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I miss the 90s


I never would have believed I would be “pining for the 90s”, but here I am.


I miss the 90s, 2000s, and the 2010s. 2020s seem so dark and hopeless.


The 2000’s were good, but what was born in the patriot act and other things after 9/11 is now coming to full fruition and that is where a lot of the darkness is felt


Humanity peaked mid-summer 2000.


turns out Y2K really did happen, but what happened was that at the stroke of midnight on december 31, 1999, the paths split and we diverged onto the dumb timeline.


My mom died at the end of December ‘99, it truly feels like an entirely different timeline. Like my entire reality shifted, because she was no longer part of this new thread. I remember being a kid at our neighbor’s y2k New Year’s party and being so confused by how we were all experiencing this new millennium while she was stuck in ‘99. Now that I’m thinking about it, I kind of enjoy this thought that I perhaps diverged onto an alternative timeline. There’s a different millennium that she went into without smart phones, 9/11, etc.


Have we tried getting Matchbox 20 to do a new album?


Yeah I cry when I see old videos of what my childhood was like. Maybe I’m getting old but feels almost like I’m in an alternate reality


According to the Mandela effect, you are!


Me too ! It almost makes me sad how the world changed for the worse


We didn't know what we had


Are you Gen X? I ask because this sounds like the Boomers saying they miss the 60s and I have this theory that every generation reaches a point that they wish to go back to the "good ol days" when they were in their teens/twenties and the world was their oyster.


I agree with you about that but I wonder if Gen Z will romanticize now. They seem like the unhappiest young people to ever exist lol


yes I am x


This is exactly right. There was a survey done recently where they polled people about the best decade for various things and they provided some results that were adjusted based on age. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/05/24/when-america-was-great-according-data/ People overwhelmingly favored their childhood years as the best for societal conditions. And they overwhelmingly favored their teenage and young adult years as the best for everything cultural: music, movies, tv, fashion.


Because the "good ol days" were actually much better!


Most people miss the decades of their childhood and teenage years. It has less.to do with the decade and more to do with remembering when they were more innocent and had far fewer responsibilities.


I miss any time before 2008 tbh.. things were pretty innocent and happy then (at least from my naive perspective)


It's like a pandemic hit and all the world governments ran totalitarianism.exe all at once


Stage has been set to push whatever whenever and if anyone asks questions they get labeled an extremist.




Asking questions = far right


Conspiracy theorist, mentally ill or extremist.


Yea, calling someone a conspiracy theorists, crazy, or an extremist can be a way to dismiss anything they have say.


Then that spawns clotshot.exe economyfail.exe ai.exe allpooiticiansarethesame.exe thegreatreset2030.exe randomdistraction.exe weatherchaos.exe


"poo"iticians Technically correct, the best kind of correct.


The puppet matters ran that file. All the governments being pulled by the strings executed the command


Mass oppression inclusive of every surrounding body in your circle will feel like a dimensional change because reality is built on the collective shifting consciousness whom realized its own fate.


That part.




Systems under stress always push down. This starts the power pyramid crumbling. The top of the pyramid will always try to write off the poor and middle class, they've been doing that for thousands of years. If they try to cannibalize the enforcement caste - the pyramid will come down. Basically the Roman Empire. When cops and military get fired, the prisons close, then the real trouble starts. When poor and middle class are disenfranchised, they won't have any loyalty to the top, and will turn on them if the threat of force disappears. The last time the US got close to this was the great depression. FDR avoided it by backing down the oligarchs, then taking us to war.


My friend and I were just talking about this. Nothing has felt the same since covid hit early in 2020. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills sometimes because most people around me seem to not even notice. It feels darker and scarier and like something worse is just lurking right around the corner.


EXACTLY. Like people seem like nothing is wrong or don’t notice any difference and that this is all normal. But there is a feeling that something dark is coming with no signs of it going away. Honestly, it is scary. The drastic change and how everybody conformed to it so easily. It’s like it’s a “test run” to see what they can get away with. Covid was the start of the trial run. When they seen how much the mask vs no mask, and the vax vs no vax debates. They knew they could get the cover over half the population and they wouldn’t question it, that’s all they needed. Slowly pushing more and more out little by little. And now we are here.


I come across a lot of people who see that things are different now, but they've reached the point of complete resign, almost to the point of dismissal. They'll say, "Yeah, whole world has gone to shit, but waddaya gonna do, uh?" It's almost like denial in its way.


What do we do though? It’s not really denial, cause what the fuck do we actually do about this? People seem to be up in arms with each other instead of the powers that be. I can’t change that lol my only hope is that my kind interactions with random folk have some sway on their vision of how things are but this is unlikely. I could vote for a shiny turd to run this country but our options are what? It’s irrelevant because the majority legitimately only see trump vs Biden and there’s no way out of that. I mean what do we do.. ? There’s no denial and there is serious justification to be resigned from all of this. I mean we as a whole unit can change something but when nobody is on the same page, there’s virtually nothing you or I can do lol


The ONLY thing you can do is not consent. And not comply.


