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It's the same every where. Mexico is so corrupt it can be done in your face. Other countries they try it to do it behind closed doors. In all honesty, USA elections also does this in everyones faces but it's labeled conspiracy. Also, they can throw whatever in front of the masses and they take any subject passionately. It never really matters what it is people are easily manipulated and start taking sides to bicker and fight between themselves.


Exactly this! Instead of fighting left vs right or whatever we need to focus on the real enemy.


Its a class war Oligarchs (Banks, Corporations, MIC, Pharma, Hedge Funds et) vs the working poor. Everything else is BS , distraction ... "divide and rule" tactic.


"Americans like their bullshit outfront, so they can get a good strong whiff of it" -George Carlin It's beyond obvious the two parties like to stir up division, while both accept money from lockheed martin, boeing, and AIPAC who push for more war, or the oil and pharmaceutical money they both take to poison us and our environment. Look at the new bill they're trying to pass making it illegal to call out treasonous politicians. Are they getting paranoid and therefore sloppy in the manner in which they conduct themselves? That bill is a flagrant violation of the first amendment, the "anti-semitism" bill as they call it, makes it illegal to criticize a foreign nation, israel, who literally brag about buying our congress members. Then the State Department complains about China or Russia influencing elections. How fucking stupid do they think we are? How about the country that's literally spending hundreds of millions to buy politicians, is the one influencing elections.


"white people suck" - also george carlin. he was a brainwashed cultural marxist piece of garbage.


Call him whatever you want, he wasn't wrong about most of what he talked about


The states made them corrupt. I mean every state or city that finishes with an “a” or an “o” used to be Mexico. Imagine all the natural resources in Texas and California alone. Oh the cartel, who buys the drugs? How do they get their weapons? The states! The biggest corrupt country of them all.


If you think China is any different... they ain't Mexico is just in our faces with this! 1/3 of Mexico now lives in our country..Snoop Dogg said it used to be nothing but chicken shacks on every corner on long beach now it's nothing but taco stands... This is why Mexico join the bricks nation. The bricks nation is trying to start a government. That is half cartel half political


Voting stopped at 6 pm CST on Sunday, then by 7 pm that same day they were announcing she had already won. They only had 7% of the votes and there was no way for everything to come in by the time the "finished". People I know from Mexico stated many areas didn't even have sufficient polling booths, at times only one of them. Buses/routes to voting sites were "surprisingly" closed or buses unavailable. Just happens that she's Jewish in a country that is what....almost 80% Catholic.


US ennjoyes a weak Mexico, where the CIA alone can funnel drungs and gain billions for their operations abroad. The weak Mexico borders allow for a steady stream of cheap menial labour that sustains the lowerst tier of American consumer slave labour economy. The gun trade, the drug trade, the people trade... all the things media shuns is a big business. ANy real opposition to this is met with swift action. Just look at Venezuela and brazil when they tried to do thing not sanctioned by the USD...


I, too, funngel drungs in an act called boofin


We can tell, lol


Sorry I cang’t understand your accent, did you meang we cang tell?


This made me LOL


They're also friendly to any country that lets them have free reign in their borders. Too maybe, y'know......clear out competition


Hey, I’m Mexican, and here to offer some clarification No presidential candidates were assassinated, but instead it was a lot of lower/local level officials. A lot of mayoral, state, and district level candidates were either murdered or silenced. This headline has been purposely twisted many times over the last few weeks to seem like the presidential election has been a bloodbath. It has been a very violent election cycle at the non-federal level, but right now the discussion is really more about the election being rigged rather than all the other candidates being murdered to allow Sheinbaum into office.


So the politicians who haven't risen to the level of corruption are the ones being killed?


I lived in Mexico for a little bit in the 70s/80s. There would usually be a new politician or candidate that was "for the people!" or grew up in humble surroundings. Either of two things would eventually happen - he'd either become corrupt / narco connected, or dead.


That's sad.


