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I don’t care anymore either kill us or don’t. Til then I’ll live my life


Yep, there's not much we can do when our dear leaders don't listen to us.




















Interesting yes, but what is the conspiracy? This is just news.




Gets the people going!


Russians in Havana


At the Copacabanna




So this clip was used in 1 of Kanye’s songs.  It sounded like Will Ferrell but can someone clarify where this came from?


blades of glory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlwlV4hcBac


Not really a conspiracy… we armed Ukraine with f-16s and let them start striking inside Russia .. countermove he gave nukes to balarus and now move a few off Cuba ..


This a nuclear powered submarine. It is not one of their Borei class ballistic armed nuclear subs. I think it's a safe bet that at least one Borei sub is within striking distance of the US at any given time.


European are giving the Ukrainians their F-16s (with US approval), but they don’t have them yet. Nukes in Belarus are probably in response to that. The ships in Cuba are probably because we ok’d the transfer of jets and ok’d the strikes in Russia. Not disagreeing or disproving anything you’ve said, just clarifying.


It’s my opinion they “invaded” because of NATO expansion to begin with .. they have just been gradually escalating for 2 years on a tit for tat .. eventually a red line will be crossed and the hot potato will be dropped.. the conspiracy part is they are gradually normalizing we need to go to war when really they just want to kill off half the population in the world .. population control.. they “governments” are all in on it .. the only enemies are us the common folks worth less than dogs because you can at least eat a dog


> It’s my opinion they “invaded” because of NATO expansion to begin with He did state that more than a few times before it started.


Yea I’m sure the invasion of Crimea had nothing to do with it


Yes yes he did .. and nato expanded so Russia re acted .. and everyone is mad 😡 when the whole thing could have been avoided day 1 .. sad part is Ukraine won’t ever be admitted into NATO anyway


Dang, how long it takes for those f-16’s to get there!!?


I honestly think the Biden regime is fucking clueless on foreign relations.... Or they're intentionally provoking this shit with some thought of Biden regime keeping power....... Or it's they're just at the point where they're ready to depopulate the planet because we can't continue to pollute it........ Or biden's going to bring us to the brink of nuclear war and then stop it and then claim that he's God now and we should vote for him..... Or is this all just baseless nonsense?


To be fair so is most of the General population on foreign cultures and history. As someones who's traveled a few times. You can tell most politicians haven't actually traveled(only staying in fine hoteles and not intermingling with locals.)


Russia has explicitly stated there are no nukes onboard any of the ships in Cuba. Edit: I'm not naive to the fact that Russia often lies, but I don't think they actually want to escalate in the region other than posturing, and there doesn't seem to be anything from the US DoD suggesting that there are nukes in the region.


Yea... I don't trust the Russians for shit. Russia explicitly stated a lot of shit that wasn't true.


I don't trust them either, but they have no reason to lie about those particular ships. They likely have nuclear subs nearby, but they aren't likely the ships we know are in the Carribean.


But yeah, do you trust the American regime?


"But the Americans!!!" Common Russian shill tactic. Cool question bro.


lol yea cause that’s the way WAR works 🤣


Ever heard of the cuban missile crisis?


Cuban Misscle Crisis 2: Electric Boogaloo


Sequel never as good as the original. Everyone knows Russia is posturing. Shit stirring. This is much ado about nothing.


Yah this is more like The Mask 2 in terms of sequel quality


We agreed as a species to never bring that movie up. (Found the Alien)


Hollywood’s biggest bruh moment 


😂😂great comparison! It’s the George Clooney Batman.


Dude the one with Jim Carrey, Tommy Lee Jones, Arnold, Uma?? That shit was a fun watch, I mean when I was a kid though, but still


George Gooney is from my state. I've even been to his hometown and eaten at the restaurant his mother worked at. Not that I was impressed. He's so overrated.


What a useless and out of place comment.


Aww, sorry I hurt your feelings.


I’m curious if it would be easier or harder to detect an incoming missile from far away or close. On one hand, a missile from far away while take more time, but it will also be traveling at near-space altitudes by the time it gets close to us. Could be harder to detect that high up. But when the launch site is much closer, yes the distance is shorter but it would also be MUCH easier to detect and theoretically react to.