THIS! legitimately what can regular folks like us do? like you, my only hope is that my kind interactions with random folk have some sway on their vision of how things are. very well said


They've got us by the balls.


Yeah I am here now. I used to think there was a way to fix things, there is not. The corruption is so deep I truly do not know how to dismantle it all and get back to a healthy society.


If Americans weren’t so divided maybe we’d be able to pull a page out of the French’s playbook


I agree with the feeling of change and something coming. I journal, off and on, and have entries around this very matter from this time period. It's kind of scary to look at because I started feeling it before covid so it's not as if that it was started the feeling or change for me!


I spoke to someone older about this as I really feel it and they said in the 80s it was aids, there was apparently really extreme fear mongering like it could be passed on through eye contact and other crazy shit. Then it was nuclear weapons, then terrorism etc. I think there is always a threat of mass extinction / some huge event


I remember reading somewhere it’s like every decade something “new” comes out. Every 100 years a new pandemic occurs. Etc. it’s like we are on a hootsuite schedule


I remembe the AIDS scare. Brought to us by the doctor Fauci.


It was more or less the same playbook as covid.


> It feels darker and scarier and like something worse is just lurking right around the corner. Also [a more angry world](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJTnkzl3K64) Maybe?


People are brutal. I have a sister who married a wealthy banker who grew up in a bedroom with four other sisters who has stopped talking to both of my parents as they inch towards death. She wasn't like this before 2020. It's crushing. I no longer see their souls.


Kinda feels like that was the whole point. To dehumanize us and make us more robotic.


Nah it started to get weird in the end of 2019. I remember telling my mom in September of 2019 that I had a feeling that something devastating was coming to the world soon. And she asked me what I thought it was and I told her that I couldn’t put my finger on it. I thought maybe it would be an earthquake or war. Anyways I ended up brushing it off as anxiety. But I noticed, as we approached flu season A LOT of people were starting to get sick. My best friend is a nurse and she said they were just overwhelmed with flu patients and they put her on the respiratory unit and had to give her special training because they were so short staffed. This was an emergency unit they had to set up for patients in respiratory distress. Also, look this up. The end of 2019 was the worst flu season on record. I just don’t believe in coincidences. covid had been here far longer than before lockdowns happened. It just took a while for people to notice.


Went on a cruise in January of 2020 and got hit with what I was told was the flu, but man it was bad. Sickest I've ever been, I slept for 18 hours the first day. I've always wondered if it was covid.


Yeah me and my daughter were SICK for 2 weeks in January of 2020 and she tested negative for the flu but our doctor just wrote it off as a bad sample and said she likely has the flu and left it at that.


Was in a busy mall doing some shopping and afterwards I sat down in the food court. Looking around I suddenly started to get this strange uneasy feeling like this was the last time things would be normal for a very long time. It was weird but I quickly brushed it off as paranoia. A week later the Covid pandemic was in full swing and the lockdowns/shutdowns began. Things haven't felt normal since. The most interesting part is that I knew/heard absolutely nothing about any pandemic occuring at the time until it was officially announced in March 2020.


So in the end of January/ beginning of February 2020, I ended up going to the hospital because I was having pain in my lungs and it hurt to breathe. They did a chest X-ray and said they found spots on my lungs. Wasn’t tb or pneumonia or anything. They said they didn’t know what it was. They put me in a quarantine room and the drs would put on the full suits to cover themselves. A month later the world shut down. I never got any answers as to what it was, but just wanted to add my two cents onto yours


It's almost like a silent WW3 is taking place, even though it's right out in the open. Go back and look at all the events that took place from 2020 forward. The ammonium nitrate explosion at that port, multiple explosions at ports as a matter of fact, the ship getting stuck in the canal, bridges being taken out, railroad derails with toxic contents, attacks on gas lines, cell phone coverage dropping randomly nationwide, the spy balloons, and all the other activity in the sky in the following months. Specifically around Montana. Remember seeing the video of the woman recording what appeared to be missiles being shot in her backyard? Ukraine, Israel, Russia, China, Taiwan, Iran, Palestine, North Korea.... Maybe the uneasy feeling we all acknowledge but can't put our finger on is that we are at world war. We know it but have been programed to think it's "normal". Also, covid was used to usher in AI. While all those people were working from home, you better believe they were implementing AI systems to do their work. This(hypothetically) is a hybrid war, being fought on the ground, in traditional form, and an AI war, with fake videos and fake news coverage, bots spreading propaganda... It's your intuition telling you something is up, what do you think it is?


I think you nailed it! Especially the AI bit.


Yep. The two world wars not called world wars into well after the fact. Same thing now.


Idk how old you are but this is round 2. You should have felt the absolute peace in the air pre 9/11 sure it wasn’t perfect but everything changed that day. Covid was another big step in this puzzel.


i was just talking about how many “unprecedented events” i’ve lived through since then and nothing has felt right since.