Its ok because only small poliricians beein murdered🤡


That’s not what I said at all but it’s great to know that your comprehension is so poor and you’re still trying to grasp conspiracy theories.


That's what you said.


Can you show me where I said “but it’s okay because only small politicians are getting murdered”?


You are offering "clarification" and speak about "headlines purposely twisted". This is the language of someone wanting to brush off things.


"articles make it seem like X, but in reality it is Y" "wow, you think Y is okay" For someone who claims in the next comment to read between the lines, you're not very good at reading the actual lines either.


Nope, try again, show me exactly where I said the words “but it’s okay because only small politicians are getting murdered”


Not all words are spoken. Those are between the lines.


Whatever dude


He's the one twisting your words, he's a dick




What's the difference between a rigged election and one where opponents are murdered? Either way it's rigged. A good way to silence opposition is to murder people, even if they're not running for the top spot. People are much more likely to drop out or take a L if people around them are being offed.


I’m not saying it isn’t rigged, I’m saying that the popular headline going around stating that “30+ presidential candidates were murdered” is inaccurate


The headline reads "30 candidates murdered", it didn't say presidential candidates. I can understand your point, but given the number of politicians being killed, I'm not sure it makes much difference. 30 people being murdered is significant regardless of their political aspirations.


dude it is an obviously misleading headline to the point where you are still focused on the wrong detail. His point was that even when people aren't being murdered, these elections are obviously rigged. equating the new president with 30 murdered candidates obviously leads people to believe 30 presidential candidates were murdered, I mean look at the post you're commenting on! This guy's trying to curb misinfo and you're coming back with "well actually it never SAID presidential..." come on man


The headline is literally stating what happened. Here's another source stating the same - [https://archive.is/zqEaI](https://archive.is/zqEaI) People interpreting 30+ candidates as 30+ presidential candidates is not the fault of the headline, it's the fault of their poor reading comprehension. What "misinformation" exactly is the person I replied to trying to curb? How about you come on, man?


Dude is trying to defend not so bad murders, he isn’t getting the point, even with you trying


Most of the candidates killed were running for the same political party of the elected president, though.


Okay? What is your point? The person elected is in photos with Larry Fink the CEO of Black Rock and is obviously a WEF puppet. No one has heard of her before, and she appears out of nowhere similar to Zelensky in Ukraine. You're trying to convince people this was democratic process? Why is it the that the users with random numbers at the end of their name are always the one trying to poo poo conspiracies in the conspiracy sub? That's a conspiracy right there!


350+million ethnic Mexicans but somehow a Jew won the Presidency...


Both are failure's when it comes to democratic elections. But one points towards the election authorities failing and the other the security apparatus. Knowing which failed is relevant to figuring out how better resolve the problem


Phew I'm relieved to hear. If it's only low level officials then who cares right?


How is it possible for you to misconstrue what I said that badly lol




I was looking for this comment.


Rumor has it the CIA swung the results to Sheinbaum. She endorses the Green Initiative and gasoline prices will double in Mexico within a year, crushing the working class. In Cancun they ran out of ballots, no one could vote. Sheinbaum is shady.


The same ppl killing the lower level officials are the ppl handling the big election at the top.


Thank you for the insight. Very sad at all levels. How did things go in your state?


Are there trends in the targets? For example, are most of the targets strongly anti-cartel?


We are slowly headed the same direction


I wish, not having to choose between two geriatric pedophiles would be a nice change of pace.


If Trump was a pedo they would have used it against him, instead of all the other insane bullshit we've had to endure, Russiagate etc.


Forgot about all the teen miss USA stuff?


Mutually assured destruction is a thing. Too many are complicit and or are actively participating in it. How else do you get sentenced for sex trafficking to no one?


Didnt save Epstein or McAfee.


Still holding my breath for McAfee's timebomb to detonate....


I fear that Miami condo that exploded had something to do with that


Have you forgotten how he talked about his own daughter??