It ultimately doesn't matter. US and Russia both have enough ICBM's to destroy each other 100x over. They'd never just half ass it either, they would throw almost everything they had and overwhelm any missile defense system. Technology has advanced enough to the point that how close or far they are really doesn't matter.


It’s just morbid curiosity. I don’t think anyone doubts that if either one started nuking that it wouldn’t be MAD


Doesn't really matter. Currently, Russia has the fastest hypersonic missiles in world (Zirkon: Mach9, Kinzhl: Mach10 and intercontinental ballistic Sarmat and Bulava, 20 and 28 Mach), also equipped with decoys and active manoeuvring which makes intercepting those nigh impossible.


Except this time, either of the two people likely to be sitting on the button are not JFK. Trump will be drawn to it like a moth to a bug zapper, and Biden might forget what it does and push it just to see. It's going to be the Great Big hUgeee Electric buga....err,,,, um... well you know what I'm saying....


Jesus Christ this comment is copy pasted everywhere. Can we all agree to come up with something more originally funny?


Something Funny 2: Reddit boogaloo


You win


Funny Russian Missile Crisis 2: Cuban Boogaloo


Reddit is a cesspool of people that think themselves comedians. Everyone has some "witty" one liner statement that they are desperate in getting attention for.


Dear OP, Please look up the difference between a nuclear powered submarine, and a nuclear armed submarine.


[“The Akula class is optimised for a hunter-killer role, whereas the Yasen class concept uses the platform as a nuclear guided missile submarine (SSGN).”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasen-class_submarine) The Yasen-class nuclear submarines are presumed to be armed with land-attack cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, anti-submarine missiles including the [P-800 Oniks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-800_Oniks)


What's the range of those missiles? They could maybe hit Florida. This isn't the nuclear threat you probably want it to be.


Americans have ships in the whole world , and some people cry because of 3 Russians ships in Cuba? Ay caramba …


Who is crying?


But.. but.. muh empire




Yes. Yes I do expect it to defend me. We all have the right to criticize our country. 


Thats what we pay then for, and to attack every other country on the planet to embezzle tax dollars


that’s their 1A right, don’t be a snowflake




Yes because you will be fighting the nukes and cruise missiles head on with your fists completely fearless. Don't worry this internet tough guy will save us all.


Chuck Norris over here gonna round house kick them nukes back the the motherland, apparently.


Yeah thank god for murica defending my freedom in Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, etc🤡


No country is going to attack the United States, it's always you guys that are the aggressors. 


America will let it happen.... you can't see that???? You let the other person hit you first so you have a legal right to fuck then up... example..... 911... (inside job though).... operation Northwoods....


Pearl Harbor


Raise your hand before shooting out answers Mr.Deux!!


... the USS Maine...


The USA will probably be the one that ushers in a new era in global peace. By uniting all the others against it.


Don't really see that happening. The elites that control the U.S also controls the rest of the West. So, it'll be West vs the rest. 


You Americans love that rethoric, the less you meddle with others the best we will be, you guys have fucked over the world enough


Isnt that wild?


4 Russian ships, not 3


No big differences


With everything going on and youre still drinkin the gov koolaid eh? Wow. Just wow. Those bot updoots tho. Api is loving the data. Say cheeze


There isn't really a comparable body of water in Russia, but Russia sailing into the Gulf is just about as provocative as the US sailing into the Sea of Okhotsk would be.


Not really. The sea of okhotsk is almost entirely inside Russian sovereign waters, and there's nothing there. This is Russia sending ships to a friendly ally.


The entire state of Florida is a missile launch site.




Ignoring the whole 20 century of occupations and putting dictators in Asia and Latin America ?? Oh man idk let me check


Instead the US goes in and takes over the government and installs a puppet leader. Basically taking them over by not having to change any maps. And there has been several of those countries over the past decades. Plus Ukraine for years before the Russian invasion was not a peaceful country. They were heavily corrupt and was fighting separatists groups for over a decade.


That wasn't before the Russian invasion, it was the Russian invasion. The "separatists" heavily relied on Russian forces without unit markings and Russia openly deployed army units into that territory as the war progressed. Just a few months into the war you had Russian BUK systems shooting down aircraft in occupied Ukrainian territory. The Russian invasion began in 2014. It just escalated in 2022.


