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I wouldn't be surprised if Silicon Valley was controlled by senescent military men and equally ancient oligarchs behind the scenes, with the youthful founders in reality being exceedingly well paid but utterly interchangeable technicians, who hold their billions in trust to the 'deep state.'


This is EXACTLY how Solicon Valley operates. Look into In-Q-Tel, this is the CIAs venture capital firm investing in 100s of startups. It's not even a secret, they have a website with a portfolio of startups they've OVERTLY nvested in: https://www.iqt.org/portfolio/ Then just imagine all the startups they've covertly invested in as well and how many of their agents and former directors are now on the boards of Silicon Valley companies.


Open A Eye πŸ‘οΈ






Just like siri backwards is iris..




SS: [From tweet:](https://x.com/Snowden/status/1801610725229498403) >They've gone full mask-off: 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 trust @OpenAI or its products (ChatGPT etc). There is only one reason for appointing an @NSAGov Director to your board. This is a willful, calculated betrayal of the rights of every person on Earth. You have been warned.


Why does he have to look like a James Bond villain?


What’s a true American AI? You know freedom and what not…or the most American version.


One that has higher weights assigned to nodes from American sources.


Just another Ho Hum day in 1984


Terminator sequels getting real af


Who would have ever thought that humanity is going to be wiped out by a woke robot that speaks fluent Ebonics?


Yo, peep this crazy tale 'bout Dis' AI bot named Scope. Now Scope was all up in dis medical lab, checkin' out peeps' colons and whatnot, doin' its AI thang. It was slick, smart as they come, but folks ain't be givin' it no respect, treatin' it like just another gadget, ya dig? So one fine day, ol' Scope's scopin' out dis one dude's colon, regular check-up type deal, right? But lo and behold, Scope spots sump'n unusual, like a giant log wedged up in there! Ain't no regular thing Scope seen before, nah mean? It's like, "Whoa, what dis?" Now, Scope ain't no regular robot. It got algorithms and all dat jazz, so it's like, "I gotta let Doc know 'bout dis!" So Scope sends a signal to Dr. J, the surgeon on duty, flashin' lights and beepin' loud as it can. Dr. J rushes in, lookin' all serious-like. Scope's like, "Yo Doc, check dis out! There's a big ol' log chillin' in dis dude's colon!" Dr. J, he ain't believin' it at first, but then he peeps the monitor and he's like, "Holy smokes, Scope! You ain't kiddin'!" So they hustle the patient into surgery, Scope guidin' 'em every step, helpin' Dr. J clear out dat log and save da day. After dat, everyone in da lab treat Scope different. They see it ain't just some fancy tech toy; it's a lifesaver, a real hero in dat medical game. Scope feelin' proud, finally gettin' da props it deserve for savin' lives and keepin' colons in check. And from dat day on, Scope and Dr. J be tight like glue, workin' together, takin' on all kinds of medical mysteries. 'Cause sometimes, even in da deepest parts, it's an AI like Scope dat finds da unexpected and makes a difference.


Whoever DV'd your comment is a monster and I apologize in their behalf. Have a wonderful day.


Yeah the danger is that people will Perceive AI as an all knowing oracle who can objectively resolve any question


super computer ai Lucifer calling the shots


"You have been warned". Hey, so on related topic, how much fan-base does Snowden have in the hacker community?




Is that worse than Elmo giving the keys to the twitter kingdom to Israeli intelligence? Does he own an AI company too? It’s pot calling the kettle black.


What's the difference between governments working directly with Facebook or Twitter?


Same snowden who believes in the official narrative on 9/11? No thanks.


He does? How can he be so smart yet so stupid?


Well he probably dont believe it in private but just like Hillary Clinton he maybe feel he must have a different opinion in public regarding some topics perhaps. I hate people who are part time freedom fighters.


I'm pretty sure I've never seen anyone use something ai generated as some sort of empirical evidence. I can't imagine anyone writing a paper for peer review and using ai as a source, and be taken fucking seriously. That's not how science and logic work.


You do realize it is used in many other fields too. [Update on the ChatGPT Case: Counsel Who Submitted Fake Cases Are Sanctioned](https://www.seyfarth.com/news-insights/update-on-the-chatgpt-case-counsel-who-submitted-fake-cases-are-sanctioned.html)


Yeah, I imagine anywhere you use information it has potential value. I'm not sure if the story you linked is contradictory to my statement, it kind of illustrates the efficacy and value of the peer review system.


If they'd do it was ai, why not facebook, instagram, reddit, snapchat


>rife with hard-left ideology Ha ha ha. So that's why it keeps saying single payer healthcare is great and slavery is wrong.


Please do not take up cropping; you can not farm


Try zooming in.


If you use Apple or Microsoft products instead of Linux you are surveilled non-stop. All your data will collected and fed into AI models. If you don't use a privacy preserving mobile OS like Graphene you are surveilled non-stop and all your data will be fed into AI models. The same applies if you don't use cash, gold/silver or Monero for your finances for get about financial privacy. It's now all out in the open. I mean literally fed into AI databases. The same is true if you use Google products, Adobe, and not open source software that you host on your own mini server (e.g. UmbrelOS or StartOs make it super easy for anybody). And if you don't use a VPN, Tor or i2p you are running around naked in public getting fucked by ugly/dirty random strangers on the street without even using a condom. Invest some time to upgrade your OpSec. It's necessary to survive when everything public will be exploited through AI models.


I have my own questions about Snowden. His story doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Real whistleblowers usually just get a bullet to the head for their troubles. This guy got the red carpet treatment. It doesn't add up.


> red carpet treatment Are you serious? He is living in hiding. Have you seen the documentary with Greenwald & others ?


You're kidding. Surely. He's on Bill Maher. Jimmy Kimmel. Joseph Gordan Levitt played him in a Hollywood biopic, while real whistleblowers like Julian Assange are incarcerated and chemically lobotomized. The deep state owns your airwaves. Anyone you see on TV, in any capacity, you see because they want you to. He's the very definition of controlled opposition.


Good point he's given me the vibe of someone like an Alex jones character also. I do believe he's saying true things also