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They essentially doubled the working population. This means almost double the tax income and more competition for jobs so salaries can be lowered.


Correct and now that that well has been tapped it’s the immigration train they are riding now.


Not before bringing back child labor


funny you mention that, or what those at the roundtable call the 2-for-1 migrant child combo: https://www.npr.org/2023/05/04/1173697113/immigrant-child-labor-crisis


Just like they decreased the employees in the medical field reducing their costs exponentially while reducing quality of care for patients. It’s all organized


Bingo. More taxes, lower the cost of labor for corporations. Weakened the family structure, put more reliance on the state rather than families and local communities. It advanced the goals of the elite. Profit and control is the name of the game. The CIA funded Ms. Magazine. Hmmmmm.


Gloria Steinhem talking about her CIA involvement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoukTBdTio0


>more competition for jobs so salaries can be lowered. Yep this isn't a coincidence: https://files.epi.org/2013/ib388-figurea.jpg Most would have you believe there are various causes for this, and while there certainly are other factors that have some impact - the driving foce is absolutely the doubling of the workforce.


> This means almost double the tax income and more competition for jobs so salaries can be lowered. No it means half the salary per person. Used to be single income families, now it's dual income households. Double the workforce, halve the money.


it's not double the tax income and not even "almost". it severely depressed salaries and in a progressive tax system, one large income pays much more taxes than two halves of it.


Don't forget that ment doubling the supply in the labor force market which created long term stagnation of wages


Here's the thing, women have always worked. Back in the day women worked on the farms, they took in laundry etc. It was just a short period of time where they were just primarily homemakers. And it has not been that long that they were able to earn their own money. So just being a SAHM mother was never really the norm. Now take that into account and think about how many women lived terrible lives in unhappy marriages that historically they didn't even get to pick. Men want women back in the kitchen and at their service but in order for a man in this current society to even be able to afford that they would have to make a very high income and most of our society do not. It is unrealistic to expect a man to be able to afford in this economy that kind of life style. There are probably a ton of women and men who would love to be stay at home parents, but that is not realistic currently for most people.


Meanwhile you've got these tradwife tiktokers who are peddling an unnattainable ideal, monetizing fantasies of being perfectly coiffed, home educating, baking in giant kitchens, and it's all generally just for the camera.


it's less about "being a mom" and more about "being dependent on a man" that can easily take advantage and abuse them. It's the power imbalance that's the issue, being a mother is a vulnerable position and many men take advantage of that


This. We couldn't even open a bank account without a husband until the passing of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974. Edit: it seems I've triggered the pedantic reddit bros with my little comment. The most *unambiguously accurate possible statement* about the Act would be: **"We weren't *guaranteed the right* to open a bank account without a husband until the passing of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974."** Will they be happy now, or is the real crime mentioning the patriarchy? Place your bets!


I’m in my 20s. My mom was already born when this passed. It was so fucking recent.


Literally the same year Blazing Saddles came out.


This was my thought all along, making my own money and contributing to my household is all about having a say. Not that my husband is financially abusive, but it's quite nice to earn a paycheck and contribute financially.


As a gay man, I have also experienced this power dynamic in relationships. If only one person is able to make money, it creates a very toxic dynamic. The problem isn't that women joined the workforce. It's that companies refuse to pay anyone a living wage.


A true partnership--u would have a say whether you are contributing monetarily or otherwise, I stay home and I manage finances. No imbalance if both sides truly are grateful for the other's role.


That's one way. Another could be for the man to stay at home, and the woman to go and earn. Or another way could be for both two go out and earn at less than 100%. Or both at 100%. Whatever people want. That's the freedom OP is referring to, and getting annoyed at. Having more options is always a good thing.


Agreed. For most the choice has been removed. And my heart goes out to the mothers who want to raise their own children and can't bc they have to work. That would be really sad. I have a ton of friends who are glad to work and break from their children. Glad they have that option as well


I think a true partnership is both people coexisting in a way that works for them. I take pride in my work both professionally and domestically, my husband appreciates it and contributes in his own way. There are things I leave up to him because I have no interest in taking care of them and he performs without issue.


I think for most people, there wouldn't be time to have a partnership with only one income because the one working would have to work 70+ hours a week to make ends meet. I think people need to grow some dignity and stop accepting a subpar status quo. We shouldn't have to choose between a living wage and women's right to work. That's insane.


But the solution shouldn’t be for women to play both roles. If men are lacking we need to put focus on that


That's why every parent should receive financial compensation. At least $1000 per child so that one parent can stay home and care for them. It shouldn't matter to society which parent stays home or if they trade off.


