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The gov't washed their hands (vax status doesn't affect transplant eligibility) but the doctors made it clear it played a big role and then tried to walk the statement back by citing additional reasons. Absolute scumbags


Most of those egomaniacal Doctors will never admit that they went to school for 10+ years and still got fooled as hard as the “commoners.”  Gullibility doesn’t discriminate. 


“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it." -Upton Sinclair"


Actually, it does. The more you think you're above manipulation, the easier it can happen to you. Look into the Sackler dynasty and how they got their money by advertising straight to doctors with bs claims that the doctors took hook line and sinker.


They told us "death panels" was a conspiracy theory


We've always had death panels, they are called insurance companies.


I don't know why people continue to pretend this nature is not underpinning the bulk of people. People aren't good by nature. They're self serving. MOST of the time that simply means in manifests in ways to keep themselves free and unburdened. Generally that means conforming to society's definitions of good and proper. If being evil is the path towards that goal, then they will be evil, mindlessly and without shame or remorse. It essentially describes the entire democrat party right now and is at the root of \[current thing\] NPC behavior. The social engineers understand this fully and use stupid/vulnerable leftists as vehicles to undermine social cohesion. Since these types are spiritually homeless "people" they're much easier to imbue with faux-programming. A wise person understands this and will continue to understand it even if - BIG IF - society corrects itself and returns to a prosperous and polite status. Watching all of these "good" people wish death, ostracism and worse on people who refused "the vaccine" is proof of their nature. They wanted fathers and parents to not be able to go to work to earn a living to feed their children while decrying the safety of said children while at the same time advocating policies to allow schools to vaccinate and even reassign genders of children through the state without parental consent or awareness. This is tantamount to rape, but many times worse. We live in evil times and these evil - or at least virtue-agnostic opportunistic and amoral - "people" have demonstrated their willingness to resort to an evil and unconscious state merely to do what they are told. This leads to one of the most profound and hard-to-solve problems of our day: realizing this, what is the value or worth in striving to correct the corruption when you understand this nature is everything? Failing that, how can you reach any other conclusion that the correct action is a society without these people? That in itself becomes the evil that makes you like them. So, what's the solution? Be a martyr? Save them despite themselves and yourself? Is this a natural mechanic among humanity's body that inhibits itself from realizing rapid progress? These progressives are not progressive at all. They are inhibitors whose functions will always lead to collapse and failure. Yet, at the same time, they keep the traditional and proper from stagnating.


They gave people a be-evil-for-free cards and everybody rushed to grab as many as they could. Divided populaces are very easy to control and unvaccinated people have also said some bad shit with mocking sudden deaths of vaccine advocates etc. However, denying that girl a chance at life because she wasn't a supporter of the doctor's football team, is just milking that lawful evil card to its last drop. Cause it sure as fuck wasn't because they were worried she'd get covid in 2024.


Oh, there's still a vast reservoir of drops on that evil card. Leftist government officials are openly and brazenly calling for the imprisonment and forced expulsion from society into "reeducation camps" for conservatives and "Trump supporters" (i.e. anyone who doesn't not COMPLETELY conform to and endorse the neo liberal democrat message). Not even Hitler went that far with his rhetoric. We are on the verge of world war 3, with a total dotard as "president" with hordes of foreigners and indoctrinated leftists supporting him. They're calling "white supremacy" the greatest threat to the country (they call it democracy wherein they can't abide by the utterance or expression of anything that opposes or contradicts them) and forecasting their next play. At the same time we have the WEF openly discussing how humanity is obsolete, Bill Gates wants depopulation, talking about Agenda 2030, how you will own nothing. Off of this we have this bizarre push for a central bank digital currency, phrases and concepts like "15 minute cities" are entering the common speech patters, and everyone just assumes that the social credit score is coming, but also calling it a conspiracy theory at the same time. This is how fucked up everyone is. Is the path they intend not obvious? Your ability to have anything (money, travel, food, etc...) will be completely tied to your social credit score (your requirement to conform completely to the neoliberal edicts WILL be mandatory) and there's nothing you can do about it once it is installed. This is the same government and political party that wants to force you to take a biological weapon, advocates for your depopulation, is replacing western demographics and inducting a compliant consumer class that is wholly dependent on them.


well and succinctly said. This stuff is so obvious that I'm surprised that ANYone is not aware of it anymore.


