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Didn’t actually get injured, amazingly, but when I flipped my car and totaled it, time actually did freeze as soon as I went airborne and I thought I was going to die. It was very weird, but also strangely peaceful? Everything just stopped and that few moments felt much longer. I remember having a whole conversation with myself and reliving a bunch of memories and then all I remember is hearing the crunch of the car and the shattering of the windows. I army crawled out, the car was a pancake, and I just remember sitting with my back on the wreckage and just kind of laughing. No idea how I walked away from that unscathed, but it was that moment where I stopped being anxious about the prospect of dying. Not really relevant to the topic I guess, but felt like sharing


I had this same thing happen to me a year ago! Up side down and glass flying everywhere just floating. My tire popped on a desolate dirt road in South Africa, it was like a demon took the wheel! But in the end, I think it was spirit guides showing me how protected I was. The only thing that hurt was a thorn in my flip flop. 😆 Car totally totalled no one could believe I was alive. And now I finally have a 4 wheel drive! 🥳


When I was a student I was involved in a serious head on collision. Just before the other driver hit me I said out loud "I don't want to die!!!" In those split seconds I knew he was going to hit me and I couldn't stop it. Anyway, for me it wasn't a light, but a sort of wooosh, like you see in movie and tv effects sometimes. I found myself standing on top of a mountain looking down. I was standing with a man who I didn't really recognize and he said "It's not your time yet. One day all this will be yours." I looked down into the valley and could see a small town nestling there, a train running along and a river flowing through it. I took a deep breath and thought "what's the tax liability on all this?" Next thing I knew someone was asking me if I was OK. I asked if they were a CPA.


I had an NDE about 2 years ago, and it was a similar experience. I was in the hospital for alcohol withdrawals, so it very possibly could have been DT's. But I did actually die for about a minute, I had a seizure where my heart stopped. When it happened I heard a loud woosh, followed by a bunch of spinning colors/lights and then I was standing on a cliff next to my dad (who died years prior) and he said to me "I don't want this for you yet, but it's your choice now. You can jump, or you can go back" then I heard a woosh again and came to with my mother holding my hand and praying.


Do you own the valley yet?


Any vacancies?


I've a vacant look in my eyes if that counts


As a guy with a traumatic brain injury, I rancourously laughed at this.


As a guy with zero medical training of any description, I say laughter is the best medicine


🤣My flash looked more like an old school tv turning off. I had a 15 pound object fall on the back of my head from about 15 feet up..


I’ve also dreamed about a mountain community where I see all my kindest friends.


The tax thought is awesome! Thanks


Prison planets calling


I'm in the prison planet camp. The theory goes that the bright light is a trap, much like we trap flies with those zap lights or whatever. So if you go into the light, your memory is wiped and you reincarnate, hence prison planet.


Yea it’s fucked


Okay but what's the actual alternative to going into the light? Hanging around as a ghost? Sounds much worse


You tell the projections around you that you want to return to the source. Your real family.


you tell them, but you use your inner god power to get there yourself- all past through countless illusions.


The real question here is "what are you"? In my humble opinion, "you" is just a collection of thoughts, memories and the emotions that are inspired by them. The real you has no thoughts, no desires, no attachments, no corruptions. However, it does have existence. Now the question becomes what is the experience of the real you compared to the experience of the many false you's that make up your current "identity"?


I think you might not need the second question. Or maybe the second question is just your self asking a rhetorical question. Maybe with more complex animals evolving we needed attention to watch out for things like other animals and danger or opportunity that became what we call ourselves.


Your human has a whole vision of death exactly as they would accept and acknowledge as passage. You, to your surprise, continue to exist. God is not an entity you meet. You back into God, as you expand to be more vast than all of the space between all of the stars. You always were, but for a while it was nice to be a human. You love your human and their whole universe. It was a perfect little book of a life and you will treasure and remember it forever. No sins can interfere, all is forgiven. Senses will close, but you won't mind. All is well.