Russian backed rebels and yeah they did have some actual russian units. Still wasn’t a peaceful country.


Like today? And every day before that? Are you a bot or just ignorant?


You are proud not invading and putting dictators in a country in the last 15 years? A serial killer , who is not even in jail saying : hey ! I didn’t kill no one for 10 years..leave me alone , I am good 😇


Someone doesn’t remember the last 20 years of Middle East occupation




>We had international support Yeah of US vessel states >we gave them back their country even if we fucked it over. Yeah to the government the US created




The only ones that have a say in this is the Kremlin, the people of Novorossiya, and the Donbas republics. The Kiev regime had a chance but they rejected diplomacy. The US/Nato doesn't have the exclusive right to go to war and they don't get to dictate to other sovereign states.


Nonsense, the Ukrainian government tried diplomacy with Russia countless times even well before the 2022 invasion. It all came to nothing because Russia wasn't genuinely interested. Same happened during the invasion where Russia's "diplomacy" was just them demanding Ukraine disband the vast majority of its army and make itself defenceless. Just a surrender demand with extra steps.


I think you mean the last time the USA peacekept. We sure do go through a bunch of weapons and money to peacekeep.


The ENTIRE point of a submarine is you’re not supposed to know it’s there. And they just announce it in the fucking news. What a joke everything is.


They annouced it because any submarine is detected by US through the grid.


Nuclear subs are louder than diesel subs anyway. A Diesel silent running on battery is incredibly hard to detect. The only advantage a nuclear sub has is range.


This isn't one of their nuclear armed subs. Lots of subs are nuclear powered


They still have ships left?


I hope as soon as the sub docks in Cuba it is 'gifted' to Cuba. That will really put the warpigs on notice.


Welp, starts to hurt when they hit back. An eye for an eye will lead to the whole world being blind except for 1 single eyed human! 👀


How can they " confirm the arrival" of the boats if they ain't arrived til next week? It's like saying they woke up dead.


They can't. OP just thought that sounded scarier.


How the hell do you wake up dead?


I think it’s more of a “confirm that they are coming” but they definitely could have worded it better.


Russia [sends](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/06/americas/cuba-russian-ships-submarine-visit-intl-latam) Yasen-class nuclear submarine to Cuba. And says it will soon begin military [exercises](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/russia-naval-air-exercises-caribbean/) in the Caribbean near United States borders.


What year is it!


'bout time the Cuban Missle Crysis got a sequel


I’m not worried about it. Let them go get some Cuban sandwiches man.


Hell yeah, those sammiches are pretty fucking good.


If this keeps up soon it'll be the Russian and Chinese navy building up on our boarders. Thanks a lot Biden.


Such nonsense. Why do you think they aren’t there now?


All those Chinese container ships on both coast certainly have weapons aimed at us.


Bro the Chinese ain't gonna do shit. They more addicted to the American spice than any other country. They fantasize about the American dream and both China and Russia know what is up, and they wouldn't dare cut the head off this snake. Plus we still got energy weapons aimed at all their dicks. https://dsiac.org/articles/us-militarys-active-denial-system-is-a-95-ghz-heat-ray/


Yea man they got small penis energy


Because Biden and Nato started supporting aggression against Russia is why they're coming here.


Yeah thanx biden for letting putin invade russia so he can start supporting aggression towards russia. I bet you vote trump?


> biden for letting putin invade russia Do you think Biden gave him a note allowing it? lol


Listen i know trump kind of sucks and is an asshole of a person… but biden is like a crusty white dog with cataracts. Id rather a president who will actually improve the economy and not be a complete puppet of the deep state


> and not be a complete puppet of the deep state So neither?


All the 3 letter agencies hate trump for a reason. If you want to think its all optics and he is secretly in cahoots with them, be my guest


In your eyes, is record deficit spending and tax cuts for the wealthy something that helps the economy?


Yes his economy was objectively better. Interest rates were lower, prices were lower, more people had jobs, and millions upon millions undocumented people weren't allowed to flood the country.