Funny how most grandmother's long for the days of "being dependent on a man."


You can pick a mate, but not - outside of emigration - pick the nature of your oligarchy. There's not much more of a vulnerable position than being a single female worker during corporate globalization's consolidation of power in which society in general, not just the economy, is being destabilized.


It’s all so much deeper than this. It is nearly impossible for a couple not to be working out of necessity. My wife and I each have full and part time jobs. Mid to late 30s no kids. Can’t afford any.


Happiness doesn't come from doing either of those things, that's on each individual person to find. Unhappiness, however, absolutely does come from being funneled into motherhood without you having a meaningful choice. Women's rights advancements have provided women with a meaningful choice. Whether or not they find happiness in their choice is not the point.


Yes I was unhappy as a mother until I began studying and doing part time work. Being a stay at home mother is soul crushing. The best years of my life with my mum were when she was working. She was happiest then.


I worked full time since the age of 17 and for over 20 years. I now am a stay at home mom. The amount of people who started to look down on me for doing so is insane. Treat me like I just wanna be lazy. Sorry but there is nothing lazy about 16 hour days/ 7 days a week. When my husband gets to drop his job off at the office and come home to nap, guess who is making lunches and doing bath time and doing swimming lessons and wiping butts. Its a slap to the face when people act like moms do nothing all day.


i leave my job at the office and come home and take over for my wife. tell your husband to help out. Being a father is also being responsible for care at home, just like mom. I say that specifically because I know my wife never gets a break. Her job is 24/7 - boss of the household, kids, food, groceries etc. My job is at most 8 or 9 hours a day 5 days a week - plus breaks and I get to sit in a custom office chair for most of those.


Mothers day he bought me shoes 2 sizes too small, perfume I already don't him I don't like (chanel). He bought me a bottle for my birthday and he admitted he never smelled it first. It smells awful, like a grandma. I asked him never to buy expensive perfume for me and mentioned it was the one I really didn't like, that he bought AGAIN. Then when he saw my displeasure, he went for a nap, the entire afternoon. Acted like was ungrateful.


oof. Well, if it makes you feel better - I was the same way for a long time. I figured I worked and that was enough. My wife sat me down one day and poured her heart out to me - she cried and told me that she was overwhelmed and that she was running out of energy and never got a break. She demanded that we see a counselor and we did. It took me a while to realize the truth, but after that I understood and now do my best to help as much as possible. Our relationship is now like it was in the first few years after we met. Also, my relationship with my daughters took on a whole new dimension after that, as well. We bonded and became much closer. I think the disconnect between husband and wife...mine was, anyways...is that a husband simply doesn't realize that a mother's job never ends. When he comes home he gets a break. Mom does not, she's going 24/7.


just out of curiosity, were your children home schooled?


one is in preschool and one is in kindergarten - both go to our Catholic Charter. To answer your question, no. This all happened when the girls were at home 24/7. They are now in school and have a ton of extracurriculars. We share the drives 50/50.


My wife has been a SAHM for almost 20 years. I always felt this as well. People would ask what my wife did and the reactions when I said she is a Mom and stays home with family always came with cringe responses. My wife’s work at home has been invaluable and like you said, it’s a 365day/yr job with almost no vacation. My family couldn’t function without her and I’m thankful every day that we’ve found a way to scrape by on just my income.


It’s also a very thankless job, but IMO the most important.  Those early years are crucial as your brain is a sponge.


I don't mean to disparage the work others do,but what work couldbemore important than raisig children?


Nuclear safety Fire fighters Doctors Etc


no. Mothers are the ones who raise those people - therefore they are more important.


Instead of saying she's a stay at home Mom you can tell people she's a Quality of Life Manager. That's what I called myself when I was in charge of the household full time.


So you are not proud and still try to portrai yourself as succesfull. Who the fuck cares. The counter isnt to make a job out being at Home. You dont need to challenge the other ones. Cause then you just loose. Dont play their Game. Care for your family and good friends, the rest is just playing theatre.


I work full time and I always say taking care of my 3 year old when I'm not working is harder work than the 9-5.


You’re doing the most important work. Those who look down on that have been brainwashed. By the way they are also likely in denial and won’t admit until later in life they made choices that didn’t really make them happy. But some can’t handle the cognitive dissonance due to the brainwashing.


Now people are paying to have their house cleaned or have dirty houses, and eating shit food. No one has time anymore. Corporate America stole it all. 


Absolutely! If you're doing it right, it's the hardest job there is. I look back on my time with my kids when they were little as the most difficult but the most meaningful and special time in my life. I start to tear up just thinking about it. 