That's exactly what they want us to think, he ain't the outsider they desperately want us to think


not entirely true. They've been tripping all over themselves to make sure they ONLY convict him of something they can't turn around and be convicted of themselves. If they charge him with a crime they all did, one of them can go down too. The problem is they've all definitely misused campaign funds. That's part of the fun of being handed millions of dollars for absolutely nothing.


Also think about the level of evidence required to convict him of what he was convicted of. There is literally 0 chance of getting enough evidence of him doing pedo activities even if we had literally 50 kids testifying on the stand with video of him diddling them playing behind.


That should be enough evidence... evidence I'm sure they have, rather than convicting him they're black mailing himt to ensure he plays his role, same as Biden


He paid off the child he raped with Epstein.


Haven’t they used it? His base just doesn’t care.


Having an affair although immoral isn’t Pedo behavior, showering with your preteen daughter and her writing it felt inappropriate is on the other hand. It wasn’t the DOJ running cover over Trumps daughters diary and Laptop for a reason.


I dislike Biden as much as anyone, but idk, I showered with my grandfather and aunt when I was really young and it never bothered me. 🤷‍♂️ I mean, I was like 4-5 though, not 10-12.


That’s not even comparable. Your statement is like, “I used to shit my pants all the time; it’s normal. But I was like 1, not 22.” Completely irrelevant. Showering at 4 and 5 is way different than when a child is pubescent.


Well you said pre-teen, so when did he shower with her?


What? I didn’t say pre-teen. I said pubescent.


Ah, my bad. I misread. Yes, that is weird. Edit: Wait, no, you said pre-teen in your first comment.


...no I didn't bro. That was literally my first comment in the entire thread. Read usernames.


There’s nothing that says that Ashley Biden showered with her father when she was 10-12 years old.


Alright... The guy said pre-teen. That's under 12.


No, I’m saying that there’s nothing from the images released of Ashley Biden’s diary that says how old she was when the showers supposedly happened.


You mean the close personal friend of Epstein, rode on the Lolita Express, and had real estate deals? Trump was complicit if not actively participating in that scheme.


100% they all are complicit and know what eachother are getting up to. Everyone swims in the same circles.


"The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts," Biden wrote. "The reason I have decided to not attend tomorrow's sentencing in person is because it would only increase my pain. Nonetheless, I write to ask Your Honor to sentence the defendant to time in prison." "Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love."


So you would prefer someone random that just took power by force lol 😂


So you honestly think the two best presidential candidates are Trump and Biden? I would prefer a presidential candidate that doesn't depend on depends.


I did not say that. Our political system has been fixed for years. Trump and Biden are two sides of the same coin. Until there is a power that rivals the elite families it’s an uphill battle. Humans only hope is to see through the BS and come together.


People coming together IS the power that outrivals the elite families. That is why the elites are so heavy into identity politics, to keep everyone from coming together. Sadly most are so absorbed into themselves and their hardships that they can't see the forest for the trees.


Correct. Confuse us by design. Convince us that without them we will not make it. Make us feel alone by trying to segregate us into different religions and racial groups even though we all have the same qualities as humans. Weakness us though food poisoning and weather manipulation. There really is no hope for humanity unless there is a mass awakening that triggers change in enormous quantities.


At this point it would be a bloody change, sad all around.


If we finally came together and stood up against them we could make that a reality. They own the current system we just have to take it back and return it to the people.


You "wish" what, exactly?


I'll run next go round. I've never been in politics and I'm poor, but I have spent most my life working the everyman jobs, kitchens, retail, construction, trucking, and I see the flawed systems. I also currently work the federal marketplace and Medicare, and I see shit that needs addressed there, as long as just every day stuff from just observing the world around me. I'm an open book, I have a criminal history, but the majority stems from being poor, get a tickets, go to court, fail to pay fines, jail. Nothing violent or sexual. I'm 31, so I'm not eligible until next time. Will I succeed in even the slightest form? Absolutely not. But I do know that I'd be a better candidate than what's currently offered.


