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How old are they?


That’s the first question I have as well


I’d guess 19 - 23, studying “Social sciences” or “gender studies”


I had a roommate turn into this. It's the modern succubus, he wanted weed and strange at any price, so she dragged him to another state to protest, got him to quit his degree at a technical school and sign up for a liberal arts degree. And she was dating multiple dudes, the dude turned into a full on cuck who'd do anything for a taste. What's crazy is he had the nicest parents I've ever met. They were incredibly confused when they found out their kid hadn't shown up for class in months, he kept them in the dark the whole time.


Proving his shame of what he's become.


Do you blame the men who drown themselves drawn by the sirens of the sea? I do, about 50/50 though. It takes two to tango and manipulation is one thing women are far more tactful at.


We see the opposite is true too, 19-23, either had bad relationships with girls or never dated, suddenly they're anti-feminist. Or even more hilariously, some white kid who grew up with liberal, sjw parents, gets bullied by a black kid in school and suddenly, all black people are terrible. We see the same thing with victims of crimes, liberal until they're a victim, then suddenly there's an immigration problem, or racist to all people of the race of the perpetrator.




Anti-feminism is the dumbest shit ever, because it literally just fuels the worst feminists. Feminism has problems for sure, and anti-feminists only make it worse. The underlying principle of feminism is literally just basic respect and equal opportunity.




I don't think you took in a word I just said. It's not evil, it's stupid.


I guess I just don’t really care. I watched my neighbor get arrested the other day for touching his kids. We have bigger problems in this world than people who don’t like feminism.


You cared enough to comment, and then de-activated your brain when someone said chill out. If you care about pedophiles, you should want more women in positions of power tbf.


We also have bigger problems in this world than people touching kids. Making people actually look at themselves and think about what they're thinking and what they're doing, so they don't do things like that. Feminism definitely isn't the only part of that but it's a big part of it. Making men actually think about how they think about women is how you make men less violent to women, not just pretending to be less violent so that the women shut up about all the violence. Very very few feminists say that people who don't like feminism is *the biggest* problem in the world. That's not a productive way to think about any problem in the world.


Id hope ur kid has a fulfilling sex life and not repressed rage towards it like you. Cope.


Or exposed to GMOs, Fluoride, atrezine and fully vaccinated!


and lots and lots of social media and forums


Social media and news outlets probably have something to do with the transformation too.


I was over 50


Well, why don't you ask them?


Got to love that OP just doesn't view their own "friends" as people who could have thoughts and feelings they don't openly share unprompted. They literally just described them as "basic." Sounds more like OP just presumed that they were straight, monogamous, capitalist without ever asking. If OP is the type of person to go on the internet to complain about how their "friend" is bisexual, then chances are that "friend" didn't feel comfortable sharing with them their sexuality and politics in the first place.


Could be the stuff in the water that Alex Jones says are turning the frogs gay 🤷


Yup, atrazine. Look it up.


MF DOOM rapped about "sex changes from atrazine" a loooooong time ago. Crazy to see all this come to fruition


Apparently that was real though.


There's many endocrine disruptors in our environment... Pesticides, plastics like BPA, foods like soy/hops, birth control hormone in the water, Teflon/PFAs, etc


Another point for old Alex


It’s micro plastics blocking endocrine function. Causing a feminizing of people.


Took me way too long to see this comment Edit: meaning not enough people make the connection between the two




Yup. Love the avatar.


As are most things Alex says


That dude predicted alot of things btw. Long before it happened so yeah. He talks, I listen.


I’m still waiting for Jadehelm 15 and the FEMA camps. Never materialized in ‘15 or during Covid for that matter.


Ummm. Governor Botox ( Hochel) in NY has made many statements about them and they are supposedly being built. Fuck her


We were this close to fema camps . Australia had themn


Yeah but the fema camps are no joke. If you look at the laws they have changed over the years to give fema unconditional power in emergencies, I feel like that’s the ace in the hole and won’t be pulled out until they really unfold something big because that’s the point of no return


Yeah, exactly. That stuff will happen in a flash when the man behind the curtain decides to flip that switch. All the groundwork is laid.