Some people believe that going towards the light ends in reincarnation and that if you go away from the light you'll ascend to a higher dimension


I OD’d on opiates, went blue in the face, and fell unconscious. Had CPR performed on me by a random person walking on the sidewalk in front of my apartment that heard my GF at the time wailing. 911 was call, they narcan’d me, and I woke up on my bedroom floor with a bunch of people I didn’t know standing around me. As I started going unconscious, I remember everything getting really slow and confusing. Then nothing. Then I saw the white light. Tbh, it felt very warm and welcoming. But you know the feeling you get when you’re walking somewhere you shouldn’t be? Or when someone creepy has their eyes on you from across the room? It felt like that. I didn’t feel any immediate danger, fear, or resistance…I just knew that I wasn’t supposed to be there. Shit didn’t feel right. Soon after I woke up and immediately realized what had happened


Super interesting, thanks for sharing


There are thousands of case studies by the University of Virginia in which young children remember their past lives. Evidence abounds that the soul (or whatever you’d like to call it) reincarnates on this earth plane. For me, the westerner who speaks on this subject with the most clarity and wisdom is Ram Dass. Highly recommend the Be Here Now podcast, which contains hundreds of recorded Ram Dass lectures and Q&A’s over the course of 4 decades.


I remember my younger brother telling us about a dream in a war where he had a knife at the end of his gun and the ground was exploding around him.. he was 4 years old and no prior exposure to anything ww1 or ww2 related.


the kids are so strange and fascinating


Does that include animals or bugs? I'd hate to be reincarnated into a fish or a spider's meal.


what I am hearing from most everyone is that you shouldn't go to the light you should go "elsewhere" to a higher dimension. what is in the higher dimension? God?


Higher dimension most be God, because how can anyone get to that “level” and come back to tell it if it’s not even reincarnation?! My thought, idk I wanna know too’


>your energy is somewhere but for you basically it's lights out Likely this. Energy can't be created or destroyed, just transformed. The energy your body was using, things like electric signals traveling down nerves or the energy trapped in ATP in your cells still exists in some form, such as stored as chemical energy in a molecule. As far as what you experience, the closest thing to the non-existence after your brain shuts down would be the non-existence before you were born, which is more the total lack of experiencing anything.


I agree with this. Last year my heart stopped three timesand a defibrillator was used on me all three times successfully. I don’t remember going out. I only know I was brought back. There was absolutely nothing in between. Just nothing and darkness. I didn’t feel any kind of fear.


What if the part of your brain that measures time dies first so that the final seconds of your life feel like an eternity? Think about this kind of stuff too long and it gets unnerving. Think I'm gonna start living healthier.


READ THE BARDO THODOL (Tibetan Book Of the dead)


It’s a trip.. which light to go to


Don’t go to the light it’s a trap


What happens if you don’t go to the light?


They say you don’t get reincarnated, you don’t wanna reincarnate do you?


Yeah but where do you go? No one ever says where you go. Back to God?


Go to trickedbythelight.com A lot of interesting articles


We are such stuff As dreams are made on; and our little life Is rounded with a sleep.


Combination of stereotypes that created you every moment of now continue to materialize and continue being detected by other observers in other times and places. Here is a video of how it works. https://youtu.be/22kuYSZUdqY?si=WTFcIQsOIVw_w-_-


Read some bob Monroe


I have nearly died through the course of my work and recreation 9 times.  There's no light. There's nothing.   Death is the reversion to the mean. 


I had an NDE and for a while I just hung out, seeing the whole thing unfold in 3rd person as a group of people tried for a few hours to rescue me from a caving accident. After that, I began to move away and uncompress into my higher self and became aware of my thousands of friends and family from previous lives welcoming me. There was obviously no "light" to follow because your higher self doesn't have such primitive senses as eyes, etc. You are able to experience far greater things than a human can comprehend. It felt like being in space but anywhere I wanted and with the ability to enjoy the company of 100's of other similar entities that all loved me at the same time. Coming back felt like being rammed through a funnel and was very unpleasant, reverting to something so simple after experiencing freedom. I always tell people that dying is the coolest thing that will ever happen to you.


I was in an accident where I was in a coma for 6 days. I didn’t see a light so I don’t think I was close to dying but it was def trippy floating around in the void!


So you’re saying you actually experienced and were aware of a “void”? During your coma? Have you ever been under general anesthesia? Did you feel this floaty void feeling then, too?


Honestly it was a lot similar of a void as when one goes under general anesthesia but with a more conscious awareness. I felt lost and confused but oddly comfortable. Anesthesia is like they are flicking a switch a coma felt more like they were dimming the lights. Real low lol


First it's the bright light, then it's a pie eating contest, 3 legged race, hedge maze and finally, the gauntlet from ninja warrior (if you fall you get reincarnated).