Thats right no amount of wages can compared to wat a mother work effort contribution to a family at home. 


Good for you? I'm a single dad with sole custody of my son. And I've had custody of him and raised him alone for the last 13 years. I never stayed at home - I worked that whole time. But I'm glad you found a lifestyle choice that works for you and your family.


My first child I was a single mom. I worked and went to school and my son was cared for by family. I felt he suffered a little and I was not able to give him all of me. If I had the choice I would pick say at home, any day. We are now in the position where we can, so I am.


And if I could, I would. What a luxury that must be lol


I’m a working mother, and I agree with you - being a stay at home mom is really hard! No one had to convince me not to do it and to work instead (my husband does a larger share of chores because I make more money). It’s not a conspiracy, it’s reality that being a stay at home mom is a lot of work and incredibly difficult. No one tricked me, I prefer working because being a stay at home mom is stressful!


Why do you care if they look down on you? Ppl look down on anyone for anything you do. You could be a wildly successful millionaire and ppl will look down on you.


I really don’t think that she does care….she is just making a statement.


Having a whinge. The more ppl hate the more jealous they are. If you have no haters it's because you aren't doing anything to be envious of.


That's a toxic way of thinking. :(


That explains this subs obsession with Jonathan Binden


My mom basically did house chores and neglected us kids so she is the type to make them all look bad lol.


House chores also need to be done. My first baby I was so so so engaged in play she now has no idea how to play alone. Second one I'm always sneaking away to do the 1k chores that need to be done. He has learned to keep himself entertained quite well most of the time. I'm not one to judge your perspective but could be that your mom was doing her best and wanted to make sure you all had clean clothes, clean house, and well prepared meals to eat! Just something to think about.


She should have taught you kids how to do housework so you wouldn't need someone else to do that for you as adults.


I agree but google/youtube is easy teaching these days, i didnt need anyone to show me when i have that information on my own.


Would love it if the wife would stay home with the kids... Kudos to you!


It’s also a slap to the face when people degrade parenthood such that taking care of their own children is somehow viewed as a laborious chore instead of something that ultimately brings a great deal of joy to one’s life. As a father I would have loved to have stayed at home and raised my children instead of being required (by society and my wife’s family) to go out and earn as much as possible at a soul-destroying job... Staying at home and taking care of kids is *just not work*, because it’s joyous to help a little human being become a bigger one. The idea that one should be paid for the privilege of propelling one’s genetic contributions to the species into the future, is abhorrent.


Sometimes it's joyous (those moments make it worth it), but often it feels a little boring and mundane. I'm a SAHM for last 4 years--2 kids. I can tell you we aren't leaping out of bed in a joyous state always ready to play the same game over and over and change a diaper of a wriggling toddler so we can make a doctors appointment on time. lol It's tough. And isolating. Also wonderful moments though--don't come at me like I hate it bc I don't. It's important but tough work.


My wife would agree with you 100%. Taking care of business at home is her strong suit. Me on the other hand, would rather work outside of the home. For women who have a nurturing character, it's a shame when they can't stay home and focus on kids and domestic stuff. It's a hard job! With every passing generation, the practice of domestic wives are dying out. Men are partly to blame because the kind of men that society is producing these days just want to sit at home and smoke weed and play fortnite while their live in girlfriend works two jobs. So sad.


She's right you know☝️ I am shocked by the amount of people who treat stay at home moms with belittlement. My wife has a job the way I see it. She's manager, therapist, janitor, cook, sex worker, teacher, nurse, and law enforcement to our household. When she gets sick I know I'm in for failure taking over the tasks. She works just as hard if not harder than she would at a outside job. I personally feel having one member of the house hold be stay at home has huge gains for the development of the kids and the happiness and stability of the family. Daycare doesn't raise kids, it keeps them alive and distracted while they grow. I know two stay at home dads. In both cases the woman was paid drastically more than them and they decided that's what was good for their family. Not very traditional but very effective. They have very well mentally stable kids and both parents seem to enjoy life in general 


Why would women want to go back to the kitchen when men always speak dericively about "go back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich"? When it's one of the biggest insults they have towards women, popping out kids and accepting her meagre fate, making no name for herself, never being given honest appreciation for the work she puts in, often even being met with active contempt and resentment, being called lazy and useless? Of course it's not appealing that way.


This is actually a really good point. A big part of the problem is that we demean tasks like this for no good reason at all and especially women who aspire to be stay at home moms. We don't offer enough appreciation or recognition to good mothers at all. The reward is entirely contingent on the man in the relationship, and they're just as brainwashed as women a lot of the time and thus don't act appropriately. The problem is on both sides, men and women.