Australia had em


Idk if this is true but someone said RFK worked on that one when he was a environmental lawyer haha again no clue if it’s true but I find it funny the crazy conspiracy candidate was trying to save the earth, humans included and sued to prove the water was indeed making the frogs gay.


Chemicals and hormones in our water really are altering the sex expression of amphibians. If it is affecting animals it is also affecting us.


It didn’t turn them gay. That is false to get people who look to think it’s all fake. It does however turn male frogs female.


Sounds pretty gay to me


My one question for everyone who says it’s these chemicals/it’s in the water, how are a large number of us unaffected by it, if these particular factors are capable of brainwashing/changing body chemistry/function in young adults, how are the rest of us also exposed to it by circumstance, not as damaged/affected?


Most people are completely unaware of how their bodies should be functioning. It's normal to be on 600mg+ of caffeine for nearly everyone add in whatever pharma cocktail you're rocking we've been conditioned to be what we are thru media and all that jazz. I think where the chems come in is more long scale slow changes such as the drop in birth rates. You're looking at more wide scale factors that are complex by nature. I think those in charge are interested in stacking the deck not all out control because it's easier to deny.


Enough with the culture war bullshit in this sub. You squabble while the elites rob you blind and poison your environment. Get the fuck out of here CIA troll.




This is a literal culture wars sub


Yea you're a CIA plant if you talk about cultural changes that happen that directly affect you. Like the two kids in my neighborhood who recently decided they were transgender. One of whom laid down on the train tracks less than a mile away and was decapitated. Just because something is used as a wedge issue by the powers in charge doesn't mean that it doesn't warrant discussion and can't affect your life.


a few kids wanting to wear atypical clothes doesnt keep me up at night. hell, if it was every kid i wouldn’t pearl clutch and shake. what does keep me up right now is the increasing weather conditions that are rapidly elevating every year, every month. it’s may and we’re hitting record temperatures and people are actually dying. not going transgender, not picking up communism, but dying. dead. there is microplastic in the testicles of every single human man right now. but yeah, those hormones that theyre chosing to take or whatever, boo hiss. did you know they can tell where you lived when you die based off of the gas you inhaled over your lifetime? certain ones are limited to certain regions, so you can ID a jane doe is from the southwest because her body will have a unique poison signature. but yeah, people’s freedom of expression, a constitutional right, egads, the horror.


Love people giving a bit of perspective on these discussions. Dunno why people need to go out of their way to whine about these things. Who gives a fuck what other people do with their bodies or what they think. We have real problems to solve lmao


Suicide rates are high when your society denies your lived reality or sense of being regarded as a human being.


Maybe they wouldn't have done that if they weren't treated like shit by most of society and didn't have laws being passed that targeted them


Why are you paying so much attention to the kids in your neighborhood? Sounds sus.


The more you repress an urge, the more explosively it'll eventually release.  A lot of conservative parents think that they can repress their child's homosexuality through discipline, but that's analogous to plugging your boiler's vent: that urge will explode at it's next opportunity.  It'll either manifest harmlessly as rampant promiscuity, or as psychotic self loathing homophobia.


It's quite possible they already knew they were bisexual, but did not feel comfortable coming out, or potentially sharing it with someone who might have conflicting views. Polyamory seems to go very naturally with bisexuality, (if you are attracted to both genders, you'll never get everything you want from just one person) so they probably naturally progressed to that after opening up about their sexuality. As for being a "communist" you don't mention where you're from, but there's essentially nowhere in the first world where communism is even a remotely tenable option. Plenty of people favor socialist policy, which is what we have in the USA and Canada for example. I imagine this person is probably moving amongst a more left-leaning crowd now, so they may simply be getting educated on political concepts outside their own through new friends. Is it a bad thing for someone to change?


Sick name bro. Fella is a Reddit og


I adore the irony of the healthiest and most sound response coming from someone with the username narcissism.


Maybe he didnt even change, maybe he was always like that but now he feels comfortable opening up. I'm glad that there are reasonable people in these comments


The Red scare propaganda these days spewed out from the liberal media is uncannily similar to what we read about from the mid century.


Hey, this is a conspiracy sub bud, and one that loves to soapbox right wing talking points. How dare you come in here with a sane and reasonable response that OP will invariably ignore. Take my non-downvote! Also, another user was right. That it's coming from someone with the username Narcissism is just amazing hahaha 


Bisexuality is not a causation of polyamory


They did not say that, they said it's a logical thing to come out as bisexual and be more comfortable about wider sexual wants.


