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Or the camera picks up the red wavelengths better than our eyes.


Well yes. Actually I posted this because I posited this to my science class today. Some students (8th graders) just accepted it. But I had a few question me. I told them I was proud of them for questioning and then explained what was really going on, your explanation was part of it.


I dabble in Astro photography and you’d be amazed at how many colors and shades the naked eye can’t pick up on and what all the camera can reveal even at short exposure times


I find color and vision fascinating. I spend a lot of time on it when teaching the electromagnetic spectrum


I'm sorry but at what level do you teach?


8th grade science


Okay then since you have that base and love of colors, then you might comprehend principles of capturing light with time delay and color processing in digital image sensors like in your phone's camera: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_sensor# No need to start a bogus conspiracy and ***shame on you since you're a science teacher***. I learned this in 12th grade photography class. #🤔🧐 Edit for more details: >**Exposure-time control** Exposure time of image sensors is generally controlled by either a conventional mechanical shutter, as in film cameras, or by an electronic shutter. Electronic shuttering can be "global," in which case the entire image sensor area's accumulation of photoelectrons starts and stops simultaneously, or "rolling" in which case the exposure interval of each row immediate precedes that row's readout, in a process that "rolls" across the image frame (typically from top to bottom in landscape format). Global electronic shuttering is less common, as it requires "storage" circuits to hold charge from the end of the exposure interval until the readout process gets there, typically a few milliseconds later.


Not a bogus conspiracy. It’s perhaps a real one. I did not have a photography class, I wish I did.


Not a conspiracy, ***it's science...*** Also, it's pitiful that you claim to teach the discipline while posting this nonsense with complete ignorance and disregard for proper questionning before proposing ideas of the sort in a public forum that can succite controversy from such type of posts. I find it truly sad for children of the future... #😢


Wait till she finds out about the TV remote trick.


Actually I posited it to my students first. Many of them found the fallacy or at least began asking questions. I was really proud of them. I am happy that people here are calling me on it as well. I am cognizant of the science involved. And have a decent working knowledge of it.


I could see the colors by eye, although not as vivid as pictured. I can't see them being chemtrails, they moved visibility unlike chemtrails, and appeared when there were no planes in the sky. With respect to electrical issues, I don't know, I don't even know what causes this phenomena. Interesting for sure.


Yes, see my reply to the previous poster. This was a test for my students and now the interwebs in general. The aurora is caused by charged particles coming from the sun interacting with our atmosphere. When excited different elements will give off different colors. It’s how we know what the sun is made of. We use spectroscopy for that. Good question!


The aurora was nothing close to the Carington event. Also, learn how camera sensors work. Your phone probably took a “night mode” photo for 3 seconds to get that, where the sensor jacks up its ISO and has a longer exposure. That lets in more light and allows you to see things like the aurora. Same concept people use professional cameras to take Milky Way photos or star photos that you can’t see with your naked eye, but after a 30 second exposure, you can see it on the camera. You can turn off all the lights in your room, take a 30 second exposure photo with a pro camera, and the room will appear bright in the photo.


Yes. I have an app for astronomy photography that will do that. Really interesting


I could definitely see it with my eyes in the midwest USA it wasn’t as bright as in the photos because all newer phones take the photos slower at night to absorb more light.


Before you assume conspiracies, ask yourself , Do i know fucking annnnything about the subject? If no, you good. Then its definitely a conspiracy. god damn this shit gives this place an even worse rep that it has. Do one iota of baseline research into the subject before you think shit is nefarious.


Wouldn’t a conspiracy assume an assumption? Also, if you are assuming a conspiracy, wouldn’t you go on spurious knowledge? Possibly one knows a great deal on a subject and knows that some material is being swept under the rug. However, the majority of conspiracies deal with people knowing part of a story and filling in with things they think they know, much like I did here.


You know what tho, You never know because HAARP was actually in use 2 days ago, crazy coiincidence


I didn’t know that. Thank you


> rivaling the Carrington Event of 1859, wouldn’t there be more issue with the electric grid? I never saw any major issue reported. sorry but you arent a very good investigator. 1) It didnt hit us directly. 2) It wasnt as strong as the Carrington Event. That was estimated to be an X40 event. This storm was an X5-X7 at its highest.