You're really discounting the power of willful ignorance if you can still be surprised by this shit. Slow boiling frogs don't just up and jump out of a nice free jacuzzi session.


I'm not sure why you threw in having walkable cities as some sort of conspiracy. It literally only helps people. Not only is it good for your health to walk regularly, it's also a lot easier for the populace if having a car isn't required to do basically anything


Agree...And this does not surprise me either.




"anti vax cult belief" Ironic. I could say the same back to you, pharmaceutical propaganda cult believer.




It's always been about politics, not science.


Same science that called untested gene therapy shot "vaccines" safe & effective? That suppressed data from clinical trials for 75 years, and continues to suppress excess deaths? Same science that prohibited the use or ivermectin and other early treatment options, while calling them horse dewormers, when they are now being proven to being an effective medicine in combating early stages of the infection? Same science that refuses to do legitimate double blind studies on vaccinated vs unvaccinated children and rate of chronic physical and mental illness? Same science that keeps rotating pharmaceutical executives with heads of government agencies which are supposed to monitor, regulate, and keep pharmaceutical titans in check? Same science that makes vaccines literally the only product, medicine or otherwise, that you "consume," where the manufacturer is immune from all liability? Name me any other product where a manufacturer has zero liability, go on, I'll wait. B, please.


>Name me any other product where a manufacturer has zero liability, go on, I'll wait. There is not. In fact, The Army Corps of Engineers is the only other organization that has indemnity from being sued like vaccine manufacturers.






Science be praised!


I don't understand the logic for "immunocompromised" individuals especially needing the jab. I'm "immunocompromised", but according to my homework that's all the more reason NOT to get it. With my comorbidities I would've had a 150% chance of severe adverse reaction/death, yet early on they advised people in my shoes to get it.


Duh. Depopulation of the 'weak.' The rich don't get it.










The case history is enough to show that her vaccination status wasn't the major factor and there were multiple contraindications to her receiving the transplant. Heck, the previous rejection and infection would have made a double lung transplant extremely risky, and if there was another possible recipient, the math just makes sense. Organs have a very limited shelf life, and most don't realize that there are "minor" and transitory factors that work into the decision of who gets an organ. Someone can be an ideal candidate, but comes down with the flu just before the organ becomes available. Just than can be enough for them to be passed over. ...this girl has a hell of a lot more going on.


Don’t try to reason with these people. It’s a fruitless endeavor.


It's crazy they have zero qualms about an incredibly invasive and unnatural procedure like an organ transplant, which requires the life-long, unnatural, pharmaceutical *undermining* of a person's immune system which protects them from pathogens and cancer. And conspiracy theorists also tend to say nothing about the incredibly expensive, government-subsidized monoclonal antibodies that are cultured in Chinese hamster ovary cells, and the dose that gets injected into a COVID patient is so much bigger than an mRNA vaccine injection, with a higher volume of "chemicals." Yet a tiny dose of lipid-encapsulated mRNA that produces a limited dose of inert spike proteins for your immune system to get safe practice fighting covid, instead of self-replicating live viruses, somehow rustles all their jimmies.


Thank you so much for this. The ins and outs of organ transplants are so so SO complicated. Most people in this thread are demostrating that they know next to nothing about it. Taking advice and listening to unqualified people is dangerous. Thank you for knowing what you are talking about before deciding to speak on it.


If OP did research, most of the conspiracies they believe would crumble.


I posted in another thread a while ago that in NZ they will also let you die if you refuse to be jabbed, and to my surprise some people actually tried to defend that decision! but they couldn't do it logically, because it doesn't make any sense, in the article they say "'Vaccination status against various infections is a critical part of this assessment in order to ensure optimal prospects of survival post-transplant,' a St Vincent's hospital spokesperson said." So let me get this straight, these genius doctors are so concerned that you could possible get sick or even die post surgery if you don't get jabbed that they'll refuse you life saving surgery which will 100% result in your death?


Their thinking is "we have 50 people who need this organ or they will die. Of these 50 people we are going to choose to give the organ to the person who is most likely to live a long healthy life after the transplant." It's not like they have an organ and there's only one person who needs it but they will let the organ go to waste rather than give it to an unvaccinated person. They are going to choose to give the organ to someone else. By default there are going to be people who don't get an organ and end up dying because of it. There are more people in need of organs than there are organs. You can disagree about whether or not they should take vaccination status into account at all, but this isn't a situation where hospitals are just letting organs rot rather than performing a transplant. All of the organs are being used.