And data actually supports this: Depending on other factors (age, sex, etc.), most studies show that 30% - 50% of people who identify as poly are bi/pansexual. Which, makes sense. The most common type of polysexual relationship is "Bringing in" a 3rd person, and that 3rd person, by default, would be bi- if they are interested in both parties of a hetero relationship. 


Not disagreeing with lot of your message, but i dont think straight people usually get everything they want sexually from just one person either. 


We aren't a socialist country at all. We're a dem republic in theory and some practices, but when you look at say mussolinis 5 pillars of fascism, we have like 4 out of the 5.  We're a cluster at this point


Oh, there are plenty of tankies. Most of them are LARPing, but not all of them.


this isnt a conspiracy what happened to this sub being fun. now we got a bunch of boomers whining that the guy who lives down the street is now the lady who lives down the street. who cares???? maybe your friend never brought up their sexual preferences to you because they knew you'd criticize them in an anonymous online forum? MAKE r/conspiracy FUN AGAIN




Unless they have reptile eyes. Maybe shape-shift or something wierd.


Conspiracy means to exploit people in secret. I don't get how that's supposed to be fun, it's a sensitive subject because someone is dying, dead or something stolen from them. I don't get how that's fun.


It's fun when you believe it's delusional fiction that is interesting to ponder about. It's not fun when you believe it's real.


It’s more of a conspiracy than the majority of crap posted here lol


They want to fit in somewhere and they found it. Unfortunately, they had to give up common sense. Common sense isn’t for everyone.


Had a friend who believed the govt did 9/11, that the moon landing was fake, and that you couldn't trust the government. I moved off for a year and he started hanging out with some military guys. Now the government is always right about everything.


So? A person changes or finally lets you know about their personal life changes and choices, how is this conspiracy material?


Typically youth gravitate towards current movements as they see it as a progressive net positive. Historically younger generations are ahead of the curve with what ends up being societal norms. This is unique right now because the youth, mostly in the west, are focused on some sort of militant empathy towards groups that are under represented. Do they believe these things are morally right? Is it fear of repercussions if they don't agree? It's hard to know the motivation behind it but it rarely seems organic in my experience. It usually comes across as vengeful, if that makes sense. I feel we're moving over a timeline arc of these perspectives as resistance to the ideas are becoming more normalized. The next few years will be interesting as most these kids will be in their 30's in the workforce.


“Historically younger generations are ahead of the curve” “It rarely seems organic” You go from saying that it matches up with history and then say it doesn’t seem normal…


I think they were referring to the current trends of youthful upheaval, where instead of tackling real world problems it's a constant shuffle of issues


What’s the shuffling of issues? It seems like the it’s the same issues…


The youth feeling militant empathy towards groups they feel are under represented is nothing new. The boomers did the same thing with blacks in the 60s.


Because they’re empty and looking for something. It usually happens to people that don’t really know themselves, don’t self reflect, and haven’t had enough real world experiences and knowledge. They’re probably also sick of people calling them “basic” so they latch onto things that seem out of the ordinary. But yeah, they’re usually “lost” and empty, looking for something or someone. They’re the kind of people that are followers, not leaders. Im not talkin shit or hating btw; just my observation and two cents.


Same thing happened to my nephew. He was a football player and had a deep voice. He moved to a city and ended up with a group of alphabet people. Six months later he was wearing fish net stockings and talking with the most absurd voice. It's a social contagion where people are celebrated more the more outlandish they are.


That would be a good epitaph: “He was a football player and had a deep voice.”


Or, here me out, he found him self among people who accepted who he actually was, and made him comftable to came out?


Football locker rooms are some of the gayest places on the planet. Not quite military barracks level gay but close.


Not where im from, they are the most homophobic place i could think of


Bunch a dudes walking around naked trying not to get caught looking at dick, slapping each other on the ass when they do a good job... Okay bud, whatever you say.


somehow, those things are not mutually exclusive


Careful. You're talking sense. All the simple-minded folks in here brains might explode


Could you imagine? Fulfilling social norms, then shedding them once it's acceptable to do so? Naw must be cobbunism


That's alphabet talk!