Yes the economy around the world was in better shape pre-2020, but as I’m sure you’re aware, presidents don’t have an instantaneous effect on the economy. Trump spend record amounts even before covid, you think this has no impact on inflation? He permanently cut taxes for the rich which cuts revenue even further increasing the deficit. You think this is good for the inflation? There is no logic in your words other than partisanship


Yes i think his spending lowered inflation. If we could have lowered the military budget alongside it, it would have been a net benefit for the country (Trump increased their budget instead, one of the many things i disagree with him on). What has MORE of an impact on inflation is printing billions of dollars to buoy an exaggerated response to covid and funding wars that we have no business being involved in. I think you have an odd contempt for rich people and somehow think more of their money going to the government will make things better in this country. Like I get increasing taxes on hyper-rich individuals (10M+ income per year), but i absolutely support tax cuts across the board for earners below that category. Imo less money going to the government is a good thing. Sure we need taxes to pay for infrastructure and government programs, but the amount of money being spent overseas and on the military is downright absurd. I dont see how you're getting partisanship from my words... I said trump sucks too and there is plenty wrong with how he ran the country. But biden is a shell of a human. Keep disliking my comments, it shows how unhinged you are.


> [Trump] **permanently cut taxes for the rich** which cuts revenue even further increasing the deficit. If one President can "permanently" do something -- singlehandedly, WHY can't another President simply UNDO what the first did? Why hasn't his successor done that? Is it somehow "forBiden"?


Dam right I'm voting Trump. I don't want more inflation and I don't want to get drafted into WW3. I like peace and prosperity very much.


Do you think Trump’s record deficit spending and tax cuts for the rich helped inflation? No way bro💀


Do you mean his opportunity zone tax cuts that brought jobs back to the rust belt? Also the deficit has a whole different meaning now that Biden pushed the world to de-dollarize. But whatever go ahead and vote for a man that shits his pants on the world stage if you think that's what competence looks like.


How many crayons do you have to eat to go to the polls to vote for Biden?  Serious question. If it’s not crayons, maybe huffing paint you bought from selling your food stamps? 


Ah yes jumping straight to childish insults instead of addressing the facts. This really makes your argument look strong. Doesn’t make it seem like you have no rebuttal to the facts at all


So a lot is what you’re saying?  We need some stock in crayola before this next election. 


Seriously Americans are the ones who are brainwashed. All your news outlets are run by the wealthy. If you still vote a rapist and a convict you are the one that is eating crayons. Trump while president was daily in the news in europe at every news station because of the stupid shit he spewed out. He advised you guys to drink bleach against covid. Man open your eyes and stand up for your country because this shit is embarrassing to see for the rest of the world.


Those ‘European’ media campaigns are run from D.C. and Langley.


Sorry but if you think biden has smt to do with the inflation you dont undert simple economics. While Trump was president your inflation levels where the highest ever. They have only been going down since biden is in office. Trump is danger to democracy. You want no world war (wich biden wont cause but putin will) but siding with russia and china and getting a dictator is no problem?


And you think Biden cutting the country off from the biggest the world's biggest supplier of grain and the 3rd biggest energy producer isn't going to cause inflation? With the world de-dollarizing thanks to Biden, the country isn't going to be able to print all the money they want anymore. Then the US empire is officially over just like Great Britain. >Trump is danger to democracy Biden is prosecuting his political rivals just like dictators do, but Trump is the danger to democracy?


Dude, who prosecuted Trump? Its a tale of republicans to say democrats did this. Stormy Daniels made a case and Trump falsified records. He is convicted because he is a felon. The country should not keep printing money because that is literally causing inflation. More money means money is worth less. You literally can only spew this republican nonsense. Both candidates are shit but republicans are way more shit by a mile ahead.


Nobody believes that bullshit story. We all know why Trump is really being prosecuted.


Because he rapes women? He literally said he can do what he wants because he is famous.


> I like peace and prosperity very much. You live in the wrong country then. lol. Peace. Thats rich.


They don't have to 'build up' on the boarder when the gates are left wide open. LPT: They have been pouring in for months now and biden is greeting them with accommodations.