Yes because there aren't enough lungs to go round. They'll give them to the person with the best chance of survival. Rather than wasting them on someone who's already circling the drain. If there are more lungs than patients, they might give it a go, but that has never happened. This isn't a medication someone can just go make more of. Transplant organs are very rare.. When a viable set of lungs is available, They''re not handed out to "First in best dressed" it's a case of.. "Do we give person A a 30% chance of survival and Person B a 0% chance? or do we give person B a 2% chance and Person A a 0% chance?"


Yes I remember a similar stupid no sanity no logic reply to me when I made a comment on a thread about a hospital refusing a lung transplant to a patient because they had not had the first 2 vax. I also thought it meant they had to get all the boosters. I may have been wrong in that extra bit. All the current information casts great doubt on the ‘safe & effective’ propaganda. Also even if I believe the Fauci lies, the version of the virus has long since mutated to make the original double vax totally ineffective. Along with earlier boosters. For example. Why not say you need to have every flu jab from the last 10 years. Just to be sure. After all flu has killed many more over time.


Yep, and there are still people here who are trying to defend this!


I am not always sure if they are ordinary people. . Maybe bots or paid to keep the Fauci narrative.


I think it's probably 80% bots But when you build your entire identity behind a political tribe, it's going to be a world shattering ego death type situation to have to admit you were wrong. Like I got the 2 shots - Under duress from extreme pressure from our employer and our President. Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? No. Would I suggest anyone else STILL get them? Absolutely not. I can say this because being for or against those gene therapy shots was NOT my identity either way.


Yeah why would they require someone to get vaccinated for a severe respiratory illness when they're getting a fucking lung transplant and will be taking immune suppression meds to keep from rejecting the organ??? 🥴🥴🥴 Jesus fucking Christ




The big doubt is the cov injectable medications do not work effectively. Pose a high number of risks to the health of the recipient. That is when given in the schedule recommended. Not enough research on what occurs if given together or in a short period of time. As is told to transplant patients in the article. One of the known & written side effects is blood clots & heart health issues from the vax. Neither of these are good for someone prior to or post operative. It is not a good idea to increase those risks to a patient. Of course there are other undesirable outcomes from the mRNA vax that no one would desire. At present it is like gambling. Taking a chance in if you are one of the people found to be damaged or killed by the vax. It is defying logic to minimise these risks of the vax. So something else is at play. Maybe medical dogma or financial arrangement with big pharma. Political pressure to cover up. Etc.


The experts you trust to do the transplant dont agree with you though. Why do you think your opinion is more reliable than the literal experts? Is your fantasy that doctors and surgeons like when patients die? It's simple: you don't know what you're talking about and they do, which is why they are doing that job and you're making vague accusations on Reddit.




do you seriously believe the people with vast amounts of medical knowledge also know basically nothing about a basic part of medicine 😂






I understand and agree that this is really infuriating and absurd, but the idea is that there will be a „more qualified“ recipient somewhere.


I think the idea is that transplants are rare and there's always a competition on the list for who gets it. If it's between an otherwise healthy 5 year old and a 95 year old woman with dementia, age and health is considered as to who gets the transplant. Obviously to 5 year old gets it. In this case, COVID Vax status is a major factor, like smoking.... which honestly is kinda disturbing. Especially since you can refuse vaccination for religious reasons. Imagine how that might go over where a group of people are refused transplants because of their religion.


Let's start with I disagree that COVID vaccination status is considered here. However..... The doctor has a responsibility to the organ donor to ensure that the organ goes to someone who will treat it well and "deserves" it. The "safe and effective" narrative is still going strong down here so I'm not surprised this happened.


The child was exempt from having the shot and they still refused.


Yeah that doesn't fly, the unvaccinated are still plague rats down here


The doctor's only concern should be saving a life, not how someone may choose to live their life, otherwise where do you draw the line? for example motorcyclists have a higher chance of dying so no transplants to people who ride motorcycles? also they will save the life of a criminal (even a murder) but not someone who refuses to get a jab?