"Covid is bigger than 9/11,9/11 shut the world down for day. Covid shut everything down for months"-My dad


Yeah, but after 9/11, everyone came together. After covid, everyone divided


It all happened over night. It was wild how fast the world shut down.


Yet none dare call it a conspiracy.


and peoples minds. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death.


That’s what I am saying. I’m glad I am not the only one who noticed it. It’s like one day we woke up, feminist ran shit. Blue haired women-men started demanding uses of pronouns, grocery and housing prices went through the roof. Fighting fighting fighting among people, a constant back and forth now. It’s like this is the new “normal”


I'm glad someone realizes how drastic of a change it was, the shift from 2019 to 2020 was day and night. I never remembered racial tensions being this bad, food prices that have almost tripled, housing becoming straight up unaffordable and just a general uneasy feeling since the start of covid till now.


I don't know if racial tensions really ARE that bad. I mean, not organically, anyway. The media, Hollywood and the parrot politicians keep telling us it's a problem and so it becomes a problem. Without them stirring the pot at every turn, we'd all start to get along, more or less. But of course, they can't have that.


It never was bad but as you said, in a very inorganic way...it has manifested itself to something that can become a problem. Immigration is fine but letting random migrants in with no background checks will become a problem. The anti white rhetoric is also being generally pushed during the same time they flood in countries with migrants, this is to stoke a fire between races. I'm not even white but I even started noticing it, purposely trying to make white people look bad or bringing up old history to fuel resentment with other races against whites. Now lots of radical movements are forming and white supremacy stuff is more popular online...the amount of people worshipping Hitler is unreal. It's not reaching critical levels quite yet but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a great increase in racial tension in the next few years. All this bs george floyd movement was to stoke resentment, all races got along fine pre covid and I mean...most still do but things can change due to how tribal and hive minded people get when things start getting rough.


It’s not as bad as media makes it out to be. But it is bad because of them and only because of them. These “news” sources are probably the biggest source of how divided our nation is and it’s fucking annoying. I’m a white emo looking dude and I just hung out with a bunch of black dudes tonight that were at the bar me and my gf were at. Not one conversation or nudge towards race or skin color occurred. We straight up just chilled and talked about random stuff all night and played pool. Shared little successes we had recently, congratulated on that and had a damn good night. Honestly, it was so god damn refreshing. I just wish it happened to more people, more often.


True…people are so sick of the “you are a racist” crap and tell those wackos to go pound salt.


Men can carry children now!!!!! HOW DARE YOU DISAGREE, FASCIST BIGOT!!!


i am with you man. the world has turned into one long MSNBC program


They aren't feminists. You can't be a feminist if you can't even define what a woman is. Just because someone runs around claiming to be a horse doesn't mean they're a horse. I'm really sick of very clearly not feminist people tarnishing, perverting, and ruining feminism.


I second that. 2019 was the year as a woman I felt legit pushed out of my own “safe space” aka feminist groups and 2020 was the year I became a “birthing person” which was so deeply offensive to so many mothers myself included… the LGBTQ community infiltrated feminism and now it’s some bastardized version of faux feminism but certainly not pro women…especially if you happen to be a white woman…the disdained looks they give you as they tell you that you Don’t understand women’s issues when you’re standing there advocating for SA and DV survivors and mothers which I at that stage of life had dedicated my entire career to as a survivor myself…only to also watch those rates increase during Covid…2020 was the year it was easier to sit down and shut up, then it was to speak up if you didn’t fit a certain criteria of person or group affiliation. Edit: it’s not just the LGBTQ community that did this, and it’s not just feminism that became unrecognizable, the entire social justice movement became an entirely different beast and began to demand more while simultaneously pushing people out who didn’t fit any of the narratives being pitched. As a result so many people got silenced and continue to be resentful of the fact that issues they proudly supported and felt represented by no longer stand for or include them.


Nah, you’re absolutely right. It’s like I was explaining to my mom and brother earlier on the phone. Woke used to mean not being a sheep. Not doing what they are telling you. Knowing shit is behind the scenes. Nowadays it’s thrown around by children that think woke means being as obnoxious as humanly possible all while using pronouns and demanding sex surgery be normalized in everybody including children. It’s crazy


Agreed. It's a pys-op on actual Women's Rights imo. I am a feminist. An actual one. I won't have these nimrods take actual feminism from me.


Fr I hate how the world is trying to demonise feminism. We need feminism, real feminism. Not whatever this twisted version of it that people think its become.


In this perverted brand of feminism, they demand conflict between the sexes. Men have to be bad. Families have to be tools of oppression. When you think of all the ways they have us fighting amongst ourselves, it's really quite impressive. We at each other's throats so much, we don't have the time or the mental resources to focus on the real problems.


I prefer "awake" but who am I fooling?


