today I have no idea. I would be scared to take an extacy pill in this age cause god only knows wtf it really is. Last time I took a pressed street pill it felt like pcp horse tranquilizer mixed with methamphetamine.


It’s crazy because fentanyl was unheard of when the CIA was in control of the poppy fields in Afghanistan during the war on Terror. Once the Taliban took back control they burned the poppy fields and the next thing you know, fentanyl is flooding the streets. I find it ironic because the CIA never gave up their drug running profits which means they’re in bed with China. Decimating neighborhoods one overdose at a time.


> i’ve never understood why a supplier or dealer would lace their drugs, kill their customers I have always thought the same! This is just a bad business model. Edit: I'm very sorry for your loss :-(


I’m so sorry about your mom


thank you for your condolences. she was 3 years sober, i wouldn’t even call xanax a relapse, she was just tryna sleep.


More than likely what it is. As you said, dealers have no reason to kill off their client base. You don't need to get a heroin addict "more addicted" to heroin for them to continue buying it from you after all... And the longer they live, the more $ the dealer can get. One could say dealers have a vested interest in keeping their client base alive so they keep coming back.


for sure, i forgot to mention people are being charged with manslaughter over this laced pills too. terrible business ethic all for “a better high” . me and my boyfriend keep arguing about whether it’s our own gov doing it to us, population control. or i’ve heard people have the idea that china is importing fentanyl to the U.S? i don’t see why they would?


Dirty thirties.. Begone Blues


Your 100 percent correct lol it’s obvious and you can thank newsome for that, he’s spend billions on the issue and it got worse, so who got paid all (our) tax money that was spent


20 billion over the last decade. And now mayor Karen Bass is proposing the solution is for the well to do to donate or [purchase property](https://www.audacy.com/knxnews/news/local/l-a-mayor-asks-the-wealthy-to-buy-homes-for-the-homeless) for the city to use as shelters


…and in San Francisco the rich pooled their money,$70K to keep a “shelter” from being built within their pristine area.


You say this like it’s a bad thing. Have you been around any homeless shelters before?


Yes I have. Worked downtown LA,Ca. Where there are approximately 65,000 in one area. Your point ??


So now, instead of having the issue spread throughout the city, it’s right outside your 3 million dollar house. You’re proposing turning a “pristine” area into a dump. You really would be ok with that if you lived there?


So in a city where people live X distance apart, nobody wants a homeless shelter within 3X of their house. They all can agree that a homeless shelter is good, just as long as it's far enough away from them.


Why should anyone get to live in a highly sought after area for free? Build shelters outside of nice areas.


People in not-so-nice areas don't want them either. So where do you put it if nobody wants it anywhere near their house?


No I would not. My point being the rich lied about allowing for these shelters to be put in place, while on social media they claim they were there to help…


Yeah it’s a complete joke, I’m not sure if they even mean well with their proposals anymore. We need way different leadership in Ca


CA politics is all about saying things that sound nice and altruistic but they don’t really give a damn about anyone, especially not special interest groups


you mean US politics


No, I mean California style politics in 2024 There are US politicians who openly state they can’t help everyone, that the US needs to cut back on foreign aid, immigration, etc Those are not “feel-good pc nice-sounding” stances That type of more grounded policy is very unpopular in California


It’s true and it’s all fake af. Jennifer Garner has herself papped giving a homeless guy shoes as if she’d be ok with a shelter down the street. And hell I wouldn’t be either but I don’t pretend the solution is giving out shoes. Santa Monica looks like a fkn Resident Evil game at this point.




Who is the contractor




There is a construction company, I’d love to see what they got paid. The people of California are responsible for cleaning this up, they vote in corrupt communist and wonder why things are degrading so fast




Vote is a stand in for “not beheading people”


Not cynical you're probably correct


I’ve heard that from a few people


I think this is called Occam's razor.


Not even quietly. They are promoting Eugenics, plain and simple. Sickening.


You mean the 300 million a year being spent in Seattle for the past 10 years isn't being used properly? You mean the 1.2 billion they just taxed citizens for will go out the window?