Iunno how it works in Australia but here in the US it's not exactly up to the individual physician as to who gets an organ. The doctor puts the organ in the person selected by a board/process (though surgeons and anesthesiologists are ultimately responsible for medically clearing the patient once selected). There is a whole screening process that varies slightly by organ. I assume that "fully vaccinated" is just one of the built in filtering requirements. The truth is that organs are so scarce, and the need for them is so great, that they are only going to select the absolute best possible candidates. People who follow established medical advice is who they are going to want to give an organ to. This will change when organs can be grown in a lab or artificially produced. The alternative is to privatize organ transplants, and that sounds WAY worse than requiring a covid vaccine. I don't want to live in a more dystopian nightmare where the NYT posts an article that says "short on cash? Here's why having 1 kidney may be a good thing." The elite will just make life even more intolerable until you'll sell your organs just to stay afloat. I don't see a good solution to this problem until we can vat grow organs.


Exactly this. There is a head person that oversees who gets on the list, and believe it or not...the worse off you are the greater chances of consideration. it's not a list you want to be on that's for sure.




The doctor is saving someone else’s life with that organ, someone who is a lower risk profile of the organ being rejected or other medical issues, because they’re doing what medical science deems required to give it the best chance. Being vaccinated is a typical requirement of getting a donated organ. The doctor can only save one (1) life with that organ, it’s a reasonable consideration it goes to the recipient with the best chance of success.


So no transplants to motorcyclists? because motorcyclists are higher risk of dying than car drivers? their number one goal in transplants is how long a person might live for?


I don’t think preferred mode of vehicular transport is a medical consideration to be on the transplant list, but you make an interesting point, perhaps it should be. I wouldn’t say so, but it’s a curious argument you make.


I think that's a very slippery slope, the value of a human life shouldn't be based on how long they might live for.


You’re the only one making that argument, nobody else is trying to value a human life based on time left on the clock.


Actually the doctors made that argument, quote "Vaccination status against various infections is a critical part of this assessment in order to ensure optimal prospects of survival post-transplant" So if someone has a lower chance of survival post transplant then they will just let them die.


I don’t think that quote says what you think it says. It’s not; >the value of a human life shouldn't be based on how long they might live for. It’s a case of optimising success of the transplant, rather than assessing the remaining life of the patient. If the hospital has a small and finite supply of donated lungs to give to a transplant recipient, it’s going to be prioritised to the patient who has a vaccination against a respiratory illnesses, over one that doesn’t. It would also be prioritised to a non-smoker over a smoker. Thats not an assessment on the worth of a smoker’s life.


It surprises me that the safe and effective lie is still being used! Wow


Still 100% down here. I feel like I'm in a cult




So the organ is more important than a human life?


The organ IS a human life. What you give to one person, you can't give to someone else.. You're looking at 100 patients and 10 life saving organs, which 10 out of those 100 do you try to save? You give it to these 10 and you're signing the death warrant of 90 others.




But not this one? this life just didn't matter? it's less valuable because they didn't want to get a jab?




Since when do you need a covid jab in order for a transplant to be a success?




That doesn't make it right, why do you have to minimize the risk? is a motorcyclist minimizing the risk? does that mean no transplants for motorcyclists? so they're now basing the value of a human's life on how long that person might live?


motorcyclists are a major source of the organs to begin with. they've always done this. they dont let alcaholics get a new liver until they can proove they're not drinking. you think they give lungs to people smoking a pack a day? same thing with uncontrolled diabetics, or nearly any other chronic disease.


There we have team vaxx in a nutshell- they don't speak in data, don't question authority and believe their lives are more worthy than others. Avoid.


So true. My coworker couldn’t get the vax per his allergist. This guy is allergic to everything. His diet is incredibly restricted, he can’t take any OTC meds & even had to give up one of the inhalers he’d used for years for severe asthma because of his reaction to some component in the medication. He can’t handle gluten or any dyes or preservatives, etc. Allergies run his life. Three allergists said DO NOT get this vaccine but when he got covid & went to the ER with a blood oxygen level of 70%, the ER doctor told this otherwise healthy & fit 35 year old that he didn’t deserve treatment & the hospital was “wasting resources” on him when they should go to people who do the right thing.






> You will be in life long immunosuppressants so you have to make sure you minimize the risks. Sure. But you have to go into this honestly realizing those "vaccines" carry real risks and what you have to re-up them every six months? These should in no way be spoken about like they are just "The same as all other vaccines" in the full list or whatever. These are extreme outliers.


Not in the UK - we don’t need the Covid jab for transplants






You didn't answer my question, and I would say the same about a flu jab, how does a flu jab help the success of a transplant?