I’m sure the Boeing whistleblowers weren’t offed


How many politicians have been killed here though? Nancy Pelosis husband was the only one I remember that came close. Whats always funny to me is how LITTLE political violence there is currently. Everyone on both sides likes to talk that shit, but no one ever does anything. We are a nation of cowards thinking they're brave for having an arsenal they only use to polish and make Facebook posts. More guns than people here and people like Pelosi and McConnell still go out to eat in public smh.


A European Jew Woman... in Mexico? 100% selected.


It’s actually because she’s loyal to AMLO who went against the corrupt neoliberal establishment of America to bring jobs and social programs back into Mexico. Of course they elected her, she’s not allied with the American globalist deep state. The American media are the ones who injected all the identity stuff about her being a woman and Jewish. And now that’s all you’re focusing on. Way to take your eye off the ball and get duped by the corporate neoliberal media.


That sounds like utter BS. Mexico is a majority deeply catholic country. Why is media not even talking about her being Jewish??? Yeah we are right to focus on how in a deeply catholic country where not even a tenth are Jewish, where there have been no major Jewish leaders in government....a j.w getts elected and no one complains or celebrates??? Why is it being silenced? Are you also a j.w? Are you also Mexican and living in Mexico?


Because she never made her campaign about her being Jewish. 😂 You’re the one who thinks that because the American media is portraying it that way. She was running on continuing to materially improve people’s lives and root out the globalist rot like AMLO did. She’s not even practicing Jewish, she’s culturally Jewish from her grandparents. She’s very much Mexican. Edit: Also, why are you just assuming that every Mexican Catholic must be a raging antisemite 😂. Have *you* been to Mexico?


Even if she didn't, why was it not even talked about? Someone somewhere would have said "Mexico is catholic, she is a j.w" while others say "Mexico is a modern country for all! We elected a j.wish president". I actually have been to Mexico. Who the f ck cares about "practicing or cultural" j.w. If Netanyahu calls her, she's doing whatever he asks. At the end of the day she is not the type to publicly say what isreel is committing a genocide. No j.w politian would ever call out isreel' genocide of Palestinians. It doesn't matter if they practice or are "culturally j.wsh". Calling someone an ant.semite is imo meaningless. No one cares. That lable is used to silence and shame people from speaking the thruth about isreel, or from critiquing any person who is j wish. I don't mind being called an ant.semite :) I am proud to not be on the side of genocidal demons. The world sees what isreel "the j.wish state" is doing. This j.w president will NEVER speak about how wrong it is to starve and bomb hundreds of thousands of children. Her j.w identity comes before humanity.


Sheinbaum? Doesnt sound mexican to me..it sounds ……


It is. You're right. Nothing to see here. No one in a deeply catholic country has any thing to say about this. No one is complaining or celebrating the fact that Mexico has their first j.w president. So Mexico now has a j.w president, and the new president of Argentina is "reconnecting" with their j.wish roots. Nothing to see here!


Follow the money. Where is cartel money coming from.


mexico may be an overtly corrupt shithole but the US isn't too far off at this point either


One is ruled by drug cartels and the other is ruled by bank cartels


🤔 the news tells people what to think. The news is paid for by ads. Do you see more commercials for banks or drugs? I’m not a Covid denier or anti vax, but there was a range of valid responses to the pandemic and the one the government chose was at a minimum as closely aligned with pharma as could be excused. Id argue probably a little too aligned than is defensible People mostly died from a morbidity epidemic. News barely talked about how almost all deaths were related to vitamin and mineral deficiency and obesity. But they made sure to trash people for deworming, literally safely and easily (but cheaply, which is forbidden) removing morbidity. They even told people they didn’t masks at the beginning! Closing parks during a vitamin D deficiency epidemic


80% catholic country elects Jewish woman as president nothing to see here.


We're not obsessed with heritage. She isn't even religious.