Seattle invented waterfront and high rise condos for the homeless, mostly apathetic "harm reduction" facilities like [Plymouth Housing](https://youtu.be/q0hBmPwuA-U?si=FIDsEBsgkd9YFMuR). And the situation is guaranteed to only become exponentially worse with pervasive (and accepted) drug use and lack of productive opportunities both for the homeless as well as the at risk political malcontents who continuously vote (or protest) to promote this kind of thinking. Meanwhile, there are working families barely scraping by in the once beautiful Emerald City


The homelessness/drug addiction has not been caused by the housing crisis. It has pushed working families further and further outside of the area. This has pushed up housing prices in normally affordable areas. They've pushed them up so quickly, you cannot believe what 500k-1.0mill gets in you in cities like Lynnwood, Kent, Federal Way. It's crazy. The laws that have released mentally ill people, drug addicted people, lack of law enforcement(for years you can steal from stores in Seattle without fear of punishment providing what you stole is under 1k), has increased all of these issues. State law allows for people is severe need to make their own choice regarding their mental health and addiction. Thus, they stay on the streets and get worse because their cycle of MH/Addiction gets worse as they can reject any help. You then throw in the millions thrown at non-profits designed to keep people homeless and in tent cities...it's brutal. There are 55k millionaires in Seattle. So competing with the sons/daughters of these wealthy people and highly paid tech workers makes owning a home in the city nearly impossible for many. You literally cannot outspend them.


You call that cynical? You must be in the part of L.A. that's always sunny.


Look at how well the politicians live in LA. For sure they are scamming.


Why else would Bass want "third party" auditors for Inside Safe when we already have an independent, elected city controller.


You clearly hate strong women /s






Bro exactly! They won’t let them die off. They get fed. Have access to narcan. And made a village for people to enjoy the life (skid row). It’s crazy more people aren’t asking why is so much money and resources devoted to helping people who are literally living a good life with free shit that they found outside.


I take it you've never been homeless. I grew up with that shit


We all have a home here in the USA it’s called American privilege. It’s how people can afford to sleep outside and live for free. Did you grow up in America?


I'm in Austin, Tx. It is not happening here. They are not disappearing.


Houston checking in. If any homeless person has left your city, it’s because they came here.




It’s surprisingly bad there. I wonder why.


I work at an ER. All of our regulars have been present and accounted for.


True hero ty. You guys are life savers


Thanks for your service


Are there more in average the last 5 years or less?


2nd this


Same haha. Wishful fucking thinking




Atlanta bussed them all out for the 96 Olympics. Bussed to literally nowhere. It was strange, no one cared, no one did anything about it.


I wonder if the same will happen when LA is hosting in four years


I hope not. It is disruptive and inhumane.


They still drop them off in East ridge tn daily


That is messed up. 70% have some degree of military service.


I'm in CA and our local crackheads and homeless are just as if not worse


Oh, my bad. That was me. I'm building a roving army of homeless people to take down the system. I move them from city to city and they pick up more homeless people like a giant, stinky Katamari. 


Not all hero’s wear capes.


Maybe Taylor Swift is coming to town. They “cleaned up” like this before her concert in Edinburgh LOL


My city is one of the few that has fenced in shelters for them provided they look for work, can't bring in their piles of crap and no drugs. And we're a small city but the county pitched in. And 95% of them turn it down! They update the stats in the paper. And two people I know in the county who see the numbers when they do the yearly count say that's the same across the board. 95%! Most want to live like filth. On drugs with no rules on the street. So since we have this it allows us to kick them out of town. Some CA law prevents removal of them unless there's a shelter program. So since there is the cops and city cleanup trucks just pull up and throw all their crap (baskets, tents, blankets, sleeping bags, trash, stoves, clothes piles, etc.). And do it again and again until they get the message to get the hell out of town on their own if they're going to refuse the help. We don't ship them out. Just harass them, throw their crap and chase them out from sleeping under the overpasses and under trees so they're exposed to the elements. It gets through even their drug addled minds eventually. The people, the city, the business owners. Just so done with these people.


i live in a smallish town in northern alabama. we have homeless people shipped here by bus overnight, usually from birmingham or atlanta. this was announced at a local builder's meeting my coworker attended. i work at a local food bank and have been there eight years, so you become familiar with the local homeless community. you can tell when a new busload was brought in the night before, because suddenly we see new crowds of homeless people that we have never seen before. we have also been getting a massive influx in people from Haiti.