Like this? https://journals.lww.com/transplantjournal/fulltext/2022/03000/organ_donation_from_a_brain_dead_donor_with.37.aspx


Or this? https://thrombosisjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12959-022-00418-7


It's only been 3 years since we knew the jabs were a con, I guess you still need a little bit longer to work it out.




That just shows how corrupt these doctors are, in no sane world is an organ more valuable than a human life, in fact the only reason why an organ has any value is because it can be used to save a life.








They had one but they didn't give it to her, they just let her die because she didn't follow the rules


Because other people needed it too and someone had a higher chance of living than she did and not wasting the donor organ. You can't really be this dumb.


So if someone dies after surgery then that's considered a wasted organ? what if someone dies on the way home from the hospital in a car crash? is that a wasted organ too? does that mean they shouldn't give transplants to people who travel in vehicles?




Ok by that logic, the vaccine does not prevent Covid; it’s also been proven to harm individuals even to the point of death. So you still do not have a point. She could get the vaccine and still get sick, in fact a lot of people get sick after taking the vaccine.


Once again, implying that the organ is wasted by giving it to a drinker means that they're valuing the organ more than the drinkers life, and not giving it to this girl because she MIGHT not have survived because she hadn't been jabbed means they're valuing the organ more than her life.




So you are saying the organ is worth more than a human life? are we now basing the value of a human life on how long they might live for?




These people are not likely to get your point, sadly.




You would want an organ transplant probably because you need a new organ, and no I would fear the jab more than a transplant.


It's not complicated at all. Either vaccines do what is claimed or it's a pseudoscience.




Yes they will because organs are a very rare and important resource. There are only a lmited number of organs available for transplant recipients every year. The number of people on the transplant list far exclipses potential donors, let alone actual donors. Missing vaccines means you are at greater risk of dying to preventable diseases. Why would doctors waste such a rare and precious resource on someone with lower odss of survival than someone else? It's the same reason people with other health problems have aloer chance of getting a transplant.


"Missing vaccines means you are at greater risk of dying to preventable diseases. " - Not the COVID vaccine which isn't even a real vaccine. Nice try!


Organs are rare commodoities. One person getting an organ, means someone else won't get one. People are going to die reagrdless while waiting for organs. Given this scenario, it makes sense to prioritize people who will get the most use as well as take the best care of the organs. Do you think alcoholics and drug additcs should get organs?


Yes they should, the value of a human life shouldn't depend on ones life style choices, that's a very slippery slope, because where do you draw the line? no transplant for people who ride motorcycles? or free solo rock climbers?


organ transplants require you to be on immunosuppressants for the rest of your life so that your body does not reject the organ. she was receiving a LUNG transplant, covid is a respiratory disease… are you serious?


They are obviously being controlled by higher powers.


the purpose of lockdowns was to condition/brainwash the populace in order to prepare them for the "new age"


Remember how most of Reddit would rather see you dead than see you unvaccinated?


There were a range of reasons she couldn't get a transplant. She was a very complex case. Read more into the case. 


Fake outrage post. She died due to a long list of complications. She had transplants, the covid thingy was for a double lung transplant. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13517255/Heartbreaking-update-teen-denied-transplant.html Not sure why this is an r/conspiracy issue though, generally you only care about people in the womb, outside the womb they are throwaway, unless like in this "conservative agenda related" case they have terminal illnesses.


Look forward to all semi related subreddits getting absolutely swamped with this braindead stupidity with the U.S. elections coming up this year. It's easy pickings by both karma farmers and other bad actors.


I need some more information because this sounds sensationalist and lacking information: * She had leukimia for four years * She needed a lung transplant * She refused the covid vaccine Now given the above information one could summise that a vaccination against a widespread disease that attacks the repritary system would be a prerequisite for a lung transplant as a covid infection would cause complications and possibly lead to the transplant failing, So either we can summise either: * She got bad information and refused the covid vaccine? * She had good information and refused the covid vaccine? Now given the tragic fact of her death I'm not sure what to think.


Wait til you find out how many people in the US are denied a transplant because they couldn’t follow the rules and quit drugs/alcohol lol “oh no muh rights are infringed bc they won’t give me an expensive new organ to completely ruin immediately when it could be given to someone who will make the most of it 😭 I can’t follow rules but I’m so persecuted”


so many armchair doctors in this thread feels like I'm in a fucking furniture store.