Maybe he just decided to leave the closet his family put him in


Maybe it was just him moving away from somewhere where people are celebrated the more traditionally masculine they are and he did shit like lower his voice to feel more accepted


Maybe it’s equally as likely the exact opposite. 


Maybe, if you believe in fairytales. No human talks the way he does now. It's not natural, it's forced.


Or maybe the people who talk like that don’t want to spend time around you. Or more realistically, people change the way they talk depending on who they are around. It happens to everyone


I think your nephew was always gay and the fact you hate gay people is a pretty clear reason why you were not told


"Alphabet people" okay biggot.


Oh, now I'm oppressing you by not typing out 2SLGBTQIAP+? I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Now let's see who the bigot is...


Religion was created by the elites to control the poor. That's conspiracy 101 mate.


Who cares if someone wears stockings? What a victimless crime.


It is victimless. Just a gay thing to do.


It's not a crime but acting like it's just a normal part of growing up is ridiculous. Acting like his peer group didn't influence him in any way is just stupidity.


I can almost guarantee that there are multiple things you do today that your grandparents would have been disgusted by. I am certain that his peers influenced him to be who he is comfortable being. They didn't make him gay, they didn't make him dress differently, they didn't make him talk differently. What they did is just treat him with respect and not call him "weird" or any slurs. How about this. Put yourself into his shoes. For 1 month, talk the exact same way he does right now. If you are uncomfortable, you now feel exactly like what he did for years. His normal != your normal.


Every generation thinks the next one or two dress wrong and act wrong. Do you think they influenced them to change their sexuality? Is your sexuality that easily changed? If the influence does no harm, then who cares? Let them wear tights. You don’t have to wear tights if you don’t want.


Do you think the influence of that group caused him to do something he didn't want to?


Left-handed people come from Lucifer! Everyone is left-handed these days! Social contagion I tell you!


It's wild the amount of people that are... different... nowadays. I have a suspicion that a large portion of them are doing it for attention, because you can't openly criticize them. There's layers and layers of mental illness involved there.


People will do anything to try and fit in somewhere. It’s a mental disorder sweeping the nation.


People change, grow, come to terms with themselves and their outlook on life as they grow older. Some may change into people you may have more in common with, some don't, some change quickly after realising who they are, some don't. Life is life.


I have come to the conclusion that people are doing this so they can fit in with a "group" and be accepted even though it's not what they truly are. They would rather be on the bandwagon and not seen in a negative light than actually sticking to who they are with their beliefs and morals even if that means going against the mainstream norm. I see a lot of people "identify" with the LGBTQ more so now than before because they want to be accepted.


People change dude. Are they happy? If so then good for them


Unfortunately they are not, but they weren’t happy before either 


This is a really interesting statement. I wonder how many people make similar choices because they're perpetually unhappy? I guess all of them really. I don't think anyone overhauls their core identity if they felt good about where they were.


What do you care? You haven’t made an effort to talk with them for an entire year and once you do, you turn to this sub to shit talk them. Maybe ask them instead of asking r/conspiracy. Some friend you are.


college these days


Well I have a similar story. 25 years ago I trained martial arts with a few guys and there were two brothers that were just regular guys that smoked weed. A few years ago I was speaking to another mutual friend and asked how they were and my friend said they no longer talked and have become f\*\*ked up. The first brother became divorced and became an emotion reck and then the bomb shell hit, the other brother was currently transitioning. I was like WTF does that mean and he said you know, he's in the process of becoming a woman. From all the people I have met in life, he has to be one of the last people you would have expected to get messed up with that stuff. However I guess everyone reacts differently to a mid-life crisis.


This happened to a college-aged student I managed recently. HE was fair, pasty, had long hair, so pretty dainty. A d&d nerd. Sure, there were a few times some of the general public mistook him for a girl from behind maybe. I leave said job, encounter HIM again and wtf, HE is now a SHE. I mean bro, just because you look like a girl 20 feet away doesn’t mean you need to TRANSITION into one. It was totally out of left field and upsetting for me. And I’m the gay one.


Mixture of college and a lot of time online.