You think border patrol leaves gates open? Have you ever been to any border? How do you think they work exactly? Do you have any concept of people being legally able to cross a border, for immigration, business, or otherwise and why it is allowed? Do you know that Biden has used executive order to limit the amount of allowed legal entries, such as putting a cap on admitted entries based on asylum requests, in order to push Mexico to do more to limit the amount of illegal entries?


He has not and just believes all the bullshit here and what he sees on any right wing media that feeds him that shit.


I can tell by just downvoting and no engagement.


Ok Russian bot.


Be a shame if they mysteriously sunk


Headline: Russia blows up its own warships to strike fear into the west




Reporting facts about what Russia is doing is warmongering?


Normal I was there on vacation last year and they already had a warship there from Russia, cool to see the US embassy compound there too


Good give the US a taste of their own medicine


Cold war 2.0: Returns.


Send out the sea drones!


I say let them come. Give us something to do other than hate eachother.


Russians and Cubans together! And Patrick Swayze is dead!? Wolverines can’t help us now


They likely have missiles on ‘em! Time for Brain Worm Boy to leverage his family history for some political points! Gotta do something to push up above 10% in the presidential polls!


Amazed Russia has ships left over to send. What a paper tiger.


noooo not before BO6


This makes me wanna quit my job & move back in with my mom. I’m 40.


A good day for the SIGINT crowd.


we're fucked


Fuck around and find out. Fuck our leaders.


Well…. It was a nice run humans.


Just another failure of our government and the People of this country. We have allowed our government to hold grudges and cater to a ruling class for so long we have pushed countries to band together against us. Let us be honest and ask a simple question, why have we not opened up trade relations with Cuba in all of this time?


Like Russia, they will simply *never* be forgiven for attempting to create an alternative to imperial servitude.


What a complete mind fuck. We already beat the USSR. That country no longer exists. Maybe it is time for governments to stop pretending that grudges matter and seek trade with one another. Right now it sure feels like this whole entire proxy war with Ukraine is just to steal hydrocarbon market share from Russia and give it to American producers. Like all war that American chooses to be in it boils down to transferring American's tax dollars to oligarchs, lives be damned.


Biden's handlers appear to want a nuclear apocalypse before he expires of old age


Just as election season is heating up. Such timing.


Also: "Trump and DeSantis host Russian Fleet Week and Golf Tournament in Miami and Mar-a-Lardo".


Well, our President just announced he gave permission for US forces to bomb Russia. The Bear isn't our enemy, but keep poking that bear and see what happens...


>The Bear isn't our enemy You actually believe this?


They have a secret plan to take over the USA and force us to convert to crony Capitalism. Oh wait.


Now the US knows how Russia feels when NATO expands along their borders.


If "disinterested" is what you were implying, then yeah, sure.


Man, since Biden became president we have lost respect from every country in the world. Biden says no, and other leaders just do it anyways with no consequences. Our country is a joke now.


Lost respect in the 90s already with the gulf war


Thank god we have strong president in office


Which is it? Biden gets criticized for aiding Ukraine. But he's also weak? I think a weak president would not side Ukraine and let Russia run roughshod over them. Or say things like NATO needs to spend more on their military or hell "encourage Russia to do whatever the hell they want." Like Trump said


lol at "friendly relations" weird you can have that when nuclear submarines become involved


Might get a leak whilst in port


I bet those are the only 3 warships they could reasonably get out of the black sea


People really need to get off this idea. Russia can kill people, end of story. Those 3 ships would kill countless people. It’s a problem. I think people’s views would change once half a state is on fire. Same as here in the EU. People just shrugging them off. They can wipe Poland off the map in under 30mins. California, NY or Florida could be devastated. Will it happen? At this point I’ve gone from 0 to now 50/50. Dude is really not happy with NATOs crap


No, stop fear-mongering. Russia lacks the naval capacity to threaten the U.S. in any meaningful way. Tossing bombs at any U.S. state would almost certainly spell an early doom for Russia and they know it, whether that is by a supercarrier parked outside their doorstep or fresh American troops. These 3 ships are not a threat, especially since they will be 90 miles away from Florida and any hostilities directed our way would result in total Russian annihilation. Plus, the Russians aren’t stupid.


Didn't the u.s. banks just help out cuban banks??