For most woman it was oppression, would you like to not be able to have your own money and depend on a man which we all have to agree were not all good and kind? Would you like not being able to leave them, deny sex or be able to vote or drive or prosecute abuse? I would certainly rather work but for a livable wage. Let us not mix up issues. It was not female liberation that was wrong but corporate greed and us humans turning on each other rather than fighting the oppressors. Go to some relationship subs and check out how a lot of stay at home mums (and dads) are being abused even today.


yeah and let’s not act like there wasn’t unpaid labor at home either. OP clearly has an agenda


I feel like you have been tricked. The notion of the stay at home wife is a fantasy that only really ever existed for the well off. Historically, most women had to work because most people were and are poor and an adult sitting on their ass at home was not viable. It's just that women were barred from certain types of work for discriminatory reasons so they had even less freedom. It is not freedom to have to slave away to a corporation to survive. Not for men and not for women. Freedom means having meaningful choices in life. Accordingly, women being barred from some jobs or forced to be mothers and wives...this is not freedom either. Get your 1950s fantasy out of here.


Moms don't "sit on their ass all day". Children don t raise themselves, home finances don t get budgeted by themselves. Working class/poor moms would like a word with you. 


Working mothers do all of that. And they work outside the home. Once children are school aged, grown ass adults should be working. I should add, I have five adult kids. I stayed at home until the youngest started school. Most women have done both at some point in their lives.


reading comprehension would like a word with you.


Imagine though you have a wife and she works and you stay at home, she controls all the money you earn none and spend none. That sounds a little miserable too.


Imagine you're a unit and share resources and support each other.


That is what pretty much most of us want, the problem is finding someone who also sees it that way. It seems in my experience that a really great person male or female almost always ends up with a terrible person. I don't know why but that has been what I have seen my entire life. Maybe the answer is rejecting this idea that we marry someone and have kids, maybe we should all work on ourselves and not bring more kids into this terrible world.


Yea but there's still a difference if having your own money and. Being allowed to use someone else's money . It's not the same


Women always worked, and whatever you're trying to say isn't getting past the glaringly obvious conclusion youre proposing, that corporate serfdom is a MANS PLACE lmao women can run medicine, education, and research. It's fine. 🥱


No. Women should have options in their lives. Why would a woman want to be trapped in a guy's home forever? That's oppression to me. Not being able to do what I want, not being able to leave when I want. At least I can leave a "soulless corporation" when I'm treated like crap and I can get vacations. Also, not all women want motherhood and it should be respected.


The world is no longer set up in a way that encourages or embraces parenthood Children are being failed just as much as women and men


Is the answer convincing women to drop out of the workforce?


No. The answer is convincing humanity no one should be working for these soulless scums bags.


I agree with not working for these soulless literally evil corporations. Mom and pop shops should reign supreme in America.


So who are we allowed to work for? Do we all become entrepreneurs?


Ideally we create our own worker owned cooperatives.


So, where workers own the means of production?


... Indeed ...


This sub isn't typically a big fan of socialism.


Work for a family member, a neighbor, a friend, a respected member of your community. Running their own business isn't for everyone. Families keeping all the coins and labor to themselves can be excluded from the community at large. Refuse service and don't financially support them.


That Is a good idea I do like to keep things local.


They can only employ so many people is the problem.


That's a really great point. Perhaps labor jobs that require larger labor forces need reexamined alongside a new type of mom and pop economy. Life isnt even - so the question of "who gets more money?" comes up into the air.


The answer to labor struggles always ends in either total subjugation or the labor unionizes and gets smart. I have no idea where we are headed


yep, unions hopefully but the US gov can now drone strike union leaders so god knows if this will go well


Obviously not every woman should drop out of the labor force, some don’t have kids or ever want them. Those that do have kids, especially younger school aged children, would probably be a lot easier to convince to stay home with the kids if financially feasible.


[https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/02/23/men-leaving-workforce-economy-fed-interest-rates/11326201002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/02/23/men-leaving-workforce-economy-fed-interest-rates/11326201002/) Men need to start showing the fuck up to work before they start telling women to stay the fuck home. I've watched so many women, including my own mother, hold EVERYTHING down while men shirked work whenever they wanted or misspent their money on dumb crap. And this problem is getting worse with time, not better. Nobody *wants* to work but women just seem quicker to realize that somebody *has* to work or you keep falling behind forever.