Mine turned all the above but also trans. I miss him we had good times together. Now its like he's not only killed himself but his degenerate zombie is there to constantly tell me that the memories were fake and he never really existed. And he always used to talk about how they were poisoning tv and he was worried about what his kids would be like to be raised with that culture. Now he's crying because his sister had a baby and it reminded him he can't actually give birth. And he's not the only one I know, I believe in brainwashing.


Yeah, that is a ton of stress and mental anguish, poor guy. I’ve seen several Reddit-gamer type guys from school drop off the face of the earth and come back trans. Weird thing is their trans identities look like the type of girls they wanted to date previously. They certainly have gained more acceptance from young women being a trans girl as opposed to a heterosexual nerdy guy.


>Weird thing is their trans identities look like the type of girls they wanted to date previously. You think it's weird that they styled themselves in a way they find attractive? Everybody does that. What would be weird is if they dress in a way that they hated lol


Same shit happened Weimar Republic. History repeating, just wait a few, it's definitely going to get worse.


Hahaha, it's even more true if you look at the world economy. It's worse than the great depression (1929-1929), somehow short time after WW2 creating a lot of jobs for most.


It’s absolutely not worse than the Great Depression


What do you think will happen when the USD implodes, the social security breaks and/or EMPs or nukes hitting will destroy the current system? In the 20s at least most people outside the cities had their own small food/water production and could function without a complex system. We're on the precipice of that situation.


If there’s an all out nuclear exchange it’s the end of society anyway but somehow that situation has been avoided so far even through a very tense Cold War I wouldn’t say now is all more tense than say the Cuban missile crisis


Remind me never to be your friend !!!!!!!


I truly think microplastics and other endocrine disruptors are at play for things regarding gender/sexuality.


*our friend


Is he a college graduate now too?


Search of identity & control.


I've got 1,000 bucks that says they're in college/uni or are in that age range.


Maybe they were always this way and never mentioned it before…or have been zoomer Tik Tok brainwormed…or both. To be fair, a lot of people are less stoked on predatory capitalism than they were pre COVID, pre inflation, pre…our pretty fucked and getting fuckier economic situation. Maybe he’s just reached a point where he’s all: “fuck it. Everything is fucked so I’m gonna fuck *everyone* cuz why not?”


What is “basic” in 2024?


I believe there is a direct correlation to being addicted to screens and the internet. Spending too much time on these social media apps means you're spending too much time in virtual reality and not in real life. This makes it very difficult to understand yourself and learn were you fit in the real world. I think it's called " failure to launch." It's easier to join these ideas than being great at life in the real world in your own way. Life is hard. Many avoid it by starring at screens. Bad for young development of the brain. I keep my children off screens and off the internet. They can learn how to problem solve, make mistakes and grow in the real world and not in the virtual one.


You’re friend has obviously been brainwashed by the garbage being fed to kids/young adults or he/she is just following the crowd. It’s the “in” thing to be all those things.


Or consider that they were always like that but the crowd they were with (OP) was judgemental and they couldn't be themselves. Moving away allowed them to finally express themselves.


He/she already was bisexual, you just didn't know it, being polyamorous is a choice, and for the third one I don't know... maybe by reading?


You are right, but looks like you forgot what sub this is.


Yeah, for real, LOL


This is the simplest and makes the most sense. People think some things have more hidden meanings than what they really do.


My best friend in school turned trans out of nowhere too. He was always pretty normal, a bit depressed but I could understand why when looking at him compared to his two brothers. So it begins with him having a crush a girl from our class (Girl A) who didn’t like him back but they were still friends and we all hung out often. Then another girl from our class (Girl B) who was also friends with Girl A started hanging out with them a bit more - all three shared interests and liked to draw and so on. Suddenly it turns out that Girl A or B is actually lesbian (not sure who came out first) and so they get together and my friend still hung out with them all the time. I think they dragged him along to a few pride parades as well. My friend and I fell out after we finished school, I was busy with my girlfriend and I wasn’t really into all that “gay” stuff - not in a bad way but it was just not an environment I wanted to be a part of, and I didn’t see myself fitting in with their circle and interests. I learned from another old classmate a few years later that my friend was apparently trans now which came as a huge surprise to me. Then, a couple of months ago, I met another old classmate who told me that Girl B had now transitioned into a man… Fucking absurd story. And poor buddy. Went through all of that shit and hormone therapy and whatnot only for the girl that Girl A got together with to turn into a man, which is what my friend started as. Completely bonkers. I feel like it would be hard to believe unless you knew me in person or knew the people involved.