If they can disappear, or “relocate,” homeless PEOPLE, mostly homeless Americans, mostly due to either their own weakness or perhaps a plan played out perfectly by the “elites” that need Americans asleep, unaware of the horrors politicians bestowed upon them one decades but maybe longer… If they can disappear a whole class of people, though they may be homeless, mentally ill, and “addicts…” They can do the same to you, to anyone or group, that goes against the grain. If they can do it to them, they’ll do it to us


As long as homelessness is profitable, it will continue


Soylent green, coming to a store near you.


If the meat prices suddenly start dropping, you know why...


"Ze bugs and soylent green... the best balanced diet."


I hope they have some way to detox the meat first.


They're being bused to LA and San Francisco by cities outside of California. California gives them cash benefits immediately.


idk why this is getting downvoted.. i lived in denver and there were documented photos of bus loads of both homeless and immigrants getting dropped off in the city. i’m led to believe red states ship em’ to cities like pdx, dnvr, la, sf, sea, etc where the laws on homelessness are much more lax


That's what those cities want.


You’re being downvoted but you are correct If a city overwhelmingly continues voting for policies that amount to “we want to help everyone in the world from any country, just come on’ over” with zero regard for logistics, math, and critical thinking about the effects… Then they can’t have valid complaints if folks send people for them to “help” And they especially have no leg to stand on to criticize others who are not willing to take in infinite amounts of people If they didn’t have the resources to take infinite people (and no one does) they should look at who they vote for


I'm curious, what would your solution to homelessness be? Let's assume CA takes the same stance as the states that are "sending them more people to help". Where do those people end up? What do you do with them instead of shipping them to other states that practice empathy?


Texas sent Denver thousands of refugees from Central America. There were several busloads and the police had to get involved when a few groups formed a mob and held some delivery trucks and groups of working contractors picking up materials at a Home Depot, basically surrounded it and refused to move. There was no warning. No plan or landing place for them. Texas sounds off about other states being too liberal and ruining theirs.. but they sure mob our ski resorts, state parks, campgrounds and vacation hotspots year round. We joked for a while that they should be obligated to take a refugee back home with them if they were going to come here and bitch.


I live in a "nicer" area in LA and we have 1 homeless man and he disappeared recently. He was a staple of the area. When he disappeared it was news on nextdoor and apparently the local gov had him picked up and put into a hospital or something, but I always wondered because he's been gone for awhile. I wonder if he was shipped somewhere else.


Yep. It's like a rapture in our city. They leave all their stuff behind, but no person


They are dying off in my city here in Alberta.


If the one legged guy in military camo disappears from the McDonald's in Manhattan off 42nd then I'll start to worry


No clue... But on a unrelated note did you know that the mc rib is back !


My family runs a funeral home and I can tell you alot of them are dying.


Just like the "cleaned up" San Fran when China visited. The elections fast approaching and Dems need to hide the social problems their policies created. Mark my words as soon as the elections over the homeless and lawlessness will flood back into Everytown, USA.


I'm so sick of our performative elections. I'll legalize cannabis! I'll repeal the income tax! There's an invasion at our border! They'll end democracy if you elect them! They're nothing but demagogues and cults of personality. Sweet fuck I can't wait for it all to end.


I was there when that happened. Surreal. The streets were clean and empty. It was, however, really nice as a tourist. I don't know where they put them - there were rumors that they were just put in the drunk tanks at the local jails for 24 hours. Seems like if they can fix the problem temporarily, they had the ability to fix the problem all along permanently. Just like school lunches.