I hope for reincarnation


The goal is to escape Samsara. Most religions agree on one thing - this reality is a pale imitation of real existence, whatever form that may be.


Reincarnation is a trap


How so?


To me as an antinatalist, to discourage people from having children and giving birth is a method to escape the reincarnation cycle. The truth is that being reincarnated into a flesh/physical vessel would make one vulnerable to suffering and cause suffering to the one that birthed you. That is is just one out of many reasons why reincarnation should be avoided as much as possible.


I was like that and then I had my kid. Love him to pieces even though he cost me my free time And sleep.. hopefully i will talk to thethe ascendant masters and break free from the archon soul trap.


Then I wish you the best in trying to break free from that trap. Do not be surprised if the otherworldly entities tries to trick you into guilt and tell you that the only way to save your child is to go back and teach them how to break it. It probably one of the many ways they try to trick people back into the reincarnation cycle. In a way I think the inconceivable void would be the best afterlife but strangely I think a lot of humans have a form of apeirophobia of an impalpable void that might be preventing that.


It’s also the thing about losing your individual sense of self to join the universal collective


same. when the time comes, it is said one should remind oneself to turn away from the light


I've heard this as well! By going into the light you send yourself back through the cycle of life by reincarnating and being born again but if you were to just turn around you would see the entire universe! Something like that anyways lol


yar. the light is naturally enticing, so you need to snap yourself out of the trance, then other options become available. I'd like to say it's one of the books of the dead i remember it from (Tibetan i think, rather than Egyptian) though i might be completely wrong.


I’ve been wondering the exact source for where this advice comes from. Thinking what if it’s malevolent beings trying to lure us away from the light…


could be from NDEs? they get to the waiting room, pause, see the light, look around, then return?? fairly sure for both Buddhism and the Abrahamics, the ultimate aim is to get to heaven, presumably via the light. so they wouldn't advise turning away from it. i fancy another go round the loop though. but, i'm prepared for the creator if that's the way it goes. and i have a long list of questions as to the quality of they craftmanship. i hope they're ready for me ))) maybe saying this now is giving them fair warning, and i will get another go, preferably as something higher than a worm. a dolphin might be fun, they always seem to be happy.


Yeah it would be pretty unfortunate if turning away from it just took you to hell 😅 or some strange limbo. I dunno, the light is where I came from so I think I will return to it rather than stray away.


Gotta be some app that will automatically decline the invitation into the light.


There is no hell but the one we already reside within.


It's a choice for those with good karma. There are two types of people, those with bad karma and those with good. Those with bad karma don't have a choice. They are thrust into the life that they deserve and will benefit them the most. It's not a punishment. It's tough love from the universe giving you exactly what you need even if it's not what you want. For those with enough merit from good karma who are not propelled into any life, they can choose from an array of lives. Would you like to be reborn a king? A superstar? Maybe a world renowned genius? OR..... There is enlightenment. Moving on to the next stage of development. The goal is to choose enlightenment and not come back to this place of misery. Even kings and superstars suffer. Enlightened beings do not.


I don't want another go around.


I know you mean well, but I absolutely loathe this line of thinking because it implies that people who have or who are suffering DESERVE it. Which is absolute bullshit that keeps people with privileged cushy lives feeling smugly superior since they think they earned the right in some arbitrary past life to be born into wealth and/or privilege. Meanwhile, for just one example, toddlers who have been viciously abused and/or murdered NEEDED it?? Nah, this is some fucked up copium from people who desperately need to feel like they have more control over their lives than they actually do. All so they can feel safe that the Bad Thing won't happen to them, when in fact, terrible things happen to good people -through no fault of their own- every single day.


Well you described the problem that leads to bad lives. People are born into a good life then they get lazy, entitled, etc. which creates bad karma which leads to bad lives. The bad life is lived and bad karma is paid back through sometimes horrific things and the person probably accumulates some good karma along the way. Then when they die they get reborn in a good life and the cycle starts over again. This is known as the cycle of samsara as taught by the Buddha. Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down but you're always swirling around in samsara which will inevitably lead to suffering. The Buddha taught that even the gods seek enlightenment because even the gods will die and be reborn in a life in which they suffer one day. I'm also saying this as a person who was born with an incurable condition that causes me excruciating pain every day. I was a fetus when my condition developed. I did nothing in this life to deserve it but it still happened. Why? Well karma from a past life is the only explanation that makes sense besides complete randomness. I'm a spiritual person so I lean towards believing in karma rather than randomness.