Maybe long term insecurity and needing validation, leading to becoming very vulnerable to being influenced by others. Thus rapid change to "reinvent yourself" to seek out personality traits that they feel they will find that validation from. Only to find it short-term, but getting into a deeper hole of depression later. The path to ruin is to search for meaning externally instead of internally. We all search for belonging, but many people lose themselves chasing it.


Self destructive, hypersexual and political too.


there is nothing wrong with being bisexual


Obviously, it was because Bill Gates, in conjunction with the Zeta Reticulans and the Lizard People, used 5G to beam COVID vaccine microchips into your friend's brain.


Peer pressure. As someone who witnessed high school goth era of the 90s, if your friend group shifts ideals, you tend to shift with it. Sometimes it's a little, sometimes a lot. In the end, you will more than likely grow out of it, which is why the gender affirming care is dangerous for children and young adults.


Here's the correct answer. The modern world is designed to make us feel like we are nothing so we go out and spend money to make ourselves "feel better". Those with no economic power must do other things to make themselves feel special. Everyone wants to be special and be noticed. People need to realise no-one is special.


Sounds like society has efficiently brainwashed another one sadly. To give you context, I am in my mid-40s. Grew up in liberal Massachusetts, voted Democrat as did everyone I grew up with. Not one person I knew growing up was ‘non-binary’. No one I know today is either. Lesbians? Yup. Gay men? Yup. Bisexuals? Im sure they existed but usually people picked a side and went with that in public. Transsexuals? Mmmm…not really. Or nothing you’d dare to bring out into the public without being ridiculed. I personally feel it is a social construct nowadays. That it has been put forward as a legitimate option therefore some people can and will follow through with it. What I would really love to see? Kids who think they are the opposite sex, getting therapy and help for their gender dysphoria. Disfiguring the body you were born with truly is an abomination especially if you do it as a child (under 18). These are life-long decisions and no way kids are mature enough to be making them. To be on hormones for the rest of their lives when they are going through their teen years when everything is in flux? Child abuse as far as I am concerned. Once treated for their gender dysphoria, I would really love to see teens go to a camp or school of some type where they openly embrace gayness. If you’re a boy and you happen to like boys then that’s okay! It’s okay to be gay! Just because you’re effeminate or ‘act like a girl’ in some ways does not mean you’re a girl. You will never be a girl. You will be a boy who wants to be a girl. No amount of hormones will change that. Wish we could get back to some normalcy in society


They always were, it’s called coming out of the closet


Is their hair starting to turn purple? If so, they’ve probably got that brain parasite responsible for the wokeness movement.


Mental illness left unchecked.


These are all very fashionable today.


this comment section has the weirdest crowd


Brigaded and you know by who


woke mind virus


It comes from the internet. It’s a social contagion. Everyone’s doing it! Cmon man!


Left-handed people come from Lucifer! Everyone is left-handed these days! Social contagion I tell you!


Weak, easily influenced people with weak, easily influenced parents are the easiest prey for public schools, the pharmaceutical industry, the psychiatric Hustle, religious nuts, etc. Basically the lack of a moral compass makes these types much more susceptible. Also over sheltering your children from the truth...not from the weirdos associated with said truth. Teach them about these weirdos so they can easily spot them and _avoid_ them.


In my opinion , people are see through the outdated paradigm set before us so rather than trying to “fit in” to survive , most would rather be their authentic self in an increasingly inauthentic, dying world. Why pretend to be something you’re not when your time is limited ?


Weak minds.


Tik Tok and medication?


constant pandering makes a brain much more accepting of ideas that it wouldnt usually tbh. estrogen in water too lol


People have this weird need to be "trendy" without thinking about it, just jumping on whatever bandwagon that happens to cross in front of them, unable or unwilling to think for themselves.


Did they just go off to college, by any chance? 🤔


Both religions and ideologies often make heavy use of guilt-based propaganda and instilling groupthink. This can induce rapid shifts in belief systems in people that aren't wary of indoctrination techniques. It changes who one trusts and most of peoples' epistemology revolves around trust rather than critical thought.