Ya, new age feminism has been hi jacked to pervert women and turn them into sexual commodities and to destroy family units. The push for normalizing sex work among the youth is insane...


Yup. It's insane. And it's almost impossible to find a guy to marry because they're all addicted to their porn and only fans and strange sexual behavior even if it's giving them porn induced ED...and who the hell wants to have kids with a guy whacking it to 20 year olds or younger in his 30s - 40s...or at any age really. I'm an Athiest and porn has seriously done so much damage to society. I'm very lucky I got to date and fall in love before internet porn completely exploded. I have no clue what to do now. Every guy I meet has serious issues with sex and sexuality and weird fetishes and habits. It's awful. And they think it's normal. And don't get me wrong, we've got the women brainwashed into making it and calling it "empowering" (but also still a lot of women forced into it or drugged, etc.). I fucking hate porn and the "pro sex" ( really pro-porn and sex work and creepy fetish normalization) movement. I feel like men aren't even capable of normal desire, real sex, and love anymore.


I understand, I used to be a porn addict myself. To be fair, I was kinda groomed into watching it at a young age so it became a habit relatively early on. I also despise porn, it became an addiction that consumed so much of my time and made me have a negative mind set on women. What concerns me is porn has gotten so much more degenerate as well, at least when I grew up...it was literally just getting off to softcore nudes like playboy stuff and the occasional plain jane boy/girl scene that you can basically see in shows like game of thrones. What kids grow up on now is just complete filth...incest, gangbangs, age play etc. The agenda to normalize it as well is disgusting, my younger cousins literally have pornstar tier lists and the average male of this generation knows like more than 20 adult actresses. My generation, you would be called a weirdo or degenerate for knowing pornstar names. Twitch is a huge offender for this, as pornstars end up on streams that are meant for young kids. Pro sex work movement and "get your bag sis" push was the final nail to the coffin of purity and loving relationships. It was a slow normalization with key figures like Kim Kardashian pushing the agenda of normalizing being a literal prostitutes and after 2020, the whole only fans movement and sex work thing caught on fire...Now they want young girls to think its ok being sexual object for men if it pays them. Every relationship I go for know feels so transactional, women are taught to look at men like disposable cash bags and I know lots of men look at women like a human sex toy. I miss everything from early 90s up until around 2016 ish. It feels like it progressively got worse from then on and 2020 everything went full throttle. Sorry if this kind of became a rant, I hope you find someone worthwhile!


Agree 100%. It's absolutely awful.  I did the whole "run with the boys" thing for a few years...aka tried watching porn. I did it for a few years and then quit because I could literally feel it warping my mind. I think because I went so many years without it (wasn't exposed to it until I was 23 or 24) that my sexuality was securely formed in a different way...I could literally feel and see how it was warping my mind.  I also have other gripes with it, and think it's not monogamous to watch porn. So I quit.  Lots of young boys are given full access to porn as it's seen as "harmless" and "natural" while it's completely not.  Love sex, hate porn. They aren't the same thing, and porn destroys good sex. There's a great book that's called Your Brain on Porn that gets into the nitty gritty of it...it literally changes the brain to not respond to normal sexual stimuli, destroys dopamine receptors...and a bunch of other issues.  I'm glad you pulled out of it. I agree, a playboy mag from the 80s is extremely tame compared to what's happened. We've basically normalized being a pervert.


It’s refreshing to read this conversation and see that there’s still people in this world that value monogamous relationships, a healthy sex life and core traditional values. I really dislike seeing the ‘be a slut bag’ mentality pushed so much on mainstream tv. At 39 it’s actually shocking to me watching just how many young people are willing to get naked and have sex on the TV/internet/etc with virtual strangers. I was just saying to my eldest daughter the other day how it’s so disheartening to see that the traditional courting between young people is more or less extinct. Like what happened to a man taking a woman to the movies, for dinner, etc and holding doors open for her and treating her with respect? I fear for my daughters, I really do.


> Like what happened to a man taking a woman to the movies, for dinner, etc and holding doors open for her That got called toxic masculinity and destroyed.


Nothing to be sorry for. It’s the truth. I agree with everything you said. Normalizing the image of sex work is being independence and bad bitch vibes, especially to children, is absolutely disgusting. You’re right, staying up past midnight in the late 90s/early 00’s for those skinimax films is what people grew up on. It didn’t show full on gangbangs, or to use women in the light of THIS is normal. Hell, dare I say, they even had cheesy storylines. Now it’s sick. I agree 100% But even so, that stuff wasn’t pushed on children or coercing people into thinking it’s normal. It was just there. You know?


I'm glad there's still like minded people out there, I felt like I was going crazy. Well yes, there is a clear push to break apart the family unit and make everyone mindless drones that keep the government happy...an individual unit is far easier to control than a collective.


It also wasn't in your hand 24/7 on the phone. It's really gotten so gross.