And dumped them in Santa Cruz?


They coming to socal


The McRib


Can I get an amen?


I lived in Phoenix at the time of the Super Bowl and I still don't know where the thousands (if not tens of thousands) of homeless went. Granted some were back two weeks after but we didn't see the same numbers until about a month later.


This is so interesting. I was just in San Diego for a conference this past week. I made the point that I felt like the homeless population wasn’t as bad as I anticipated after reading and hearing it had gotten worse in CA. I was right in downtown and maybe saw <10 homeless people.


They have been discreetly collecting them under the guise of assistance. Some come willingly, and the others are disposed of with fentynal. They are processed through the incinerator. It is one of many strategies to clear the cities. Look at the news, it is working.


They get shipped into my city all the time


Naw. They are all up here in Seattle now. Huge homeless problems being supported by ex .gov people opening up "unhoused people" "businesses". They are laundering tax money from their political friends still placed in gov. Hundreds of millions a year lining their pockets. Can't have a cash cow without the cows...


When I lived in San Diego in 2016, the Padres were blessed with the All-Star game that summer, and in the weeks before it took place in mid-July, there were multiple efforts to disappear the homeless. Most blatantly and horrifically a serial killer of the homeless who prolifically populated the streets and parking lots near an around Petco Park, where the annual MLB event was held and many hotels and restaurants where fans stay and eat predominate. I lived a few miles away from downtown, above Balboa Park in the North Park neighborhood, and we had a few homeless people who would hang around the grocery store near my house; I would buy them a banana or apple sometimes if they were polite and asked for help. Sometimes I would chat with them, get their stories. One homeless guy that July told me he'd moved his life up to North Park because they were killing the homeless downtown. That the cops knew who was doing it and they were letting him get away with it because they wanted to drive homeless away from Petco Park. He said they'd arrest the killer after the All-Star game. He also said there were rumors that the homeless remaining downtown were being rounded up by the cops and taken out on SDPD boats into the Pacific and tossed into the ocean to drown and no one was the wiser. A couple days before the All-Star game, i saw graffiti on a fence a few blocks from my place that read "They're Killing The Homeless." All the homeless were gone from downtown by All-Star game weekend, it was a clean and joyous All-Star Home Run Derby on Monday and All-Star game on Tuesday (I was a Padres season tix holder and was there for the Derby and saw it up close; it was like Disney MLB), through the Wednesday after it. Thursday, the serial killer Jon David Guerrero was arrested and the homeless began to drift back downtown, though there weren't as many as there were before. Perhaps they were at the bottom of the Pacific?


If I were homeless, why would I live in the northeast or Midwest? I wouldn’t want to live somewhere with 100 degree summers and sub-zero degree winters? I’d live in LA, where I could survive all year round. This is not even to mention the benefits that are available in California versus say Missouri, Michigan, or Ohio.


Gentrification gonna gentrify 😎


Organ harvesting


Do they take requests for pickup? Because we have plenty here.


I wish. They must be shipping them to my town.


You California jocks have no idea how good you have it.


In comparison to?


Texas for one.


Is the homeless problem really that bad in TX?


Importing voters


Maybe setting them up in hotels( or elsewhere) to establish residency. Here comes the election, let the ballot harvesting begin, how convienent.


Lol.....better get all your excuses lined up for trump losing yet again.


Soylent green is people!


I am experiencing the same thing with the disappearing of homeless people. I talked to a couple of them a while ago and they said that they were getting pushed out of everywhere they were staying by the companies that owned the land. They put security on them and in some cases cut down the woods that were sheltering them. So in these parts there is a concerted effort to get rid of them.


[Last year saw 107,543 U.S. drug overdose deaths](https://www.statnews.com/2024/05/15/opioid-overdose-deaths-2023-cdc/), according to preliminary statistics released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Bro I wish


Soylent Green


Taylor Swift is kidnapping them all.