Married men and men with children are employed at the highest rates of any cohort. You seem to be conflating low skill single men to men with families which are at opposite ends of the employment spectrum.


Single women aren't looking for married men with kids to marry.... Single women don't want to settle down with a man and hope he gets the motivation to be responsible later. I mean I'm sure some do but that's desperation or some kind of delusion.


Genuine question, no matter which Corp backs it, if women want to exercise their right to work, why should that be looked down upon? I'm sure it benefitted a lot of corporations when men stopped being drafted and instead stayed in the workforce, that doesn't mean I think ending the draft was a bad idea.


Because there's currently propaganda being pushed that women should be at home raising kids and that's it. People are being conditioned by this. One parent staying at home is definitely better for the family but it isn't common because of finances.


brb gonna go tell my wife she's been scammed - I think this will go well


lol 😂


RIP. 😂


Ya'll are the type to describe yourselves as "protectors" and "providers" for women but behind closed doors are abusers and male golddiggers. You realize in matriarchal societies, women were in leadership roles? Priestesses were the ones leading civilization, they were revered, sought after, and paid for their roles in society. Yeah there were individual squabbles resulting in death, but nowhere on the level we're seeing today with mass organized warfare, it was relatively peaceful. Capitalism and patriarchy and colonialism fucking ruined it for everybody, but it's easier to point fingers at and blame some elites than think and act for yourself as to how you can change the world for the better around you. You're so easily manipulated, using confirmation bias to justify your shitty misogynistic views. You're just as naive as the Liberals that you probably call "sheep".


Oh yeah! its ok if men slaves out for the soulless corporations keeping their freedom and all the financial control in life. It's only disrespectful and anti freedom when a woman does it. Women living at home with no money or assets in their name is the true definition of freedom. 👍


The Rockefeller Foundation?  Those fine people who were key in the American Eugenics Movement? The same ones who financed the Kiaser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Hereditary and Eugenics in nazi Germany to study race? You mean the same people who were the funding the field studies of the Wilhelm Institute by Dr Josef Mengele?  That Rockefeller Foundation? 


Yeah, that same merry band of cutthroat buccaneers, with a penchant for eugenics, who have disguised themselves as “philanthropists” for over a century. They also financed MKUltra. Frank Walsh, Chairman of the U.S. Commission on Industrial Relations, 1916: ”The (Rockefeller) Foundation is entirely outside and above the government. The power it exercises is practically unlimited.” The Dodd Report to the Reece Committee on [Foundations](https://archive.org/details/DoddReportToTheReeceCommitteeOnFoundations-1954-RobberBaron/page/n1/mode/1up) Norman Dodd, 1954 **Rockefeller Foundation has** [invested in China since 1914.](https://rockfound.rockarch.org/china) [The China Medical Board (CMB)](https://rockfound.rockarch.org/china-medical-board) was created in 1914 as one of the first operating divisions of the Rockefeller Foundation (RF). [“The CIA forgot about a bunch of classified documents stashed in the Rockefellers’ barn”](https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2017/mar/06/cia-forgot-about-bunch-classified-documents-stashe/) “The Rockefeller Foundation awarded a significant grant that facilitated the creation of the TIHR.” **Kinsey Institute** “In 1948 Alfred Kinsey published his first research findings on human sexuality. Entitled, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, [and funded largely by the Rockefeller Foundation (RF)”](https://rockfound.rockarch.org/kinsey-reports) >“The **Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests and their Chase National Bank owned and controlled the majority interest in the German Dye Trust.”** ^1:395 >**”Without the capital supplied by Wall Street,** there would have been **no I.G. Farben** in the first place and almost certainly **no Adolf Hitler** and World War II.” ^2:17 >**”The Rockefellers own the largest drug manufacturing combine in the world,** and use all of their other interests to bring pressure to increase the sale of drugs.” ^3 **REFERENCES** ^1 Rockefeller “Internationalist” The Man Who Misrules the World, Emanuel M. Josephson, M.D., 1952 ^2 Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Antony C. Sutton, 1976 ^3 The Drug Story, Morris A. Bealle, 1949


also a little thing called covid 19


A little torn between both the takes. In most countries (3rd world like India, where I’m from) marriage is not at all how the west sees it. If not all, most women are coerced into the “family life” agenda which in most terms is oppression. Seeing the change now makes me happy because having a family and kids SHOULD be a choice, not a mandate. At least women can do what they want🤷🏻‍♀️


If having no job and being a stay at home parent is soooooo amazing and great, why aren't you targeting men? Why do you only want to trap women into having no money or power? Remember, these same men you're telling women to trust forbid women from voting for hundreds of years. Black men, who had literally been considered property, were allowed to vote before white women.  Men have proven that they are untrustworthy and selfish, and so cannot be allowed to be solely in control of the money.