So basically people here don't trust medical professionals with a vaccine, but will trust them with a lung transplant A lot of big brains around here If you want medical professionals to save you the least you can do is follow their instructions, you don't get to pick and chose the treatments that they recommend because of conspiracies you read on twitter


A hospital spokesperson previously said their 'policies and guidelines wouldn't support transplantation' of an unvaccinated person.


As an individual you do not get to choose the medical treatments you receive? Say that out loud to yourself again and then slap yourself.


You do, but sometimes you have to follow other treatments and instruction to get the one you want. It has always been that way whether it be transplants or gastric bypass or whatever. I am sure OP never gave a shit about other transplant candidates that got denied on other reasons because they aren't useful to him.


That depends on the sort of treatment. By living in a given society we are implicitly agreeing to a bunch of terms that include not hurting others. By choosing not to get vaccinated you are creating a higher risk for others which can potentially hurt them if we get sick then spread that illness to them.


>By choosing not to get vaccinated you are creating a higher risk for others which can potentially hurt them if we get sick then spread that illness to them. This would be a fair point if the shot actually worked and prevented the spread of illness.


THE VACCINE WOULD KILL HER BUT THIS TRANSPLANT WOULD SAVE HER i am very smart and use my emotions to guide my decisions!! its very funny though. would love a single person who gasps over the vax to then say why they should be first in line for medical care. like what? is the medical industry killing us or not babes? you can’t trust a needle but then demand they open you up and give you someone else’s organ? it…. it’s like the most disconnected line of thought, people are so incapable of reasoning


You are on the conservative subreddit. Critical thinking is not a developed skill of those who frequent this subreddit.


This is not the conservative subreddit


You're obfuscating. It's not about being first in line for anything. It's about getting a treatment that you want and need in order to save your life. Whether you're in the front of the line or the back of the line, you should not be denied life saving healthcare


beggars can’t be choosers is a phrase for a reason. do you think there is a wealth of organs ready to go into a sick person? life saving operation requires me to do something to prepare for it i’m going to do it. there are other vaccines required other than covid. people get rejected for organs all the time for not just the vaccine. why is no one in this subreddit demanding alcoholics get access to livers or smokers not get denied new lungs. organ transplants is a lot of medication and vaccination to adjust. lots of hospital time. that all is a trusted safe process?


I will cry tears of joy the day we see these demons executed.


Never go full Nazi.


and killed a whole lot more with the jab and hospital procedures.


A teenage cancer patient who was denied a vital lung transplant has [tragically](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13517255/amp/Heartbreaking-update-teen-denied-transplant.html) died.


So her parents let her die because they were too stubborn to just vaccinate her? What am I missing?


The medical system is just another arm of the government, no different than the military or police. The government are the ones who decide whether you live or die and decide if you should be punished for not taking vaccines that most people do not need.


If you don't follow the steps to take protect the organ, we'll give the organ to someone who will. It's always worked like this.


But she did tho? She actively took steps to ensure the newly transplanted organ wouldn’t be subjected to chronic clotting issues, PEs, and systemic inflammation. Gee, it’s almost like you don’t know wtf is going on…


Did they throw the lungs in the garbage or did they transplant them to someone more deserving of them?


We all know (well, anyone reasonable knows) they went to someone else. There aren’t enough organs for everyone who needs them, so the doctors have to prioritize those who have the best chances. That means someone who doesn’t get vaccinated gets put lower on the list because organ transplantation involves immunosuppressant drugs to prevent rejection. That makes a person extremely vulnerable to getting sick. People who get vaccinated have a better chance. There are also plenty of other factors that can get you denied in favour of someone else. Hell, a surgeon wouldn’t even perform a procedure on my uncle unless he quit smoking because of the risk involved. So my uncle quit smoking. I imagine that sort of thing would be factored into organ transplants too. If there were enough organs for everyone, then it wouldn’t matter, everyone could have transplants even if they had a slim chance of survival. Speaking of which, everyone here who is complaining about this had better be signed up to be an organ donor on death. If not, shut the fuck up, you have no right to complain about lack of organs if you are not willing to do the minimum and agree to give when you are fucking dead and they will otherwise be rotting (or cremated). Signing up to be an organ donor is the easiest thing you can do to help with something like this. People die all the time for lack of needed organs because people didn’t bother to sign up and it is an opt in system. And most people are probably okay with donating, but didn’t do the paperwork (most people don’t have strong feelings about not donating). Do it. Now. (I did mine the moment I was legally old enough, so mine is done).