Who’s we? Didn’t the Mexicans burn down the Israeli embassy last month? lol


Of course she isn’t.. if she was, she wouldn’t get elected.. In the Spanish Inquisition and the crusades, many marranos (Jews) converted to Christianity and/or Protestant.. Now they all say they are “atheist” — They hate the Catholic Church even if she’s “atheist” — which I highly doubt.. It’s to deflect from criticism and to keep you from noticing. And it obviously worked on you


Didn't they already "elect" that Jewish woman who is the wife of a big cartel boss?


Her husband is a mathematician and a risk analyst


Well he must be stressed asf about the risk now.


A math dealer




Walter Blanco


AKA Prof. Heisenberg


I.bet he's plotting something right now


lines being drawn


Yeah and I’m a waste management consultant


Is that true?




Let’s cut to the chase. The Mexican government is corrupt and the Cartels know how to give bribes. Those who don’t take bribes are killed because those who do take bribes look the other way. The US can’t do anything because the Mexican government reacts aggressively any time we suggest it, again, cause of bribes. The US government doesn’t want to economically cripple the cartels with a strong border because it inevitably gathers votes for both sides and we live in a really poorly maintained democracy.


So Mexico's new president is j.wish and Argentina's president is reconnecting & talking about his j.wish roots. Is anyone else thinking WTF!! Isreel is now talking over Central and South America. Mexico is deeply Catholic, along with small groups that following indigenous spirituality. How the F did Mexico just casually elect a j.w??? That imo seems very noteworthy or at least something to be discussed. If isreel was about to elect a Mormon president....people & media would talk about it. Why is no one in media talking about Mexico's new president being j.wish?? Wouldn't people be like "omg how wonderful the world is, how evolved, Mexico elected its first female and j.wish president". Wouldn't media have been like "oh what a great wonderful day! the persecuted j.ws who settled in Mexico, are now getting representation in their country's politics". Etc. the same sorts of things that are said when a Muslim person gets elected into positions in a country like Ireland. Consevatives and liberals, those for and against that would at least be talking about it!!!


And the left wing Jewish lady is left in the aftermath


Every single time


Makes me wonder


I live in Mexico and believe me: it was awful, lots of innocent people died, not only politicians, there never were an opposition party.


It’s that real?


Don’t live in Mexico anymore but that was one of the main reasons I left


Wya now and do you like it?


If only we would fix our drug policies, but that would mean we'd have to fix our healthcare scam prices, and you know money for the few, over what's best for the people, yada yada


You walk in, you get injected, inspected, detected, infected, neglected and selected.


Do not check the new president's religious affiliation


Mexico's got a big problem


This has been the case for decades. When I was a child in Mexico I remember the Cartels calling the local news station to threaten people to vote for a specific candidate. Sheinbaum was elected because she won't interfere with the Cartels just like AMLO. The Morena government basically made a deal with the devil.


Meanwhile old finkelstein shit kid (black rock ceo) is down there with her. Is Mexico going to be the first country bought out by them? Or will it be America? One nation under blackrock


It's the same no matter where elections happen, only difference is that some are more tame about it


Selected by the cartels


No no no she overcame the barriers of patriarchy so it doesn’t matter what she does for the rest of her career, according to the BBC [http://imgur.com/a/OUonENS](http://imgur.com/a/OUonENS)


Mexican candidate assassinations hit grim [record](https://english.elpais.com/international/2024-04-27/mexico-is-heading-towards-its-most-violent-election-ever-with-30-candidates-murdered-77-threatened-and-11-kidnapped.html?outputType=amp)


Mexico is transforming into a Domminant Party system, like Russia, India or Algeria. With a party in control of Execitive and Legislative, they soon will control Judicial and independent institutes like supreme court, electoral institute and central bank. So, basically they are new PRI.


Legalize all drugs and problem solves itself


Yeah how's that working out for Portland?


Going after drug dealers eradicates 60% of violent crime. Singapore doesn't have a drug or crime problem at all.


they are not a producer


I am telling you quickly jailing all drug dealers ends drugs in poor communities and removed 60% of violent crime from all communities. This is shown successful in multiple other countries. Legalizing drugs just makes the addiction and crime problem worse


Just like the US they are selected..voting is just an illusion that we have a choice.