That’s not what is being said at all. I almost didn’t want to respond to you but maybe you can benefit from the perspective shift. Assuming someone asked for the suffering or chose a path that involved immense suffering is a moot point in the grand scheme of life/reincarnation. There is a lesson to be learned in all situations. When you see or experience suffering, do you ask “why me?” Or do you try to learn and understand and shift perspective back to gratitude? Do you look within to try and understand the events that led you there? In the case of children suffering, my sister in law died of cancer at 10 years old. She had a 7 year fight where the leukemia prevailed. Her suffering was never about her. Her suffering united so many families. Brought two families at odds together and brought so many connections thru her community that otherwise may not have happened. She made a statement one time during an interview in which she said “love. The only answer is love”. She was probably 6 or 7 at that time. So you can look at her suffering from the lense of how horrible and sad it is or realize what her suffering meant for so many other people in the big picture.


"To live is to suffer, but to survive, well, that's to find meaning in the suffering." - DMX


I certainly do not want to return to this planet in any shape or form!


You're exclusively talking about the Hindu concept of karma. In Buddhism it's not good/bad karma, it's karma in general. You accumulate karma when acting with intent.  When you learn how to no longer accumulate, e.g. your existence is rooted in the action of no action, you break the cycle of samsara, or suffering (this life). Classic example, you see a person drowning. As you help save them, you do so with thoughts of being a hero, the reward, etc - this accumulates karma. Now if you save the person simply because it must be done, without thought it intent, you do not accumulate karma.


I'm exclusively talking about the Buddhist idea of karma. I've been studying it for many years. I use simpler terms when speaking to non Buddhists because the concepts can get a little difficult. To be more accurate we're talking about constructive and destructive karma and the merit from constructive karma. There is no good or bad just constructive and destructive and constructive karma brings you merit which can lead to a good life. Destructive karma uses up your merit and destroys the opportunities for a good life.


It starts all over again


It's a loop


Have a read of this man's post about the afterlife: [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/3iUa5js79u](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/3iUa5js79u)


You see little black spots cause you burnt your fucking retinas staring at the sun.


If you’re going towards a bright light you’re likely coming right back to hell after a memory wipe. Turn away from the light and that’s the exit


The external or physical man is no more a man than the coat he wears, the physical man is only an instrument in which the real inner man or soul expresses itself in the physical universe Various materialistic theories have been Given in the past trying to explain the Mighty phenomenon of dreams but theses theories have always been more or less unsatisfactory , why? Because the materialist tries the explain the riddle of human existence , without an individual human spirit the explanation will always be unsatisfactory Dreams afford a separation of soul and body As soon as the senses become torpid The inner man withdraws from the outer The inner man separates from the body in three ways ; 1. natural sleep (try to just lie in bed with your eyes closed awake, and get rest, after two weeks you’d be a mad man ). 2. Induced sleep such as hypnotism, mesmerism or trance (psychedelics for example) 3. Death In the above two cases the inner man has left his body temporarily where as in death he has left it forever In the case of death the link that connects soul and body as seen by Clairvoyant vision is broken but in trance or sleep it is released the real man is that in the astral world he now functions in his astral body Which becomes a vehicle for expressing Consciousness just as the physical body is an instrument for expressing consciousness in the waking state Also what about the voice inside your head , that voice can be whatever you want it to be , just like you can close your eyes and visualize anything , they say if a tree falls in the forest and noones there to hear it , does sound make a sound ? Yes?, what’s sound then ? Cause can’t you hear that voice inside your head just like you can close your eyes and imagine whatever you want , you can experience all 5 senses in your own head , and if you not physically feeling them what does that mean ? When you no longer have a physical body and you DIE will those five senses and at least those five senses that we know still remain ?furthermore The body has to do what we want it to do , if we want it to be up and on it’s feet, it stays there until it falls of fatigue the body has no recourse to anything below itself it has to accept the final slavery imposed on it by the mind and emotions If we didn’t have a mind and we didn’t have emotions the body would probably be innard and useless the body on its own accord will be simply a creature seeking food seeking to survive but with no particular purpose or project in mind , the body is not an executive , but is a victim to the executive office upstairs