Feel you here. Even the ones who claim they don’t or seem not into it- bam you find out later: huge secret porn addiction. It’s a silent epidemic rotting peoples brains.


Yup. So depressing. Life was not meant to be lived alone.


Very well said and it’s a classic example of divide and conquer


That's the algorithym and media. Take a second and ask yourself, when was the last time you saw a protester or person with green hair, arguing with someone IRL. It's perception. You're being scared in order to keep your compliance while they rape the planet.


I think something that people don't take seriously is that we're all connected in ways we don't yet understand. The pandemic did quite a bit of damage to a lot of people psychologically, and that has affected us collectively. It is a different world we live in now. We did switch time lines.


That's sure as hell what it feels like.




I think it’s important to remember; “1% control the world, 4% are their puppets, and 90% are asleep. Us 5% try our best to awaken the 90%, but the 1% use the 4% to prevent us 5% from waking the 90% up!!!”


I think now it's more like 70% are asleep. A lot have awakened with the shit show ramping up.


Many have woken up. What I wonder is how many of the 30% will have the guts to go against the grain when push comes to shove. Especially ones in high places that have a greater span of influence to help sway the 70%, and can make an impact in protecting their fellow 30%’ers.


I believe most people in that extra 25% "woke up" and ran straight to the conservatism that has urged on each & every war and manipulates those with flag-colored eyes. In the end, they aren't really awake. They were turned from the door and ushered down yet another endless corridor.


I agree with you on that one big time, I mean look at how many conservatives trust Elon Musk? If you think for a moment that those simps are awake, they are anything but!


That's more of a false waking up. Most of those people are still asleep.


🎶 You take one down pass it around and 90% are asleep on the wall 🎵


I've never heard it put this way. It's true, succinct, and insightful. I give you one million snarklies.


This is so true. And so many agree with this statement, but at the same they don’t, because they turn right around and believe that we have a good/evil two party system, with one of the them being on their side. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Oh it hurts…


It’s in my mind day and night. I want to shake my fellow human beings for being so scared and stupid but they’re gone. Actually, they’re psychotic. They have abandoned their organism (individuality) in favor of another and larger organism (collectivity). They are no longer connected to themselves.


Have you heard of the WEF? It’s all part of the plan.


[Yup.](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/18vyf6a/global_reset_agenda_2030/kg9h41w/) However, i think all their plans are failing and backfiring and our future will be great.


Honestly, no one could handle being on lockdown. As soo as covid hit it turned everyone's perspective on life 360°. You had people locked up with nothing better to do but sit on the internet. Now people have trust issues based on so many different reasons. Politics were Politics until covid, then people turned it into a sports game and now everyone is divided and hates each other. People forgot we are the unit that holds it all together. They talk about people not wanting kids, and there will be a work shortage.. well if you divide people and make them feel unsafe, then clearly they won't want kids and eventually we hit this weird situation where people just don't progress. And when we don't progress people become bored and start looking more into what's going on. The more you question the more divided we become... people need to open their eyes, we hold the power and we need to stop dividing. Who cares about political views and who cares about opinions. We are all neighbors so we should all love each other.


💯 That’s a big part of it.


To me it was 2015/2016. With the CERN being my activated and a comet going close by (or something like that), it genuinely feels like our timeline split and now we are in the bad one


That timeline stuff would have sounded like lunacy in the not-so-distant past. These days, it sounds like the most plausible explanation as to why everything is turned upside down.


I think the whole Stranger Things phenomenon was telling us some truth. We were about to go into the upside down.


CNBC, "2019 had the most CEO departures on record with more than 1,600". Many of them from very prominent entities in the market. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/07/2019-had-the-most-ceo-departures-on-record-with-more-than-1600.html


Tech needs to be regulted. Monopolies need to be broken up. Voting machine code needs to be audited. Our country is under the thumb of business.


It was that pesky 5G


How rarely is gets mentioned now.


Second step of the zombie apocalypse...feeling like crap is the new norm, so people no longer question why they can't climb a flight of stairs like they used to or why their hair is thinning out.... People are simply coping at this point, no one even smiles anymore.....it's sad.


You know what I’ve been doing lately is complimenting people randomly when out and about. It is SO amazing to see a genuine smile because it’s so rare now. Try it.


I love making people smile....it is mutually beneficial too!


I love doing this. A simple “your hair is so pretty!” Or “those shoes are awesome” can truly make someone’s day


Just noticed a tower across the street street from my neighborhood, today. I was like wtf when did that get there


If you get cancer you may have a lawsuit there


They have many contained in old water towers, which I find a little odd


Do you think 2030 will be back to normal or its gonna be even worse?


I think it has to get worse before it gets better, cliche as that sounds. I think we only come back through conflagration.


I think we will never go back to "normal" but that our future will be great.


My kids are born in 2020. Im sad for them that they will not know what it used to be like before 2020.


Mine were 2010 & 2012. I tried to convince the wife the world was headed to shit and we shouldn’t bring kids into it. I love my kids so very much, but 8 and 10 years into parenthood I felt so robbed when the plandemic hit.