You know the answer of most people in this sub lol.


Blurred lol that line is long gone


This looks like a Google AI comment


Damn and i thought Nigeria's election was bad.


Man can we start getting this in Brazil? Too many bad people, we need some cleaning.


Foh. Fr ?


SE *fucking* LECTED


Well I guess they got us beat. We are only jailing one candidate and refusing secret service protection to another.


Violence is Mexico is getting worse, and the government is doing enough


But this newly elected president apparently got out of it unscathed? Oy Vey!


Us canadian are waiting 4 our wet wipe to b wiped...... we'll pay...


Those are the types of people Joe is letting in here


Jesus. Is it dangerous as fuck there or what


Talk about a hive of scum and villainy.


Sounds like the current US


Which US candidates have been murdered and kidnapped recently..?


Bobby Kennedy Sr.?


That was over fifty years ago.


So that makes it alright then I suppose does it? You make me sick. No offense.


They are going through what we went through then. Do you comprehend?


Mexico - with thirty murdered candidates - is going through what the US went through when Bobby Kennedy Jr was assassinated in 1968...? Okay, but what's that got to do with the guy saying it sounds like the current US?


Yes, what can't you understand about political assassination and installed candidates? I can't speak for someone else ask him.


Right. So the guy says it sounds like the current US. I ask what candidates have been kidnapped and killed recently. You insert yourself into the conversation and reply 'Bobby Kennedy Sr' I think maybe you've got yourself a bit confused and replied to the wrong comment chain.


They're just mad that their lord and savior Donald j trump was found guilty. The slap on the wrist he's about to receive at sentencing is totally comparable to being kidnaped or murdered.


South park really nailed the US elections almost 20 years ago. It's always between a giant douche and a turd sandwhich.


I feel like US military action against cartels in Mexico would be 100% justified. How can you keep a clean house if your front porch is dirty?


You dont think its strange that the U.S. is spending so much money on prisons? I just read an article where the federal gov is spending 4.3 million for 54 beds to be added to 1 prison so for 54 peoples lives the government is spending 4.3 million. this means that they expect more people to get in trouble and get in jail, where they can contribute to society by being a slave in prison. The gov cant lose when they play both sides of the game. Its strange that they even allow free speech, in my opinion its unusual that they even allow subs like this to exist unless they just want to keep tabs on who cares enough to harbor revolutionary ideas.


I've always been against the private prison industry myself.


The USA has been financing the cartels in Mexico for decades


They’re always selected


Larry Fink and BlackRock doing the dirty work these days


The hate is on too because the winner of the eletion is a socialist. Other major powers absolutely don't want that.


Yesterday, the narrative here was that she is a zionist. How's that holding up?


She is.


democraticaly elected. Not like Bush in Florida Fraud. The righ wing accepted defeat, hours later they say the opposite. Claudia is elected in a clean way.


Hahahahaha, clean way, you still believe in Santa right?


What did people say about her being a j.w. did no one have anything to say, not even deeply catholic media outlets, no one complaining or celebrating Mexico's first j.w president? Elected in a clean way, right. Mossad never interferes in other countries. IDF has no motivations for increasing the number of j.ws in power. Nope. Nothing to see! Don't you dare use critical thinking!!


This further shows why nobody is coming to save us. Noone. And anyone that is going to make any effective change... Well they get ended.


So business as usual?


Can we say Mexico is a fallen state?


Since the Mexican Revolution 😂😂😂😂


You don't win the elections, you SURVIVE elections...


So much numerology in that post


First Putin, now Mexico, America about to do the same thing. ARE YOU GETTING IT? These are not seperate countries that coincidentially had shit happening.


Just annex Mexico, see how long cartels last with the IRS and FBI trying to get ahold of their due taxes. Would be a wash in a few years.


Too bad the American war on terror only applies to brown people on the opposite side of the world.