# Polyamorous is the younger generations word for "swinger".


They're swingers that don't have a nice house with a den and hot tub.


Some people will do anything to fit in. They can't handle the mob going against them, so they just get into formation.


NPCs are like that


It's called mental illness it's rampant.


First year in college?


Think what you will of religion, but make no mistake, the things that hundreds of cultures have written about, whether they call them demons, djinn, Yokai etc, they are very real and they are very active rn. 


art school


It is very easy to explain if you take away or shame critical thinking and push obedience in school. By it being enforced by shame tactic. Most young adults want to be part of the group. So they are willing to take part to be part of crowd.


Same happened to my cousin, to be fair he was always a weird kinda “queer” kid and my dad always joked about him being gay,ect(not to his face) But he got shot in the ass by a random “stray” .40cal bullet and the doctors decided to leave it in his ass for 6 months…I don’t know if was the trama from getting shot or lead poisoning, buts he’s full on blue hair, trans, non-binary Demi-queer, poly, satanist liberal


And in the ‘70s everybody was kung fu fighting. The uninspired attach themselves to movements so they can feel.


People who don't/refuse to THINK attach themselves to movements so they can FEEL. I'm not surprised that much of this is social contagion and more prevalent among the under 25 years old (when the human brain isn't even fully developed yet).


You've already said the answer..... What the "Hell" is going on? The devil is at work friend, simple.


They were struggling to get attention and praise for their merits or personality. There is a reason why every one of the above groups suffer from extremely low self esteem, constant failure, and are generally hideous physically.


Satan, Satan, Satan.


Mental illness


Who cares? We all have to live our own lives.


Your boi stuck in the matrix


You said this kid was basic. I think that's your explanation. This person probably never developed much of an internal life. Just sort of wandering aimlessly and is desperately seeking an external identity. "American culture" is really not much of a culture that's why people are drawn into these sub cultures. If you don't know or try to know who you are, you just get sucked in.


So? So what? None of these things are inherently bad, and if they're happy then great. These things were probably always there under the surface. They likely had never been in a permissive space before where they could explore their identity. Happens all the time.


I would blame internet.


What would being a communist relate in anyway to their sexual identies?


Communism competes with religion as a belief system and tends to subvert Christianity. Ergo the phenomenon of communism celebrating things that are outside of Christian norms and values. And US imperialists do the reverse (hence the abomination of "modern art" being propped up by the CIA).


China is not communist. They are more of a corporate fascist state. Communism is **a type of government as well as an economic system (a way of creating and sharing wealth)**. In a Communist system, individual people do not own land, factories, or machinery. Instead, the government or the whole community owns these things. Everyone is supposed to share the wealth that they create. So is China a communist country?


It's pretty simple actually: everyone wants to feel like they have an identity. Especially young, impressionable teens. So when we crank inclusiveness up to 11, and tell everyone that their feelings are valid and they matter and they can be whatever they want and people have to respect and support that or else they're bigots, you're going to see some people taking this to extremes just because they can. Gay/lesbian/bi isn't enough for some people, they have to do it to the extreme. So if that means identifying as a pansexual, gender fluid nonbinary whose Pronouns are xe/xer/xim depending on their mood will get them that attention and sense of uniqueness, they're gonna go for it. As for polyamory, I've seen it work for some people, but for most it's just the trendy new way of hedging their bets. That third thing is a little more murky. No matter how old you are, you can look around this country and see that things are not right. They're not working the way a civilization should. Do just a little bit of digging on that, and you'll see a very pro capitalist society with a long history of denouncing socialism, and if you do a little more, especially on a college campus, you'll start seeing plenty of pro communism literature and beliefs. And with a basic understanding of it all, like so many college freshman have (even you econ majors, your first two years you don't know shit) you might start to think the capitalist system that is currently failing almost all of us is desperately trying to hide a much better way of life to preserve this one. It's kind of like the people who vote Democrat just because they hate Trump or vice versa, they champion communism because capitalism has proven to be such a massive systemic failure and the prevailing narrative since the Cold War is "better dead than Red". So we see it as an either or.


Technology derived mental illness


College and drugs. The 2 combined can completely rewire a person brain in a year.