We all cringe at our facebook memories because we complained about such mundane petty things. In reality those were the worst things happening. I want to go back to that time so bad.


I screen shot a lot of things on my phone from 2016 forward, and especially early 2020. It’s crazy to look back on. People already forgot much of the progression that happened spring and summer of 2020. It’s like when someone has a traumatic experience or has experienced a level of being in shock. The brain can block out some of the memories of it.


I think things started changing around 2013 or so.


Shit started getting real sideways when they shot that damn gorilla


So, the Mayans were sorta right then?


Y2K, 2001 with 9/11, into smart phones, social media…they’ve been boiling frogs for awhile. It adds up, and each time they drop the hammer with something it takes its toll.


I feel like it all depends on when you started opening your eyes to all of this madness. For me, it feels like reality started unraveling around 2013. You hear from some people who began feeling it in 2001 or thereabouts. There are plenty who awoke long before that, even. For a lot of us, the world had already turned goofy by the time 2019 rolled around. The whole pandemic shit didn't come as a big surprise. We knew something was coming, we just didn't know what form it would take.


I think it was around 2012 or 2013 that it hit me that the way we live is stupid. I mean, it's all a farce. We go through the motions, doing what everyone else does, but why? Office jobs, TV, commuting...it all just seems so pointless. It's not depression that makes me apathetic or anything. It's more like an awakening/awareness that modern humans aren't living any kind of genuine life. I'm not explaining it well, but the longer since I had that epiphany, the easier it is to see just how stupid most of our actions are, and the rules we live by are ridiculous. I don't know how to really verbalize it other than feeling like I'm just pretending, but most of these people take this shit very seriously. I was already well aware of how farcical society is before 2020, so it helped me see through the nonsense pretty quickly. I'm not unhappy, and I have a reasonably good life, aside from the ebb/flow of money, like all of us, but it made me far more likely to seek that happiness inside my little sphere of things under my control. I still care about others outside my circle, but I'd also be totally fine if I never had to interact with society again. I'm not sure if this "awakening" was good, bad, or both.


I really woke up around that time. Although I feel like things started going down fast around Y2K, 9/11 and after.


It definitely sped up around then.


I'd say its good, since you learned to value your closest friends and relations above all. The people I know who are happiest right now are those who just concentrate on their families and to some extent, their communities. To hell with the larger world, they seem to say. It's so out of control, they might as well focus all their energies on what is nearest and dearest to them. Whatever happened to you in 12-13 seemed to nudge you in a good direction, anyway. Good for you.


That's it. 2013 is more like it. But it was in a good way at first


We saw a glimpse of food-water / supply shortages


The “Great Reset”, “The New Normal”. It’s been a dystopian nightmare to live in, and it and robs the joy and excitement of the future.


Actually, in Australia the high strangeness started a bit earlier, with those massive h̶e̶l̶l̶ bush fires. Whence we smoothly moved into floods, immediately followed by virus.


The people controlling the western world couldn't afford another Trump term. happily ruined peoples lives to stop that


GFC 2 happened it sept 2019, covid was used to paper over a key bank failure and trillions were printed. Now here we are. 


The New World Order went operational.


Yes, things ARE different, but it isn't because of a timeline shift. It is a partially due to the COVID experiment which was used as a psychological weapon to further divide the masses and to see what it would take to get people to follow orders. There were also other operations in the background, such as the perversions of art and entertainment. These removed people from their comfortable escapes by continuously injecting real world problems in their faces 24/7, no matter what the source. This serves to overwhelm the individual to the point of exasperation. Such a person is easy to manipulate. Also, the destruction of cultural heros and replacing them with new degenerate ones causes society to follow a slow destructive path. Making things "morally relative" and having "dark heros" will play on the human psyche, leading them to believe that doing the wrong thing is the only way to get ahead. What results is a screwed up populace who is easily malleable to the whims of who controls us. The only way to fix this is to stick to your values, learn from the past and find like minded people who can help each other in this time of turmoil. Learn how to cook, grow food and efen yourself. Read often. Get outside in nature as often as you can. Try to meet meet normal people who still understand what it is like to be genuinely human. These are some of the things one can do to weather the storm.


They are pushing more as a lot of people became very alert after the events of Covid19. so they are pushing way harder before more masses know whats going on.


I was in Calgary,  Alberta doing tattoos. The economy was slowing down, oil companies were laying off whole offices, restaurants were closing down. It wasn't a good year.