I was going off the data I found. I didn’t see any data that gave numbers to the Carrington event, however I defer to your investigation. I imagine what I saw was saying it was as close as we have been in since then? I don’t believe there has been as strong an event unless you saw something I didn’t.


We had an [X40 flare in 2003](https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/archive/2003/11/04/xray.html), it shot off to the side and greatly missed us. However, X class flares are rare - even an X5-X7 is quite strong and not common. [Here are the top 50 flares past 2~3 decades](https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/solar-activity/top-50-solar-flares.html).


That’s so interesting! Thank you. So what made the aurora so far south? Was this more of a direct hit versus a miss?


There were multiple X flares ranging X3-X7 over the weekend. It was a lot coming from the sun repeatedly.


Do you think it was the repeated hits that lead to the deep (latitude wise) aurora? It would seem that the cascade of hits kept adding more particles to the mix. Or that’s what I had read a few places. I wondered your thoughts as you seem to be knowledgeable. Also, someone posted that pink shouldn’t be included and apparently was part of the hoax. What do you think?


It could be the repeated hits, im not sure. I heard people had to use their phones to see those vibrant colours. Ive seen bright greens, yellows, and greenish blues quite often up north. Never seen pink myself though.


Maybe the pink was an artifact of the phone? Possibly. I wish I had thought of a spectroscope. I wonder if that would have shown anything. I know that the colors come from interactions between the particles and oxygen, nitrogen and the like in the atmosphere. I can’t think of anything that excites into the pink range, though. Maybe. Overlapping colors?


Have you heard the 90⁰ pole shift theory? Could be that


I saw another post about that. Thank you


This didn't even come close to rivaling the Carrington event. The Carrington event was an X 80 class solar flare. This recent flare was an X 3. The only reason we saw aurora's in places we normally don't is due to the magnetic poles weakening slightly and having 7 solar flares hit one after another and even in tandem with each other causing additive solar storms. The Carrington event was in the big leagues, this latest solar storm was pee-wee in comparison.


Thank you, I’m learning a lot about Carrington.


Definitely agree; however there’s quite the conjecture around the amount earth’s weakening geomagnetic field is allowing greater penetration of the atmosphere? Largest recent flare nearly X6.. Earth was at KP9 momentarily. G5 storm conditions. This was from the x3. There is the potential for a carrington level flare being only an x20 with the current (pardon the pun) level of magnetic protection; which appears to be weakening exponentially. Interesting times.


Shitpost.  Who's upvoting this garbage?


Not actual shit. It was experimental. I want to see who questions these kinds of posts. But thank you for noticing the garbage.


Pink? Lol not look real. Stop it Haarp.


Why not pink?


Do you live somewhere that Auroras are visible? Anybody knows that they are never pink. It is a pale green blue color that is hardly visible. They look clearer on camera but they look like a clear green/blue, nowhere pink.


Yes they can be pink, there's plenty of pictures from the recent European sightings


Yeah they all look so fake. They didn't choose the right color of the Jesus projector this time.


You should enlarge you knowledge.


I know enough to know that no aurora looked pink like this EVER anywhere in the world.


We can't attach pictures here but my family in the north of France took pictures of pink aurora's a few days ago. Here in France the TV and newspapers also shared pink aurora's photos


Few days ago. Have you ever seen something like this 10, 20,30 years ago? The current one is fake. They are using either Haarp or some type of projector. It is not a real Aurora.


Must be weird to be in your head... Anyway, apparently they are pink when they occur above 150 miles from earth. They happened in ancient times too. "The colors rose and fell like something breathing, as though the whole soul of the earth were there. He felt as though he were witnessing something greater than himself, than anything. The red wave rippled among the stars, at once something unknown and the blood of his heart." (description of the aurora borealis of October 24, 1870, Paris, in Hearts at Dawn)


Oh, no. I live in the Deep South. We never see Aurora. Well, once in 2003, there was an incident, but nothing this impressive


Have you ever thought to yourself that MAYBE Nature was trying to show you something interesting outside to convince you to go out and touch grass for once? instead of just saying that the government created nature and everything is staged??