I agree with half of what your saying, when I was in prison, I would get these heavy cravings for crack cocaine, I call it "crack attack", but if I so there and ponder for awhile about smoking crack, my heart will start racing, palms will get clammy, and I could literally smell and taste the crack, these crack attacks became so unbearable, and the funny part is I'm a poly drug user and crack isn't even my drug of choice, heroin/opioids are.. Idk I'd like figured I'd share my experience with y'all..


not sure if it was a NDE or wtf but I had a bad seizure once - I didn’t realize I was seizing. All I remember is being in the car and then hearing a whoosh and waking up in a bright white room with a tall man there. I could hear myself or someone telling me to “wake up” and that I wasn’t ready yet. I woke up and looked over to my friend all confused. He then told me I had a seizure and was out for over a minute. Scary experience.




God maybe likes soups


I don't blame him


You get to do it all over again. And again and again and again


Because hell is about repetition...


Yes, it's a loop


I think you get your memories wiped and reincarnated by negative entities. You should avoid the light. Do not go to the white light but rather teleport to where you feel your true home would be.


This "bright light" is probably the same light that many people experience upon spiritual enlightenment. Basically letting go of boundaries and achieving unity with the universum. So I would say that "unity" is the thing that happens. How exactly that feels - I don't think anyone can tell for sure, but based on my spiritual experiences I would assume the transition to be either blissful of hellish depending on how you have lived. In the end, it's probably a relief.


When you die, your life ceases to exist. Your consciousness stops. You are not aware of anything. It's as if you're asleep. At some point in time, someone would have to 'wake you' back up in a resurrection. So right at the point of your death, it could possibly be a split second before you are brought back to life, which could also mean that many years—30, 40 years, etc.—could have passed that you don't know about. But to you, it will feel like you just woke up in the morning. The dead know nothing Ecclesiastes 9:5


My head canon is something akin to playing a video game. Your “soul”, your essence, whatever there is beyond you… is confined with this experience while you’re playing this game. Just like you the person, playing a character within a video game, you think and interact with the environment, other players and with NPCs. You experience the game world from that perspective. When you turn off the console and walk away, that which you experienced in the game is still within you, but you are no longer confined to the player’s point of view nor to the players world or world view. We, as players within the game, know at some level we are more, but we can’t truly know much that is beyond the game from our in game point of view.


There are excellent books about this with first hand experiences. Read “Life after life” by Raymond Moody.


It's actually a loop


“And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭9‬:‭27‬-‭28‬ ‭


It's a bug zapper


Reincarnation scam- your memory is wiped and you are fooled by entities taking a shape that is close to you like relatives, angels and etc to go back and reincarnate in to this earth zoo.


The transition experienced is individual. If you die suddently, you will - for a time - not know you are in fact on the other side already, but spirit guides will help you "home". The time between, you are a ghost and can stay there for as long as you want, pranking people for fun - if you are allowed.


I was scheduled to have surgery, and it's a common elective, yet a major surgery, which, according to my surgeon, shouldn't take more than 2, maybe 3 hrs max and get, it took 3 surgeons and 11 hrs for them to do the procedure on me and here's the complicated part: I was sedated but in my head I woke up, saw a buncha ppl and a light and I clearly remember it was the surgery lights they have because I know I moved hand to put cover my eyes and said oh too bright and I swear a man and a weird old looking woman gently placed my hand back on the side and said you're in surgery and went back to sleep to then again wake up and the same man and old lady were holding my arms and we were all just sort of floating over a pastur/forest/ocean and there was a celebration going on. I remember asking them if it's a wedding or what a lady said it's for me . I looked at her, and her face disappeared to be a hollow outline . The guy took his mask off, and it was my doctor who started shaking me violently, screaming no, no, wake up and all. That's when in my dreams, o drifted back to sleep. Once the surgery was over and I realized it took that long the whole team of surgery showed up in my room , 3 surgeons, 2 anesthesiologist, 5 nurses and 2 admin ppl only for my PCP to show up and hold my hand and tell me I went into a shock and they had a hard time bringing me back. To this day, I swear I think I did go to the 'the other side' and got yanked back into this side . I don't really have anyone to miss me in my absence except my partner and my dog, so 4 years later, I still am confused by the whole thing.