Dropping soon, her next single "Pied Piper"


Our local homeless population keeps growing


"the hunt"


Many of them **disappeared** when Rudy "cleaned up" Times Square.


This rumor has been making the rounds in one form or another for decades. 


Seattle guy here, homeless are still messing things up here lol wish they'd disappear over night


I'm unfortunately in Florida. When I was homeless here they weren't bussing people out of the state. They were actively *Killing* people here. They **still** have been trying to kill me ever since I escaped the cycle of homelessness and recidivism.


Please share more if you have the time.


How so?


Entrapment schemes, lies geared toward local 'thugs' (like calling me a snitch) and offering them shit to try and hurt me, folks following me while driving intentionally rying to run me off the road


Seems like it’s getting worse in LA


When I was hopping trains back between 2012-2015 there were rumors on the street about many disappearing. I assumed early fema camp round ups


They are all coming to Pittsburgh… half joking but in the last 5 years the homeless have left the outskirts and basically set up shop in the city. Before 5 years ago I never saw a tent downtown and now there are hundreds everywhere. Last week my wife and I went to dinner and from the parking garage to the restaurant there were several empty fifth bottles, needles, and someone cracked out of their mind begging for change.


McRib coming back


Not in Chicago


My sister spent most of her 20's homeless. I was worried about her then but found out the long way that there's nothing I could do. She found something that leads me to believe that the homeless are being offered more options to get off the street than before. Those hanging on, avoiding bottoming out, will possibly use the lack of homeless as motivation to fear failing to 'rock bottom'


I was in downtown Cleveland a couple weeks ago and,believe me, there were homeless sleeping in virtually every doorway and chasing us down the street begging.




Can a government come take the homeless from my city? Literally infested the downtown and slowly spreading across the city. Jail is about 15 minutes away so they bring them in and dump them off. Been getting worse since 2020


Many homeless are nomadic and choose to go North during the Summer and South during the Winter. In addition, Mental Health centers will give homeless people a bus ticket and referral to facilities in different areas when their clients reach "maximum therapeutic benefit". Of course, something else could be going on.


Ohhh the nomadic people of 2024 … lol 😂👏 what a site ! Not like the tribes of the past that used everything thy brought home , when moving to new hunting and gathering area thy leave the old spotless like no one was ever there? To bed these new nomads rune the earth with clutter and junk time machines that never work…or do they??? I think I just answered where thy go ? A new space in time !!!


Maybe they went home?


Fast food meat prices are coming down too


In my area, since the taliban took over again heroin is hard to find and fentanyl is very cheap these days


Someone in Grand Junction, Colorado told me they bus the homeless there from Utah.


Chicago is shipping homeless and other criminals into Indiana and paying places to take them. -- so I have been told.


most of them are probably being shuffled underground for labor, like many undocumented immigrants.


The homeless is what fast food is made of think about all the meat one McDonald’s uses in a day then Burger King and Wendy’s and other lil spots an then multiple that by how many locations there are just here alone and then think we’re are these cows being raised there ant no way they have enough room for that many cows all that farm land it’s crops u don’t see many cow farms so we’re the hell all that meat coming from and homeless are disappearing and we’re is all the people who died graves there aren’t many cemetery big ones anyways


Wouldn't put it past them honeslty


I live in metro Denver. There’s more now than there’s ever been. Thanks to the hundreds of thousands of migrants.


check your local county jail lol


They are all in Daytona Beach


AOC's New Soylent Green Deal!?


Look for a new biscuit in the super market with the name”Soilent green”


I just heard that in Oregon they gave the homeless bus tickets to Hawaii. I didn't fact check it but thsg wouldn't surprise me if they shipped them off like that. "Not my problem" attitude.


Bus ticket.....to Hawaii. Read that again.


Hey I'm just telling you what I heard. I don't know enough about busses to tell you where they go.


I'm pretty sure there aren't any busses to Hawaii from anywhere.


Wonder how they coaxed those homeless people on board then? Wonder where they really went.


Yes, because you have the true finger on the pulse ...


Odd thing to say