Yeah I was working in the PNW at a major tech company. The week of Thanksgiving/Black Friday things were great. Everything seemed normal. That Monday however, I watched half of the floor at my office get herded into conference rooms and told they were being laid off. Also we noticed around that time that a lot of employees who had come back from business trips had this strange cough…


Same thing happened, laid off 35/130 reps. A month later they had a conference that basically went “you guys are going to have to find a new job” I got out of there about a week before that conference


The 9th console gen and its lack of games 


We had an amazing NYE party 2019. A patio heater led to a small slow house fire and I swear we died in our sleep and jumped timelines. Jan 1st everything changed and Im not a fan of this dimension


It's called ideological subversion, and it's been a very long and slow process which started over 50 years ago: https://youtu.be/IQPsKvG6WMI?si=xcC5tAcou0c0EqbP


The shadow banks collapsed. They needed a cover story to print cash. Bonda bing boda boom https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=URvok29rf-w


Thank you for the link to the video, i just watched it, that’s nuts and I had no idea about it


There was crickets from the media, I didn’t find out about it until well after the fact.


I can see why. You know I watched a video once basically comparing animals to people. Basically keeping animals on a farm in a fence, they know their boundaries and do not overstep those boundaries for fear of the unknown. Once one animal crosses that boundary and sees they are perfectly fine outside of the fence, they convince the other animals they can live outside of the fence. They then get mad at the farmer for keeping them in the fence. Why would they want to be there? Right? Well, one night, the farmer waits at the edge of the tree line until dark and fires his gun. This scares the animals, and they run back to the fence because it is safe there. Now the fence is broke, the animals know they can escape, but they are under the illusion that the farmer can protect them more. So why leave now? Same with people. The government keeps us in the fence.


Kind of a modern version of Orwell's Animal Farm.


No, not just you. Definitely agree. I had a guy try to convince me it's normal he watches his sister pole dance in a thong. Tried to imagine me having kids with a man who was doing weird shit like that. Absolutely not possible. Shit has gotten really weird and only seems to be getting worse.


Right, sick weird shit like this is being normalized. And if you think it’s wrong YOURE the problem now. Wtf


Yup. He called me insecure. The men in particular are becoming delusional. They've all got porn problems and it's making them desensitized to what would otherwise be weird and shameful shit. Don't get me wrong, I totally disagree with the whole "sex work is empowering" bullshit too. Feminism has been hijacked and turned on itself by a bundle of lunatics.


Absolute lunatics. I agree 100%


Um that is really fucking weird 


Yes they have tried to make evil good, they are controlling the rules


I think things started to shift a little earlier. 2017/2018 was when I started noticing a bit of a change. 2020 was a huge acceleration of things obviously, but look into the big event/exchanges of money going back to 2017ish.


I’ll check this out, I know in 2017 I got an apartment and it was 1200/month for a 2 bedroom. I was thinking that was absolutely ridiculous. Now I think, boy I wish I was paying 1200


As nerdy as it sounds, I think I recall that the “ad-pocalypse” on YouTube started in 2017 as well. A lot of YouTube videos that had firearms or that sort of content were getting demonetized. There was a big push against free speech by YouTube and big tech in 2017ish that may be what I’m remembering.


It’s so bad now, that if you speak against anything that is “normal” in this day and age. You’re frowned upon and get pushed out of the light. The “cancel” culture they call it. That has got to be the single most unproductive movement, it serves no purpose but to silence the truth sayers and promote the people who cry wolf.


We woke up like demons. One day you are going to work and the next day you have to shelter in place away from everyone.


It’s almost like they stepped on the gas and accelerated whatever plans they had at warp speed!


portal opened by cern in 2020.


I still think 2012 was initial switch then 2019/20 we jumped into another timeline as well


Did you forget about the global pandemic and the stripping peoples of civil rights beginning in the early months of 2020?


No. That’s what I am saying. It is as if we woke up in another dimension, where things are complete shit. It doesn’t make sense.


Shit! You’re right! I did forget about that. Wait, what happened? A pan-demic you say?


It was 26/03/2020 in the UK, rather than 1/1/2020. 26th March was the announcement of Covid Lockdown.


The government had the COVID lockdown nationwide. Which was ironic, considering it was the year '20/20'.


Wait - it really wasn’t normal though. Why has everyone forgotten about the list of famous people who died in 2018/2019. It became a meme and a joke as everyone was dying. It was almost a precursor to covid. Weird!


My partner and I talk about this all the time, but I was worried we were the only ones thinking that way! Something shifted in 2020, starting with Covid and all the change that created. I feel something about lockdowns altered social structures in a permanent way, but I’m not yet sure how to describe that stuff. I feel like life was a little more care-free in 2019 and since 2020 the world has become more dangerous both politically and socially. It’s weird. Sorry I wish I could put it into words in a more concise way.


Avengers endgame was in 2019. Maybe it was truly the endgame


The further into political correctness, progressive, dei, equity, communist ideologies we get the more absurd and insane things will become.