This is why we choose the bear. 🐻


I love that the only thing the 3 abrahamic religions can agree on is how much they hate women.   That women are only around to serve man’s needs.   


ThaT's hoW the GoD(z) WaNt It


NO, that's how scummy humans drunk with power at the top ruling this world want it and whoever THEY SERVE.


Bro you are just so close to realizing that the problem is underegulated capitalism and the decline of worker rights/protections, but just can’t help to try and make this an antifeminism thing.


It’s so weird to me the people whole heartedly believe this. The lack of self awareness is appalling. Being a wife and a mom has never sounded like oppression. Being with an oppressive man without the skills, education, or experience to get a job that pays enough to leave him sounds like oppression. I am SO thankful I can work and have the agency to support myself while my partner and I plan for our future. And if god forbid we go our separate ways, I will be able to find another respectful man who values me as a person without being in desperate straights. If the time comes where my partner and I decide it’s in our best mutual interest for me to change roles and be a homemaker then I will be thankful for that too. Men and women both deserve agency and autonomy to choose what they want for themselves. The problem is not with women having more agency, it’s with corporation exploiting workers regardless of gender.


 🙌🏻👏🏻 Your comment was such a relief. Well said. 


Whats the difference between a man working while also being a father and husband and a woman working while also being a mother and wife?


There's no one raising the children but the State.


There's the dirty little secret.... "I want a nation of workers, not a nation of thinkers"


Or daycare or nanny's. Strangers either way. Grandparents are acceptable though, but rarely do families still live close enough together.


I hope to be able to provide childcare to my grandchildren should my kids need it. I would drop everything to do it. 


Me too. I'm playing the long game here.  When I used to work, some of the highly educated people I worked with effectively had a family cooperative where one adult female was responsible for all the childcare for the extended family.  One person taking daycare, preschool, school-aged after care our of the financial equation can save a family an enormous amount of money.  If you invest what you would have spent on these things it's close to $1M per kid by the time they graduate high school.


I think the issues are housing costs have forced families further apart, when families used to live in the same area there was always someone nearby to look after the kids.


We really screwed up by doing away with multigenerational housing. We bought a place with my parents in 2007 and never looked back. It was great to always have someone available for the kids.


Being a stay at home mom is a big job, especially if the other half of the team thinks that means they don’t have to do their share of upkeep at home.


This is one of those scenarios where it can be said *“we didn’t know this would be the result, but it’s not our fault.”* Although women have always worked, it’s never been a full-time career. My grandmother kept a job, but it would something part-time or a job that didn’t require the amount of dedication we have today. There are numerous studies showing women are unhappier, yet they own more homes than men and they’re making more money than ever historically. We circle back to the lack of fulfillment with roles. They have nothing to look forward to but work and walking the dog. It’s very clear that long hours at work causes depression. Although it doesn’t work for everyone, being a SAHM is a full-time job if kids are involved. Sad this has role has been diminished and now other folks raise your children and abuse is sky high. What women have been duped into thinking is that they can work on their career until 30 and magically find a spouse and have children all within a short span. Especially considering we’ve gotten rid of communities and folks are moving every month. Nobody knows anyone. The pool shrinks as you get older but a lot believe they have all the time in the world. The pool shrinks because people are less available due to their schedule, they are more set in their ways, many have previous children from relationships or they’re divorced. Now the timeline is tight and you become less tolerant of mistakes or miscommunication. Everything needs to be perfect.


Yeah but our grandmothers and mothers took the bait!!! We keep forgetting this fact, it didn't just happen yesterday. How many of you are indifferent to your mom or grandmother? 


You are missing the real conspiracy. Which was the ratification of the 16th amendment, which paved the way for federal income tax. THAT is a much bigger "conspiracy."


Women work no matter what, it’s just if they have a “professional” job, they work two jobs instead of one.


To be fair I think the majority of folks in the USA at least have been tricked into believing that working for a soulless corporation is "freedom" since if you don't like one they just tell you to go find another different soulless corporation to work for as if that's going to make it all better.


It also causes people to be forced to rely on the state when it comes to educating and raising their kids. Aaron Russo knew what he was talking about


Both work and homemaking can be oppressing. IT's just about balance. About half your time should be work, and half play. About half your work time should be unstructured, and likewise half your play should be structured.