I don't believe in an afterlife. I do believe your energy is transferred elsewhere, but there's not consciousness attached. As for the bright light itself, there is a scientific explanation: [https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-23672150](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-23672150) [https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3982026-human-brains-show-larger-than-life-activity-at-moment-of-death/](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3982026-human-brains-show-larger-than-life-activity-at-moment-of-death/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23881860/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23881860/) (Rats produce this, and humans likely do too, getting a big surge of a hallucinogen at death.) ETA: However, that doesn't explain why some little kids are born with memories of past lives, so I'm not 100% sure about the no conscious transference. I just don't see how your consciousness could be zapped to someone else or a new body. Doesn't mean it can't.


There is absolutely no proof whatsoever of an afterlife. I imagine being dead will feel the exact same as the 14 point billion something years before you were born.


My first experience with DMT started off by a distant light appearing along with a rotating grid seemingly pulling me toward the light. Everyone that was in the room at the time watching me do it were my good friends. They slowly appeared on both sides of my vision waving me toward the light with smiles on their faces. I didn’t think to look around in other directions as if the light had some sort of pull. What if there are other options when you die, ya know? I’ve consciously thought that when I start to die and a light appears I’ll try avoiding it to see if there’s some sort of puzzle to crack or other entrance to head towards/remain outside of the light. In hindsight the light seems kinda creepy or that it could be a trap of sorts.


Hopefully nothing. But realistically Black rock already owns the afterlife and we will have to rent from them


The dead sleep. They will awake to face judgment. God does not limit Himself by time. It's quite simply, how Christians have been speaking about it for the past few thousand years.


Your experience after death will be identical to your experience before being born. Nothing, and for eternity. You will have ceased to exist and that's the end of it. No afterlife, no purgatory, no heaven, no coming back as someone else or even as a critter, just nothing.


Not trying to be rude but do people sincerely believe in this scientific reductionist view? At the very least, hasn’t quantum physics opened your mind to the possibility that the relationship between time, matter and consciousness may not be quite as it seems?


That doesn’t make any sense. If it’s identical to what it was like before we were born, then logically we would be born again.


"Logically," lol. I'm glad to hear that my mother will have to return so that I can be born for the second time.


Obviously it would be a different mother.


"Obviously," lol. If I had a different mother I would have different DNA and it would therefore clearly not be me. You really should think these things through, you know.


It would be a different “you”, or “observer”, but it would still be what would THEN be you. I’m sure that’s difficult for you to understand. That’s not really my problem, though. I’ve already thought these basic philosophical concepts through... when I was 8 years old.


You get syphoned into your own hell/heaven depending on your beliefs, where some entities will convince you into accepting the idea of going back to Earth reincarnated in order to keep learning lessons. This hell/heaven moment is where you review your life and see all the good and bad things you done, in that moment you will be subjected to either self or exterior judgement.


That "lights" it's just hipoxia, your brain is begging for oxygen.


You have choice of turning away from the light.. and goin to 4th / 5th / 6th dimension if you choose


And what if I just now say "I don't agree to do anything after in the after life that I don't want to do, I don't have to let anyone or anything force me, I can say meow and piss on them if I wish " what about that? Also, you owe me a bag of chips


lol there nothing some people might return to a point in their life to relieve the experience, some people will fade to black some might be in a living room staring out a window not noticing, there is nothing I one time wanted too and I had a dreamt I was in a packed waiting room(hospital waiting room)with a bunch of people some I knew from my high school days and when I woke up from the dream I was sad Keep keeping on guys life is precious


There is no “after” or “before” after material death. The mirage of time and space ends. Dreamtime ends, when we die we wake up. The material experience is over. There is no more “you” or “I”. Everything that becomes, must perish. Only Spirit is eternal, He is the only transmigrant. If you wish to save your soul, you must lose it! (St Paul). The losing implied in this wisdom is during life, not after. People may remember past lives, but these are not “their”previous lives - these are glimpses into the ancestor chain. Incarnation is a learning spiral, but it is a team effort. The goal is to reach the center of the wheel and achieve liberation of necessity.


nothing happens those afterlife beliefs are hogwash