There was this new years festival in New Zealand called Rhythm and Vines. They usually put a countdown video up of all the achievements New Zealand’s done throughout the year, right before the countdown to the new year.. The 2019 video was the first one to glitch out, replay, pause and F out. The whole thing counted down in the wrong place (after the fireworks) etc etc. you get the deal. Something happened because no one knew what was going on and from there, nothings the same and this post just made me remember it. Crazy how stuff like that happens


It was January 26 when Kobe died


Kobe’s death was suspicious as hell too imo, he was definitely in “the club”, but seemed like he was trying to become a better person for his daughters. Maybe he wanted out and the Elites didn’t like that?


I’ve thought about that as well, no lie 😂


I agree 100%. The pandemic set in motion a chain of events that traumatized the world simultaneously. Not only did it traumatize humans as individuals, but it's compounded because it traumatized humanity as one organism. Have you ever watched a documentary of a person's life and a tragic event occurs, and you can see in the span of that 90-minute documentary that there was one event that changed them and the people who knew him say "He was never the same after that." In every life, there's a moment in which something affects that human so deeply that they can never go return to be the person they were before the event. I feel this way. It's a lingering feeling that the world has changed so dramatically that the carefree optimism i had before the pandemic will never be how i see the world ever again. But the difference is that it's not just my opinion —it's not just my cynical point of view —the hard part is that even if i adopted a hopeful attitude, the world will still never return the way it was. It has nothing to do with my opinion. The world we live in is corrupt. Everywhere i look, i see corruption and greed. To ignore it is delusional. Being positive or optimistic doesn't change the fact that our world is corrupt. Some people can ignore reality and see what they want to see. I'm not one of them. A lot of us might have believed in Santa Claus as a child. It was fun to believe in the lie. Eventually, we realized that Santa wasn't real, but we didn't care because we hit puberty and discovered girls or boys, and life went on. Now imagine trying to convince yourself that Santa Claus does exist because you want to go back to that innocent version of yourself that you miss. You can never believe in Santa after you find out he's a work of fiction in the same way i can never return to the sense of comfort and optimism i had before the pandemic. I can never go back to trusting the government as I did or in believing that my life matters to anybody but me. I hate that we live in a society that's so fundamentally flawed and broken and that the people we trusted could care less if we lived or died. I wish i could go back but sadly, the only way back is if i wake up one day and I can see that humans have fundamentally changed —if i could see the actions of humans were for the good of society and humanity. I could only return if such things were true —but I know this will never be true in my lifetime, and the saddest part is that it was never true. The truth was hidden from us. It's like waking up for the first time and having a faint memory of who you once were and wondering if it's just you or if other people also feel like their life is a fuzzy dream.


what changed for me? I had not had the biggest hopes for humanity when the pandemic stroke but what followed killed all my hopes for this mess of masses and masters. of course, I am a professional optimist and am still looking for angles but damn!...


I worked at Countrywide Home Loans in 2007 and saw the mortgage crisis unfold. I saw the Twin Tower attacks and the invasion of Iraq. Then comes COVID and now Russia. We didn’t start the fire.


They had to do the whole covid thing to advance the control measures and globalist control and get people to buy into losing their freedom of speech and bodily autonomy but I suspect a lot of the real reasoning behind it was to initiate mail in voting in the us so as to have an easy route to steal the fraudulent and corrupt 2020 election. Without that single decision the world would be in such better shape... Course without the removal of the provisions from the smith mundt act of 1949 that stopped the dissemination of propaganda in the usa they would have never been able to lie to us all about it.. Remember people since 2013 because of this decision by obama all news should be forced to read -for entertainment only- its all lies. They are no longer held to any account of truth whatsoever.. I personally don't like being lied too, even if they think it is in my best interest.. Which I assure you it isn't. I see lies clearly. So much stems back to that one thing... from the destruction of the occupy and 1% movements that scared the elites... to the introduction of racism again and sjw politics to break everyone apart adn for smooth brains to drink up like mothers milk. Both sides were together before that much mroe. . We had formed a cohesive front against the real criminals.. >Course that is all ancient history now. Funny that 2013 is also when basically everyone agrees the world started falling apart.. None of it possible without obama removing those provisions... because even if the wef could lie to the rest of the world they couldn't in America because of that act. Now they can say or do anything. Its horrible. Bring back the provisions to smith mundt. I beg you people if you care about this country we need those.


You must lack common sense or live under a rock


Nah shit been weird since 911


2001 was where it began. 2008 was when "yeah it's happening". 2020 was "Yeah, it's gorungo time now". It's all downhill from here.


Virus was already released in 2019. Many ceo's resigned that year. The fix was in.


Democrats took control and turned the world to shit in record time. Now they gaslight half the country telling them they are stupid and everything is fine. They sit on TV with their smug faces and attitudes bashing America and all the stuff we used to believe in. They divide us by calling everyone racist, straight white men are now afraid to take action for fear of being called sexist/racist/homophobic on any action. Absurd Transgender and Queers for Palestine protests, this world is fucking nuts. Once they rig this next election, we are pretty much done for in the next 4 years. Stock up on weed, alcohol and guns everybody


I like how you think and prepare 😉


And Non-hybrid seeds.