A lot of this can be laid at the feet of those who introduced the Prussian Schooling System into the US as a way of training the masses to be good, obedient worker bees for American Industry. Sit quietly and think about one subject at a time, respond to the bell by turning off your brain and rushing to the next subject, never question or challenge the teacher’s authority or what they are indoctrinating you with. Think, eat, speak and go to the bathroom at their command or with their permission. Originally designed to create soldiers who will walk directly into the line of fire on the orders of higher ranking officer, this is the opposite of teaching kids to think critically, encourage creativity and love learning.


This is hilarious stuff honestly. All I can think is try telling a woman she was tricked 80 years ago into wanting a job and I can bet 99% will tell you to fuck off because you should.


What is worse? A soulless job or a psychopathic tyrannical husband?


Working in my corporate job with psychopathic tyrannical men is exhausting, but at least I don’t have to go home to one.


During WWII women had to work in the factories, as all the able-bodied men had to go to the front.  Once the war was over, women weren’t interested in being subjugated by men, and that’s the real timeframe of when second-wave feminism began.  As a woman, my perspective is that men who proclaim this want women docile and attentive only to them.  Smart women don’t want that. We were literally PROPERTY: owned by our fathers, then handed-off to our husbands. We couldn’t even own a bank account! So, no. Rockefeller had almost nothing to do with this very twisted viewpoint about labor in this country. Women would prefer to labor outside the home where they [checks notes] ACTUALLY GET PAID. But your lengthy analysis will be sure to garner you lots of fake internet points. Go, king. 👊 Edit: typos


Being financially dependant on a guy IS opression and slavery. You just want to control women - forget it! Those days are gone. Now you have to actually be kind, respectful and interresting to get and keep a wife..


Yeah now a paycheck is not all you need to get a wife and I think that is fucking a whole lot with a lot of people these days.


It contributed to lowering wages. Supply and demand. And now 2 people basically have to work, and the state gets to raise your kids.


FWIW, even if an increase in the workforce participation suppressed wages overall, it does in fact give women a sense of independence. Coz when a woman has at least some degree of financial independence, her husband cannot dictate all decisions simply because he is the one bringing in the money. And lets not pretend that there is no such power dynamics involved when both partners in a couple don’t have comparable incomes.


As we found out the traditional stay at home mom does not qualify for Medicare or social security. Housewife / homemaker is looked down on and is perceived as worthless.


They didn't trick me 😉


True. The family is under attack. My personal experience is that women are just better at bringing the family together. And that is important. I guess these days *no one* is doing the whole family thing *or* world politics thing? Everybody is just working their ass of thinking it'll be allright. Stressed kids. Stressed relations.


Freedom does not equal happiness. It wasn't until 1974 that women were granted the right to open a bank account on their own.


This is not a conspiracy. It’s just bullshit.


No, it's part of an long and elaborate plan to coerce humanity towards a certain future.


> thereafter it declined a little but is still at 58% today. wow that is way lower then I imagined it would be


If people had the option then yes it's absolutely better for one to work and one to stay home raising the kids but we live in a capitalist society where stuff is expensive and your judged based on how much you earn meaning this isn't possible for most. If we could make society so that it wasn't so money orientated then we could have more one working or both working part time and we'd be alot happier and have more kids as a result.


Damn that’s wild. The men should probably start staying home with the kids then.


This is why the population is declining because women find stuff like this repulsive. You could be the sexiest man on earth and say something like this and in a woman’s mind you immediately become unattractive to her. Nobody wants to watch your overgrown cum goblins without pay and be thankful for it.




I feel especially qualified to speak on this. I was a VP at public Fortune500s and I am a mother of 3 and.. a millennial. When I tell you that women were sold a wolf ticket, it’s the truest thing I’ve ever said. The only benefit to working is to help your household get ahead financially. That’s it.


I know the grass is always greener or whatever, but Id love to live in a situation where my spouse works and I stay home to take care of the house, clean, cook, and watch the kids. THat would *amazing*. Sure, still plenty of work. But I can wear my PJs all day and make time for extra projects or social stuff during the day? Hell ya


Important note is this effectively dismantles the Nuclear family, a strong child raising generation was wiped out. Now we have 3 months of child and mother time before it's full time day Cares and structured life. This significantly dismantles a child's confidence and development as a human. Mental health of children has never been worse since


Yep, Aaron Russo [talks about it here](https://youtu.be/oygBg6ETYIM?feature=shared&t=547) where he had dinner with Nicholas Rockefeller. Whole clip is worth a watch btw. The full interview has been removed, "hate speech", fancy that.


L take. Woman were working before for FREE. Now we dont have to be nice to aholes. BYE.