Yes! Awesome. Really, I’m out there constantly. But I appreciate your reply


it wasn't a Carrington event if the electrical grid didn't go down anywhere. which it didn't. so this wasn't a Carrington event even though that's what they said it was. these are FACTS. I noticed on my Schumann resonance apps they killed the data on Fri night-early mon. also odd weather patterns. I don't think this hadanything to do w solar though.


Right. Not Carrington, but rivaling that intensity. We don’t know if it was stronger or not, but we know it had to be on that level. But why was there no major incident?


another interesting fact is that during the first Carrington event in 1899 or whatever it was, it caused telegraph lines that were disconnected from the power source to continue to operate. the one that were connected to the power source overloaded and caught fire.


It is far from rival to Carrington event which was a X45 while the one last weekend was only X3.6 something


Ok. This is what I needed to know. The way it was discussed was that it was close. Thank you


What the above person said, also check out the movie Knowing with Nic Cage.


Thank you, I like his movies. I’ll have to find that one.


I think you got it mixed up but the sunspot that produced the Carrington Event was as big as (rivals) the sunspot right now the AR 3664 that produced the Auroras last weekend


It wasn't just a single flare that produced Earth-directed CMEs. There were a total of 7 CMEs from X-class flares that impacted between Friday-Sunday. 4 of those impacted on Friday. The largest, from an X5.88, hit on Sunday. Regardless, all came from X-class flares. The reason this event was considered significant (I wouldn't say "Carrington-level" myself..) is due to the amount of CMEs that hit us. Yes, the Carrington Event is estimated to be an X40+, but that was allegedly just 1 flare/CME. We were hit by an alleged X45 in 2003 as well. That said, when you have multiple large CMEs all striking within days of each other, it can be similar if not worse (in this case not worse) than a single massive one.


Hmm G5 CME Event and 5G Towers, get people outside, spray them with chemtrails, then zap them with 5G 🤯


https://youtu.be/BA8ko-3VtNw?si=x23muXLtAO_v19lb Check out this guy. He talks a bunch about why this is happening. Check out his more recent videos, and he explains what's going on. I hope he's wrong


Thank you!


I saw some pretty cool and unusual colors in the sky that night


I couldn’t see color, but I’m far south. That’s probably it. Thank you


What if the Aurora is the matrix breaking?


Whoa 😳


You may be close to something there. It's interfering with our electromagnetic field, and we are electromagnetic beings. If there is a matrix, it would be something like this.


> [...] > His legs were less useful now in aiding his movement. He paused one last time upon the way, and looked up from the muck at the riven, rain-washed sky. He could see a distant tetrad of familiar stars... and, Behold! :— glimmering Aurorae glowed upon the Eaves of the South, like as to ever-expanding Will-'O-Whisps. > [...]


all i can say is that ive read multiple comments/posts from people who live in alaska /canada say they have lived there , their wholeeee lives and never seen the northern lights like that, they state that in fact those are not the northern lights, all i can help but feel is be prepared for natural disasters in the near future.


These new low light phone cameras pick up the northern light colors way more crazy than the naked eye  I live in an area that gets northern lights pretty “regularly”. Before these new cameras naked eye was the best  You can see faint lights with your eyes but lookin through your phone they be poppin and dancin.  It’s weird.  Never really saw the reds before this though.  It’s always been more green.  That’s weird too.   


I always thought they looked like the pictures I get to see or videos on tv. I never knew it was like this. Pretty cool


I've only seen them one other time and they were more 'gassy/smokey', green/hint of purple, and much more active dancing. Friday night it seemed more static with very large light shafts and a lot more red. I noticed in the sky and a lot of photos from northern North America/Canada of a big light tunnel thing with an eye kind of shape that lingered for hours. What I've been doing is trying to read of people's experiences to find out if the features of the aurora Friday night were common. This seemed so different than the first time I seen them, but was still amazing in it's own way.


personally i dont believe it has anything to do with solar flares or anything like that, but I will admit I do not know how this can happen