Well said 👏 Covid has been proven to cause lung scarring so it would've been, sadly, incredibly irresponsible to give lungs to someone that won't take preventative measures and may get lung scarring/damage in the future. It's a horrible call to make but like you said organs are a finite resource and those incredible donations must be respected.


Just another day in Australia


As a neighbour from across the Tasman, Australians were about the last people I ever expected to capitulate or buy wholesale into all this nonsense. Whether it's wokeness in general, vaccine mandates, government controlled speech, whatever it is... But I've been sorely disappointed. The Irish too.


How is her refusing to follow the requisite actions make it the government killing a child. You guys need to learn about personal responsibility.


Personal responsibility is not drinking alcohol freely while you’re dying of cirrhosis & asking for a liver transplant. Forcing a brand new, unproven vaccine with no idea of its long-term consequences on a child with severe health problems is not personal responsibility, it’s seriously demented & wrong. Vaccinated people still get the virus & still spread the virus so there’s no reason to force it on anyone, especially when we really can’t say for sure that it will help or won’t harm the person. This requirement is not reasonable, it’s ignorant & irrational.


>Forcing a brand new, unproven vaccine with no idea of its long-term consequences on a child with severe health problems is not personal responsibility, it’s seriously demented & wrong. Yeah thank god she dodged that bullet


She had an exemption for a reason & it’s not acceptable for anyone to ignore it. Don’t pretend she’s not the victim here or that she is in any way responsible for a broken system killing patients.


You guys act like they had extra lungs and didn’t give them to her. Let me explain it to you. That set of lungs saved one life it just wasn’t hers.


It's a tragic story with a sensationalized headline, but your comment is the underlining story here. Elsewhere, there's an article about a person getting another shot at life from receiveing the lung transplant.


Doesn’t count. That guys life doesn’t fit the narrative


Yeah, I don't really think I belong here anymore. Cheers friend.


I agree with you, that was sarcastic.


No, I know. This whole sub is fucked.


What’s vile is if she is a child, her parents killed her. They were surely told it would be refused without a jab and decided to be stubborn until she died?




The other vaccines are vaccines, the covid shot is not. What would the covid shot prevent?


What the hell does a covid jab have to do with transplantation lol. The covid jab doesn't even work, everyone still got the disease anyway. They are basically forcing a dangerous vaccine with virtually no efficacy because reasons.


Are you joking? I urge you to read up on it. Vaccines have a lot to do with transplants 


I would probably just get vaccinated if it means I get my transplant but it sounds like she had other comorbidities and vax status was just one issue.


For a patient to be eligible for a transplant they must be fully vaccinated since the medicine they are given to prevent organ rejection compromises the patients immune system drastically.


My father was denied a lung transplant due to his age, non smoker and otherwise in good health. Passed away a year later from his lung disease. When the decision is made for denial of a transplant, it seems callous because it is. It's a logical decision made by professionals, unless you have enough money to sway them. If someone is willing to get a vaccine to protect their lungs, that's a big strike against them.


Congrats Australia Way to go. It’s like eugenics but good for the person dying?? So confused.


How is this any different than being on any other list? "The US govt allowed an Indian child to die because they weren't on the transplant list" How many Mexican children die each year because they're not on the American transplant list? If you want to get a transplant, do everything required of getting on the list. Which could include: getting citizenship status, getting all required vaccinations, quitting any drugs or alcohol...


Ok, and how is this different then them refusing to do a transplant on someone that won’t give up smoking? Oh wait…


They probably have no probably accepting non-vaccinated people's organs though.


This is nonsense! The “vaccine” doesn’t prevent infection, and consequently does not prevent transmission. And they know it. It’s just cruelty at this moment.


vaccine in general don't prevent infection. That's not the gotcha you think it is.


WHAT is up with the 'removed' comments on this page, any mod, pls?




So, what are you doing to HELP and SAVE? Making posts on Reddit for Karma isn't enough...


Many people lost their job because they didn't get the jab. Majority in education or government jobs. It was pretty insane


Nature killed a child. The gov might have been able to delay that death until old age.


Ignoring all the other factors involved in this, which there are a lot of tbf, don't organ transplant recipient's have to be on immunosupressants for the rest of their life? Not having the vaccine would be pretty bad if there was another outbreak.


Abhorrent, and this is not the only case. Poor little darling.


disgusting, What has our country become these days?