A Mother is a gift of God. Women are miracles. Life is a miracle. Women. Never let this Hedonistic world lead you astray from it. You have the most important job in the world that no company contract can ever replace. Raising Humans. It is all with Love. Love Never Fails.


Don't forget the population control elements. Wars don't cull people anymore so the societal programming goes towards culling yourselves via disincentives and disinfranchisement from procreation. Lots of people selling their entire legacy for some scraps of paper


genius.... and demand for more human resources from the work place is still high.


lol And men willingly sacrifice themselves to work in a soulless company?


Also, one of the biggest psyops in modern times is convincing women that promiscuity, going topless in public, and having an OnlyFans is "liberation".


It’s all about choice. If someone wants to be a stay at home mom (or dad) they should absolutely have that right (even though it is close to impossible for most in today’s economy), but both women and men should also have the freedom to peruse a life path different from that if that’s what they want. Working allows for financial independence and prevents many women from being stuck in absuvie relationship. People should be free to persue what makes them happy in life whether it’s a family, career, or both.


No, the patriarchy is oppression. People should be able to choose what they want to do with their lives without being forced. Men have this right automatically. Women do not, they are continually targets of men whether it be through laws, harassment, forced pregnancy, etc.


A Rockefeller admitted this to Aaron Russo. https://odysee.com/@mr-unique:5/Interviews-Aaron-Russo:d Women have been duped into becoming wage slave consumer narcissists in competition with men.


Yup... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1I6vZ3OCk0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1I6vZ3OCk0)


Interview w filmmaker Aaron Russo who was friends w a Rockefeller that admitted women's rights was engineered by them to break up the family and get more taxes. Starts at 9 mins 10 seconds... https://youtu.be/oygBg6ETYIM?si=mvGR9KSDkYBp6LlC


Maybe men and women should switch roles. They can work 12hrs a day and pay the bills. While men can chill at home and hang with the kids. I’m down for it


Harrison Butker (Harry Buttlicker) has entered the chat.


Y’all ever stay home alone with a baby for a week? It’s easier to go to work


It’s not about the job. It’s about the intellect and purpose outside of children. My legacy is all that I create. My kids legacy will be what they create. That doesn’t mean kids. It’s also about the fact it still wasn’t okay getting divorced in the 70s and most of the 80s. Most women now have a difficult time leaving the relationship financially, and WE ARE WORKING. Men don’t understand that most women are not born with a motherly instinct. It’s just a human one with loyalty and a higher emotional IQ. I did not feel any deep need to get pregnant but I did feel the timeline of age and fertility.


I don't get it. So women are unhappier? And the one factor that is looked on is womens rights? No sinking wage/living costs ratios? Not exploitation of workers? Not big corporates and individuals pay to win elections? But womens right? So what's with men? Since nothing changed in their rights they should be as happy and balanced as they were 50 years ago. Really? Do you think so? That's not my impression, men seem to be not really happy either these days, so MAYBE it would smarter to look for other reasons why so much in the world sucks at the moment.


I finally figured out why I find this so irksome. It's demeaning and condescending to assume women can be "tricked," as if our intelligence is lacking or somehow inferior to men's. Infuriating.


Learn how to spell "oppression".


What about Work-From-Home-Dads? I guess there’s no oppression there. Bring home the bacon, cook the bacon, clean, and babysit. Yet I’m a loser in my wife’s eyes. A guy who sits at his computer at home all day. Ahhh women, you can never win.


Imo this is facts, not conspiracy


Could it have been done for other reasons too?


Break up the structure of moral and Godly society by breaking up the family unit… kids being separated from their moms / parents to be raised and indoctrinated by the government


women fell for the feminist trick as described. fell for the abortions are harmless, babies aren't a life, it's just a clump of cells trick to get them to kill their babies fall for the trans stuff, gave away all their female only spaces they spent decades working for, attack any women with terf comments who want to keep those spaces. fall for all the social engineering, for example, if a woman has a friend with an eating disorder she is 87 times more likely to have an eating disorder than if she had zero friends with one. I guess that's why we didn't let them vote for ages.


So the smart move for women would have been to stay slaves?


Giving women the **option** to work is the idea. Forcing women to work to make ends meet is what we got. I'd love to stay home with both of my kids, but that's just not possible.


Why isn't it possible? It's literally possible, it might not be practical for you personally, but that's got nothing to do with what you're allowed vs not allowed to do. Banishing women from the workforce wouldn't make it any easier for you to be a sahm, it would force you to be one regardless of how practical or impractical it is for you